{ "name": "language-julia", "displayName": "Julia", "description": "Julia Language Support", "version": "1.3.34", "preview": false, "publisher": "julialang", "engines": { "vscode": "^1.60.0" }, "license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode/issues" }, "homepage": "https://www.julia-vscode.org/", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode.git" }, "icon": "images/julia-logo.png", "categories": [ "Programming Languages", "Snippets", "Linters", "Debuggers", "Data Science", "Notebooks", "Machine Learning" ], "activationEvents": [ "onDebugInitialConfigurations", "onDebugResolve:julia", "onCommand:language-julia.openPackageDirectory", "onCommand:language-julia.changeCurrentEnvironment", "onCommand:language-julia.startREPL", "onCommand:language-julia.connectREPL", "onCommand:language-julia.stopREPL", "onCommand:language-julia.executeCodeBlockOrSelection", "onCommand:language-julia.executeFile", "onCommand:language-julia.executeActiveFile", "onCommand:language-julia.toggleLinter", "onCommand:language-julia.weave-open-preview", "onCommand:language-julia.weave-open-preview-side", "onCommand:language-julia.weave-save", "onCommand:language-julia.show-plotpane", "onCommand:language-julia.executeCell", "onCommand:language-julia.executeJuliaBlockInREPL", "onCommand:language-julia.selectBlock", "onCommand:language-julia.moveCellUp", "onCommand:language-julia.moveCellDown", "onCommand:language-julia.debug.getActiveJuliaEnvironment", "onCommand:language-julia.debugEditorContents", "onCommand:language-julia.runEditorContents", "onCommand:language-julia.interrupt", "onCommand:language-julia.cdHere", "onCommand:language-julia.activateHere", "onCommand:language-julia.activateFromDir", "onCommand:language-julia.tagNewPackageVersion", "onLanguage:julia", "onLanguage:juliamarkdown", "workspaceContains:deps/build.jl", "workspaceContains:test/runtests.jl", "workspaceContains:benchmark/benchmarks.jl", "workspaceContains:docs/make.jl", "onNotebook:jupyter-notebook", "onView:julia-explorer.REPLVariables", "onView:julia-explorer.julia-documentation", "onView:julia-explorer.julia-plot-navigator" ], "main": "./dist/extension", "contributes": { "grammars": [ { "language": "juliamarkdown", "scopeName": "text.html.markdown.julia", "path": "./syntaxes/juliamarkdown.json" }, { "scopeName": "markdown.julia.codeblock", "path": "./syntaxes/juliacodeblock.json", "injectTo": [ "text.html.markdown" ], "embeddedLanguages": { "meta.embedded.block.julia": "julia" } } ], "commands": [ { "command": "language-julia.refreshLanguageServer", "title": "Julia: Re-Index Language Server Cache" }, { "command": "language-julia.restartLanguageServer", "title": "Julia: Restart Language Server" }, { "command": "language-julia.openPackageDirectory", "title": "Julia: Open Package Directory in New Window" }, { "command": "language-julia.tagNewPackageVersion", "title": "Julia: Tag new package version (experimental)" }, { "command": "language-julia.changeCurrentEnvironment", "title": "Julia: Change Current Environment" }, { "command": "language-julia.startREPL", "title": "Julia: Start REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.connectREPL", "title": "Julia: Connect external REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.stopREPL", "title": "Julia: Stop REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCodeBlockOrSelection", "title": "Julia: Execute Code in REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeJuliaCodeInREPL", "title": "Julia: Send Current Line or Selection to REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCodeBlockOrSelectionAndMove", "title": "Julia: Execute Code in REPL and Move" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeFile", "title": "Julia: Execute File in REPL", "icon": "$(play)" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeActiveFile", "title": "Julia: Execute active File in REPL", "icon": "$(play)" }, { "command": "language-julia.interrupt", "title": "Julia: Interrupt Execution" }, { "command": "language-julia.toggleLinter", "title": "Julia: Toggle Linter" }, { "command": "language-julia.weave-open-preview", "title": "Julia Weave: Open Preview" }, { "command": "language-julia.weave-open-preview-side", "title": "Julia Weave: Open Preview to the Side" }, { "command": "language-julia.weave-save", "title": "Julia Weave: Save to File..." }, { "command": "language-julia.show-documentation", "title": "Julia: Show Documentation" }, { "command": "language-julia.show-documentation-pane", "title": "Julia: Show Documentation Pane" }, { "command": "language-julia.show-plot-navigator", "title": "Julia: Show Plot Navigator" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-back-documentation", "title": "Julia: Browse Back Documentation", "icon": "$(arrow-left)" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-forward-documentation", "title": "Julia: Browse Forward Documentation", "icon": "$(arrow-right)" }, { "command": "language-julia.show-plotpane", "title": "Julia: Show Plot" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-next", "title": "Julia: Show Next Plot", "icon": "$(arrow-right)" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-previous", "title": "Julia: