{ "packageName": "Zooz Switches Advanced Drivers", "author": "Jeff Page (@jtp10181)", "minimumHEVersion": "2.3.4", "dateReleased": "2023-12-10", "documentationLink": "https://github.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/tree/main/Drivers/zooz", "communityLink": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/zooz-zen-switches-dimmers-advanced/58649", "releaseNotes": "Version [2.0.2] - 2023-12-10\n - Set fallback log level to Info when not set yet\n - Fixed issue where not actually disabling brightness correction\n\nVersion [2.0.0] - 2023-12-09\n - Rearranged functions and merged with library code\n - Removed unnecessary association attrbiutes\n - Depreciated the childDevices and refreshParams commands\n - Added doubleTapped events for better Button Controller support\n - Flash command now remembers last rate as default\n - Put in proper multichannel lifeline association for ZEN30\n - Fix for ZEN30 v4 firmware using different endpoint numbers\n - Added new settings for ZEN7x 10.20/10.40 base and ZEN30 800LR v4\n - Set Level Duration supports up to 7,620s (127 mins) for ZEN30 v4\n - Brightness correction disabled when included in device firmware\n - Added possible workaround for Homekit integration issues (dimmers only)\n - Added paramters 16 and 17 for ZEN21 v4.05", "version": "2.0.2", "drivers": [ { "id": "2d54004e-e51e-4abf-a4ac-6a73c9e587f4", "name": "Zooz ZEN Switch Advanced", "namespace": "jtp10181", "location": "https://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/zooz-zen-switch-v2.0.2.groovy", "required": false, "version": "2.0.2" }, { "id": "8aa273a7-8424-4aed-9d40-92aade1c5d73", "name": "Zooz ZEN Dimmer Advanced", "namespace": "jtp10181", "location": "https://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/zooz-zen-dimmer-v2.0.2.groovy", "required": false, "version": "2.0.2" }, { "id": "fd30cdaf-f6e6-4d5f-bf27-82d0aed75649", "name": "Zooz ZEN30 Double Switch", "namespace": "jtp10181", "location": "https://jtp10181.gateway.scarf.sh/zooz-zen30-double-switch-v2.0.2.groovy", "required": false, "version": "2.0.2" }, { "id": "b026a8cb-aae5-46a1-89a4-09441e73916e", "name": "Child Central Scene Switch", "namespace": "jtp10181", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtp10181/Hubitat/main/Drivers/generic/child-central-scene-switch.groovy", "required": false, "version": "2.0.0" } ] }