/* * ===================== Zooz Scene Controller (ZEN32) Driver ===================== * * Copyright 2024 Robert Morris * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================================= * * BUTTON NUMBER/EVENT MAPPING: * * "Base" button number: * - relay/large button = button 5 * - small top left = button 1 * - small top right = button 2 * - small bottom left = button 3 * - small bottom right = button 4 * Single taps, hold, and release: * - base button number pushed, held, and released events * Multi-taps: * - mathematically, a pushed event for button number = (base button number) + (5 * (number of taps - 1)) ... or specifically: * * "button 1" taps: button 1, 6, 11, 16, or 21 pushed (taps 1-5) * * "button 2" taps: button 2, 7, 12, 17, or 22 pushed (taps 1-5) * * "button 3" taps: button 3, 8, 13, 18, or 23 pushed (taps 1-5) * * "button 4" taps: button 4, 9, 14, 19, or 24 pushed (taps 1-5) * * "button 5" taps: button 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 pushed (taps 1-5) * * * Changelog: * v2.2.2 (2024-05-29): Update fingerprint * v2.2.1 (2023-12-04): Fix for parameter 18 swapped values (power restore state) * v2.2.f1 (2023-10-03): @jtp10181 Saving LED human readable details to a state variables, support for doubleTapped event, other misc tweaks * v2.2 (2023-09-23): Enhancements for some commands and preferences with changes thanks to @jtp10181 * v2.1 (2023-09-19): Update for firmware 10.40 (700-series) and hardware 2.0. Recommended for use with * hardware v2 (800LR) or original hardware with 10.40+ firmware only. * v2.0.1 (2023-05-07): Superivsion response fix * v2.0 (2022-02-20): Add Indicator command class support (thanks to @jtp10181); requires ZEN32 firmware 10.10 or greater * v1.0.1 (2021-04-23): Fix typo in BasicGet; pad firmware subversion with 0 as needed * v1.0 (2021-04-01): Initial Release */ import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final Map commandClassVersions = [ 0x20: 1, // Basic 0x25: 1, // SwitchBinary 0x55: 1, // TransportService 0x59: 1, // AssociationGroupInfo 0x5B: 1, // CentralScene 0x6C: 1, // Supervision 0x70: 1, // Configuration 0x72: 2, // ManufacturerSpecific 0x85: 1, // Association 0x86: 2, // Version 0x87: 3, // Indicator 0x8E: 2, // MultichannelAssociation 0x98: 1, // Security 0x9F: 1 // Security S2 ] // color name to parameter value mapping: @Field static final TreeMap colorNameMap = [ 0:"white", 1:"blue", 2:"green", 3:"red", 4:"magenta", 5:"yellow", 6:"cyan" ] // LED/button number to parameter value mappings (for LED color parameters): @Field static final Map ledIndicatorParams = [1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 1] @Field static final Map ledColorParams = [1: 7, 2: 8, 3: 9, 4: 10, 5: 6] @Field static final Map ledBrightnessParams = [1: 12, 2: 13, 3: 14, 4: 15, 5: 11] // LED number mappings for Indicator command class: @Field static Map indicatorLEDNumberMap = [0:0x50, 5:0x43, 1:0x44, 2:0x45, 3:0x46, 4:0x47] @Field static final Map zwaveParameters = [ 16: [input: [name: "param.16", type: "number", title: "Auto-Off Timer for Relay (minutes) [#16]", range: 0..65535], size: 4], 17: [input: [name: "param.17", type: "number", title: "Auto-On Timer for Relay (minutes) [#17]", range: 0..65535], size: 4], 18: [input: [name: "param.18", type: "enum", title: "State After Power Restored [#18]", options: [0:"Previous State (DEFAULT)", 1:"Off", 2:"On"]], size: 1], 19: [input: [name: "param.19", type: "enum", title: "Physical and Z-Wave (Smart Bulb Mode) [#19]", options: [0:"Disable physical control, enable Z-Wave", 1:"Enable physical and Z-Wave control (DEFAULT)", 2:"Disable physical and Z-Wave control"]], size: 1], 20: [input: [name: "param.20", type: "enum", title: "Behavior if Control is Disabled [#20]", description:" - Button events are always sent", options: [0:"Send on/off reports and change LED",1:"Do not send on/off reports or change LED (DEFAULT)"]], size: 1], 21: [input: [name: "param.21", type: "enum", title: "3-Way Switch Type [#21]", options: [0:"Regular Mechanical 3-way (DEFAULT)",1:"Momentary Switch"]], size: 1], 22: [input: [name: "param.22", type: "enum", title: "Programming from the Relay Button [#22]", options: [0:"Enabled (DEFAULT)", 1:"Disabled"]], size: 1], 23: [input: [name: "param.23", type: "enum", title: "LED Flash when Settings Changed [#23]", options: [0:"Flash Enabled (DEFAULT)",1:"Flash Disabled"]], size: 1], 24: [input: [name: "param.24", type: "enum", title: "Scene Control Events on Relay [#24]", options: [0:"Enabled (DEFAULT)", 1:"Disabled"]], size: 1], 26: [input: [name: "param.26", type: "enum", title: "Scene Control Events from 3-way [#26]", options: [0:"Disabled (DEFAULT)", 1:"Enabled"]], size: 1], 25: [input: [name: "param.25", type: "enum", title: "Send Status Report to Associations [#25]", options: [ 0:"None", 1:"Physical Tap On ZEN Only", 2:"Physical Tap On Connected 3-Way Switch Only", 3:"Physical Tap On ZEN / 3-Way Switch", 4:"Z-Wave Command From Hub", 5:"Physical Tap On ZEN / Z-Wave Command", 6:"Physical Tap On 3-Way Switch / Z-Wave Command", 7:"Physical Tap On ZEN / 3-Way Switch / Z-Wave Command", 8:"Timer Only", 9:"Physical Tap On ZEN / Timer", 10:"Physical Tap On 3-Way Switch / Timer", 11:"Physical Tap On ZEN / 3-Way Switch / Timer", 12:"Z-Wave Command From Hub / Timer", 13:"Physical Tap On ZEN / Z-Wave Command / Timer", 14:"Physical Tap On ZEN / 3-Way Switch / Z-Wave Command / Timer", 15:"All Of The Above (DEFAULT)" ]], size: 1] ] // These get set by configure(), "default" parameter values necessary to make this driver work as expected and generally not exposed in the UI: @Field static final Map defaultZwaveParameters = [ // LED indicator mode for relay and buttons 1-4: //1: [value: 3, size: 1], // leaving this one (relay LED) out since it's set by separate preference 2: [value: 3, size: 1], // these could default to 2 or 3 (always off or always on); defaulting to 3 for now, but could read/compare in future and not override if set to one... 3: [value: 3, size: 1], 4: [value: 3, size: 1], 5: [value: 3, size: 1] ] metadata { definition (name: "Zooz Scene Controller (ZEN32)", namespace: "RMoRobert", author: "Robert Morris", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RMoRobert/Hubitat/master/drivers/zooz/zooz-zen32-scene-ctlr.groovy") { capability "Actuator" capability "Switch" capability "Configuration" capability "PushableButton" capability "HoldableButton" capability "ReleasableButton" capability "DoubleTapableButton" command "refresh" command "setConfigParameter", [[name:"Parameter Number*", type: "NUMBER"], [name:"Value*", type: "NUMBER"], [name:"Size*", type: "NUMBER"]] command "setLED", [[name:"ledNumber*", type: "NUMBER", description: "LED/Button Number (1-5, 5=large button)", constraints: 1..5], [name:"colorName", type: "ENUM", description: "Select Color Name (blank for no change)", constraints: ['':"no change"]+colorNameMap], [name:"brightness", type: "NUMBER", description: "Brightness Level (100, 60, 30; 0 for off; blank turns on only)", constraints: [100,60,30,0]], ] command "setIndicator", [[name:"ledNumber*", type: "NUMBER", description: "LED/Button number (1-5, 5=large button, 0=all)", constraints: 0..5], [name:"mode*", type: "ENUM", description: "Mode (flash, on, or off)", constraints: ["flash", "on", "off"]], [name:"lengthOfOnOffPeriods", type: "NUMBER", description: "On/off period length in tenths of seconds (0-254, e.g., 10 = 1 second)", constraints: 2..255], [name:"numberOfOnOffPeriods", type: "NUMBER", description: "Number of total on/off periods (1-254), or 255 for indefinite", constraints: 1..255], [name:"lengthOfOnPeriod", type: "NUMBER", description: "On period length in tenths of seconds (e.g., 8 = 0.8 seconds; can be used to create asymmetric on/off periods)", constraints: 1..254], ] fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"7000", deviceId:"A008", inClusters:"0x5E,0x25,0x70,0x20,0x5B,0x85,0x8E,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x73,0x87,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A", controllerType: "ZWV" fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"7000", deviceId:"A008", inClusters:"0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x6C", controllerType: "ZWV" } preferences { zwaveParameters.each { input it.value.input } input name: "relayLEDBehavior", type: "enum", title: "Relay LED Indicator Mode", options: [[0:"On when relay Off (DEFAULT)"],[1:"On when relay On"], [2:"Always Off"],[3:"Always On"],[4:"Control with \"Set LED\" command"]] input name: "enableDebug", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true input name: "enableDesc", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true } } void logsOff() { log.warn "Disabling debug logging" device.updateSetting("enableDebug", [value:"false", type:"bool"]) } void parse(String description){ if (enableDebug) log.debug "parse description: ${description}" hubitat.zwave.Command cmd = zwave.parse(description, commandClassVersions) if (cmd) { zwaveEvent(cmd) } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd){ hubitat.zwave.Command encapCmd = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(commandClassVersions) if (encapCmd) { zwaveEvent(encapCmd) } sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(zwaveSecureEncap( zwave.supervisionV1.supervisionReport(sessionID: cmd.sessionID, reserved: 0, moreStatusUpdates: false, status: 0xFF, duration: 0) ), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE)) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv2.VersionReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "VersionReport: ${cmd}" device.updateDataValue("firmwareVersion", "${cmd.firmware0Version}.