* Zooz ZSE43 Tilt-Shock XS Sensor
* - Model: ZSE43 - ALL FIRMWARE
* For Support, Information, and Updates:
* https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-sensors/81074
* https://github.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/tree/main/Drivers/zooz
## [1.2.2] - 2024-06-28 (@jtp10181)
- Added ZSE70 Outdoor Sensor to package
- Fixed install sequence so device will fully configure at initial pairing
- Update library and common code
## [1.2.0] - 2024-03-30 (@jtp10181)
- Added ZSE43, ZSE18, and ZSE11 to HPM package
- Updated Library code
- Added Wake-up Interval Setting
- Added singleThreaded flag
- Changed some command class versions
- Fixed decimal bug with hardware offsets on ZSE44
## [1.1.0] - 2023-11-08 (@jtp10181)
-Initial Release, from ZSE40 1.1.0 codebase
NOTICE: This file has been created by *Jeff Page* with some code used
from the original work of *Zooz* and *Kevin LaFramboise* under compliance with the Apache 2.0 License.
* Copyright 2022-2024 Jeff Page
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
* distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import groovy.transform.Field
@Field static final String VERSION = "1.2.0"
@Field static final String DRIVER = "Zooz-Sensors"
@Field static final String COMM_LINK = "https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-sensors/81074"
@Field static final Map deviceModelNames = ["7000:E003":"ZSE43"]
metadata {
definition (
name: "Zooz ZSE43 Tilt-Shock XS Sensor",
namespace: "jtp10181",
author: "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)",
singleThreaded: true,
importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/main/Drivers/zooz/zooz-zse43-tilt-shock.groovy"
) {
capability "Sensor"
capability "ContactSensor"
capability "ShockSensor"
capability "AccelerationSensor"
capability "Battery"
command "fullConfigure"
command "forceRefresh"
//command "debugShowVars"
attribute "syncStatus", "string"
fingerprint mfr:"027A", prod:"7000", deviceId:"E003", inClusters:"0x00,0x00", controllerType: "ZWV" //Zooz ZSE43 Tilt-Shock Sensor
preferences {
configParams.each { param ->
if (!param.hidden) {
if (param.options) {
BigDecimal paramVal = getParamValue(param)
input "configParam${param.num}", "enum",
title: fmtTitle("${param.title}"),
description: fmtDesc("• Parameter #${param.num}, Selected: ${paramVal}" + (param?.description ? "
• ${param?.description}" : '')),
defaultValue: param.defaultVal,
options: param.options,
required: false
else if (param.range) {
input "configParam${param.num}", "number",
title: fmtTitle("${param.title}"),
description: fmtDesc("• Parameter #${param.num}, Range: ${(param.range).toString()}, DEFAULT: ${param.defaultVal}" + (param?.description ? "
• ${param?.description}" : '')),
defaultValue: param.defaultVal,
range: param.range,
required: false
input "wakeUpInt", "number", defaultValue: 12, range: "1..24",
title: fmtTitle("Wake-up Interval (hours)"),
description: fmtDesc("How often the device will wake up to receive commands from the hub")
void debugShowVars() {
log.warn "settings ${settings.hashCode()} ${settings}"
log.warn "paramsList ${paramsList.hashCode()} ${paramsList}"
log.warn "paramsMap ${paramsMap.hashCode()} ${paramsMap}"
//Association Settings
@Field static final int maxAssocGroups = 1
@Field static final int maxAssocNodes = 1
/*** Static Lists and Settings ***/
//Main Parameters Listing
@Field static Map paramsMap =
ledMode: [ num:1,
title: "LED Indicator Mode",
size: 1, defaultVal: 3,
options: [3:"LED Blinks on Any Status Change", 2:"LED Blinks on Open/Close", 1:"LED Blinks on Shock", 0:"LED Disabled"]
// Param #2 Removed in FW 1.20
// batteryThreshold: [ num:2,
// title: "Battery Level Report Threshold",
// size: 1, defaultVal: 10,
// range: "1..50"
// ],
batteryLow: [ num:3,
title: "Low Battery Report (%)",
size: 1, defaultVal: 10,
range: "10..50"
shockSensitivity: [ num:4,
title: "Shock Sensor Sensitivity",
size: 1, defaultVal: 0,
options: [0:"High: Reports Immediately", 1:"Medium: Reports after 1.5s", 2:"Low: Reports after 2.5s"]
sensorsEnabled: [ num:7,
title: "Select Sensors to Enable",
size: 1, defaultVal: 2,
options: [2:"Both Sensors Enabled", 1:"Only Shock Enabled", 0:"Only Tilt Enabled"]
/* ZSE43
//Set Command Class Versions
@Field static final Map commandClassVersions = [
0x70: 1, // configuration
0x71: 8, // notification
0x80: 1, // battery
0x84: 2, // wakeup
0x85: 2, // association
0x86: 2, // version
***** Core Functions
void installed() {
logWarn "installed..."
