/* * Meteorological Seasons * * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Source Version What URL * ---- ------ ------- ---- --- * 2021-09-30 jshimota 0.1.0 Starting version * 2021-09-30 thebearmay 0.1.1 Used MoonPhase app components https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/moonPhase.groovy * 2021-09-30 sburke781 0.1.2 Used DateFormat app components https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburke781/hubitat/master/UtilityDrivers/DateFormat.groovy * 2021-09-30 luarmr 0.1.3 Used DateFormat app components https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sburke781/hubitat/master/UtilityDrivers/DateFormat.groovy * 2021-09-30 bravenel 0.1.4 Used Virtual Omni Sensor driver components https://github.com/hubitat/HubitatPublic/blob/master/examples/drivers/virtualOmniSensor.groovy * 2021-10-01 jshimota 0.1.5-11 Me working * 2021-10-02 jshimota 0.1.12 I think I broke it * 2021-10-02 jshimota 0.1.13 Fixed and hard-set the formats * 2021-10-02 jshimota 0.1.14 Removed Calc Season - it was broken and not necessary at this time. maybe later * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.1.15 Cleaning logs - schedules and basic clean of logic * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.1.16 Fixed Daily values not updating automatically * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.1.17 Updated icons and importURLS to matching github correctly / better * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.1.18 Moved once again as I got folder structure corrected on github * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.2.0 Integrated beta version with support of both hemispheres * 2021-10-03 jshimota 0.2.01 Name Change of Driver * 2021-10-06 jshimota 0.2.02 Further Name change (dropped -NH as it was no longer appropriate) * 2021-10-26 jshimota 0.2.10 Added Font color and font size options, rebuilt Tile so it fits Hubitat Android Dashboard correctly. HE dashboard is still messed. * 2021-10-27 jshimota 0.2.11 Added variable to adjust word in tile overlay vertical position * 2021-12-01 jshimota 0.2.12 Botched the scheduled update - was only running the current season, not the date which is relied upon. should be fixed. * 2021-12-23 jshimota 0.2.13 Fixed Debug posting to log when debug log disabled. * 2022-01-04 jshimota 0.2.14 Added Autumn switch * 2022-01-05 jshimota 0.2.15 Changed date to feb 28th - no leap year check. * */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat // import java.io.BufferedReader; // import java.io.File; // import java.io.IOException; // import java.io.InputStreamReader; static String version() { return '0.2.15' } metadata { definition( name: "Meteorological Seasons", namespace: "jshimota", author: "James Shimota", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/meteorSeasons.groovy" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Refresh" // Line below removed as I took out calcDate command // command "calcSeason", [[name: "rawDate", type: "STRING", description: "Enter date as (dd-MM-yyyy) to calculate the season for."]] command "currentSeason", ["$Cdate"] command "autumn" command "fall" command "winter" command "spring" command "summer" // Lines Below - future task to allow override of season beginning and end for each season // command "fall",["Date Range"] // command "winter",["Date Range"] // command "spring",["Date Range"] // command "summer",["Date Range"] attribute "seasonName", "string" attribute "seasonNum", "number" attribute "seasonBegin", "string" attribute "seasonEnd", "string" attribute "seasonTile", "string" attribute "seasonImg", "string" attribute "todaysFormattedDate", "string" attribute "todaysFormattedMonth", "string" attribute "todaysHtmlFriendlyDate", "string" attribute "hemisphereName", "string" attribute "tileFontSize", "number" attribute "tileFontColor", "string" attribute "tileVertWordPos", "number" attribute "autumnFallName", "string" // Line below removed as I took out calcDate command // attribute "rawDateFormattedMonth", "string" } } preferences { input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: false input name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true input(name: "existingTileFontSize", type: "num", title: "HTML Tile Font Size (%)*", defaultValue: 100) input(name: "existingTileVertWordPos", type: "num", title: "HTML Tile Word Position (%)*", defaultValue: 55) input(name: "existingTileFontColor", type: "string", title: "HTML Tile Text Color (Hex format with leading #)", defaultValue: "#FFFFFFFF") input("autoUpdate", "bool", title: "Enable automatic update at 6am\n(Enabled is Yes)", defaultValue: true, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) input("htmlVtile", "bool", title: "Use HTML attribute instead of seasonTile\n(Enabled is Yes)") input("iconPathOvr", "string", title: "Alternate path to season icons \n(must contain file names fall.svg, winter.svg, spring.svg, summer and unknown.svg)") input(name: "hemisphere", type: "bool", title: "Hemisphere", description: "On=Northern/Off=Southern", defaultValue: true, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) input(name: "existingAutumnFall", type: "bool", title: "Autumn/Fall", description: "On=Autumn/Off=Fall", defaultValue: false, required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) // Line below removed as I took out calcDate command // input(name: "rawDateFormat", type: "string", title:"RawDate Format", description: "Enter the date format to apply for entering and displaying RawDate purposes", defaultValue: "dd-MM-yyyy", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true) } def tileFontColor() { String tileFontColor = "#FFFFFFFF" if(existingTileFontColor > " ") tileFontColor = existingTileFontColor sendEvent(name: "Tile Font Color", value: "${tileFontColor}") } def tileVertWordPos() { tileVertWordPos = 55 if(existingTileVertWordPos > " ") tileVertWordPos = existingTileVertWordPos sendEvent(name: "Tile Vertical Word Position", value: tileVertWordPos) } def tileFontSize() { tileFontSize = 100 if(existingTileFontSize > " ") tileFontSize = existingTileFontSize