/* * Zooz ZEN Plugs Universal * - Model: ZEN20 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 2.0 * - Model: ZEN25 - MINIMUM FIRMWARE 2.0 * * For Support, Information, and Updates: * https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-smart-plugs/98333 * https://github.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/tree/main/Drivers/zooz * Changelog: ## [1.2.6] - 2024-06-15 (@jtp10181) - Fix for range expansion and sharing with Hub Mesh ## [1.2.2] - 2024-04-06 (@jtp10181) - Added singleThreaded flag - Updated Library and common code - Other minor fixes ## [0.1.0] - 2023-10-21 (@jtp10181) - Initial public release to HPM - Enabled, tested, and adjusted addChild code - Fixed bug with lower limits not being enforced ## [0.0.6] - 2023-10-20 (@jtp10181) - Hard coded list for metering endpoints to avoid probing failures - Adjusted paramater code to save to data less often - Force reporting on for all channels when configure is run ## [0.0.5] - 2023-10-15 (@jtp10181) - Better child detection for ZEN20 using predefined list - Probe each endpoint for metering support ## [0.0.4] - 2023-10-11 (@jtp10181) - Initial Beta Release based on v1.2.1 of my Zooz Plugs driver * Copyright 2022-2024 Jeff Page * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final String VERSION = "1.2.6" @Field static final String DRIVER = "Zooz-Plugs-MCP" @Field static final String COMM_LINK = "https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-smart-plugs/98333" @Field static final Map deviceModelNames = ["A000:A003":"ZEN25", "A000:A004":"ZEN20"] metadata { definition ( name: "Zooz ZEN Plugs MCP Advanced", namespace: "jtp10181", author: "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)", singleThreaded: true, importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/main/Drivers/zooz/zooz-zen-plugs-mcp.groovy" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Switch" capability "Outlet" capability "PowerMeter" capability "CurrentMeter" capability "VoltageMeasurement" capability "EnergyMeter" capability "Configuration" capability "Refresh" // capability "Flash" //command "refreshParams" command "resetStats" command "setParameter",[[name:"parameterNumber*",type:"NUMBER", description:"Parameter Number"], [name:"value*",type:"NUMBER", description:"Parameter Value"], [name:"size",type:"NUMBER", description:"Parameter Size"]] //DEBUGGING //command "debugShowVars" attribute "syncStatus", "string" attribute "accessory", "string" attribute "energyDuration", "number" attribute "amperageHigh", "number" attribute "amperageLow", "number" attribute "powerHigh", "number" attribute "powerLow", "number" attribute "voltageHigh", "number" attribute "voltageLow", "number" attribute "warnings", "number" fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"A000", deviceId:"A003", inClusters:"0x5E,0x25,0x85,0x8E,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x71,0x32,0x9F,0x60,0x6C,0x7A", controllerType: "ZWV" //Zooz ZEN25 Double Plug fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"A000", deviceId:"A004", inClusters:"0x00,0x00", controllerType: "ZWV" //Zooz ZEN20 Power Strip } preferences { configParams.each { param -> if (!param.hidden) { if (param.options) { Integer paramVal = getParamValue(param) input "configParam${param.num}", "enum", title: fmtTitle("${param.title}"), description: fmtDesc("• Parameter #${param.num}, Selected: ${paramVal}" + (param?.description ? "
• ${param?.description}" : '')), defaultValue: param.defaultVal, options: param.options, required: false } else if (param.range) { input "configParam${param.num}", "number", title: fmtTitle("${param.title}"), description: fmtDesc("• Parameter #${param.num}, Range: ${(param.range).toString()}, DEFAULT: ${param.defaultVal}" + (param?.description ? "
• ${param?.description}" : '')), defaultValue: param.defaultVal, range: param.range, required: false } } } if (state.powerMetering) { // input "accThreshold", "number", // title: fmtTitle("Accessory State Threshold (Watts)"), // description: fmtDesc("• Sets accessory status when power is above threshold.
• 0 = Disabled"), // defaultValue: 0, range: "0..2000", required: false input "highLowEnable", "bool", title: fmtTitle("Enable High/Low Attributes"), description: fmtDesc("• Track high and low values in separate attributes"), defaultValue: false } } } void debugShowVars() { log.warn "settings ${settings.hashCode()} ${settings}" log.warn "paramsList ${paramsList.hashCode()} ${paramsList}" log.warn "paramsMap ${paramsMap.hashCode()} ${paramsMap}" } //Association Settings @Field static final int maxAssocGroups = 1 @Field static final int maxAssocNodes = 1 /*** Static Lists and Settings ***/ @Field static List metersList = [ [name:"energy", scale:0, unit:"kWh", limitLo:0, limitHi:null], [name:"power", scale:2, unit:"W", limitLo:0, limitHi:2400], [name:"voltage", scale:4, unit:"V", limitLo:0, limitHi:140], [name:"amperage", scale:5, unit:"A", limitLo:0, limitHi:18] ] @Field static Map epNames = [ ZEN20:[1:"CH1", 2:"CH2", 3:"CH3", 4:"CH4", 5:"CH5", 6:"USB1", 7:"USB2"], ZEN25:[1:"Left", 2:"Right", 3:"USB"] ] @Field static Map epMeters = [ZEN20:(0..5), ZEN25:(0..2)] //Main Parameters Listing @Field static Map paramsMap = [ powerFailure: [ num: 1, title: "Behavior After Power Failure", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, options: [0:"Restores Last Status", 1:"All Turned On", 2:"All Turned Off"] ], powerThreshold: [ num: 2, title: "Power (Watts) Reporting Threshold", size: 4, defaultVal: 10, description: "Report when changed by this amount, 0 = Disabled", range: "0..65535" ], powerFrequency: [ num: 3, title: "Power (Watts) Reporting Frequency", size: 4, defaultVal: 30, description: "Minimum number of MINUTES between wattage reports", //range: "30..2678400" //Seconds range: "1..44640" //Minutes ], energyFrequency: [ num: 4, title: "Energy (kWh) Reporting Frequency", size: 4, defaultVal: 60, description: "Minimum number of MINUTES between energy reports", //range: "30..2678400" //Seconds range: "1..44640" //Minutes ], voltageFrequency: [ num: 5, title: "Voltage (V) Reporting Frequency", size: 4, defaultVal: 120, description: "Minimum number of MINUTES between voltage reports", //range: "30..2678400" //Seconds range: "1..44640", //Minutes changes: [20:[num:36, firmVer:2.03, range: "0..44640"]] ], currentFrequency: [ num: 6, title: "Current (Amps) Reporting Frequency", size: 4, defaultVal: 60, description: "Minimum number of MINUTES between amperage reports", //range: "30..2678400" //Seconds range: "1..44640", //Minutes changes: [20:[num:25, firmVer:2.03, range: "0..44640"]] ], overloadProtection: [ num: 7, title: "Overload Protection *See Docs*", size: 1, defaultVal: 10, description: "Zooz DOES NOT recommend disabling this, as it may result in device damage and malfunction!", range: "1..10", changes: [20:[num:5, size:2, defaultVal:1500, range:"0..1500"]] ], //---Auto On/Off Timers--- CH1 offTimer1Enabled: [ num: 8, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer Enabled (CH1)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:6]] ], offTimer1: [ num: 9, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer (CH1)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:7]] ], onTimer1Enabled: [ num: 10, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer Enabled (CH1)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:8]] ], onTimer1: [ num: 11, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer (CH1)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:9]] ], //---Auto On/Off Timers--- CH2 offTimer2Enabled: [ num: 12, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer Enabled (CH2)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:10]] ], offTimer2: [ num: 13, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer (CH2)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:11]] ], onTimer2Enabled: [ num: 14, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer Enabled (CH2)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:12]] ], onTimer2: [ num: 15, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer (CH2)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:13]] ], //---Auto On/Off Timers--- CH3 offTimer3Enabled: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer Enabled (CH3)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:14]] ], offTimer3: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer (CH3)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:15]] ], onTimer3Enabled: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer Enabled (CH3)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:16]] ], onTimer3: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer (CH3)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:17]] ], //---Auto On/Off Timers--- CH4 offTimer4Enabled: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer Enabled (CH4)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:14]] ], offTimer4: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-Off Timer (CH4)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:15]] ], onTimer4Enabled: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer Enabled (CH4)", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, hidden: true, options: [0:"Disabled", 1:"Enabled"], changes: [20:[num:16]] ], onTimer4: [ num: null, title: "Auto Turn-On Timer (CH4)", size: 4, defaultVal: 0, range: "0..65535", description: "Time in minutes, 0 = Disabled", changes: [20:[num:17]] ], //----------------------------- manualControl: [ num: 16, title: "Physical Button On/Off Control", size: 1, defaultVal: 1, options: [1:"Enabled", 0:"Disabled"], changes: [20:[num:26]] ], ledIndicator: [ num: 17, title: "LED Indicator Mode", size: 1, defaultVal: 1, options: [0:"Shows Power Consumption, Always On", 1:"LED On When Plug On", 2:"Shows Power Consumption for 5s", 3:"LED Always Off"], changes: [20:[num:27, options: [0:"LED On when Off", 1:"LED On When On", 2:"LED Always Off"]]] ], reportingEnabled: [ num: 18, title: "Energy Reporting Settings", size: 1, defaultVal: 0, options: [0:"Enable Reporting", 1:"Disable Energy and USB Reports", 2:"Disable LEFT Energy Reports", 3:"Disable RIGHT Energy Reports", 4:"Disable USB Status Reports"], changes: [20:[num:28, defaultVal:1, options: [1:"Enable Reporting", 0:"Disable All Reporting"]]] ] ] /* ZEN25 CommandClassReport - class:0x25, version:1 (Binary Switch) CommandClassReport - class:0x32, version:4 (Meter) CommandClassReport - class:0x55, version:2 (Transport Service) CommandClassReport - class:0x59, version:1 (Association Group Information (AGI)) CommandClassReport - class:0x5A, version:1 (Device Reset Locally) CommandClassReport - class:0x5E, version:2 (Z-Wave Plus Info) CommandClassReport - class:0x60, version:4 (Multi Channel) CommandClassReport - class:0x6C, version:1 (Supervision) CommandClassReport - class:0x70, version:1 (Configuration) CommandClassReport - class:0x71, version:8 (Notification) CommandClassReport - class:0x72, version:2 (Manufacturer Specific) CommandClassReport - class:0x73, version:1 (Powerlevel) CommandClassReport - class:0x7A, version:4 (Firmware Update Meta Data) CommandClassReport - class:0x85, version:2 (Association) CommandClassReport - class:0x86, version:3 (Version) CommandClassReport - class:0x8E, version:3 (Multi Channel Association) CommandClassReport - class:0x9F, version:1 (Security 2) */ //Set Command Class Versions @Field static final Map commandClassVersions = [ 0x25: 1, // SwitchBinary 0x32: 3, // Meter 0x60: 3, // MultiChannel 0x6C: 1, // Supervision 0x70: 1, // Configuration 0x71: 8, // Notification 0x72: 2, // ManufacturerSpecific 0x85: 2, // Association 0x86: 2, // Version 0x8E: 3, // MultiChannelAssociation ] /******************************************************************* ***** Core Functions ********************************************************************/ void installed() { logWarn "installed..." state.energyTime = new Date().time initialize() } void initialize() { logWarn "initialize..." refresh() } void configure() { logWarn "configure..." if (!pendingChanges || state.resyncAll == null) { logDebug "Enabling Full Re-Sync" clearVariables() state.resyncAll = true } updateSyncingStatus(6) runIn(1, executeProbeCmds) runIn(2, executeRefreshCmds) runIn(5, executeConfigureCmds) } void updated() { logDebug "updated..." if (!accThreshold) { device.deleteCurrentState("accessory") } if (highLowEnable != state.highLow) { state.highLow = highLowEnable resetStats(false) } executeProbeCmds() runIn(1, executeConfigureCmds) } void refresh() { logDebug "refresh..." executeRefreshCmds() } /******************************************************************* ***** Driver Commands ********************************************************************/ /*** Capabilities ***/ def on() { logDebug "on..." flashStop() return getOnOffCmds(0xFF) } def off() { logDebug "off..." flashStop() return getOnOffCmds(0x00) } //Flashing Capability void flash(rateToFlash = null) { if (!rateToFlash) rateToFlash = state.flashRate //Min rate of 750ms sec, max of 30s rateToFlash = validateRange(rateToFlash, 1500, 750, 30000) Integer maxRun = 30 * 60 //30 Minutes state.flashNext = (device.currentValue("switch")=="on" ? "off" : "on") state.flashRate = rateToFlash logInfo "Flashing started with rate of ${rateToFlash}ms" //Start the flashing runIn(maxRun,flashStop,[data:true]) flashHandler(rateToFlash) } void flashStop(Boolean turnOn = false) { if (state.flashNext != null) { logInfo "Flashing stopped..." unschedule("flashHandler") unschedule("flashStop") state.remove("flashNext") if (turnOn) { runIn(1,on) } } } void flashHandler(Integer rateToFlash) { if (state.flashNext == "on") { logDebug "Flash On" state.flashNext = "off" runInMillis(rateToFlash, flashHandler, [data:rateToFlash]) sendCommands(getOnOffCmds(0xFF)) } else if (state.flashNext == "off") { logDebug "Flash Off" state.flashNext = "on" runInMillis(rateToFlash, flashHandler, [data:rateToFlash]) sendCommands(getOnOffCmds(0x00)) } } /*** Custom Commands ***/ void refreshParams() { List cmds = [] cmds << mcAssociationGetCmd(1) for (int i = 1; i <= maxAssocGroups; i++) { cmds << associationGetCmd(i) } configParams.each { param -> cmds << configGetCmd(param) } if (cmds) sendCommands(cmds) } void resetStats(fullReset = true) { logDebug "reset..." runIn(2, refresh) device.deleteCurrentState("amperageHigh") device.deleteCurrentState("amperageLow") device.deleteCurrentState("powerHigh") device.deleteCurrentState("powerLow") device.deleteCurrentState("voltageHigh") device.deleteCurrentState("voltageLow") if (fullReset) { state.energyTime = new Date().time state.remove("energyDuration") device.deleteCurrentState("energyDuration") device.deleteCurrentState("warnings") if (state.powerMetering) { sendEventLog(name:"warnings", value:0, desc:"Reset Warnings and Energy Stats") sendCommands(meterResetCmd(0)) } } } def setParameter(paramNum, value, size = null) { paramNum = safeToInt(paramNum) Map param = getParam(paramNum) if (param && !size) { size = param.size } if (paramNum == null || value == null || size == null) { logWarn "Incomplete parameter list supplied..." logWarn "Syntax: setParameter(paramNum, value, size)" return } logDebug "setParameter ( number: $paramNum, value: $value, size: $size )" + (param ? " [${param.name} - ${param.title}]" : "") return configSetGetCmd([num: paramNum, size: size], value as Integer) } /*** Child Capabilities ***/ def componentOn(cd) { logDebug "componentOn from ${cd.displayName} (${cd.deviceNetworkId})" sendCommands(getOnOffCmds(0xFF, getChildEP(cd))) } def componentOff(cd) { logDebug "componentOff from ${cd.displayName} (${cd.deviceNetworkId})" sendCommands(getOnOffCmds(0x00, getChildEP(cd))) } def componentRefresh(cd) { logDebug "componentRefresh from ${cd.displayName} (${cd.deviceNetworkId})" sendCommands(getChildRefreshCmds(getChildEP(cd))) } /******************************************************************* ***** Z-Wave Reports ********************************************************************/ void parse(String description) { zwaveParse(description) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) { zwaveMultiChannel(cmd) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) { zwaveSupervision(cmd,ep) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) { logTrace "${cmd}" updateSyncingStatus() Map param = getParam(cmd.parameterNumber) Integer val = cmd.scaledConfigurationValue if (param) { //Convert scaled signed integer to unsigned Long sizeFactor = Math.pow(256,param.size).round() if (val < 0) { val += sizeFactor } logDebug "${param.name} - ${param.title} (#${param.num}) = ${val.toString()}" setParamStoredValue(param.num, val) } else { logDebug "Parameter #${cmd.parameterNumber} = ${val.toString()}" } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) { logTrace "${cmd}" updateSyncingStatus() Integer grp = cmd.groupingIdentifier if (grp == 1) { if (!state.endPoints) { logDebug "Lifeline Association: ${cmd.nodeId}" state.group1Assoc = (cmd.nodeId == [zwaveHubNodeId]) ? true : false } } else { logDebug "Unhandled Group: $cmd" } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelassociationv3.MultiChannelAssociationReport cmd) { logTrace "${cmd}" updateSyncingStatus() List mcNodes = [] cmd.multiChannelNodeIds.each {mcNodes += "${it.nodeId}:${it.endPointId}"} if (cmd.groupingIdentifier == 1) { if (state.endPoints) { logDebug "Lifeline Association: ${cmd.nodeId} | MC: ${mcNodes}" state.group1Assoc = (mcNodes == ["${zwaveHubNodeId}:0"] ? true : false) } } else { logDebug "Unhandled Group: $cmd" } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})" sendSwitchEvents(cmd.value, null, ep) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})" sendSwitchEvents(cmd.value, null, ep) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.meterv3.MeterSupportedReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})" String scales = Integer.toBinaryString(cmd.scaleSupported) logTrace "${cmd}, scaleBinary: ${scales}" if (cmd.meterType == 1) { logDebug "Power Metering Support Detected and Enabled" state.powerMetering = true state.highLow = highLowEnable } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelEndPointReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})" if (cmd.endPoints > 0) { logDebug "Endpoints (${cmd.endPoints}) Detected and Enabled" state.endPoints = cmd.endPoints runInMillis(500,probeEndPoints) runIn(4,createChildDevices) } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCapabilityReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})" if (state.meterEPs == null) state.meterEPs = [0] if (cmd.commandClass.find { it == 0x32 }) { state.meterEPs[(cmd.endPoint as Integer)] = cmd.endPoint logDebug "Power Metering Detected for Endpoint ${cmd.endPoint}" } else { logDebug "Power Metering NOT FOUND for Endpoint ${cmd.endPoint}" } } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.meterv3.MeterReport cmd, ep=0) { logTrace "${cmd} (meterValue: ${cmd.scaledMeterValue}, previousMeter: ${cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue}) (ep ${ep})" BigDecimal val = safeToDec(cmd.scaledMeterValue, 0, Math.min(cmd.precision,3)) logDebug "MeterReport: scale:${cmd.scale}, scaledMeterValue:${cmd.scaledMeterValue} (${val}), precision:${cmd.precision} (ep ${ep})" Map meter = metersList.find{ it.scale == cmd.scale } if ((meter?.limitHi != null && val > safeToDec(meter.limitHi)) || (meter?.limitLo != null && val < safeToDec(meter.limitLo))) { logWarn "IGNORED MeterReport ${meter.name} (precision: ${cmd.precision}, size: ${cmd.size}, meterValue: ${cmd.scaledMeterValue} ${cmd.meterValue}, deltaTime: ${cmd.deltaTime}, previousMeter: ${cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue} ${cmd.previousMeterValue}) payLoad: ${cmd.getPayload()}" sendEventLog(name:"warnings", value:(device.currentValue("warnings")?:0)+1, isStateChange:true, desc:"IGNORED METER REPORT of ${val}${meter.unit} for ${meter.name} " + (val < meter.limitLo ? "(below limit of ${meter.limitLo}" : "(over limit of ${meter.limitHi}") + "${meter.unit})", ep) return } switch (meter?.name) { case "energy": sendEnergyEvents(meter, val, ep) break case "power": sendAccessoryEvents(val) case "voltage": case "amperage": sendMeterEvents(meter, val, ep) break default: logDebug "Unknown Meter Scale: $cmd" } } /******************************************************************* ***** Event Senders ********************************************************************/ //evt = [name, value, type, unit, desc, isStateChange] void sendEventLog(Map evt, Integer ep=0) { //Set description if not passed in evt.descriptionText = evt.desc ?: "${evt.name} set to ${evt.value} ${evt.unit ?: ''}".trim() //Endpoint Events if (ep) { def childDev = getChildByEP(ep) if (childDev) { if (childDev.currentValue(evt.name).toString() != evt.value.toString() || evt.isStateChange) { evt.descriptionText = "${childDev}: ${evt.descriptionText}" childDev.parse([evt]) } else { String epName = epNames[state.deviceModel] ? epNames[state.deviceModel][ep] : "Outlet ${ep}" logDebug "(${epName}) ${evt.descriptionText} [NOT CHANGED]" childDev.sendEvent(evt) } } else { logErr "No device for endpoint (${ep}). Press Configure to create child devices." } return } //Main Device