/** * ==================================================== * App Name: SmartStart Manager * Platform: Hubitat Elevation * * For Support, Information, and Updates: * https://community.hubitat.com/t/smartstart-manager/137492 * https://github.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/tree/main/Apps/smartstart-manager * ==================================================== * * Copyright 2024 Jeff Page * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * Changelog: * 0.5.0 (2024-06-10) - Added full backup and restore features * Added beautiful buttons with icons and updated styling * Fixed combined list parsing to reset enabled state * Updated logging to match style of my drivers * 0.4.2 (2024-05-08) - Added validation checks to Edit/Add page * 0.4.0 (2024-05-05) - Changed some async calls to regular http calls * Added links on list view going to device page and edit page * Added editing/deleting of disabled entries * Fixed reported null pointer errors * 0.3.0 (2024-05-01) - Added feature to disable entry but keep record within the app * Added setting to show the full DSK (default to masked) * Fixed bugs when SmartStart list is blank (@csteele) * 0.2.0 (2024-04-28) - Add delete button to edit page * 0.1.0 (2024-04-28) - Initial beta release * */ import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final String VERSION = "0.5.0" @Field static final String APP_NAME = "SmartStart-Manager" @Field static final String COMM_LINK = "https://community.hubitat.com/t/smartstart-manager/137492" definition( name: "SmartStart Manager", namespace: "jtp10181", author: "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)", description: "Manage the Z-Wave SmartStart devices list from the hub", category: "Utility", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", importUrl: "", documentationLink: "", singleInstance: true, singleThreaded: true, installOnOpen: true ) preferences { page name: "pageMain" page name: "pageViewList" page name: "pageEditEntry" } @Field static final LinkedHashMap bootModes = [0:"S2 (Manual)", 1:"SmartStart Mesh", 2:"SmartStart LR"] @Field static final LinkedHashMap gKeys = [0:"No Security", 128:"S0 Unauthenticated", 1:"S2 Unauthenticated", 2:"S2 Authenticated", 4:"S2 Access Control"] @Field static final LinkedHashMap gKeysShort = [0:"None", 128:"S0", 1:"S2Ua", 2:"S2A", 4:"S2AC"] @Field static final Map LOG_LEVELS = [0:"Error", 1:"Warn", 2:"Info", 3:"Debug", 4:"Trace"] @Field static final String disabledBackupFile = "smartstartManager_disabledBackup.json" @Field static final String fullBackupFile = "smartstartManager_fullBackup.json" void installed() { logInfo("Installed with settings: ${settings}") initialize() } void updated() { app.removeSetting("debugLevel") logDebug("Updated with settings: ${settings}") initialize() } void initialize() { logDebug("initialize...") subscribe(location, "systemStart", handleReboot) updateLastCheckIn() } void handleReboot(evt) { updateLastCheckIn() } void appButtonHandler(String btn) { if (btn == "btnEditSave") { btnEditSave() } else if (btn == "btnEditDelete") { btnEditDelete() } else if (btn == "btnSaveSettings") { /*Nothing*/ } else if (btn == "btnCreateBackup") { saveFullBackup() } else if (btn == "btnRestoreBackup") { loadFullBackup() } else if (btn == "btnLoadBackupD") { loadDisabledBackup() } else if (btn == "btnListRefresh") { smartListUpdate() zwDetailsUpdate() } else if ((btn.tokenize(":"))[0] == "btnEnabled") { String dsk = (btn.tokenize(":"))[1] smartListToggle(dsk) } else { logWarn "Unhandled button press: $btn" } } def pageMain() { logDebug "Loading pageMain..." smartListUpdateAsync() zwDetailsUpdateAsync() state.remove("editSelection") app.removeSetting("selectedDev") dynamicPage(name: "pageMain", title:styleSection("SmartStart Manager"), uninstall: true, install: true) { section() { href name: "pageViewListHref", page: "pageViewList", title: "${btnIcon('pi-list')} View SmartStart List", description: "", width: 4, newLine: true href name: "pageEditEntryHref", page: "pageEditEntry", title: "${btnIcon('pi-pencil')} Edit / Add SmartStart