#!/bin/sh # suricata-manager - Suricata port for Merlin firmware supported routers # Site: https://github.com/ttgapers/suricata-merlin # Thread: hhttps://www.snbforums.com/threads/suricata-ids-ips-on-asuswrt-merlin.63280/ # Credits: juched, rgnldo, Martineau, ttgapers, Adamm # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2068,SC2039,SC2242,SC2027,SC2155,SC2046 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Unused variables left for readability VER="v1.2" GITHUB="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juched78/suricata-merlin/master/" #======================================================================================================= © 2020 Martineau, v1.03 # Install 'suricata - Real-time Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) package from Entware on Asuswrt-Merlin firmware. # # Pre-reqs: 4.x kernel e.g. HND-models RT-AC86U,RT-AX88U or RT-AX56U,RT-AX58U # QoS and AiProtection Trend Micro DISABLED # Skynet DISABLED recommended but may run concurrently # # Usage: suricata_manager ['help'|'-h'] | [ 'debug' ] # [ 'install' | 'uninstall' | 'check' | 'stop' | 'start' | 'logs' | 'config[x]' | 'test' ] # # suricata_manager config # View the suricata.yml file # suricata_manager configx # Edit the suricata.yml file # suricata_manager check # Syntax check the suricata.yml file # suricata_manager test # Generate a spoof HTTPS attack (To see it you will need to enable the http.log) # # uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) # suricata_manager logs # View the default three logs for activity # # ==> /opt/var/log/suricata/fast.log <== # # ==> /opt/var/log/suricata/stats.log <== # Print between line beginning with'#==' to first blank line inclusive ShowHelp() { awk '/^#==/{f=1} f{print; if (!NF) exit}' $0 } Say() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 echo -e $$ $@ | logger -st "($(basename $0))" } SayT() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 echo -e $$ $@ | logger -t "($(basename $0))" } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ANSIColours () { cRESET="\e[0m";cBLA="\e[30m";cRED="\e[31m";cGRE="\e[32m";cYEL="\e[33m";cBLU="\e[34m";cMAG="\e[35m";cCYA="\e[36m";cGRA="\e[37m";cFGRESET="\e[39m" cBGRA="\e[90m";cBRED="\e[91m";cBGRE="\e[92m";cBYEL="\e[93m";cBBLU="\e[94m";cBMAG="\e[95m";cBCYA="\e[96m";cBWHT="\e[97m" aBOLD="\e[1m";aDIM="\e[2m";aUNDER="\e[4m";aBLINK="\e[5m";aREVERSE="\e[7m" aBOLDr="\e[21m";aDIMr="\e[22m";aUNDERr="\e[24m";aBLINKr="\e[25m";aREVERSEr="\e[27m" cWRED="\e[41m";cWGRE="\e[42m";cWYEL="\e[43m";cWBLU="\e[44m";cWMAG="\e[45m";cWCYA="\e[46m";cWGRA="\e[47m" cYBLU="\e[93;48;5;21m" cRED_="\e[41m";cGRE_="\e[42m" xHOME="\e[H";xERASE="\e[2J";xERASEDOWN="\e[J";xERASEUP="\e[1J";xCSRPOS="\e[s";xPOSCSR="\e[u";xERASEEOL="\e[K" xGoto="\e[Line;Columnf" } Get_Router_Model() { # Contribution by @thelonelycoder as odmpid is blank for non SKU hardware, local HARDWARE_MODEL [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && HARDWARE_MODEL=$(nvram get productid) || HARDWARE_MODEL=$(nvram get odmpid) echo $HARDWARE_MODEL return 0 } Chk_Entware() { # ARGS [wait attempts] [specific_entware_utility] READY="1" # Assume Entware Utilities are NOT available ENTWARE_UTILITY="" # Specific Entware utility to search for MAX_TRIES="30" if [ -n "$2" ] && [ "$2" -eq "$2" ] 2>/dev/null; then MAX_TRIES="$2" elif [ -z "$2" ] && [ "$1" -eq "$1" ] 2>/dev/null; then MAX_TRIES="$1" fi if [ -n "$1" ] && ! [ "$1" -eq "$1" ] 2>/dev/null; then ENTWARE_UTILITY="$1" fi # Wait up to (default) 30 seconds to see if Entware utilities available..... TRIES="0" while [ "$TRIES" -lt "$MAX_TRIES" ]; do if [ -f "/opt/bin/opkg" ]; then if [ -n "$ENTWARE_UTILITY" ]; then # Specific Entware utility installed? if [ -n "$(opkg list-installed "$ENTWARE_UTILITY")" ]; then READY="0" # Specific Entware utility found else # Not all Entware utilities exists as a stand-alone package e.g. 