Events if (device.currentValue(evt.name).toString() != evt.value.toString() || evt.isStateChange) { logInfo "${evt.descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "${evt.descriptionText} [NOT CHANGED]" } //Always send event to update last activity sendEvent(evt) } void sendSwitchEvents(rawVal, String type, Integer ep=0) { String value = (rawVal ? "on" : "off") String epStr = (ep ? "$ep" : "") def isDigital = state["isDigital$epStr"] if (!type) { if (isDigital == true || isDigital == value) { logTrace "sendSwitchEvents: isDigital$epStr = ${isDigital}" type = "digital" state["isDigital$epStr"] = value runInMillis(500, switchDigitalRemove) } else { type = "physical" } } if (type == "physical") flashStop() String desc = "switch is turned ${value}" + (type ? " (${type})" : "") sendEventLog(name:"switch", value:value, type:type, desc:desc, ep) } void switchDigitalRemove() { logTrace "switchDigitalRemove: Removing isDigital (${state.isDigital})" state.remove("isDigital") endPointList.each { ep -> logTrace "switchDigitalRemove: Removing isDigital$ep (${state["isDigital$ep"]})" state.remove("isDigital$ep" as String) } } void sendMeterEvents(meter, value, Integer ep=0) { sendEventLog(name:meter.name, value:value, unit:meter.unit, ep) if (highLowEnable && value != 0 && ep == 0) { Map low = [name: "${meter.name}Low", value: device.currentValue("${meter.name}Low")] Map high = [name: "${meter.name}High", value: device.currentValue("${meter.name}High")] if (value > high.value) { sendEventLog(name:high.name, value:value, unit:meter.unit, ep) } if (value < low.value || low.value == null) { sendEventLog(name:low.name, value:value, unit:meter.unit, ep) } } } void sendEnergyEvents(meter, value, Integer ep=0) { sendEventLog(name:meter.name, value:value, unit:meter.unit, ep) //Calculate and send the energyDuration if (!state.energyTime) { state.energyTime = new Date().time } BigDecimal duration = ((new Date().time) - state.energyTime)/60000 BigDecimal enDurDays = safeToDec(duration/(24*60), 0, 2) BigDecimal enDurHours = safeToDec(duration/60, 0, 2) if (enDurDays > 1.0) { state.energyDuration = enDurDays + " Days" } else { state.energyDuration = enDurHours + " Hours" } sendEventLog(name:"energyDuration", value:enDurDays, unit:"days", ep) } void sendAccessoryEvents(powerVal) { if (accThreshold) { String value = (powerVal > accThreshold) ? "on" : "off" String desc = "accessory is turned ${value}" if (value != device.currentValue("accessory")) { sendEventLog(name:"accessory", value:value, desc:desc, ep) } } } /******************************************************************* ***** Execute / Build Commands ********************************************************************/ void executeConfigureCmds() { logDebug "executeConfigureCmds..." //Checks and sets scheduled turn off checkLogLevel() List cmds = [] if (!firmwareVersion || !state.deviceModel) { cmds << versionGetCmd() } cmds += getConfigureAssocsCmds(true) configParams.each { param -> Integer paramVal = getParamValueAdj(param) Integer storedVal = getParamStoredValue(param.num) if ((paramVal != null) && (state.resyncAll || (storedVal != paramVal))) { logDebug "Changing ${param.name} - ${param.title} (#${param.num}) from ${storedVal} to ${paramVal}" cmds += configSetGetCmd(param, paramVal) } } //Enabled reporting on each channel individually if (state.deviceModel == "ZEN20") { // (29..33).each { cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:it, size:1], 1) } cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:29, size:1], 1) cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:30, size:1], 1) cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:31, size:1], 1) cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:32, size:1], 1) cmds += configSetGetCmd([num:33, size:1], 1) } state.resyncAll = false if (cmds) sendCommands(cmds) } void executeProbeCmds() { logTrace "executeProbeCmds..." List cmds = [] //End Points Check if (state.endPoints == null) { logDebug "Probing for Multiple End Points" cmds << secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelEndPointGet()) state.endPoints = 0 } //Power Metering Check if (state.powerMetering == null) { logDebug "Probing for Power Metering Support" cmds << secureCmd(zwave.meterV3.meterSupportedGet()) state.powerMetering = false } if (cmds) sendCommands(cmds) } void executeRefreshCmds() { List cmds = [] if (state.resyncAll || !firmwareVersion || !state.deviceModel) { cmds << mfgSpecificGetCmd() cmds << versionGetCmd() } //Refresh Switch cmds << switchBinaryGetCmd() //Refresh Meters if (state.powerMetering) { metersList.each { meter -> cmds << meterGetCmd(meter) } } //Refresh Children endPointList.each { endPoint -> cmds += getChildRefreshCmds(endPoint) } sendCommands(cmds,300) } List getConfigureAssocsCmds(Boolean logging=false) { List cmds = [] if (!state.group1Assoc || state.resyncAll) { if (state.group1Assoc == false) { if (logging) logDebug "Clearing incorrect lifeline association..." cmds << associationRemoveCmd(1,[]) cmds << secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelAssociationV3.multiChannelAssociationRemove(groupingIdentifier: 1, nodeId:[], multiChannelNodeIds:[])) } if (logging) logDebug "Setting ${state.endPoints ? 'multi-channel' : 'standard'} lifeline association..." if (state.endPoints > 0) { cmds << secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelAssociationV3.multiChannelAssociationSet(groupingIdentifier: 1, multiChannelNodeIds: [[nodeId: zwaveHubNodeId, bitAddress:0, endPointId: 0]])) cmds << mcAssociationGetCmd(1) } else { cmds << associationSetCmd(1, [zwaveHubNodeId]) cmds << associationGetCmd(1) } } return cmds } List getOnOffCmds(val, Integer endPoint=0) { List cmds = [] state.isDigital = true cmds << switchBinarySetCmd(val ? 0xFF : 0x00, endPoint) if (state.endPoints > 0) { List epList = [endPoint] if (endPoint==0) epList = endPointList epList.each { ep -> state["isDigital$ep"] = true } } return cmds } List getChildRefreshCmds(Integer endPoint) { List cmds = [] cmds << switchBinaryGetCmd(endPoint) if (state.powerMetering && state.meterEPs?.getAt(endPoint)) { logDebug "Checking Meters on EndPoint ${endPoint}" //Meters energy and power only metersList.findAll{ it.scale <= 2 }.each { meter -> cmds << meterGetCmd(meter, endPoint) } } return cmds } /******************************************************************* ***** Required for Library ********************************************************************/ //These have to be added in after the fact or groovy complains void fixParamsMap() { paramsMap['settings'] = [fixed: true] } Integer getParamValueAdj(Map param) { Integer paramVal = getParamValue(param) //Check if timer and find number def tNum = 0; if (param.name[0..7] == "offTimer") tNum = param.name[8] if (param.name[0..6] == "onTimer") tNum = param.name[7] if (tNum) { switch(param.name) { case "offTimer${tNum}Enabled": paramVal = !getParamValue("offTimer${tNum}") ? 0 : 1 ; break case "offTimer${tNum}": paramVal = paramVal ?: 60 ; break case "onTimer${tNum}Enabled": paramVal = !getParamValue("onTimer${tNum}") ? 