Entries", description: "", width: 4, newLine: true } section("${btnIcon('pi-cog')} Settings", hideable: true, hidden: true) { input name: "logLevel", type: "enum", title: "Logging Level", options: LOG_LEVELS, defaultValue: 2, width: 3 paragraph '' input name: "maskDSK", type: "bool", title: "Partially Mask DSK (for screenshots)", defaultValue: true, width: 6 paragraph '' input name: "btnSaveSettings", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-save')}  Save Settings", width: 4 paragraph '' } section("${btnIcon('pi-download')} Backups", hideable: true, hidden: true) { input name: "btnCreateBackup", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-save')}  Create Full Backup in File Manager", width: 6, newLine: true, newLineAfter: true input name: "btnRestoreBackup", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-upload')}  Restore Full Backup from File Manager", width: 6, newLine: true, newLineAfter: true input name: "btnLoadBackupD", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-sync')}  Restore Disabled List from File Manager (Automatically Created)", width: 8, newLine: true } if(state.msgBackup) { section() { paragraph("$state.msgBackup") state.remove("msgBackup") } } section() { paragraph appInfo() paragraph "" + "$ICON_QCR Support: Hubitat Community
" + "$ICON_PP Donations: PayPal.Me" + "
" } } } def pageViewList() { logDebug "Loading pageViewList..." state.remove("editSelection") dynamicPage(name: "pageViewList", title:styleSection("SmartStart Manager: List View"), uninstall: false, install: false) { section() { paragraph (hrefButton("Main Menu", "../pageMain", "pi-arrow-left") + "  " + hrefButton("Add SmartStart Entry", "./pageEditEntry?idx=-1", "pi-plus"), width: 5) input name: "btnListRefresh", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-refresh')} Refresh List", width: 3 paragraph listTable() paragraph appInfo() } } } String listTable() { ArrayList tHead = ["Boot Mode","Grants","Status","Node","Device Name","Security","Mode"] String X = "" String O = "" List ssList = getSmartList() if (!ssList) { return "$ICON_WARN_O15 SmartStart List is Empty: Add to SmartStart using the Edit/Add Page or the Mobile App"} String str = "" str += "
" + "" str += "" + "" tHead.each { str += "" } str += "" ssList.sort(false){ it.nodeName?.toLowerCase() }.each { ss -> logTrace("Processing Entry [${ss.idx}: ${ss.nodeName}] (${ss.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"})") Map nodeInfo = state.zwNodes.find { it.nodeId == ss.nodeDec } Map devInfo = state.zwDevices["${ss.nodeDec}"] str += "" str += "" str += "" str += "" + "" + "" + "" + //"" "" + "" + "" } str += "
${buttonLink("btnEnabled:$ss.dsk", state.ssEnabled["$ss.dsk"] == "off" ? O : X, "#1A77C9")}${ss.nodeName}${bootModes[ss.bootMode as Integer]}${ss.gkList.collect{ gKeysShort[it] }.join(', ')}${ss.status?.capitalize() ?: '-'}${ss.node ?: '-'}" + (ss.nodeDec ? " (${ss.nodeDec})" : "") + "${ss.nodeLocation ?: ''}"+ (devInfo?.displayName ? "${devInfo.displayName} " : "-") +""+ (nodeInfo?.security ?: "-") +""+ (nodeInfo?.nodeId>=256 ? "Long Range" : (nodeInfo?.nodeId ? "Mesh" : "-")) +"
" return str } String buttonLink(String btnName, String linkText, color = "#1A77C9", font = "15px") { return "
" + "
" + "" as String } def pageEditEntry() { logDebug "Loading pageEditEntry..." Map ssOptions = getSmartEditMenu() Integer sel = (settings.selectedDev ? settings.selectedDev as Integer : -1) if (hubitatQueryString && state.editSelection == null) { List qList = (new JsonSlurper().parseText(hubitatQueryString)) as List sel = qList.find{ it.name == "idx" }.value as Integer app.removeSetting("hubitatQueryString") } Map ssEditing = resetEditSettings(sel) Boolean addNew = (ssEditing.dsk ? false : true) //Validation Boolean dskBlank = (!settings.editDSK) Boolean nameBlank = (settings.editName == null || settings.editName == '') Boolean dskOK = (dskBlank || settings.editDSK ==~ /^\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}-\d{5}$/) Boolean dSave = (dskBlank || nameBlank || !dskOK) dynamicPage(name: "pageEditEntry", title:styleSection("SmartStart