'find' is in package 'findutils' if [ -d /opt ] && [ -n "$(find /opt/ -name "$ENTWARE_UTILITY")" ]; then READY="0" # Specific Entware utility found fi fi else READY="0" # Entware utilities ready fi break fi sleep 1 logger -st "($(basename "$0"))" "$$ Entware $ENTWARE_UTILITY not available - wait time $((MAX_TRIES - TRIES-1)) secs left" TRIES=$((TRIES + 1)) done return "$READY" } # shellcheck disable=2143 # shellcheck disable=2015 Is_HND() { # Use the following at the command line otherwise 'return X' makes the SSH session terminate! #[ -n "$(uname -m | grep "aarch64")" ] && echo Y || echo N [ -n "$(uname -m | grep "aarch64")" ] && { echo Y; return 0; } || { echo N; return 1; } } # shellcheck disable=2143 # shellcheck disable=2015 Is_AX() { # Kernel is '4.1.52+' (i.e. isn't '2.6.36*') and it isn't HND # Use the following at the command line otherwise 'return X' makes the SSH session terminate! # [ -n "$(uname -r | grep "^4")" ] && [ -z "$(uname -m | grep "aarch64")" ] && echo Y || echo N [ -n "$(uname -r | grep "^4")" ] && [ -z "$(uname -m | grep "aarch64")" ] && { echo Y; return 0; } || { echo N; return 1; } } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 Get_WAN_IF_Name () { # echo $([ -n "$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)" ] && echo $(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname) || echo $(nvram get wan0_ifname)) # nvram get wan0_gw_ifname # nvram get wan0_proto local IF_NAME=$(nvram get wan0_ifname) # DHCP/Static ? # Usually this is probably valid for both eth0/ppp0e ? if [ "$(nvram get wan0_gw_ifname)" != "$IF_NAME" ]; then local IF_NAME=$(nvram get wan0_gw_ifname) fi # if [ ! -z "$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)" ];then # local IF_NAME="$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)" # PPPoE # fi if [ -n "$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)" ]; then local IF_NAME="$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)" # PPPoE fi echo $IF_NAME } # shellcheck disable=SC2034 Get_LAN_IF_Name () { local IF_NAME=$(nvram get lan_ifname) # DHCP/Static ? echo $IF_NAME } _quote() { echo $1 | sed 's/[]\/()$*.^|[]/\\&/g' } Check_GUI_NVRAM() { local ERROR_CNT=0 local ENABLED_OPTIONS=" " if [ "$1" == "active" ];then STATUSONLY="StatusOnly" else echo -e $cBCYA"\n\tRouter Configuration recommended pre-reqs status:\n" 2>&1 if [ "$(Is_HND)" == "N" ] && [ "$(Is_AX)" == "N" ];then echo -e $cBRED"\a\t[✖] Warning ${cRESET}Router $HARDWARE_MODEL$cBRED isn't fully supported ${cBGRE}(Only HND-models RT-AC86U,RT-AX88U or RT-AX56U,RT-AX58U)"$cRESET ERROR_CNT=$((ERROR_CNT + 1)) fi # Check GUI 'TrendMicro' [ "$(nvram get TM_EULA)" == "1" ] && { echo -e $cBRED"\a\t[✖] ***ERROR TrendMicro ENABLED $cRESET \t\t\t\tsee $HTTP_TYPE://$(nvram get lan_ipaddr):$HTTP_PORT/Advanced_Privacy.asp ->Administration Privacy"$cRESET 2>&1; ERROR_CNT=$((ERROR_CNT + 1)); } || echo -e $cBGRE"\t[✔] TrendMicro DISABLED" 2>&1 # QoS [ "$(nvram get qos_enable)" == "1" ] && { echo -e $cBRED"\a\t[✖] ***ERROR QoS ENABLED $cRESET \t\t\t\t\tsee $HTTP_TYPE://$(nvram get lan_ipaddr):$HTTP_PORT/QoS_EZQoS.asp ->QoS - QoS to configuration"$cRESET 2>&1; ERROR_CNT=$((ERROR_CNT + 1)); } || echo -e $cBGRE"\t[✔] QoS DISABLED" 2>&1 # Check Skynet #[ -f /jffs/scripts/firewall ] && echo -e $cBRED"\a\t[✖] ***Warning Skynet installed" || echo -e $cBGRE"\t[✔] Skynet not Installed" 2>&1 echo -e $cBCYA"\n\tOptions:${TXT}$DESC\n" 2>&1 fi local TXT= unset $TXT #echo -e $cRESET 2>&1 if [ -z "$STATUSONLY" ];then [ $ERROR_CNT -ne 0 ] && { return 1; } || return 0 else return 0 fi } #=============================================Main============================================================= # shellcheck disable=SC2068 Main() { true; } # Syntax that is Atom Shellchecker compatible! ANSIColours # shellcheck disable=SC2005 # Useless echo FIRMWARE=$(echo $(nvram get buildno) | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } {printf("%03d%02d",$1,$2)}') HARDWARE_MODEL=$(Get_Router_Model) # Global Router URL HTTP_TYPE="http" HTTP_PORT=$(nvram get http_lanport) [ "$(nvram get http_enable)" == "1" ] && { HTTP_TYPE="https"; HTTP_PORT=$(nvram get https_lanport) ; } # Need assistance ? if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "help" ];then clear # v1.21 echo -e $cBWHT ShowHelp echo -e $cRESET exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "debug" ];then # v3.10 DEBUGMODE="$(echo -e ${cRESET}$cWRED"Debug mode enabled"$cRESET)" shift set +x fi echo -e $cRESET"\n"$VER" Suricata IDS/IPS Manager.....\n" case "$1" in install) ACTION="Install" Check_GUI_NVRAM "install" # shellcheck disable=2181 if [ $? -gt 0 ];then echo -e $cRESET"\n\tThe router does not currently meet ALL of the recommended pre-reqs as shown above." echo -e "\tHowever, whilst they are recommended, you may proceed with the suricata ${cBGRE}${ACTION}$cRESET" echo -e "\tas the recommendations are NOT usually FATAL if they are NOT strictly followed.\n" echo -e "\tPress$cBGRE Y$cRESET to$cBGRE continue suricata $ACTION $cRESET or press$cBRED [Enter] to ABORT"$cRESET read -r "CONTINUE_INSTALLATION" [ "$CONTINUE_INSTALLATION" != "Y" ] && { echo -e $cBRED"\a\n\tsuricata $ACTION CANCELLED!....."$cRESET; return 1; } # v2.06 fi echo -e $cBGRA opkg update opkg install suricata mkdir /opt/var/lib/ 2>/dev/null mkdir /opt/var/lib/suricata/ 2>/dev/null mkdir /jffs/addons/suricata/ 2>/dev/null echo "Fetching suricata.yaml..." FN="/opt/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml" curl --progress-bar -o $FN $(echo $GITHUB"suricata.yaml") # Customise 'suricata.yaml' echo "Updating suricata.yaml..." # HOME_NET: "[]" LANIPADDR=$(nvram get lan_ipaddr) LAN_SUBNET=${LANIPADDR%.*} LAN_CIDR=$(_quote "$(echo -e "[$LAN_SUBNET.0/24]")") sed -i "/HOME_NET:/ s/[^ ]*[^ ]/\\\"$LAN_CIDR\\\"/2" $FN echo "LAN IP is set to $LAN_CIDR" # DNS_SERVERS: "[]" # shellcheck disable=2005 DNS_IP=$(echo "$(nvram get wan0_dns)" | awk '{print $1}') # Beware wan0_dns will usually be two IP's [ -n "$(pidof unbound)" ] && DNS_IP=$(nvram get lan_ipaddr_rt) #DNS_IP="" DNS=$(_quote "$(echo -e "[$DNS_IP]")") sed -i "/DNS_SERVERS:/ s/[^ ]*[^ ]/\\\"$DNS\\\"/2" $FN echo "DSN Server is set to $DNS" # af-packet: # - interface: ## set your wan interface WAN_IF=$(Get_WAN_IF_Name) sed -i "s/interface:.*set your wan interface/interface: $WAN_IF/" $FN echo "WAN IF is set to $WAN_IF" LAN_IF=$(Get_LAN_IF_Name) sed -i "s/interface:.*set your lan interface/interface: $LAN_IF/" $FN echo "LAN IF is set to $LAN_IF" # Download services file for init.d curl --progress-bar -o /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata $(echo $GITHUB"S82suricata") chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata # Download Rules mkdir /opt/var/lib/suricata/rules 2>/dev/null curl --progress-bar -o /opt/etc/suricata/classification.config https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-4.0/rules/classification.config curl --progress-bar -SL https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-4.