${String.format("%02d", cmd.firmware0SubVersion)}") device.updateDataValue("protocolVersion", "${cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion}.${cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion}") device.updateDataValue("hardwareVersion", "${cmd.hardwareVersion}") } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.DeviceSpecificReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "DeviceSpecificReport v2: ${cmd}" switch (cmd.deviceIdType) { case 1: // serial number String serialNumber = "" if (cmd.deviceIdDataFormat==1) { cmd.deviceIdData.each { serialNumber += hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(it & 0xff, 1).padLeft(2, '0')} } else { cmd.deviceIdData.each { serialNumber += (char)it } } if (enableDebug) log.debug "Device serial number is $serialNumber" device.updateDataValue("serialNumber", serialNumber) break } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "ConfigurationReport: ${cmd}" //Find LED Number for certian parameters def ledIndic = ledIndicatorParams.find{ cmd.parameterNumber == it.value } def ledColor = ledColorParams.find{ cmd.parameterNumber == it.value } def ledBright = ledBrightnessParams.find{ cmd.parameterNumber == it.value } def val = cmd.scaledConfigurationValue Integer ledNum Integer slot if (ledIndic) { slot = 0 ledNum = ledIndic.key switch (val) { case 0: val = "on when off"; break case 1: val = "on when on"; break case 2: val = "off"; break case 3: val = "on"; break } } else if (ledColor) { slot = 1 ledNum = ledColor.key val = colorNameMap[val as Integer] ?: "unknown" } else if (ledBright) { slot = 2 ledNum = ledBright.key switch (val) { case 0: val = "100%"; break case 1: val = "60%"; break case 2: val = "30%"; break } } if (ledNum) { if (enableDesc) log.info "${device.displayName} LED #${ledNum} set to ${val}" if (state.settingsLED != null && state.settingsLED["$ledNum"] != null) { state.settingsLED["$ledNum"][slot] = val } } else { if (enableDesc) log.info "${device.displayName} parameter '${cmd.parameterNumber}', size '${cmd.size}', is set to '${cmd.scaledConfigurationValue}'" setStoredConfigParamValue(cmd.parameterNumber, cmd.scaledConfigurationValue) } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "BasicReport: ${cmd}" String value = (cmd.value ? "on" : "off") if (enableDesc && device.currentValue("switch") != value) log.info "${device.displayName} switch is ${value}" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "BasicSet: ${cmd}" String value = (cmd.value ? "on" : "off") if (enableDesc && device.currentValue("switch") != value) log.info "${device.displayName} switch is ${value}" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "SwitchBinaryReport: ${cmd}" String value = (cmd.value ? "on" : "off") if (enableDesc && device.currentValue("switch") != value) log.info "${device.displayName} switch is ${value}" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.centralscenev1.CentralSceneNotification cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "CentralSceneNotification: ${cmd}" Integer btnBaseNum = cmd.sceneNumber ?: 0 Integer btnNum = btnBaseNum String btnAction = "pushed" if (cmd.keyAttributes as Integer == 2) btnAction = "held" else if (cmd.keyAttributes as Integer == 1) btnAction = "released" if ((cmd.keyAttributes as Integer) >= 3) { btnNum = btnBaseNum + (5 * ((cmd.keyAttributes as Integer) - 2)) } if (btnNum) { String descriptionText = "${device.displayName} button ${btnNum} was ${btnAction}" if (enableDesc) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "${btnAction}", value: "${btnNum}", descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, type: "physical") if (cmd.keyAttributes as Integer == 3) { btnNum = btnBaseNum btnAction = "doubleTapped" descriptionText = "${device.displayName} button ${btnNum} was ${btnAction}" if (enableDesc) log.info "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "${btnAction}", value: "${btnNum}", descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, type: "physical") } } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.indicatorv3.IndicatorReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "IndicatorReport: ${cmd}" } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.indicatorv3.IndicatorSupportedReport cmd) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "IndicatorSupportedReport: ${cmd}" if (cmd.nextIndicatorId > 0) { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.indicatorV3.indicatorSupportedGet(indicatorId:cmd.nextIndicatorId)), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE)) } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd){ if (enableDebug) log.debug "skip: ${cmd}" } /* List indicatorGet() { List cmds = [] cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.indicatorV3.indicatorSupportedGet(indicatorId:0x00)) return delayBetween(cmds,300) } */ void setStoredConfigParamValue(Integer parameterNumber, BigInteger parameterValue) { state."configParam${parameterNumber}" = parameterValue } BigInteger getStoredConfigParamValue(Integer parameterNumber) { return state."configParam${parameterNumber}" } List refresh() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "refresh" return delayBetween([ zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.basicV1.basicGet()), zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.versionV2.versionGet()) ], 100) } String on() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "on()" zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0xFF)) } String off() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "off()" zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0x00)) } void push(btnNum) { sendEvent(name: "pushed", value: btnNum, isStateChange: true, type: "digital") } void hold(btnNum) { sendEvent(name: "held", value: btnNum, isStateChange: true, type: "digital") } void release(btnNum) { sendEvent(name: "released", value: btnNum, isStateChange: true, type: "digital") } void doubleTap(btnNum) { sendEvent(name: "doubleTapped", value: btnNum, isStateChange: true, type: "digital") } void installed(){ log.warn "Installed..." sendEvent(name: "level", value: 1) } List configure() { log.warn "configure..." List cmds = [] sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: 25) defaultZwaveParameters.each { param, data -> if (enableDebug) log.debug "Default parameter: setting parameter $param (size: ${data.size}) to ${data.value}" cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: data.value as BigInteger, parameterNumber: param, size: data.size)) } //Request Paramater Values ledIndicatorParams.each { led, pNum -> cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: pNum as Integer)) } ledColorParams.each { led, pNum -> cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: pNum as Integer)) } ledBrightnessParams.each { led, pNum -> cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: pNum as Integer)) } cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.versionV2.versionGet()) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.deviceSpecificGet(deviceIdType: 1)) cmds = delayBetween(cmds, 150) cmds += updated() return cmds } // Apply preferences changes, including updating parameters List updated() { log.info "updated..." log.warn "Debug logging is: ${enableDebug == true ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" log.warn "Description logging is: ${enableDesc == true ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" if (enableDebug) { log.debug "Debug logging will be automatically disabled in 30 minutes..." runIn(1800, logsOff) } List cmds = [] zwaveParameters.each { param, data -> if (settings[data.input.name] != null) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "Preference parameter: setting parameter $param (size: ${data.size}) to ${settings[data.input.name]}" cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: settings[data.input.name] as BigInteger, parameterNumber: param, size: data.size)) } } if (relayLEDBehavior != null) { BigInteger relayLEDParamVal = relayLEDBehavior as BigInteger if (relayLEDParamVal < 4) { cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: relayLEDParamVal, parameterNumber: 1, size: 1)) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 1)) } } if (state.settingsLED == null) state.settingsLED = [1:[],2:[],3:[],4:[],5:[]] return delayBetween(cmds, 200) } //Handle when missing parameters List setLED(ledNumber) { setLED(ledNumber, null, null) } List setLED(ledNumber, String colorName) { setLED(ledNumber, colorName, null) } List setLED(ledNumber, Integer brightness) { setLED(ledNumber, null, brightness) } //Main SetLED Function requires all paramaters List setLED(ledNumber, String colorName, brightness) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setLED(Number $ledNumber, Color $colorName, Brightness $brightness)" Integer intLedNum = ledNumber as Integer Integer intColor = colorName ? (colorNameMap.find{ colorName.