Manager: Edit / Add"), uninstall: false, install: false) { section() { paragraph (hrefButton("Main Menu", "../pageMain", "pi-arrow-left") + "  " + hrefButton("View SmartStart List", "./pageViewList", "pi-list"), width: 5) input name: "btnListRefresh", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-refresh')} Refresh List", width: 3 //Display inputs input name: "selectedDev", type: "enum", title: styleInputTitle("Select Entry to Edit:"), options: ssOptions, defaultValue: (-1), width:8, submitOnChange: true, newLine: true, newLineAfter: true, showFilter: true if (!addNew) { Map nodeInfo = state.zwNodes.find { it.nodeId == ssEditing.nodeDec } Map devInfo = state.zwDevices["${ssEditing.nodeDec}"] String dsk = (maskDSK == false ? ssEditing.dsk : "XXXXX" + ssEditing.dsk.substring(5)) if (ssEditing.nodeDec && devInfo) { paragraph (styleInputTitle("Included Node Info: ") + "
" + (devInfo?.displayName ? "${devInfo.displayName} " : "-") + "
" + (ssEditing.nodeDec >= 256 ? "Long Range" : "Mesh Mode") + " - " + (nodeInfo?.security ?: "Unknown Security") + " - " + "Node: ${ssEditing.node} (${ssEditing.nodeDec})") //input name: "btnCopyName", type: "button", title: "Copy Name to SmartStart" } paragraph styleInputTitle("DSK:") + "
${dsk}" } else { input name: "editDSK", type: "string", title: styleInputTitle("Input DSK:", true) + "    " + "ppppp-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx", width:8, newLine: true, submitOnChange: true } input name: "editName", type: "string", title: styleInputTitle("SmartStart Name:", true), width:8, newLine: true, submitOnChange: true input name: "editLocation", type: "string", title: styleInputTitle("SmartStart Location:"), width:8, newLine: true, submitOnChange: true input name: "editGrants", type: "enum", title: styleInputTitle("Grant Keys:"), multiple: true, options: gKeys, defaultValue: 0, width:4, newLine: true, submitOnChange: true input name: "editBootMode", type: "enum", title: styleInputTitle("Boot Mode:"), options: bootModes, defaultValue: 1, width:4, newLineAfter: true, submitOnChange: true //input name: "editEnabled", type: "bool", title: styleInputTitle("SmartStart Status: " + (editEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")), width:6, submitOnChange: true, newLine: true if (!addNew) paragraph "This SmartStart Entry is " + (ssEditing.enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") + " (can be changed in list view)" paragraph "" input name: "btnEditSave", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-save')}  Save to SmartStart", width: 4, textColor: (dSave ? "#f2f2f2" : "white"), backgroundColor: (dSave ? "#a9c7a9" : "DarkGreen"), disabled: dSave if (!addNew) { input name: "btnEditDelete", type: "button", title: "${btnIcon('pi-trash')}  Delete from SmartStart", width: 4, textColor: "white", backgroundColor: "#cc2d3b" } paragraph(state.msgEditDel ? "$state.msgEditDel" : "") state.remove("msgEditDel") } section() { paragraph appInfo() } } } String appInfo() { return "SmartStart Manager v${VERSION}" + " - © 2024 Jeff Page (@jtp10181)" } String hrefButton(String btnName, String href, String iconName=null) { String output = "" output += """""" return output } Map resetEditSettings(Integer selection) { logTrace "resetEditSettings(${selection})" List ssList = getSmartList() Map ssEditing = [dsk:"", nodeName:"", nodeLocation:"", gkList:[1, 2], bootMode:1, enabled:true] //Get things ready if (selection >= ssList.size()) { selection = -1 } if (selection >= 0) { ssEditing = ssList.getAt(selection) } logDebug("Checking selectedDev: [${selection}: ${ssEditing?.nodeName}] -- prior selection: ${state.editSelection}") if (state.editSelection != selection || state.editSelection == null) { state.editSelection = selection app.updateSetting("selectedDev", [type: "enum", value: "$selection"]) app.updateSetting("editDSK", [type: "string", value: ssEditing.dsk]) app.updateSetting("editName", [type: "string", value: ssEditing.nodeName]) app.updateSetting("editLocation", [type: "string", value: ssEditing.nodeLocation]) app.updateSetting("editGrants", [type: "enum", value: ssEditing.gkList]) app.updateSetting("editBootMode", [type: "enum", value: "$ssEditing.bootMode"]) app.updateSetting("editEnabled", [type: "bool", value: ssEditing.enabled]) logTrace("Updated fields for: [${selection}: ${ssEditing?.nodeName}]") } return ssEditing } //Download SS List From Endpoint void smartListUpdate() { params = [ uri : "", path : "/mobileapi/zwave/smartstart/list", ] logTrace "smartListUpdate ${params}" httpGet(params) { resp -> saveSmartList(resp.data?.items ?: [] as List) } } void smartListUpdateAsync() { params = [ uri : "", path : "/mobileapi/zwave/smartstart/list", ] logTrace "smartListUpdateAsync ${params}" asynchttpGet("smartListHandler", params) } void smartListHandler(resp, data) { logTrace "Processing StartStart List Response" //logTrace("smartList Response: ${resp.data}") Map respData = [:] try { def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() respData = jSlurp.parseText(resp.data as String) as Map } catch (Exception e) { logErr "EXCEPTION CAUGHT: ${e.message} ON LINE ${e.stackTrace.find{it.className.contains("user_")}?.lineNumber}" } saveSmartList(respData?.items ?: [] as List) } //Download Z-Wave Details from Endpoint void zwDetailsUpdate() { params = [ uri : "", path : "/hub/zwaveDetails/json", ] logTrace "zwDetailsUpdate ${params}" httpGet(params) { resp -> state.zwDevices = resp.data?.zwDevices as Map state.zwNodes = resp.data?.nodes as List } } void zwDetailsUpdateAsync() { params = [ uri : "", path : "/hub/zwaveDetails/json", ] logTrace "zwDetailsUpdateAsync ${params}" asynchttpGet("zwDetailsHandler", params) } void zwDetailsHandler(resp, data) { logTrace "Processing Z-Wave Details Response" Map respData = [:] try { def jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() respData = jSlurp.parseText(resp.data as String) as Map } catch (Exception e) { logErr "EXCEPTION CAUGHT: ${e.message} ON LINE ${e.stackTrace.find{it.className.contains("user_")}?.lineNumber}" } state.zwDevices = respData.zwDevices as Map state.zwNodes = respData.nodes as List logDebug "zwDetailsHandler Found ${state.zwDevices?.size() ?: 0} devices and ${state.zwNodes?.size() ?: 0} nodes" } //Save New/Edited SmartStart Entry back to hub //node = [dsk, nodeName, nodeLocation, grantKeys, bootMode] Boolean smartEditPost(Map ssNode) { params = [ uri : "", path : "/mobileapi/zwave/smartstart/edit", body : [ nodeDSK: ssNode.dsk, nodeName:ssNode.nodeName, nodeLocation:ssNode.nodeLocation, grantKeys: ssNode.grantKeys as String, bootMode: ssNode.bootMode as String ] ] logTrace "smartEditPost ${params.findAll { k,v -> k != 'body'}}" logTrace "smartEditPost ${params}" Boolean success = false try { httpPostJson(params) { resp -> //Refresh List from hub if success logDebug "editSaveResponse: ${resp.data}" success = (resp.data?.status == "success") if (!success) { logDebug("smartEditPost Error: ${resp.data}", "error") } } } catch (Exception e) { logErr "EXCEPTION CAUGHT: ${e.message} ON LINE ${e.stackTrace.find{it.className.contains("user_")}?.lineNumber}" } return success } //Delete SmartStart Entry from hub Boolean smartDelPost(String dsk) { params = [ uri : "", path : "/mobileapi/zwave/smartstart/delete", body : [nodeDSK: dsk] ] logTrace "smartDelPost ${params.findAll { k,v -> k != 'body'}}" logTrace "smartDelPost ${params}" Boolean success = false try { httpPostJson(params) { resp -> //Refresh List from hub if success logDebug "smartDelResponse: ${resp.data}" success = (resp.data?.status == "success") if (!success) { logDebug("smartDelPost Error: ${resp.data}", "error") } } } catch (Exception e) { logErr "EXCEPTION CAUGHT: ${e.message} ON LINE ${e.stackTrace.find{it.className.contains("user_")}?.lineNumber}" } return success } //Process and Save SmartStart List from hub void saveSmartList(List ssList) { logDebug("saveSmartList processing ${ssList.size() ?: 0} SmartStart records and ${state.smartListDisabled?.size() ?: 0} disabled records") logTrace("saveSmartList ${ssList}") //Reset / Check States state.ssEnabled = [:] if (!state.smartListDisabled) state.smartListDisabled = [] //Processing for Hub