import os import sys import re import shutil from distutils.version import LooseVersion from pkg_resources import Requirement from glob import glob from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError from time import sleep from charms import layer from charms.layer.execd import execd_preinstall APT_NO_LOCK = 100 # The return code for "couldn't acquire lock" in APT. CMD_RETRY_DELAY = 10 # Wait 10 seconds between command retries. CMD_RETRY_COUNT = 10 # Retry a failing fatal command X times. def _get_subprocess_env(): env = os.environ.copy() env['LANG'] = env.get('LANG', 'C.UTF-8') return env def get_series(): """ Return series for a few known OS:es. Tested as of 2019 november: * centos6, centos7, rhel6. * bionic """ series = "" # Looking for content in /etc/os-release # works for ubuntu + some centos if os.path.isfile('/etc/os-release'): d = {} with open('/etc/os-release', 'r') as rel: for l in rel: if not re.match(r'^\s*$', l): k, v = l.split('=') d[k.strip()] = v.strip().replace('"', '') series = "{ID}{VERSION_ID}".format(**d) # Looking for content in /etc/redhat-release # works for redhat enterprise systems elif os.path.isfile('/etc/redhat-release'): with open('/etc/redhat-release', 'r') as redhatlsb: # CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) line = redhatlsb.readline() release = int(line.split("release")[1].split()[0][0]) series = "centos" + str(release) # Looking for content in /etc/lsb-release # works for ubuntu elif os.path.isfile('/etc/lsb-release'): d = {} with open('/etc/lsb-release', 'r') as lsb: for l in lsb: k, v = l.split('=') d[k.strip()] = v.strip() series = d['DISTRIB_CODENAME'] # This is what happens if we cant figure out the OS. else: series = "unknown" return series def bootstrap_charm_deps(): """ Set up the base charm dependencies so that the reactive system can run. """ # execd must happen first, before any attempt to install packages or # access the network, because sites use this hook to do bespoke # configuration and install secrets so the rest of this bootstrap # and the charm itself can actually succeed. This call does nothing # unless the operator has created and populated $JUJU_CHARM_DIR/exec.d. execd_preinstall() # ensure that $JUJU_CHARM_DIR/bin is on the path, for helper scripts series = get_series() # OMG?! is build-essentials needed? ubuntu_packages = ['python3-pip', 'python3-setuptools', 'python3-yaml', 'python3-dev', 'python3-wheel', 'build-essential'] # I'm not going to "yum group info "Development Tools" # omitting above madness centos_packages = ['python3-pip', 'python3-setuptools', 'python3-devel', 'python3-wheel'] packages_needed = [] if 'centos' in series: packages_needed = centos_packages else: packages_needed = ubuntu_packages charm_dir = os.environ['JUJU_CHARM_DIR'] os.environ['PATH'] += ':%s' % os.path.join(charm_dir, 'bin') venv = os.path.abspath('../.venv') vbin = os.path.join(venv, 'bin') vpip = os.path.join(vbin, 'pip') vpy = os.path.join(vbin, 'python') hook_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) is_bootstrapped = os.path.exists('wheelhouse/.bootstrapped') is_charm_upgrade = hook_name == 'upgrade-charm' is_series_upgrade = hook_name == 'post-series-upgrade' is_post_upgrade = os.path.exists('wheelhouse/.upgraded') is_upgrade = (not is_post_upgrade and (is_charm_upgrade or is_series_upgrade)) if is_bootstrapped and not is_upgrade: # older subordinates might have downgraded charm-env, so we should # restore it if necessary install_or_update_charm_env() activate_venv() # the .upgrade file prevents us from getting stuck in a loop # when re-execing to activate the venv; at this point, we've # activated the venv, so it's safe to clear it if is_post_upgrade: os.unlink('wheelhouse/.upgraded') return if os.path.exists(venv): try: # focal installs or upgrades prior to PR 160 could leave the venv # in a broken state which would prevent subsequent charm upgrades _load_installed_versions(vpip) except CalledProcessError: is_broken_venv = True else: is_broken_venv = False if is_upgrade or