state.resyncAll = true
runIn(2, runWakeupCmds)
void fullConfigure() {
logWarn "fullConfigure..."
if (!pendingChanges || state.resyncAll == null) {
logForceWakeupMessage "Full Re-Configure"
state.resyncAll = true
} else {
logForceWakeupMessage "Pending Configuration Changes"
void updated() {
logDebug "updated..."
if (!firmwareVersion || !state.deviceModel) {
state.resyncAll = true
state.pendingRefresh = true
logForceWakeupMessage "Full Re-Configure and Refresh"
if (pendingChanges) {
logForceWakeupMessage "Pending Configuration Changes"
else if (!state.resyncAll && !state.pendingRefresh) {
void forceRefresh() {
logDebug "forceRefresh..."
state.pendingRefresh = true
logForceWakeupMessage "Sensor Info Refresh"
***** Driver Commands
/*** Capabilities ***/
/*** Custom Commands ***/
***** Z-Wave Reports
void parse(String description) {
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) {
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
logTrace "${cmd}"
Map param = getParam(cmd.parameterNumber)
Integer val = cmd.scaledConfigurationValue
if (param) {
//Convert scaled signed integer to unsigned
Long sizeFactor = Math.pow(256,param.size).round()
if (val < 0) { val += sizeFactor }
logDebug "${param.name} - ${param.title} (#${param.num}) = ${val.toString()}"
setParamStoredValue(param.num, val)
else {
logDebug "Parameter #${cmd.parameterNumber} = ${val.toString()}"
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
logTrace "${cmd}"
Integer grp = cmd.groupingIdentifier
if (grp == 1) {
logDebug "Lifeline Association: ${cmd.nodeId}"
state.group1Assoc = (cmd.nodeId == [zwaveHubNodeId]) ? true : false
else {
logDebug "Unhandled Group: $cmd"
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd, ep=0) {
logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
Integer batLvl = cmd.batteryLevel
if (batLvl == 0xFF) {
batLvl = 1
batLvl = validateRange(batLvl, 100, 1, 100)
String descText = "battery level is ${batLvl}%"
sendEventLog(name:"battery", value:batLvl, unit:"%", desc:descText, isStateChange:true)
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpIntervalReport cmd) {
logTrace "${cmd}"
BigDecimal wakeHrs = safeToDec(cmd.seconds/3600,0,2)
logDebug "WakeUp Interval is $cmd.seconds seconds ($wakeHrs hours)"
device.updateDataValue("zwWakeupInterval", "${cmd.seconds}")
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv2.WakeUpNotification cmd, ep=0) {
logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
logDebug "WakeUp Notification Received"
void runWakeupCmds() {
List cmds = ["delay 0"]
cmds << batteryGetCmd()
//Refresh all if requested
if (state.pendingRefresh) { cmds += getRefreshCmds() }
//Any configuration needed
cmds += getConfigureCmds()
//This needs a longer delay
cmds << "delay 1400" << wakeUpNoMoreInfoCmd()
//Clear pending status
state.resyncAll = false
state.pendingRefresh = false