List Only ssList.each { ss -> //Set enabled if in list from hub ss.enabled = true //Remove from disabled list if its in hub list state.smartListDisabled?.removeAll { it.dsk == ss.dsk || it.nodeDSK == ss.dsk } //Split node from status List statusSplit = (ss.status).split(", ") as List ss.status = statusSplit[0] ss.node = statusSplit[1]?.replaceAll("Node: ",'') } //Add in disabled items state.smartListDisabled?.each { ssd -> ssd.enabled = false ssList << ssd.clone() } //Processing for all entries ssList.each { ss -> //Build enabled list state.ssEnabled["$ss.dsk"] = (ss.enabled ? "on" : "off") //Node to Decimal ss.nodeDec = null if (ss.node && ss.node.charAt(0) == '0') { ss.nodeDec = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(ss.node) } //grantKeys convert to readable list ss.gkList = [] ss.grantKeys = ss.grantKeys ?: 0 gKeys.each { k, v -> if ((ss.grantKeys as Integer) & k || ss.grantKeys == k) { ss.gkList << k } } } //Sort, store index number, and save to state ssList.sort{ it.dsk.toLowerCase() }.eachWithIndex { ss, idx -> ss.idx = idx } state.smartListCombined = ssList logTrace("saveSmartList Complete") } List getSmartList() { return state.smartListCombined as List } Map getSmartEditMenu() { logTrace("Generating Edit Menu...") Map ssMenu = [:] smartList.each { ss -> Map devInfo = state.zwDevices["${ss.nodeDec}"] ssMenu[ss.idx] = "${ss.nodeName}" + (devInfo ? " (${devInfo.displayName})" : " - Not included") } ssMenu = [(-1): "--- ADD NEW ---"] << ssMenu.sort { it.value.toLowerCase() } return ssMenu } void btnEditSave() { Map ssNode = [ dsk: settings.editDSK, nodeName: settings.editName, nodeLocation: settings.editLocation, grantKeys: (settings.editGrants)?.sum { it as Integer } as String, bootMode: settings.editBootMode as String ] Boolean result if (settings.editEnabled) { logDebug("Saving '${ssNode.nodeName}' entry to SmartStart on Hub (Enabled)") result = smartEditPost(ssNode) } else { logDebug("Saving '${ssNode.nodeName}' entry to App State (Disabled)") Map dNode = state.smartListDisabled?.find { it.dsk == settings.editDSK } if (dNode) { dNode.putAll(ssNode) result = true } } if (result) { smartListUpdate() } //Show Status Message if (result) { atomicState.msgEditDel = "$ICON_CHKSQ_G15 ${settings.editName} - Save Successfull" } else { atomicState.msgEditDel = "$ICON_XCR_R15 ${settings.editName} - Failed to Save" } //Reset Edit Page if (result && state.editSelection == -1) state.remove("editSelection") } void btnEditDelete() { Boolean result if (settings.editEnabled) { logDebug("Deleting enabled entry from SmartStart on Hub: ${settings.editName}") result = smartDelPost(settings.editDSK) } else { logDebug("Deleting disabled entry from app state: ${settings.editName}") state.smartListDisabled?.removeAll { it.dsk == settings.editDSK } result = true } if (result) { smartListUpdate() } //Show Status Message if (result) { atomicState.msgEditDel = "$ICON_TRASH_G15 ${settings.editName} - Deleted Successfully" } else { atomicState.msgEditDel = "$ICON_XCR_R15 ${settings.editName} - Failed to Delete" } //Reset Edit Page resetEditSettings(-1) } void smartListToggle(String dsk, Boolean enabled = null) { if (enabled == null) { String cs = state.ssEnabled[dsk] enabled = (!cs || cs == "on" ? false : true) } if (enabled) { Map ssNode = state.smartListDisabled?.find { it.dsk == dsk } logDebug "Enabling ${ssNode.nodeName} - saving to SmartStart" logTrace "Enabling ${ssNode}" //Add back to SmartStart if (ssNode) smartEditPost(ssNode.clone()) } else { Map ssNode = state.smartListCombined?.find { it.dsk == dsk } logDebug "Disabling ${ssNode.nodeName} - removing from SmartStart" logTrace "Disabling ${ssNode}" ssNode.enabled = false //Copy to disabled list state.smartListDisabled << [ dsk: ssNode.dsk, nodeName: ssNode.nodeName, nodeLocation: ssNode.nodeLocation, grantKeys: ssNode.grantKeys, bootMode: ssNode.bootMode, status: ssNode.status, node: ssNode.node, enabled: false ] //Delete from SmartStart smartDelPost(ssNode.dsk) } state.ssEnabled[dsk] = (enabled ? "on" : "off") smartListUpdate() //This will save backup for both enable