is_broken_venv: # All upgrades should do a full clear of the venv, rather than # just updating it, to bring in updates to Python itself shutil.rmtree(venv) if is_upgrade: if os.path.exists('wheelhouse/.bootstrapped'): os.unlink('wheelhouse/.bootstrapped') # bootstrap wheelhouse if os.path.exists('wheelhouse'): pre_eoan = series in ('ubuntu12.04', 'precise', 'ubuntu14.04', 'trusty', 'ubuntu16.04', 'xenial', 'ubuntu18.04', 'bionic') pydistutils_lines = [ "[easy_install]\n", "find_links = file://{}/wheelhouse/\n".format(charm_dir), "no_index=True\n", "index_url=\n", # deliberately nothing here; disables it. ] if pre_eoan: pydistutils_lines.append("allow_hosts = ''\n") with open('/root/.pydistutils.cfg', 'w') as fp: # make sure that easy_install also only uses the wheelhouse # (see fp.writelines(pydistutils_lines) if 'centos' in series: yum_install(packages_needed) else: apt_install(packages_needed) from charms.layer import options cfg = options.get('basic') # include packages defined in layer.yaml if 'centos' in series: yum_install(cfg.get('packages', [])) else: apt_install(cfg.get('packages', [])) # if we're using a venv, set it up if cfg.get('use_venv'): if not os.path.exists(venv): series = get_series() if series in ('ubuntu12.04', 'precise', 'ubuntu14.04', 'trusty'): apt_install(['python-virtualenv']) elif 'centos' in series: yum_install(['python-virtualenv']) else: apt_install(['virtualenv']) cmd = ['virtualenv', '-ppython3', '--never-download', venv] if cfg.get('include_system_packages'): cmd.append('--system-site-packages') check_call(cmd, env=_get_subprocess_env()) os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join([vbin, os.environ['PATH']]) pip = vpip else: pip = 'pip3' # save a copy of system pip to prevent `pip3 install -U pip` # from changing it if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/pip'): shutil.copy2('/usr/bin/pip', '/usr/bin/') pre_install_pkgs = ['pip', 'setuptools', 'setuptools-scm'] # we bundle these packages to work around bugs in older versions (such # as, but if the system already # provided a newer version, downgrading it can cause other problems _update_if_newer(pip, pre_install_pkgs) # install the rest of the wheelhouse deps (extract the pkg names into # a set so that we can ignore the pre-install packages and let pip # choose the best version in case there are multiple from layer # conflicts) _versions = _load_wheelhouse_versions() _pkgs = _versions.keys() - set(pre_install_pkgs) # Jinja2 3+ relies on MarkupSafe actually being installed prior to # attempting to be installed from the wheelhouse. Thus, if MarkupSafe # and/or wheel are in _pkgs, then install them first. _pre_packages = [p for p in _pkgs if p in ('wheel', 'MarkupSafe')] _pkgs = [p for p in _pkgs if p not in _pre_packages] for _pkgs_set in (_pre_packages, _pkgs): # add back the versions such that each package in pkgs is # ==. # This ensures that pip 20.3.4+ will install the packages from the # wheelhouse without (erroneously) flagging an error. pkgs = _add_back_versions(_pkgs_set, _versions) reinstall_flag = '--force-reinstall' # if not cfg.get('use_venv', True) and pre_eoan: if not cfg.get('use_venv', True): reinstall_flag = '--ignore-installed' if not pkgs: continue check_call([pip, 'install', '-U', reinstall_flag, '--no-index', '--no-cache-dir', '-f', 'wheelhouse'] + list(pkgs), env=_get_subprocess_env()) # re-enable installation from pypi os.remove('/root/.pydistutils.cfg') # install pyyaml for centos7, since, unlike the ubuntu image, the # default image for centos doesn't include pyyaml; see the discussion: # if 'centos' in series: check_call([pip, 'install', '-U', 'pyyaml'], env=_get_subprocess_env()) # install python packages from layer options if cfg.get('python_packages'): check_call([pip, 'install', '-U'] + cfg.get('python_packages'), env=_get_subprocess_env()) if not cfg.get('use_venv'): # restore system pip to prevent `pip3 install -U pip` # from changing it if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/'): shutil.copy2('/usr/bin/', '/usr/bin/pip') os.remove('/usr/bin/') # setup