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensorbinaryv2.SensorBinaryReport cmd, ep=0) {
logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
//Ignoring these, handled by NotificationReport
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.notificationv8.NotificationReport cmd, ep=0) {
logTrace "${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
switch (cmd.notificationType as Integer) {
case 0x06: //Access Control - Door/Window
if (cmd.event == 0x16) sendEventLog(name:"contact", value:"open", ep)
else if (cmd.event == 0x17) sendEventLog(name:"contact", value:"closed", ep)
else logDebug "Unhandled event: ${cmd}"
case 0x07: //Home Security - 0x03 is Tampering alert, apparently being used for shock sensor
if (cmd.event == 0x03) sendEventLog(name:"shock", value:"detected", ep)
else if (cmd.event == 0x00) sendEventLog(name:"shock", value:"clear", ep)
else logDebug "Unhandled event: ${cmd}"
logDebug "Unhandled notificationType: ${cmd}"
***** Event Senders
//evt = [name, value, type, unit, desc, isStateChange]
void sendEventLog(Map evt, Integer ep=0) {
//Set description if not passed in
evt.descriptionText = evt.desc ?: "${evt.name} set to ${evt.value}${evt.unit ?: ''}"
//Main Device Events
if (device.currentValue(evt.name).toString() != evt.value.toString() || evt.isStateChange) {
logInfo "${evt.descriptionText}"
} else {
logDebug "${evt.descriptionText} [NOT CHANGED]"
//Always send event to update last activity
***** Execute / Build Commands
List getConfigureCmds() {
logDebug "getConfigureCmds..."
List cmds = []
Integer wakeSeconds = wakeUpInt ? wakeUpInt*3600 : 43200
if (state.resyncAll || wakeSeconds != (device.getDataValue("zwWakeupInterval") as Integer)) {
logDebug "Settting WakeUp Interval to $wakeSeconds seconds"
cmds << wakeUpIntervalSetCmd(wakeSeconds)
cmds << wakeUpIntervalGetCmd()
if (state.resyncAll || !firmwareVersion || !state.deviceModel) {
cmds << mfgSpecificGetCmd()
cmds << versionGetCmd()
cmds += getConfigureAssocsCmds(true)
configParams.each { param ->
Integer paramVal = getParamValueAdj(param)
Integer storedVal = getParamStoredValue(param.num)
if ((paramVal != null) && (state.resyncAll || (storedVal != paramVal))) {
logDebug "Changing ${param.name} - ${param.title} (#${param.num}) from ${storedVal} to ${paramVal}"
cmds += configSetGetCmd(param, paramVal)
if (state.resyncAll) {
state.resyncAll = false
if (cmds) updateSyncingStatus(6)
return cmds ?: []
List getRefreshCmds() {
List cmds = []
cmds << wakeUpIntervalGetCmd()
cmds << versionGetCmd()
return cmds ?: []
List getConfigureAssocsCmds(Boolean logging=false) {
List cmds = []
if (!state.group1Assoc || state.resyncAll) {
if (logging) logDebug "Setting lifeline association..."
cmds << associationSetCmd(1, [zwaveHubNodeId])
cmds << associationGetCmd(1)
return cmds
private logForceWakeupMessage(msg) {
String helpText = "Quickly press the internal button 4 times to wake the device."