0 : 1 ; break case "onTimer${tNum}": paramVal = paramVal ?: 60 ; break } } else { //Convert minutes to seconds switch(param.name) { case "powerFrequency": case "currentFrequency": case "energyFrequency": case "voltageFrequency": paramVal = paramVal*60 } } return paramVal } /******************************************************************* ***** Child/Other Functions ********************************************************************/ void probeEndPoints() { if (epMeters[state.deviceModel]) { logDebug "Loaded meterEPs from preconfigured list" state.meterEPs = epMeters[state.deviceModel] } else { List cmds = [] endPointList.each { ep -> cmds << secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCapabilityGet(endPoint: ep)) } sendCommands(cmds,300) } } /*** Child Creation Functions ***/ void createChildDevices() { endPointList.each { endPoint -> if (!getChildByEP(endPoint)) { logDebug "Creating new child device for endPoint ${endPoint}, did not find existing" addChild(endPoint) } } } void addChild(endPoint) { //Driver Settings Map deviceType = [namespace:"hubitat", typeName:"Generic Component Switch"] Map deviceTypeBak = [:] //Set metering driver if supported if (state.meterEPs[endPoint]) deviceType.typeName = "Generic Component Metering Switch" String devModel = state.deviceModel String epName = epNames[devModel] ? epNames[devModel][endPoint] : "Outlet ${endPoint}" String dni = getChildDNI(epNames[devModel] ? epName : endPoint) Map properties = [name:"${device.name} - ${epName}", isComponent:true, endPoint:"${endPoint}"] logDebug "Creating '${epName}' Child Device" def childDev try { childDev = addChildDevice(deviceType.namespace, deviceType.typeName, dni, properties) } catch (e) { logWarn "The '${deviceType}' driver failed" if (deviceTypeBak) { logWarn "Defaulting to '${deviceTypeBak}' instead" childDev = addChildDevice(deviceTypeBak.namespace, deviceTypeBak.typeName, dni, properties) } } } /*** Child Common Functions ***/ private getChildByEP(endPoint) { String devModel = state.deviceModel //Searching using endPoint data value def childDev = childDevices?.find { safeToInt(it.getDataValue("endPoint")) == endPoint } if (childDev) logTrace "Found Child for endPoint ${endPoint} using data.endPoint: ${childDev.displayName} (${childDev.deviceNetworkId})" //If not found try deeper search using the child DNIs else { childDev = childDevices?.find { ch -> List dni = ch.deviceNetworkId.split('-') if (dni.size() <= 1) return false String dniEp = dni[1] //Search using defined EP List Integer ep = epNames[devModel]?.find{ dniEp.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }?.key ?: 0 if (!ep) ep = safeToInt(dniEp) //Format DNI- //Return true if match found to save child device return (ep == endPoint) } if (childDev) { logDebug "Found Child for endPoint ${endPoint} parsing DNI: ${childDev.displayName} (${childDev.deviceNetworkId})" //Save the EP on the device so we can find it easily next time childDev.updateDataValue("endPoint","$endPoint") } } return childDev } private getChildEP(childDev) { Integer endPoint = safeToInt(childDev.getDataValue("endPoint")) if (!endPoint) logWarn "Cannot determine endPoint number for $childDev (defaulting to 0), run Configure to detect existing endPoints" return endPoint } String getChildDNI(epName) { return "${device.deviceId}-${epName}".toUpperCase() } List getEndPointList() { return (state.endPoints>0 ? 1..(state.endPoints) : []) } //#include jtp10181.zwaveDriverLibrary /******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* ***** Z-Wave Driver Library by Jeff Page (@jtp10181) ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************** Changelog: 2023-05-10 - First version used in drivers 2023-05-12 - Adjustments to community links 2023-05-14 - Updates for power metering 2023-05-18 - Adding requirement for getParamValueAdj in driver 2023-05-24 - Fix for possible RuntimeException error due to bad cron string 2023-10-25 - Less saving to the configVals data, and some new functions 2023-10-26 - Added some battery shortcut functions 2023-11-08 - Added ability to adjust settings on firmware range 2024-01-28 - Adjusted logging settings for new / upgrade installs, added mfgSpecificReport 2024-06-15 - Added isLongRange function, convert range to string to prevent expansion ********************************************************************/ library ( author: "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)", category: "zwave", description: "Z-Wave Driver Library", name: "zwaveDriverLibrary", namespace: "jtp10181", documentationLink: "" ) /******************************************************************* ***** Z-Wave Reports (COMMON) ********************************************************************/ //Include these in Driver //void parse(String description) {zwaveParse(description)} //void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {zwaveMultiChannel(cmd)} //void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) {zwaveSupervision(cmd,ep)} void zwaveParse(String description) { hubitat.zwave.Command cmd = zwave.parse(description, commandClassVersions) if (cmd) { logTrace "parse: ${description} --PARSED-- ${cmd}" zwaveEvent(cmd) } else { logWarn "Unable to parse: ${description}" } //Update Last Activity updateLastCheckIn() } //Decodes Multichannel Encapsulated Commands void zwaveMultiChannel(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) { hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCmd = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(commandClassVersions) logTrace "${cmd} --ENCAP-- ${encapsulatedCmd}" if (encapsulatedCmd) { zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCmd, cmd.sourceEndPoint as Integer) } else { logWarn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd" } } //Decodes Supervision Encapsulated Commands (and replies to device) void zwaveSupervision(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) { hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCmd = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(commandClassVersions) logTrace "${cmd} --ENCAP-- ${encapsulatedCmd}" if (encapsulatedCmd) { zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCmd, ep) } else { logWarn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd" } sendCommands(secureCmd(zwave.supervisionV1.supervisionReport(sessionID: cmd.sessionID, reserved: 0, moreStatusUpdates: false, status: 0xFF, duration: 0), ep)) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv2.VersionReport cmd) { logTrace "${cmd}" String fullVersion = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.firmware0Version,cmd.firmware0SubVersion) String zwaveVersion = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion,cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion) device.updateDataValue("firmwareVersion", fullVersion) device.updateDataValue("protocolVersion", zwaveVersion) device.updateDataValue("hardwareVersion", "${cmd.hardwareVersion}") logDebug "Received Version Report - Firmware: ${fullVersion}" setDevModel(new