and disable operations saveDisabledBackup(state.smartListDisabled) } void saveDisabledBackup(List disabledList) { logDebug("saveDisabledBackup: Backing up ${disabledList?.size() ?: 0} disabled records") String listJson = JsonOutput.toJson(disabledList) as String uploadHubFile("$disabledBackupFile",listJson.getBytes()) } void saveFullBackup() { logDebug("saveFullBackup: Backing up ${state.smartListCombined?.size() ?: 0} records") //Copy important bits from combined list to temporary list List tmpList = [] state.smartListCombined?.each { ssNode -> tmpList << [ dsk: ssNode.dsk, nodeName: ssNode.nodeName, nodeLocation: ssNode.nodeLocation, grantKeys: ssNode.grantKeys, bootMode: ssNode.bootMode, status: "Unknown" ] } //Save to file manager String listJson = JsonOutput.toJson(tmpList) as String uploadHubFile("$fullBackupFile",listJson.getBytes()) atomicState.msgBackup = "$ICON_CHKSQ_G15 Backup file with ${tmpList?.size() ?: 0} records saved to File Manager" } void loadDisabledBackup() { backupLoadFile("$disabledBackupFile") } void loadFullBackup() { backupLoadFile("$fullBackupFile") } void backupLoadFile(String filename) { byte[] dBytes try { dBytes = downloadHubFile("$filename") } catch (Exception e) { logErr "EXCEPTION CAUGHT: ${e.message} ON LINE ${e.stackTrace.find{it.className.contains("user_")}?.lineNumber} | ${e}" atomicState.msgBackup = "$ICON_XCR_R15 Restore Failed - ${e}" } if (dBytes != null) { backupMerge(new String(dBytes)) } } void backupMerge(String jsonBackup) { List tmpList = (new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonBackup)) as List Integer sizeAll = tmpList?.size() ?: 0 //Remove from temp list it already in app state.smartListCombined?.each { ssc -> tmpList?.removeAll { it.dsk == ssc.dsk } } Integer sizeFinal = tmpList?.size() ?: 0 state.smartListDisabled += tmpList logDebug("backupMerge: Restored $sizeFinal of $sizeAll records (as disabled)") atomicState.msgBackup = "$ICON_CHKSQ_G15 Restored $sizeFinal of $sizeAll records from backup into disabled list" if (sizeAll - sizeFinal > 0 ) atomicState.msgBackup += " (${sizeAll-sizeFinal} duplicates ignored)" } //Styling Functions / Strings String styleSection(String sectionHeadingText) { return "
" as String } String styleInputTitle(String title, Boolean required = false) { return "$title" + (required ? " *" : "") as String } String btnIcon(String name) { return "" } @Field static final String ICON_CHKSQ_G15 = "" @Field static final String ICON_XCR_R15 = "" @Field static final String ICON_TRASH_G15 = "" @Field static final String ICON_WARN_O15 = "" @Field static final String ICON_EXCLAMATION_R15 = "" @Field static final String ICON_QCR = "" @Field static final String ICON_PP = "" //Check-in void updateLastCheckIn() { def nowDate = new Date() Long lastExecuted = state.lastCheckInTime ?: 0 Long allowedMil = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 //24 Hours if (lastExecuted + allowedMil <= nowDate.time) { state.lastCheckInTime = nowDate.time runIn(4, doCheckIn) scheduleCheckIn() } } void scheduleCheckIn() { def cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1) Integer hour = cal[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY] Integer minute = cal[Calendar.MINUTE] schedule( "0 ${minute} ${hour} * * ?", doCheckIn) } void doCheckIn() { String checkUri = "http://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/${APP_NAME}/chk-v${VERSION}" try { httpGet(uri:checkUri, timeout:4) { logDebug "Application ${APP_NAME} v${VERSION}" } state.lastCheckInTime = (new Date()).time } catch (Exception e) { } } //Logging Functions Integer getLogLevelInfo() { return settings.logLevel != null ? settings.logLevel as Integer : 1 } void logErr(String msg) { log.error "${msg}"} void logWarn(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo>=1) log.warn "${msg}" } void logInfo(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo>=2) log.info "${msg}" } void logDebug(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo>=3) log.debug "${msg}" } void logTrace(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo>=4) log.trace "${msg}" }