sendEvent(name: "Tile Font Size", value: tileFontSize) } def logsOff() { log.warn "debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("logEnable", [value: "false", type: "bool"]) } def installed() { logging("installed()", 100) unschedule() refresh() // schedule("0 0 6 * * ?", currentSeason) // daily at 6am schedule("0 0 6 * * ?", refresh) // daily at 6am } def updated() { log.info "updated..." log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable}" log.warn "description logging is: ${txtEnable}" if (logEnable) { if (!autoUpdate)log.warn("Update: Automatic Update DISABLED") } if (logEnable) { if (autoUpdate)log.info("Update: Automatic Update enabled") } if (logEnable) runIn(1800, logsOff) if (logEnable) log.debug("autoupdate: Next scheduled refresh set") unschedule() refresh() schedUpdate() } def refresh() { // runCmd() tileFontColor() tileFontSize() tileVertWordPos() currentSeason() // hemisphereName() // autumnFallName() // currentSeason() runCmd() } def schedUpdate() { unschedule() if (txtEnable) log.info("schedUpdate: Refresh schedule cleared ...") if (autoUpdate) { if (txtEnable) log.info("Update: Setting next scheduled refresh...") if (autoUpdate) schedule("0 0 6 * * ?", refresh) // daily at 6am if (autoUpdate) log.info("Update: Next scheduled refresh set") } } def runCmd() { now = new Date() simpleDateFormatForDate = new SimpleDateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy') simpleDateFormatForMonth = new SimpleDateFormat('MMMM') proposedFormattedDate = simpleDateFormatForDate.format(now) proposedFormattedMonth = simpleDateFormatForMonth.format(now) proposedHtmlFriendlyDate = "${proposedFormattedDate}" sendEvent(name: "todaysFormattedDate", value: proposedFormattedDate) sendEvent(name: "todaysFormattedMonth", value: proposedFormattedMonth) sendEvent(name: "todaysHtmlFriendlyDate", value: proposedHtmlFriendlyDate) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) currentSeason() } // table // VariableName fallStart fallEnd winterStart winterEnd springStart springEnd summerStart summerEnd // northPeriod September 1 November 30 December 1 February 29 March 1 May 31 June 1 August 31 // southPeriod March 1 May 31 June 1 August 31 September 1 November 1 December 1 February 29 def hemisphereName() { if (hemisphere) { sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) def descriptionText = "Current hemisphere is now Northern" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } else { sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) def descriptionText= "Current hemisphere is now Southern" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } } def autumnFallName() { if (existingAutumnFall) { sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) def descriptionText = "Current Autumn/Fall choice is now Autumn" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } else { sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) def descriptionText= "Current Autumn/Fall choice is now Fall" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } } def currentSeason() { // if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == (null)) { // runCmd() // } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("Not Initialized")) { // seasonPreviouslySet = false // existingSeasonName = "${seasonName}" // } else { // seasonPreviouslySet = true // existingSeasonName = "${seasonName}" // } // Line below removed cuz it may be causing problem // sendEvent(name: "rawDate", value: rawDate, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == (null)) { runCmd() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("Not Initialized")) { seasonPreviouslySet = false existingSeasonName = "not set" hemispherePreviouslySet = false existingHemisphereName = "not set" autumnFallPreviouslySet = false existingAutumnFall = "not set" } else { seasonPreviouslySet = true existingSeasonName = "${seasonName}" hemispherePreviouslySet = true existingHemisphereName = "${hemisphereName}" autumnFallPreviouslySet = true existingAutumnFallName = "${autumnFallName}" } if (hemisphere) { if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("September") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("October") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("November")) { if(!autumnFall) fall() else autumn() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("December") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("January") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("February")) { winter() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("March") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("April") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("May")) { spring() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("June") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("July") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("August")) { summer() } } else if (!hemisphere) { if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("September") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("October") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("November")) { spring() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("December") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("January") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("February")) { summer() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("March") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("April") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("May")) { if(!autumnFall) fall() else autumn() } else if (device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("June") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("July") || device.currentValue("todaysFormattedMonth") == ("August")) { winter() } } else { String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Not Initialized", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 0, descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "N/A", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "N/A", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "

(Not Initialized)

", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "not set", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "not set", descriptionText: descriptionText) } if (seasonPreviouslySet) { descriptionText = "Current season refreshed or changed" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } else { descriptionText = "Current season initialized to ${seasonName}" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } if (hemispherePreviouslySet) { descriptionText = "Current hemisphere refreshed or changed" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } else { if (hemisphere) descriptionText = "Current hemisphere initialized to Northern" else descriptionText = "Current hemisphere initialized to Southern" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } if (autumnFallPreviouslySet) { descriptionText = "Current Autumn/Fall choice refreshed or changed" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } else { if (existingAutumnFall) descriptionText = "Current Autumn/Fall choice initialized to Autumn" else descriptionText = "Current Autumn/Fall choice initialized to Fall" if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" } } def fall() { hemisphereName() autumnFallName() def descriptionText = "Current season is now Fall" as Object String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) String seasonName = "fall" sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 1, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "September 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "March 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "November 30", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "May 31", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "


", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) } def autumn() { hemisphereName() autumnFallName() def descriptionText = "Current season is now Autumn" as Object String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) String seasonName = "autumn" sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 1, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "September 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "March 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "November 30", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "May 31", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "


", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) } def winter() { hemisphereName() autumnFallName() def descriptionText = "Current season is now Winter" as Object String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Winter", descriptionText: descriptionText) String seasonName = "winter" sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 2, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "December 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "June 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "February 28", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "August 31", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "


", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) } def spring() { hemisphereName() autumnFallName() def descriptionText = "Current season is now Spring" as Object String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Spring", descriptionText: descriptionText) String seasonName = "spring" sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 3, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "March 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "September 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "May 31", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "November 30", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "


", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) } def summer() { hemisphereName() autumnFallName() def descriptionText = "Current season is now Summer" as Object String iconPath = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshimota01/hubitat/main/Drivers/meteorological_seasons/season_icons/" if (iconPathOvr > " ") iconPath = iconPathOvr if (txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "seasonName", value: "Summer", descriptionText: descriptionText) String seasonName = "summer" sendEvent(name: "seasonNum", value: 4, descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "June 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonBegin", value: "December 1", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "August 31", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "seasonEnd", value: "February 28", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonTile", value: "


", descriptionText: descriptionText) sendEvent(name: "seasonImg", value: "", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (hemisphere) sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Northern", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "hemisphereName", value: "Southern", descriptionText: descriptionText) if (existingAutumnFall) sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Autumn", descriptionText: descriptionText) else sendEvent(name: "autumnFallName", value: "Fall", descriptionText: descriptionText) }