# GoToDoc GoToDoc is a Sublime Text 2 plugin to quickly open Go programming language document in your browser base on the selected packages, functions, types and keywords in Go source file. ## Usage GoToDoc supports 2 modes to open the corresponding document in your web browser ### Exact Mode: (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Alt+E, OSX: Super+Ctrl+E) Go to the exact package document at http://golang.org/pkg for standard or http://gopkgdoc.appspot.com for non-standard Package alias is supported, it's automatically looked up in the imported package list. ### Lucky Mode: (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Alt+L, OSX: Super+Ctrl+L) Google search on golang.org and go to the first result using "I'm Feeling Lucky". Besides shortcut, you can access from menu `Tools -> GoToDoc` ## Installation You can install from github.com, or using Sublime Text 2 Package Control ### From Github $ cd ${ST2_Package_Folder} $ git clone git://github.com/jtdeng/GoToDoc.git GoToDoc ### Using Package Control Now you can install inside sublime text 2 with package control ## Settings You can customize the key bindings of GoToDoc by going to the menu `Preferences -> Package Settings -> GoToDoc -> Key Bindings - Default`.