wrappers to ensure envs are used for scripts install_or_update_charm_env() for wrapper in ('charms.reactive', '', 'chlp', 'layer_option'): src = os.path.join('/usr/local/sbin', 'charm-env') dst = os.path.join('/usr/local/sbin', wrapper) if not os.path.exists(dst): os.symlink(src, dst) if cfg.get('use_venv'): shutil.copy2('bin/layer_option', vbin) else: shutil.copy2('bin/layer_option', '/usr/local/bin/') # re-link the charm copy to the wrapper in case charms # call bin/layer_option directly (as was the old pattern) os.remove('bin/layer_option') os.symlink('/usr/local/sbin/layer_option', 'bin/layer_option') # flag us as having already bootstrapped so we don't do it again open('wheelhouse/.bootstrapped', 'w').close() if is_upgrade: # flag us as having already upgraded so we don't do it again open('wheelhouse/.upgraded', 'w').close() # Ensure that the newly bootstrapped libs are available. # Note: this only seems to be an issue with namespace packages. # Non-namespace-package libs (e.g., charmhelpers) are available # without having to reload the interpreter. :/ reload_interpreter(vpy if cfg.get('use_venv') else sys.argv[0]) def _load_installed_versions(pip): pip_freeze = check_output([pip, 'freeze']).decode('utf8') versions = {} for pkg_ver in pip_freeze.splitlines(): try: req = Requirement.parse(pkg_ver) except ValueError: continue versions.update({ req.project_name: LooseVersion(ver) for op, ver in req.specs if op == '==' }) return versions def _load_wheelhouse_versions(): versions = {} for wheel in glob('wheelhouse/*'): if wheel.endswith('.whl'): # The binary wheel package format has a more stringent definition # of how the filenames are formulated. As such we can safely # extract the exact version string and store that. # # Reference: # PEP 427 # 'setuptools_scm-6.4.2-py3-none-any.whl'.split('-', 2) == # ['setuptools_scm', '6.4.2', 'py3-none-any.whl'] pkg, ver, _ = os.path.basename(wheel).split('-', 2) else: pkg, ver = os.path.basename(wheel).rsplit('-', 1) # nb: LooseVersion ignores the file extension versions[pkg.replace('_', '-')] = LooseVersion(ver) return versions def _add_back_versions(pkgs, versions): """Add back the version strings to each of the packages. The versions are LooseVersion() from _load_wheelhouse_versions(). This function strips the ".zip" or ".tar.gz" from the end of the version string and adds it back to the package in the form of == If a package name is not a key in the versions dictionary, then it is returned in the list unchanged. :param pkgs: A list of package names :type pkgs: List[str] :param versions: A map of package to LooseVersion :type versions: Dict[str, LooseVersion] :returns: A list of (maybe) versioned packages :rtype: List[str] """ def _strip_ext(s): """Strip an extension (if it exists) from the string :param s: the string to strip an extension off if it exists :type s: str :returns: string without an extension of .zip or .tar.gz :rtype: str """ for ending in [".zip", ".tar.gz"]: if s.endswith(ending): return s[:-len(ending)] return s def _maybe_add_version(pkg): """Maybe add back the version number to a package if it exists. Adds the version number, if the package exists in the lexically captured `versions` dictionary, in the form ==. Strips the extension if it exists. :param pkg: the package name to (maybe) add the version number to. :type pkg: str """ try: return "{}=={}".format(pkg, _strip_ext(str(versions[pkg]))) except KeyError: pass return pkg return [_maybe_add_version(pkg) for pkg in pkgs] def _update_if_newer(pip, pkgs): installed = _load_installed_versions(pip) wheelhouse = _load_wheelhouse_versions() for pkg in pkgs: if pkg not in installed or wheelhouse[pkg] > installed[pkg]: check_call([pip, 'install', '-U', '--no-index', '-f', 'wheelhouse', pkg], env=_get_subprocess_env()) def install_or_update_charm_env(): # On Trusty python3-pkg-resources is not installed try: from pkg_resources import parse_version except ImportError: apt_install(['python3-pkg-resources']) from