BigDecimal(fullVersion)) } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) { logTrace "${cmd}" device.updateDataValue("manufacturer",cmd.manufacturerId.toString()) device.updateDataValue("deviceType",cmd.productTypeId.toString()) device.updateDataValue("deviceId",cmd.productId.toString()) logDebug "fingerprint mfr:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.manufacturerId, 2)}\", "+ "prod:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.productTypeId, 2)}\", "+ "deviceId:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.productId, 2)}\", "+ "inClusters:\"${device.getDataValue("inClusters")}\""+ (device.getDataValue("secureInClusters") ? ", secureInClusters:\"${device.getDataValue("secureInClusters")}\"" : "") } void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep=0) { logDebug "Unhandled zwaveEvent: $cmd (ep ${ep})" } /******************************************************************* ***** Z-Wave Command Shortcuts ********************************************************************/ //These send commands to the device either a list or a single command void sendCommands(List cmds, Long delay=200) { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, delay), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE)) } //Single Command void sendCommands(String cmd) { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(cmd, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE)) } //Consolidated zwave command functions so other code is easier to read String associationSetCmd(Integer group, List nodes) { return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: group, nodeId: nodes)) } String associationRemoveCmd(Integer group, List nodes) { return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier: group, nodeId: nodes)) } String associationGetCmd(Integer group) { return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: group)) } String mcAssociationGetCmd(Integer group) { return secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelAssociationV3.multiChannelAssociationGet(groupingIdentifier: group)) } String versionGetCmd() { return secureCmd(zwave.versionV2.versionGet()) } String mfgSpecificGetCmd() { return secureCmd(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet()) } String switchBinarySetCmd(Integer value, Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinarySet(switchValue: value), ep) } String switchBinaryGetCmd(Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), ep) } String switchMultilevelSetCmd(Integer value, Integer duration, Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelSet(dimmingDuration: duration, value: value), ep) } String switchMultilevelGetCmd(Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelGet(), ep) } String switchMultilevelStartLvChCmd(Boolean upDown, Integer duration, Integer ep=0) { //upDown: false=up, true=down return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelStartLevelChange(upDown: upDown, ignoreStartLevel:1, dimmingDuration: duration), ep) } String switchMultilevelStopLvChCmd(Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelStopLevelChange(), ep) } String meterGetCmd(meter, Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: meter.scale), ep) } String meterResetCmd(Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.meterV3.meterReset(), ep) } String wakeUpIntervalGetCmd() { return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalGet()) } String wakeUpIntervalSetCmd(val) { return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:val, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId)) } String wakeUpNoMoreInfoCmd() { return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpNoMoreInformation()) } String batteryGetCmd() { return secureCmd(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()) } String sensorMultilevelGetCmd(sensorType) { Integer scale = (temperatureScale == "F" ? 1 : 0) return secureCmd(zwave.sensorMultilevelV11.sensorMultilevelGet(scale: scale, sensorType: sensorType)) } String notificationGetCmd(notificationType, eventType, Integer ep=0) { return secureCmd(zwave.notificationV3.notificationGet(notificationType: notificationType, v1AlarmType:0, event: eventType), ep) } String configSetCmd(Map param, Integer value) { //Convert from unsigned to signed for scaledConfigurationValue Long sizeFactor = Math.pow(256,param.size).round() if (value >= sizeFactor/2) { value -= sizeFactor } return secureCmd(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: param.num, size: param.size, scaledConfigurationValue: value)) } String configGetCmd(Map param) { return secureCmd(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: param.num)) } List configSetGetCmd(Map param, Integer value) { List cmds = [] cmds << configSetCmd(param, value) cmds << configGetCmd(param) return cmds } /******************************************************************* ***** Z-Wave Encapsulation ********************************************************************/ //Secure and MultiChannel Encapsulate String secureCmd(String cmd) { return zwaveSecureEncap(cmd) } String secureCmd(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep=0) { return zwaveSecureEncap(multiChannelEncap(cmd, ep)) } //MultiChannel Encapsulate if needed //This is called from secureCmd or supervisionEncap, do not call directly String multiChannelEncap(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep) { //logTrace "multiChannelEncap: ${cmd} (ep ${ep})" if (ep > 0) { cmd = zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCmdEncap(destinationEndPoint:ep).encapsulate(cmd) } return cmd.format() } /******************************************************************* ***** Common Functions ********************************************************************/ /*** Parameter Store Map Functions ***/ @Field static Map configsList = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap() Integer getParamStoredValue(Integer paramNum) { //Using Data (Map) instead of State Variables Map configsMap = getParamStoredMap() return safeToInt(configsMap[paramNum], null) } void setParamStoredValue(Integer paramNum, Integer value) { //Using Data (Map) instead of State Variables TreeMap configsMap = getParamStoredMap() configsMap[paramNum] = value configsList[device.id][paramNum] = value //device.updateDataValue("configVals", configsMap.inspect()) } Map getParamStoredMap() { TreeMap configsMap = configsList[device.id] if (configsMap == null) { configsMap = [:] if (device.getDataValue("configVals")) { try { configsMap = evaluate(device.getDataValue("configVals")) } catch(Exception e) { logWarn("Clearing Invalid configVals: ${e}") device.removeDataValue("configVals") } } configsList[device.id] = configsMap } return configsMap } //Parameter List Functions //This will rebuild the list for the current model and firmware only as needed //paramsList Structure: MODEL:[FIRMWARE:PARAM_MAPS] //PARAM_MAPS [num, name, title, description, size, defaultVal, options, firmVer] @Field static Map> paramsList = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap() void updateParamsList() { logDebug "Update Params List" String