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }?.key) : null Integer intLevel = null switch (brightness as Integer) { case 1..44: intLevel = 2 // actual Z-Wave value (30%) break case 45..74: intLevel = 1 // actual Z-Wave value (60%) break case 75..100: intLevel = 0 // actual Z-Wave value (100%) break case 0: intLevel = -1 // using to mean "off" break } if (enableDebug) log.debug "setLED(Number $intLedNum, Color $intColor, Brightness $intLevel) ADJUSTED" List cmds = [] if (intLevel == -1) { // Set LED to "always off" (may want to change in future if add association), unless #5/relay and configured not to: if (intLedNum != 5 || (relayLEDBehavior as Integer) == 4) { cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: 2, parameterNumber: ledIndicatorParams[intLedNum], size: 1)) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: ledIndicatorParams[intLedNum])) } else { log.warn "Relay LED (#5) not configured to allow turning off from setLED (no changes made)" } } else { if (intColor >= 0) { cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: intColor, parameterNumber: ledColorParams[intLedNum], size: 1)) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: ledColorParams[intLedNum])) } if (intLevel >= 0) { cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: intLevel, parameterNumber: ledBrightnessParams[intLedNum], size: 1)) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: ledBrightnessParams[intLedNum])) } // Set LED to "always on" (may want to change in future if add association): if (intLedNum != 5 || (relayLEDBehavior as Integer) == 4) { cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: 3, parameterNumber: ledIndicatorParams[intLedNum], size: 1)) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: ledIndicatorParams[intLedNum])) } } return cmds ? delayBetween(cmds, 300) : [] } List setIndicator(Number ledNumber=0, String mode="on", Number lengthOfOnOffPeriods=null, Number numberOfOnOffPeriods=null, Number lengthOfOnPeriod=null) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setIndicator($ledNumber, $mode, $lengthOfOnOffPeriods, $numberOfOnOffPeriods, $lengthOfOnPeriod)" Short indId = indicatorLEDNumberMap[ledNumber as Integer] ?: 0 List cmds = [] if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("flash")) { Short lenOnOff = lengthOfOnOffPeriods != null ? lengthOfOnOffPeriods as Short : 0 Short numOnOff = numberOfOnOffPeriods != null ? numberOfOnOffPeriods as Short : 0 Short lenOn = lengthOfOnPeriod != null ? lengthOfOnPeriod as Short : 0 if (enableDebug) log.debug "lenOnOff = $lenOnOff, numOnOff=$numOnOff, lenOn=$lenOn, indId=$indId" cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.indicatorV3.indicatorSet(value: 0xFF, indicatorCount: 3, indicatorValues: [ [indicatorId: indId, propertyId: 0x03, value: lenOnOff], // This property is used to set the duration (in tenth of seconds) of an on/off period [indicatorId: indId, propertyId: 0x04, value: numOnOff], // This property is used to set the number of on/off periods to run [indicatorId: indId, propertyId: 0x05, value: lenOn] // This property is used to set the length of the on time during an on/off period; it allows asymmetric on/off periods ])) } else { Short onOff = (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("on") ? 0xFF : 0x00) cmds << zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.indicatorV3.indicatorSet(value: 0xFF, indicatorCount: 1, indicatorValues: [ [indicatorId: indId, propertyId: 0x02, value: onOff] ])) } return delayBetween(cmds, 300) } // Custom command (for apps/users) String setConfigParameter(number, value, size) { return zwaveSecureEncap(setParameter(number, value, size.toInteger())) } // For internal/driver use String setParameter(number, value, size) { if (enableDebug) log.debug "setParameter(number: $number, value: $value, size: $size)" return zwaveSecureEncap(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(scaledConfigurationValue: value.toInteger(), parameterNumber: number, size: size)) }