logWarn "${msg} will execute the next time the device wakes up. ${helpText}"
state.INFO = "*** ${msg} *** Waiting for device to wake up. ${helpText}"
***** Required for Library
//These have to be added in after the fact or groovy complains
void fixParamsMap() {
paramsMap['settings'] = [fixed: true]
Integer getParamValueAdj(Map param) {
return getParamValue(param)
//#include jtp10181.zwaveDriverLibrary
***** Z-Wave Driver Library by Jeff Page (@jtp10181)
2023-05-10 - First version used in drivers
2023-05-12 - Adjustments to community links
2023-05-14 - Updates for power metering
2023-05-18 - Adding requirement for getParamValueAdj in driver
2023-05-24 - Fix for possible RuntimeException error due to bad cron string
2023-10-25 - Less saving to the configVals data, and some new functions
2023-10-26 - Added some battery shortcut functions
2023-11-08 - Added ability to adjust settings on firmware range
2024-01-28 - Adjusted logging settings for new / upgrade installs, added mfgSpecificReport
2024-06-15 - Added isLongRange function, convert range to string to prevent expansion
library (
author: "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)",
category: "zwave",
description: "Z-Wave Driver Library",
name: "zwaveDriverLibrary",
namespace: "jtp10181",
documentationLink: ""
***** Z-Wave Reports (COMMON)
//Include these in Driver
//void parse(String description) {zwaveParse(description)}
//void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {zwaveMultiChannel(cmd)}
//void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) {zwaveSupervision(cmd,ep)}
void zwaveParse(String description) {
hubitat.zwave.Command cmd = zwave.parse(description, commandClassVersions)
if (cmd) {
logTrace "parse: ${description} --PARSED-- ${cmd}"
} else {
logWarn "Unable to parse: ${description}"
//Update Last Activity
//Decodes Multichannel Encapsulated Commands
void zwaveMultiChannel(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCmd = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(commandClassVersions)
logTrace "${cmd} --ENCAP-- ${encapsulatedCmd}"
if (encapsulatedCmd) {
zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCmd, cmd.sourceEndPoint as Integer)
} else {
logWarn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd"
//Decodes Supervision Encapsulated Commands (and replies to device)
void zwaveSupervision(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd, ep=0) {
hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCmd = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(commandClassVersions)
logTrace "${cmd} --ENCAP-- ${encapsulatedCmd}"
if (encapsulatedCmd) {
zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCmd, ep)
} else {
logWarn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd"
sendCommands(secureCmd(zwave.supervisionV1.supervisionReport(sessionID: cmd.sessionID, reserved: 0, moreStatusUpdates: false, status: 0xFF, duration: 0), ep))
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv2.VersionReport cmd) {
logTrace "${cmd}"
String fullVersion = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.firmware0Version,cmd.firmware0SubVersion)
String zwaveVersion = String.format("%d.%02d",cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion,cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion)
device.updateDataValue("firmwareVersion", fullVersion)
device.updateDataValue("protocolVersion", zwaveVersion)
device.updateDataValue("hardwareVersion", "${cmd.hardwareVersion}")
logDebug "Received Version Report - Firmware: ${fullVersion}"
setDevModel(new BigDecimal(fullVersion))
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
logTrace "${cmd}"
logDebug "fingerprint mfr:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.manufacturerId, 2)}\", "+
"prod:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.productTypeId, 2)}\", "+
"deviceId:\"${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(cmd.productId, 2)}\", "+
(device.getDataValue("secureInClusters") ? ", secureInClusters:\"${device.getDataValue("secureInClusters")}\"" : "")
void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep=0) {
logDebug "Unhandled zwaveEvent: $cmd (ep ${ep})"
***** Z-Wave Command Shortcuts
//These send commands to the device either a list or a single command
void sendCommands(List cmds, Long delay=200) {
sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(delayBetween(cmds, delay), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE))
//Single Command
void sendCommands(String cmd) {
sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(cmd, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE))
//Consolidated zwave command functions so other code is easier to read
String associationSetCmd(Integer group, List nodes) {
return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: group, nodeId: nodes))
String associationRemoveCmd(Integer group, List nodes) {
return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier: group, nodeId: nodes))
String associationGetCmd(Integer group) {
return secureCmd(zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: group))
