#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import time from subprocess import check_output, check_call, STDOUT def getEtcdStatus(): status = check_output('juju status --format json etcd', shell=True).decode() return json.loads(status) def getEtcdUnits(): status = getEtcdStatus() return status['applications']['etcd']['units'] def getMajorVersion(): status = getEtcdStatus() return int(status['applications']['etcd']['version'].split('.')[0]) def waitActiveIdle(): print("· Waiting for etcd units to be active and idle...", end='', flush=True) units = getEtcdUnits().values() status = [u['workload-status']['current'] == 'active' and u['juju-status']['current'] == 'idle' for u in units] while not all(status): print(".", end='', flush=True) units = getEtcdUnits().values() status = [u['workload-status']['current'] == 'active' and u['juju-status']['current'] == 'idle' for u in units] print() def waitEtcdConvergence(): print("· Waiting for etcd cluster convergence...", end='', flush=True) score = None while score is None or score > 1: cmd = "juju run --format json --application etcd 'ETCDCTL_API=3 /snap/bin/etcd.etcdctl --endpoints -w table endpoint status'" es = check_output(cmd, shell=True) es = es.decode() es = json.loads(es) es = [int(s['Stdout'].split('\n')[3].split('|')[6].strip()) for s in es] score = max([max([abs(a-b) for b in es]) for a in es]) if score > 1: print('.', end='', flush=True) print() def main(): waitActiveIdle() print("· Acquiring configured version of etcd...") config = check_output('juju config --format json etcd', shell=True).decode() config = json.loads(config) configuredVersion = config['settings']['channel']['value'] # Kick off bin upgrade if we need to. if int(configuredVersion.split('.')[0]) < 3: print("· Upgrading etcd to version 3.0/stable from %s." % configuredVersion) check_call('juju config etcd channel=3.0/stable', shell=True) # Wait on the bin upgrade if it seems to still be in progress. if getMajorVersion() < 3: print("· Waiting for etcd upgrade to 3.0/stable...", end='', flush=True) while getMajorVersion() < 3: print(".", end='', flush=True) configuredVersion = '3.0/stable' print() # Wait for things to settle down. waitActiveIdle() waitEtcdConvergence() # Shut down the k8s api server. print("· Stopping all Kubernetes api servers...") check_output("juju run --application kubernetes-master 'service snap.kube-apiserver.daemon stop'", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) # Wait for the etcd cluster to converge. waitEtcdConvergence() # Stop the etcd cluster. print("· Stopping etcd...") check_output("juju run --application etcd 'service snap.etcd.etcd stop'", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) # Migrate each etcd unit. units = getEtcdUnits() for unit in units: print("· Migrating %s..." % unit) unitid = unit.split('/')[1] cmd = "juju run --unit etcd/%s 'ETCDCTL_API=3 /snap/bin/etcdctl migrate --data-dir=/var/snap/etcd/current/etcd%s.etcd'" cmd %= (unitid, unitid) check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) # Restart the etcd cluster. print("· Starting etcd...") check_output("juju run --application etcd 'service snap.etcd.etcd start'", shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) # Configure storage backend to etcd3. print("· Configuring storage-backend to etcd3...") check_call("juju config kubernetes-master storage-backend=etcd3", shell=True) # Wait for k8s api servers to come back online. print("· Waiting for all Kubernetes api servers to restart...", end='', flush=True) cmd = 'juju run --format json --application kubernetes-master "ps aux | grep apiserver | grep -v grep"' while True: ps = check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) ps = ps.decode() ps = json.loads(ps) if all(['kube-apiserver' in s['Stdout'] for s in ps]): break print(".", end='', flush=True) print() # All done! print("· Done.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()