#!/bin/bash echo -e "\033[31m Installing diyHue Beta (flask)\033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m Deleting folders.\033[0m" rm -Rf /opt/hue-emulator echo -e "\033[32m Updating repository.\033[0m" opkg update wait echo -e "\033[32m Installing dependencies.\033[0m" opkg install ca-bundle git git-http nano nmap python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools wait opkg install curl coap-client unzip coreutils-nohup openssl-util wait opkg install python3-astral python3-requests python3-paho-mqtt python3-flask wait opkg install python3-flask-login python3-werkzeug python3-zeroconf python3-pytz wait echo -e "\033[32m Creating directories.\033[0m" mkdir /opt mkdir /opt/tmp mkdir /opt/hue-emulator echo -e "\033[32m Updating python3-pip.\033[0m" python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wait echo -e "\033[32m Installing pip dependencies.\033[0m" python3 -m pip install ws4py flask_wtf WTForms pyyaml wait cd /opt/tmp echo -e "\033[32m Downloading diyHue.\033[0m" wget -q https://github.com/diyhue/diyHue/archive/beta.zip -O diyHue.zip echo -e "\033[32m Unzip diyHue.\033[0m" unzip -q -o diyHue.zip wait echo -e "\033[32m Copying unzip files to directories.\033[0m" cd /opt/tmp/diyHue-beta/BridgeEmulator cp HueEmulator3.py updater /opt/hue-emulator/ cp default-config.json /opt/hue-emulator/config.json cp default-config.json /opt/hue-emulator/default-config.json cp -r HueObjects configManager flaskUI functions lights /opt/hue-emulator/ cp -r logManager sensors services /opt/hue-emulator/ echo -e "\033[32m Detecting processor architecture.\033[0m" wait arch=`uname -m` wait echo -e "\033[32m Architecture detected: $arch\033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m Copying binary $arch for Openwrt.\033[0m" cp entertainment-openwrt-$arch /opt/hue-emulator/entertain-srv echo -e "\033[32m Copying custom network function for openwrt.\033[0m" rm -Rf /opt/hue-emulator/functions/network.py mv /opt/hue-emulator/functions/network_OpenWrt.py /opt/hue-emulator/functions/network.py wait echo -e "\033[32m Copying startup service.\033[0m" cp hueemulatorWrt-service /etc/init.d/ echo -e "\033[32m Generating certificate.\033[0m" #mac=`cat /sys/class/net/$(ip route get | sed -n 's/.* dev \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p')/address` mac=`cat /sys/class/net/br-lan/address` curl "http://mariusmotea.go.ro:9002/gencert?mac=$mac" > /opt/hue-emulator/cert.pem echo -e "\033[32m Changing permissions.\033[0m" chmod +x /etc/init.d/hueemulatorWrt-service chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/HueObjects chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/configManager chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/flaskUI chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/functions chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/lights chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/logManager chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/sensors chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/services chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/updater chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/config.json chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/default-config.json chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/entertain-srv chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/functions/network.py chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator/HueEmulator3.py chmod +x /opt/hue-emulator echo -e "\033[32m Enable startup service.\033[0m" /etc/init.d/hueemulatorWrt-service enable wait echo -e "\033[32m modify http port 80 to 82: list listen_http, list listen_http [::]: 82 and server.port = 82.\033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m To save the changes you've made, press CTRL + O. To exit nano, press CTRL + X.\033[0m" sleep 20s nano /etc/config/uhttpd wait nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf echo -e "\033[32m Installation completed.\033[0m" rm -Rf /opt/tmp echo -e "\033[32m Restarting...\033[0m" wait reboot 10 exit 0