String mcAssociationGetCmd(Integer group) {
return secureCmd(zwave.multiChannelAssociationV3.multiChannelAssociationGet(groupingIdentifier: group))
String versionGetCmd() {
return secureCmd(zwave.versionV2.versionGet())
String mfgSpecificGetCmd() {
return secureCmd(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.manufacturerSpecificGet())
String switchBinarySetCmd(Integer value, Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinarySet(switchValue: value), ep)
String switchBinaryGetCmd(Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), ep)
String switchMultilevelSetCmd(Integer value, Integer duration, Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelSet(dimmingDuration: duration, value: value), ep)
String switchMultilevelGetCmd(Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelGet(), ep)
String switchMultilevelStartLvChCmd(Boolean upDown, Integer duration, Integer ep=0) {
//upDown: false=up, true=down
return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelStartLevelChange(upDown: upDown, ignoreStartLevel:1, dimmingDuration: duration), ep)
String switchMultilevelStopLvChCmd(Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.switchMultilevelV4.switchMultilevelStopLevelChange(), ep)
String meterGetCmd(meter, Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: meter.scale), ep)
String meterResetCmd(Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.meterV3.meterReset(), ep)
String wakeUpIntervalGetCmd() {
return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalGet())
String wakeUpIntervalSetCmd(val) {
return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds:val, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId))
String wakeUpNoMoreInfoCmd() {
return secureCmd(zwave.wakeUpV2.wakeUpNoMoreInformation())
String batteryGetCmd() {
return secureCmd(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())
String sensorMultilevelGetCmd(sensorType) {
Integer scale = (temperatureScale == "F" ? 1 : 0)
return secureCmd(zwave.sensorMultilevelV11.sensorMultilevelGet(scale: scale, sensorType: sensorType))
String notificationGetCmd(notificationType, eventType, Integer ep=0) {
return secureCmd(zwave.notificationV3.notificationGet(notificationType: notificationType, v1AlarmType:0, event: eventType), ep)
String configSetCmd(Map param, Integer value) {
//Convert from unsigned to signed for scaledConfigurationValue
Long sizeFactor = Math.pow(256,param.size).round()
if (value >= sizeFactor/2) { value -= sizeFactor }
return secureCmd(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: param.num, size: param.size, scaledConfigurationValue: value))
String configGetCmd(Map param) {
return secureCmd(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: param.num))
List configSetGetCmd(Map param, Integer value) {
List cmds = []
cmds << configSetCmd(param, value)
cmds << configGetCmd(param)
return cmds
***** Z-Wave Encapsulation
//Secure and MultiChannel Encapsulate
String secureCmd(String cmd) {
return zwaveSecureEncap(cmd)
String secureCmd(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep=0) {
return zwaveSecureEncap(multiChannelEncap(cmd, ep))
//MultiChannel Encapsulate if needed
//This is called from secureCmd or supervisionEncap, do not call directly
String multiChannelEncap(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep) {
//logTrace "multiChannelEncap: ${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
if (ep > 0) {
cmd = zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCmdEncap(destinationEndPoint:ep).encapsulate(cmd)
return cmd.format()
***** Common Functions
/*** Parameter Store Map Functions ***/
@Field static Map configsList = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap()
Integer getParamStoredValue(Integer paramNum) {
//Using Data (Map) instead of State Variables
Map configsMap = getParamStoredMap()
return safeToInt(configsMap[paramNum], null)
void setParamStoredValue(Integer paramNum, Integer value) {
//Using Data (Map) instead of State Variables
TreeMap configsMap = getParamStoredMap()
configsMap[paramNum] = value
configsList[device.id][paramNum] = value
//device.updateDataValue("configVals", configsMap.inspect())
Map getParamStoredMap() {
TreeMap configsMap = configsList[device.id]
if (configsMap == null) {
configsMap = [:]
if (device.getDataValue("configVals")) {
try {
configsMap = evaluate(device.getDataValue("configVals"))
catch(Exception e) {
logWarn("Clearing Invalid configVals: ${e}")
configsList[device.id] = configsMap
return configsMap
//Parameter List Functions
//This will rebuild the list for the current model and firmware only as needed
//paramsList Structure: MODEL:[FIRMWARE:PARAM_MAPS]
//PARAM_MAPS [num, name, title, description, size, defaultVal, options, firmVer]
@Field static Map> paramsList = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap()
void updateParamsList() {
logDebug "Update Params List"
String devModel = state.deviceModel
Short modelNum = deviceModelShort
Short modelSeries = Math.floor(modelNum/10)
BigDecimal firmware = firmwareVersion