--- user: jacob welcome: | ............................................................................................ :::::::'##::::'###:::::'######:::'#######::'########:::'######:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ##:::'## ##:::'##... ##:'##.... ##: ##.... ##:'##... ##::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ##::'##:. ##:: ##:::..:: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ##:'##:::. ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ########::. ######:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :'##::: ##: #########: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##.... ##::..... ##::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::##::: ##: ##.... ##: ##::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##:'##::: ##::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :. ######:: ##:::: ##:. ######::. #######:: ########::. ######:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::......:::..:::::..:::......::::.......:::........::::......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :'########:::'#######::'########::'########:'########::'#######::'##:::::::'####::'#######:: : ##.... ##:'##.... ##: ##.... ##:... ##..:: ##.....::'##.... ##: ##:::::::. ##::'##.... ##: : ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##:::: ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##:::::::: ##:: ##:::: ##: : ########:: ##:::: ##: ########::::: ##:::: ######::: ##:::: ##: ##:::::::: ##:: ##:::: ##: : ##.....::: ##:::: ##: ##.. ##:::::: ##:::: ##...:::: ##:::: ##: ##:::::::: ##:: ##:::: ##: : ##:::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##::::: ##:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##:::::::: ##:: ##:::: ##: : ##::::::::. #######:: ##:::. ##:::: ##:::: ##:::::::. #######:: ########:'####:. #######:: :..::::::::::.......:::..:::::..:::::..:::::..:::::::::.......:::........::....:::.......::: You can also visit my LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacsmith21) for Education and Employment information, and my GitHub page (https://github.com/jsmith) to see some of the projects that I've worked on. about: | Current 4th year Software Engineering Student @ UNB. Currently interning @ Eigen Innovations as a Machine Learning Engineer. I also enjoy doing frontend stuff :) socials: - title: github link: github.com/jsmith - title: linkedin link: linkedin.com/in/jacsmith21 - title: email link: jacob.smith@unb.ca projects: - title: DAWG link: https://github.com/dawg/vusic description: > DAWG is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) written in Vue.js. The project is in active development as part of my Senior Design (Capstone) project. DAWG will feature an improved UI/UX (relative to current state-of-the-art DAWs), a real-time collaboration system, and a bit machine learning sprinkled on top for vocal extraction and piano note transcription. - title: CurriculumMapper link: https://github.com/jsmith/curriculum-mapper-frontend description: > An independent project completed for SWE4913 (Independent Project). Curriculum Mapper is an online system that manages university curriculums. This project uses Vue, d3, Flask, MongoDB, and a whole bunch of other cool technology. See https://serene-lovelace-d0079e.netlify.com/#/prerequisites for a cool prerequisite graph (give the server a second to boot up). - title: vue-terminal link: github.com/jsmith/vue-terminal description: > `vue-terminal` is the Vue component library I made to power this website. It tries its best to mimic a regular zsh shell (tab completion, simple commands, etc.). - title: JavaMachineLearning description: > Java Machine Learning (JML) is a Java machine learning framework built for CS6735 (Machine Learning and Data Mining). It implements several different machine learning algorithms. JML's only dependency is for logging. link: github.com/jsmith/jml - title: GolangNeuralNetworkFramework description: > Golang NeuralN etwork (GNN) is a simple neural network framework. I built GNN for educational purposes to better understand neural networks and golang! Its only dependencies exist to read CSVs and for logging purposes. link: github.com/jsmith/gnn # - title: PrettyJSON # description: > # Pretty JSON is a JavaScript library to render and compare JSON # objects in HTML. The forked repository implements the rendering and I implement the comparing! Pretty JSON makes use of backbone.js to help render objects. # link: github.com/jsmith/pretty-json # - title: PrettyTable # description: > # Pretty Table is a JavaScript library to render HTML tables. # It makes use of Pretty JSON to render objects within & has a comparator mode that compares two tables. # link: github.com/jsmith/pretty-table - title: Battleship description: > Battleship is a networked 2 player game built in pure Java. Created with Tristan Tulkens for CS2043 (Software Engineering I). Somehow, its only dependency is SQLite. link: github.com/jsmith/battleship - title: Todo description: > Todo is an Android app to track todo items. Click VIEW THE SOURCE for a cool demo! link: github.com/jsmith/todo - title: RailsTodo description: > Rails Todo is an web todo application built using Ruby on Rails. This project was created for educational purposes. Ruby is neat. link: github.com/jsmith/railstodo ---