devModel = state.deviceModel Short modelNum = deviceModelShort Short modelSeries = Math.floor(modelNum/10) BigDecimal firmware = firmwareVersion List tmpList = [] paramsMap.each { name, pMap -> Map tmpMap = pMap.clone() if (tmpMap.options) tmpMap.options = tmpMap.options?.clone() if (tmpMap.range) tmpMap.range = (tmpMap.range).toString() //Save the name tmpMap.name = name //Apply custom adjustments tmpMap.changes.each { m, changes -> if (m == devModel || m == modelNum || m ==~ /${modelSeries}X/) { tmpMap.putAll(changes) if (changes.options) { tmpMap.options = changes.options.clone() } } } tmpMap.changesFR.each { m, changes -> if (firmware >= m.getFrom() && firmware <= m.getTo()) { tmpMap.putAll(changes) if (changes.options) { tmpMap.options = changes.options.clone() } } } //Don't need this anymore tmpMap.remove("changes") tmpMap.remove("changesFR") //Set DEFAULT tag on the default tmpMap.options.each { k, val -> if (k == tmpMap.defaultVal) { tmpMap.options[(k)] = "${val} [DEFAULT]" } } //Save to the temp list tmpList << tmpMap } //Remove invalid or not supported by firmware tmpList.removeAll { it.num == null } tmpList.removeAll { firmware < (it.firmVer ?: 0) } tmpList.removeAll { if (it.firmVerM) { (firmware-(int)firmware)*100 < it.firmVerM[(int)firmware] } } //Save it to the static list if (paramsList[devModel] == null) paramsList[devModel] = [:] paramsList[devModel][firmware] = tmpList } //Verify the list and build if its not populated void verifyParamsList() { String devModel = state.deviceModel BigDecimal firmware = firmwareVersion if (!paramsMap.settings?.fixed) fixParamsMap() if (paramsList[devModel] == null) updateParamsList() if (paramsList[devModel][firmware] == null) updateParamsList() } //Gets full list of params List getConfigParams() { //logDebug "Get Config Params" if (!device) return [] String devModel = state.deviceModel BigDecimal firmware = firmwareVersion //Try to get device model if not set if (devModel) { verifyParamsList() } else { runInMillis(200, setDevModel) } //Bail out if unknown device if (!devModel || devModel == "UNK00") return [] return paramsList[devModel][firmware] } //Get a single param by name or number Map getParam(String search) { verifyParamsList() return configParams.find{ it.name == search } } Map getParam(Number search) { verifyParamsList() return configParams.find{ it.num == search } } //Convert Param Value if Needed BigDecimal getParamValue(String paramName) { return getParamValue(getParam(paramName)) } BigDecimal getParamValue(Map param) { if (param == null) return BigDecimal paramVal = safeToDec(settings."configParam${param.num}", param.defaultVal) //Reset hidden parameters to default if (param.hidden && settings."configParam${param.num}" != null) { logWarn "Resetting hidden parameter ${param.name} (${param.num}) to default ${param.defaultVal}" device.removeSetting("configParam${param.num}") paramVal = param.defaultVal } return paramVal } /*** Preference Helpers ***/ String fmtTitle(String str) { return "${str}" } String fmtDesc(String str) { return "
" } String fmtHelpInfo(String str) { String info = "${DRIVER} v${VERSION}" String prefLink = "${str}
" String topStyle = "style='font-size: 18px; padding: 1px 12px; border: 2px solid Crimson; border-radius: 6px;'" //SlateGray String topLink = "${str}
" return "
" + "
" } private getTimeOptionsRange(String name, Integer multiplier, List range) { return range.collectEntries{ [(it*multiplier): "${it} ${name}${it == 1 ? '' : 's'}"] } } /*** Other Helper Functions ***/ void updateSyncingStatus(Integer delay=2) { runIn(delay, refreshSyncStatus) sendEvent(name:"syncStatus", value:"Syncing...") } void refreshSyncStatus() { Integer changes = pendingChanges sendEvent(name:"syncStatus", value:(changes ? "${changes} Pending Changes" : "Synced")) device.updateDataValue("configVals", getParamStoredMap()?.inspect()) } void updateLastCheckIn() { def nowDate = new Date() state.lastCheckInDate = convertToLocalTimeString(nowDate) Long lastExecuted = state.lastCheckInTime ?: 0 Long allowedMil = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 //24 Hours if (lastExecuted + allowedMil <= nowDate.time) { state.lastCheckInTime = nowDate.time if (lastExecuted) runIn(4, doCheckIn) scheduleCheckIn() } } void scheduleCheckIn() { def cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1) Integer hour = cal[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY] Integer minute = cal[Calendar.MINUTE] schedule( "0 ${minute} ${hour} * * ?", doCheckIn) } void doCheckIn() { String devModel = (state.deviceModel ?: "NA") + (state.subModel ? ".${state.subModel}" : "") String checkUri = "http://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/${DRIVER}/chk-${devModel}-v${VERSION}" try { httpGet(uri:checkUri, timeout:4) { logDebug "Driver ${DRIVER} ${devModel} v${VERSION}" } state.lastCheckInTime = (new Date()).time } catch (Exception e) { } } Integer getPendingChanges() { Integer configChanges = configParams.count { param -> Integer paramVal = getParamValueAdj(param) ((paramVal != null) && (paramVal != getParamStoredValue(param.num))) } Integer pendingAssocs = Math.ceil(getConfigureAssocsCmds()?.size()/2) ?: 0 return (!state.resyncAll ? (configChanges + pendingAssocs) : configChanges) } //iOS app has no way of clearing string input so workaround is to have users enter 0. String getAssocDNIsSetting(grp) { String val = settings."assocDNI$grp" return ((val && (val.trim() != "0")) ? val : "") } List getAssocDNIsSettingNodeIds(grp) { String dni = getAssocDNIsSetting(grp) List nodeIds = convertHexListToIntList(dni.split(",")) if (dni && !nodeIds) { logWarn "'${dni}' is not a valid value for the 'Device Associations - Group ${grp}' setting. All z-wave devices have a 2 character Device Network ID and if you're entering more than 1, use commas to separate them." } else if (nodeIds.size() > maxAssocNodes) { logWarn "The 'Device Associations - Group ${grp}' setting contains more than ${maxAssocNodes} IDs so some (or all) may not get associated." } return nodeIds } //Used with configure to reset variables void clearVariables() { logWarn "Clearing state variables and data..." //Backup String devModel = state.deviceModel def engTime = state.energyTime //Clears State Variables state.clear() //Clear Config Data configsList["${device.id}"] = [:] device.removeDataValue("configVals") //Clear Data from other Drivers device.removeDataValue("zwaveAssociationG1") device.removeDataValue("zwaveAssociationG2") device.removeDataValue("zwaveAssociationG3") //Restore if (devModel) state.deviceModel = devModel if (engTime) state.energyTime = engTime state.resyncAll = true } //Stash the model in a state variable String setDevModel(BigDecimal firmware) { if (!device) return def devTypeId = convertIntListToHexList([safeToInt(device.getDataValue("deviceType")),safeToInt(device.getDataValue("deviceId"))],4) String devModel = deviceModelNames[devTypeId.join(":")] ?: "UNK00" if (!firmware) { firmware = firmwareVersion } state.deviceModel = devModel device.updateDataValue("deviceModel", devModel) logDebug "Set Device Info - Model: ${devModel} | Firmware: ${firmware}" if (devModel == "UNK00") { logWarn "Unsupported Device USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: ${devTypeId}" state.WARNING = "Unsupported Device Model - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!" } else state.remove("WARNING") //Setup parameters if not set verifyParamsList() return devModel } Integer getDeviceModelShort() { return safeToInt(state.deviceModel?.drop(3)) } BigDecimal getFirmwareVersion() { String version = device?.getDataValue("firmwareVersion") return ((version != null) && version.isNumber()) ? version.toBigDecimal() : 0.0 } Boolean isLongRange() { Integer intDNI = device ? hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(device.deviceNetworkId) : null return (intDNI > 255) } String convertToLocalTimeString(dt) { def timeZoneId = location?.timeZone?.ID if (timeZoneId) { return dt.format("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId)) } else { return "$dt" } } List convertIntListToHexList(intList, pad=2) { def hexList = [] intList?.each { hexList.add(Integer.toHexString(it).padLeft(pad, "0").toUpperCase()) } return hexList } List convertHexListToIntList(String[] hexList) { def intList = [] hexList?.each { try { it = it.trim() intList.add(Integer.parseInt(it, 16)) } catch (e) { } } return intList } Integer convertLevel(level, userLevel=false) { if (levelCorrection) { Integer brightmax = getParamValue("maximumBrightness") Integer brightmin = getParamValue("minimumBrightness") brightmax = (brightmax == 99) ? 100 : brightmax brightmin = (brightmin == 1) ? 0 : brightmin if (userLevel) { //This converts what the user selected into a physical level within the min/max range level = ((brightmax-brightmin) * (level/100)) + brightmin state.levelActual = level level = validateRange(Math.round(level), brightmax, brightmin, brightmax) } else { //This takes the true physical level and converts to what we want to show to the user if (Math.round(state.levelActual ?: 0) == level) level = state.levelActual else state.levelActual = level level = ((level - brightmin) / (brightmax - brightmin)) * 100 level = validateRange(Math.round(level), 100, 1, 100) } } else if (state.levelActual) { state.remove("levelActual") } return level } Integer validateRange(val, Integer defaultVal, Integer lowVal, Integer highVal) { Integer intVal = safeToInt(val, defaultVal) if (intVal > highVal) { return highVal } else if (intVal < lowVal) { return lowVal } else { return intVal } } Integer safeToInt(val, defaultVal=0) { if ("${val}"?.isInteger()) { return "${val}".toInteger() } else if ("${val}"?.isNumber()) { return "${val}".toDouble()?.round() } else { return defaultVal } } BigDecimal safeToDec(val, defaultVal=0, roundTo=-1) { BigDecimal decVal = "${val}"?.isNumber() ? "${val}".toBigDecimal() : defaultVal if (roundTo == 0) { decVal = Math.round(decVal) } else if (roundTo > 0) { decVal = decVal.setScale(roundTo, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).stripTrailingZeros() } if (decVal.scale()<0) { decVal = decVal.setScale(0) } return decVal } Boolean isDuplicateCommand(Long lastExecuted, Long allowedMil) { !lastExecuted ? false : (lastExecuted + allowedMil > new Date().time) } /******************************************************************* ***** Logging Functions ********************************************************************/ //Logging Level Options @Field static final Map LOG_LEVELS = [0:"Error", 1:"Warn", 2:"Info", 3:"Debug", 4:"Trace"] @Field static final Map LOG_TIMES = [0:"Indefinitely", 30:"30 Minutes", 60:"1 Hour", 120:"2 Hours", 180:"3 Hours", 360:"6 Hours", 720:"12 Hours", 1440:"24 Hours"] /*//Command to set log level, OPTIONAL. Can be copied to driver or uncommented here command "setLogLevel", [ [name:"Select Level*", description:"Log this type of message and above", type: "ENUM", constraints: LOG_LEVELS], [name:"Debug/Trace Time", description:"Timer for Debug/Trace logging", type: "ENUM", constraints: LOG_TIMES] ] */ //Additional Preferences preferences { //Logging Options input name: "logLevel", type: "enum", title: fmtTitle("Logging Level"), description: fmtDesc("Logs selected level and above"), defaultValue: 3, options: LOG_LEVELS input name: "logLevelTime", type: "enum", title: fmtTitle("Logging Level Time"), description: fmtDesc("Time to enable Debug/Trace logging"),defaultValue: 30, options: LOG_TIMES //Help Link input name: "helpInfo", type: "hidden", title: fmtHelpInfo("Community Link") } //Call this function from within updated() and configure() with no parameters: checkLogLevel() void checkLogLevel(Map levelInfo = [level:null, time:null]) { unschedule(logsOff) //Set Defaults if (settings.logLevel == null) { device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:"3", type:"enum"]) levelInfo.level = 3 } if (settings.logLevelTime == null) { device.updateSetting("logLevelTime",[value:"30", type:"enum"]) levelInfo.time = 30 } //Schedule turn off and log as needed if (levelInfo.level == null) levelInfo = getLogLevelInfo() String logMsg = "Logging Level is: ${LOG_LEVELS[levelInfo.level]} (${levelInfo.level})" if (levelInfo.level >= 3 && levelInfo.time > 0) { logMsg += " for ${LOG_TIMES[levelInfo.time]}" runIn(60*levelInfo.time, logsOff) } logInfo(logMsg) //Store last level below Debug if (levelInfo.level <= 2) state.lastLogLevel = levelInfo.level } //Function for optional command void setLogLevel(String levelName, String timeName=null) { Integer level = LOG_LEVELS.find{ levelName.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }.key Integer time = LOG_TIMES.find{ timeName.equalsIgnoreCase(it.value) }.key device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:"${level}", type:"enum"]) checkLogLevel(level: level, time: time) } Map getLogLevelInfo() { Integer level = settings.logLevel != null ? settings.logLevel as Integer : 1 Integer time = settings.logLevelTime != null ? settings.logLevelTime as Integer : 30 return [level: level, time: time] } //Legacy Support void debugLogsOff() { device.removeSetting("logEnable") device.updateSetting("debugEnable",[value:false, type:"bool"]) } //Current Support void logsOff() { logWarn "Debug and Trace logging disabled..." if (logLevelInfo.level >= 3) { Integer lastLvl = state.lastLogLevel != null ? state.lastLogLevel as Integer : 2 device.updateSetting("logLevel",[value:lastLvl.toString(), type:"enum"]) logWarn "Logging Level is: ${LOG_LEVELS[lastLvl]} (${lastLvl})" } } //Logging Functions void logErr(String msg) { log.error "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" } void logWarn(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=1) log.warn "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" } void logInfo(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=2) log.info "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" } void logDebug(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=3) log.debug "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" } void logTrace(String msg) { if (logLevelInfo.level>=4) log.trace "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" }