= Thor::Shell::Color require 'yaml' def truthy?(statement) val = ask(statement) ['y', 'yes', ''].include?(val) end def eval_template(name) instance_eval( + "/#{name}.rb")) end def update_config!(attrs) config = File.exists?('.jsonapicfg.yml') ? YAML.load_file('.jsonapicfg.yml') : {} config.merge!(attrs)'.jsonapicfg.yml', 'w') { |f| f.write(config.to_yaml) } end def api_namespace @api_namespace ||= begin ns = prompt \ header: "What is your API namespace?", description: "This will be used as a route prefix, e.g. if you want the route '/books_api/v1/authors' your namespace would be 'books_api'", default: 'api' update_config!('namespace' => ns) ns end end def prompt(header: nil, description: nil, default: nil) say(set_color("\n#{header}", :magenta, :bold)) if header say("\n#{description}") if description answer = ask(set_color("\n(default: #{default}):", :magenta, :bold)) answer = default if answer.blank? && default != 'nil' say(set_color("\nGot it!\n", :white, :bold)) answer end welcome = <<-STR \n Welcome to the JSONAPI Suite generator! ======================================= This will take care of some boilerplate for you, like adding gem dependencies and rspec helpers. If you're worried there might be too much magic here, feel free to run 'git diff' at the end to see what happened. You can also learn more at our documentation website, STR say(set_color(welcome.rstrip, :cyan, :bold)) api_namespace gem 'jsonapi_suite', '~> 0.7' gem 'jsonapi-rails', '~> 0.3.0' gem 'jsonapi_swagger_helpers', '~> 0.6', require: false gem 'jsonapi_spec_helpers', '~> 0.4', require: false gem 'kaminari', '~> 1.0' gem_group :development, :test do gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.5.2' gem 'factory_bot_rails', '~> 4.0' gem 'faker', '~> 1.7' # keep here for seeds.rb gem 'swagger-diff', '~> 1.1' end gem_group :test do gem 'database_cleaner', '~> 1.6' end insert_into_file "config/routes.rb", :after => "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" do <<-STR scope path: '/#{api_namespace}' do scope path: '/v1' do # your routes go here end end STR end after_bundle do run 'bin/spring stop' run "bundle binstub rspec-core" rails_command "generate rspec:install" run "rm -rf test" git :init git add: '.' insert_into_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", :after => "require 'rspec/rails'\n" do "require 'jsonapi_spec_helpers'\n" end insert_into_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", :after => "RSpec.configure do |config|\n" do <<-STR # bootstrap database cleaner config.before(:suite) do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation) end config.around(:each) do |example| begin do end ensure DatabaseCleaner.clean end end STR end insert_into_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", :after => "RSpec.configure do |config|\n" do <<-STR config.before :each do JsonapiErrorable.disable! end STR end insert_into_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", :after => "RSpec.configure do |config|\n" do " config.include JsonapiSpecHelpers\n" end insert_into_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", :after => "RSpec.configure do |config|\n" do " config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods\n" end gsub_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", 'config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"' do |match| "# #{match}" end gsub_file "spec/rails_helper.rb", 'config.use_transactional_fixtures = true' do |match| "# #{match}" end run "mkdir spec/payloads" run "mkdir spec/factories" run "mkdir -p spec/api/v1" rails_command('generate jsonapi_suite:install') # swagger run "mkdir -p public/#{api_namespace}/docs" inside("public/#{api_namespace}/docs") do run "git clone && cp swagger-ui/prod-dist/* . && rm -rf swagger-ui" end gsub_file "public/#{api_namespace}/docs/index.html", "basePath: '/api'" do "basePath: '/#{api_namespace}'" end gsub_file "public/#{api_namespace}/docs/index.html", "/app." do |match| "/#{api_namespace}/docs#{match}" end github = prompt \ header: "What is the Github URL for this project?", description: "This is used in the Swagger UI to link to your project. It does *not* end in .git. If you don't have a Github URL yet, make sure to edit public/#{api_namespace}/docs/index.html once you have one", default: 'nil' if github.present? gsub_file "public/#{api_namespace}/docs/index.html", "githubURL: ''" do "githubURL: '#{github}'" end end create_file 'app/controllers/docs_controller.rb' do title = prompt \ header: "What is the Swagger title for this project?", description: "Should make sense in the sentence, 'Welcome to the API'", default: 'Untitled' description = prompt \ header: "What is the Swagger description for this project?", description: "HTML is OK here", default: '--' contact_name = prompt \ header: "What is the Swagger contact name?", description: "e.g. 'John Doe'", default: '--' contact_email = prompt \ header: "What is the Swagger contact email?", default: '--' <<-STR require 'jsonapi_swagger_helpers' class DocsController < ActionController::API include JsonapiSwaggerHelpers::DocsControllerMixin swagger_root do key :swagger, '2.0' info do key :version, '1.0.0' key :title, '#{title}' key :description, '#{description}' contact do key :name, '#{contact_name}' key :email, '#{contact_email}' end end key :basePath, '/#{api_namespace}' key :consumes, ['application/json'] key :produces, ['application/json'] end end STR end insert_into_file "config/routes.rb", after: "scope path: '/#{api_namespace}' do\n" do " resources :docs, only: [:index], path: '/swagger'\n\n" end insert_into_file "Rakefile", after: "require_relative 'config/application'\n" do "require 'jsonapi_swagger_helpers'\n" end say(set_color("\nYou're all set! If you need help developing JSONAPI, please head to our documentation website:\n", :green, :bold))end