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz | tar -zxC /opt/var/lib/suricata/ # Download Update Script curl --progress-bar -o /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_update.sh $(echo $GITHUB"suricata_update.sh") chmod +x /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_update.sh # Create 03:00 Daily cron job to update the rules if [ ! -f /jffs/scripts/services-start ];then echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n" > /jffs/scripts/services-start chmod +x /jffs/scripts/services-start fi # shellcheck disable=2143 [ -z "$(grep "Suricata_Update.sh" /jffs/scripts/services-start)" ] && echo -e "cru a Suricata_Update.sh \"0 3 * * * /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_update.sh\"" >> /jffs/scripts/services-start cru a Suricata_Update.sh "0 3 * * * /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_update.sh" # Download stats processing curl --progress-bar -o /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_log.sh $(echo $GITHUB"suricata_log.sh") chmod +x /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_log.sh curl --progress-bar -o /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_stats.sh $(echo $GITHUB"suricata_stats.sh") chmod +x /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_stats.sh curl --progress-bar -o /jffs/addons/suricata/suricatastats_www.asp $(echo $GITHUB"suricatastats_www.asp") # install stats /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_stats.sh install # Perform a test compile of the config suricata -T #start services /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata restart #cat /opt/var/log/suricata/suricata.log ;; stop) /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata stop ;; start) /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata start ;; logs) echo -e $cBMAG"\tLog watch\t\t${cBGRE}Press CTRL-C to stop\n"$cRESET # shellcheck disable=2012 tail -f /opt/var/log/suricata/fast.log /opt/var/log/suricata/stats.log $EVELOG # recommended ;; config|configx) [ "$1" == "config" ] && ACCESS="--view" || ACCESS="--unix" PRE_MD5="$(md5sum /opt/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml | awk '{print $1}')" nano $ACCESS /opt/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml # Has the user edited 'suricata.yaml'..... if [ "$ACCESS" == "--unix" ];then POST_MD5="$(md5sum /opt/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml | awk '{print $1}')" if [ "$PRE_MD5" != "$POST_MD5" ];then echo -e "\nDo you want to restart suricata to apply your config changes?\n\n\tReply$cBRED 'y' ${cBGRE}or press [Enter] $cRESET to skip" read -r "ANS" [ "$ANS" == "y" ] && /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata restart fi fi ;; test) curl http://testmyids.com/ ;; uninstall|remove) [ -f /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata ] && /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata stop /jffs/addons/suricata/suricata_stats.sh uninstall # [ -n "$(opkg list-installed | grep suricata)" ] && opkg --force-remove --force-depends remove suricata opkg --autoremove remove suricata cru d Suricata_Update.sh sed -i '/Suricata_Manager.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/services-start rm -rf /opt/var/lib/suricata 2>/dev/null rm /opt/etc/init.d/S82suricata 2>/dev/null rm -rf /opt/var/log/suricata/ 2>/dev/null rm -rf /opt/etc/suricata/ 2>/dev/null rm -rf /jffs/addons/suricata/ 2>/dev/null rm /opt/var/run/suricata.pid 2>/dev/null ;; syntax|check) # Perform a test compile of the config suricata -T ;; *) Check_GUI_NVRAM ;; esac