Android app for subscribing and displaying ROS image topic 1. Run camera node on your machine: rosetip ;; this set ROS_IP with ip address (export ex, ROS_IP= rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node 2. Run 'ROS Image Viewer' on your Android device 3. It also publishes the touch event rostopic echo /touchEvent You can check the semantics of the data by following command $ rosmsg show jsk_gui_msgs/TouchEvent byte DOWN=0 byte UP=1 byte MOVE=2 byte state float32 x float32 y float32 w float32 h = Limitation Current version only subscribes image topic named `/usb_cam/image_raw/compressed`, so you need to use topic relay tool ( to rename the image = Trouble Shooting If you can not get any images on your android device, please make sure that your IP address can be reached from the android device. So set ROS_IP before you run camera node may solve this problem