pkg_resources import parse_version try: installed_version = parse_version( check_output(['/usr/local/sbin/charm-env', '--version']).decode('utf8')) except (CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): installed_version = parse_version('0.0.0') try: bundled_version = parse_version( check_output(['bin/charm-env', '--version']).decode('utf8')) except (CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError): bundled_version = parse_version('0.0.0') if installed_version < bundled_version: shutil.copy2('bin/charm-env', '/usr/local/sbin/') def activate_venv(): """ Activate the venv if enabled in ``layer.yaml``. This is handled automatically for normal hooks, but actions might need to invoke this manually, using something like: # Load modules from $JUJU_CHARM_DIR/lib import sys sys.path.append('lib') from charms.layer.basic import activate_venv activate_venv() This will ensure that modules installed in the charm's virtual environment are available to the action. """ from charms.layer import options venv = os.path.abspath('../.venv') vbin = os.path.join(venv, 'bin') vpy = os.path.join(vbin, 'python') use_venv = options.get('basic', 'use_venv') if use_venv and '.venv' not in sys.executable: # activate the venv os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join([vbin, os.environ['PATH']]) reload_interpreter(vpy) layer.patch_options_interface() layer.import_layer_libs() def reload_interpreter(python): """ Reload the python interpreter to ensure that all deps are available. Newly installed modules in namespace packages sometimes seemt to not be picked up by Python 3. """ os.execve(python, [python] + list(sys.argv), os.environ) def apt_install(packages): """ Install apt packages. This ensures a consistent set of options that are often missed but should really be set. """ if isinstance(packages, (str, bytes)): packages = [packages] env = _get_subprocess_env() if 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' not in env: env['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' cmd = ['apt-get', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', '--assume-yes', 'install'] for attempt in range(CMD_RETRY_COUNT): try: check_call(cmd + packages, env=env) except CalledProcessError: if attempt == (CMD_RETRY_COUNT - 1): # last attempt raise try: # sometimes apt-get update needs to be run check_call(['apt-get', 'update'], env=env) except CalledProcessError: # sometimes it's a dpkg lock issue pass sleep(CMD_RETRY_DELAY) else: break def yum_install(packages): """ Installs packages with yum. This function largely mimics the apt_install function for consistency. """ if packages: env = os.environ.copy() cmd = ['yum', '-y', 'install'] for attempt in range(3): try: check_call(cmd + packages, env=env) except CalledProcessError: if attempt == 2: raise try: check_call(['yum', 'update'], env=env) except CalledProcessError: pass sleep(5) else: break else: pass def init_config_states(): import yaml from charmhelpers.core import hookenv from charms.reactive import set_state from charms.reactive import toggle_state config = hookenv.config() config_defaults = {} config_defs = {} config_yaml = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'config.yaml') if os.path.exists(config_yaml): with open(config_yaml) as fp: config_defs = yaml.safe_load(fp).get('options', {}) config_defaults = {key: value.get('default') for key, value in config_defs.items()} for opt in config_defs.keys(): if config.changed(opt): set_state('config.changed') set_state('config.changed.{}'.format(opt)) toggle_state('config.set.{}'.format(opt), config.get(opt)) toggle_state('config.default.{}'.format(opt), config.get(opt) == config_defaults[opt]) def clear_config_states(): from charmhelpers.core import hookenv, unitdata from charms.reactive import remove_state config = hookenv.config() remove_state('config.changed') for opt in config.keys(): remove_state('config.changed.{}'.format(opt)) remove_state('config.set.{}'.format(opt)) remove_state('config.default.{}'.format(opt)) unitdata.kv().flush()