Show Previous Plot", "icon": "$(arrow-left)" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-first", "title": "Julia: Show First Plot" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-enable", "title": "Julia: Enable Plot Pane", "icon": "$(circle-large-outline)" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-disable", "title": "Julia: Disable Plot Pane", "icon": "$(pass-filled)" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-last", "title": "Julia: Show Last Plot" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete", "title": "Julia: Delete plot", "icon": "$(trash)" }, { "command": "language-julia.copy-plot", "title": "Julia: Copy Plot", "icon": "$(explorer-view-icon)" }, { "command": "language-julia.save-plot", "title": "Julia: Save Plot", "icon": "$(save-as)" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete-all", "title": "Julia: Delete All Plots" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCell", "title": "Julia: Execute Code Cell in REPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCellAndMove", "title": "Julia: Execute Code Cell in REPL and Move" }, { "command": "language-julia.moveCellUp", "title": "Julia: Move to Previous Cell" }, { "command": "language-julia.moveCellDown", "title": "Julia: Move to Next Cell" }, { "command": "language-julia.selectBlock", "title": "Julia: Select Code Block" }, { "command": "language-julia.showInVSCode", "title": "Open in VS Code", "icon": "$(open-preview)" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearAllInlineResults", "title": "Julia: Clear All Inline Results" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearAllInlineResultsInEditor", "title": "Julia: Clear Inline Results In Editor" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearCurrentInlineResult", "title": "Julia: Clear Current Inline Result" }, { "command": "language-julia.chooseModule", "title": "Julia: Select Current Module" }, { "command": "language-julia.runEditorContents", "title": "Julia: Run File in New Process", "icon": "$(play)" }, { "command": "language-julia.debugEditorContents", "title": "Julia: Debug File in New Process", "icon": "$(debug-alt)" }, { "command": "language-julia.cdHere", "title": "Julia: Change to This Directory" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateHere", "title": "Julia: Activate This Environment" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateFromDir", "title": "Julia: Activate Parent Environment" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearRuntimeDiagnostics", "title": "Julia: Clear Runtime Diagnostics" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearRuntimeDiagnosticsByProvider", "title": "Julia: Clear Runtime Diagnostics by Provider" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchToInterpreted", "title": "Remove from compiled modules/functions", "icon": "$(remove)" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchToCompiled", "title": "Julia: Add to compiled modules/functions", "icon": "$(add)" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchAllToInterpreted", "title": "Julia: Switch all to interpreted" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchAllToCompiled", "title": "Julia: Switch all to compiled", "icon": "$(diff-added)" }, { "command": "language-julia.apply-compiled-defaults", "title": "Julia: Apply default compiled modules/functions" }, { "command": "language-julia.reset-compiled", "title": "Julia: Clear compiled modules/functions", "icon": "$(remove)" }, { "command": "language-julia.refreshCompiled", "title": "Julia: Refresh Compiled/Interpreted Pane" }, { "command": "language-julia.set-compiled-for-name", "title": "Julia: Add symbol to compiled modules/functions", "icon": "$(add)" }, { "command": "language-julia.set-current-as-default-compiled", "title": "Julia: Set current compiled modules/functions as default" }, { "command": "language-julia.enable-compiled-mode", "title": "Julia: Enable Compiled Mode for the debugger", "icon": "$(debug-breakpoint)" }, { "command": "language-julia.disable-compiled-mode", "title": "Julia: Disable Compiled Mode for the debugger", "icon": "$(debug-breakpoint-unverified)" }, { "command": "language-julia.restartKernel", "title": "Julia: Restart kernel", "icon": "$(debug-restart)" }, { "command": "language-julia.stopKernel", "title": "Julia: Stop kernel", "icon": "$(debug-stop)" } ], "menus": { "explorer/context": [ { "when": "resourceLangId == julia", "command": "language-julia.executeFile", "group": "julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.cdHere", "group": "julia", "when": "hasJuliaREPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateHere", "group": "julia", "when": "hasJuliaREPL" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateFromDir", "group": "julia", "when": "hasJuliaREPL" } ], "editor/title": [ { "command": "language-julia.browse-back-documentation", "when": "juliaDocumentationPaneActive", "group": "navigation@-2" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-forward-documentation", "when": "juliaDocumentationPaneActive", "group": "navigation@-1" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete", "group": "navigation@0" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.save-plot", "group": "navigation@-1" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-next", "group": "navigation@-2" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-previous", "group": "navigation@-3" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.copy-plot", "group": "1-julia@0" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus && config.julia.usePlotPane", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-disable", "group": "1-julia@1" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus && !config.julia.usePlotPane", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-enable", "group": "1-julia@1" }, { "when": "jlplotpaneFocus", "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete-all", "group": "1-julia@2" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearAllInlineResultsInEditor", "when": "editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.cdHere", "group": "julia", "when": "editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateHere", "group": "julia", "when": "editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.activateFromDir", "group": "julia", "when": "editorLangId == julia" } ], "editor/title/run": [ { "command": "language-julia.executeActiveFile", "when": "resourceLangId == julia", "group": "Julia@10" }, { "command": "language-julia.runEditorContents", "when": "resourceLangId == julia", "group": "Julia@20" }, { "command": "language-julia.debugEditorContents", "when": "resourceLangId == julia", "group": "Julia@30" } ], "view/item/context": [ { "command": "language-julia.showInVSCode", "when": "view == REPLVariables && viewItem == globalvariable", "group": "inline" }, { "command": "language-julia.stopKernel", "when": "view == REPLVariables && viewItem ==juliakernel", "group": "inline" }, { "command": "language-julia.restartKernel", "when": "view == REPLVariables && viewItem ==juliakernel", "group": "inline" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchToInterpreted", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && viewItem =~ /\\bcompiled\\b/", "group": "inline@1" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchToCompiled", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && viewItem =~ /\\binterpreted\\b/", "group": "inline@1" }, { "command": "language-julia.switchAllToCompiled", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && viewItem =~ /\\binterpreted\\b/ && viewItem =~ /\\bhasChildren\\b/", "group": "inline@2" }, { "command": "language-julia.reset-compiled", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && viewItem == isRootCompiled", "group": "inline" } ], "view/title": [ { "command": "language-julia.browse-back-documentation", "when": "view == julia-documentation", "group": "navigation" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-forward-documentation", "when": "view == julia-documentation", "group": "navigation" }, { "command": "language-julia.apply-compiled-defaults", "when": "view == debugger-compiled", "group": "menu" }, { "command": "language-julia.reset-compiled", "when": "view == debugger-compiled", "group": "menu" }, { "command": "language-julia.set-current-as-default-compiled", "when": "view == debugger-compiled", "group": "menu" }, { "command": "language-julia.set-compiled-for-name", "when": "view == debugger-compiled", "group": "navigation" }, { "command": "language-julia.disable-compiled-mode", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && juliaCompiledMode == true", "group": "navigation" }, { "command": "language-julia.enable-compiled-mode", "when": "view == debugger-compiled && juliaCompiledMode == false", "group": "navigation" } ], "editor/context": [ { "command": "language-julia.show-documentation", "when": "editorLangId == julia", "group": "z_commands" } ] }, "keybindings": [ { "command": "language-julia.executeJuliaCodeInREPL", "key": "ctrl+Enter", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia && activeEditor != workbench.editor.notebook" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCodeBlockOrSelectionAndMove", "key": "alt+Enter", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.interrupt", "key": "Ctrl+C", "when": "terminalFocus && isJuliaREPL && isJuliaEvaluating" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeCellAndMove", "key": "shift+Enter", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia && activeEditor != workbench.editor.notebook" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearCurrentInlineResult", "key": "Ctrl+I Ctrl+D", "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorHasSelection && !findWidgetVisible && !markerNavigationVisible && !parameterHintsVisible && !inSnippetMode && !isInEmbeddedEditor && !suggestWidgetVisible && !onTypeRenameInputVisible && !renameInputVisible && editorLangId == julia && juliaHasInlineResult" }, { "command": "language-julia.clearAllInlineResultsInEditor", "key": "ctrl+I ctrl+C", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.chooseModule", "key": "Alt+J Alt+M", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.startREPL", "key": "Alt+J Alt+O" }, { "command": "language-julia.stopREPL", "key": "Alt+J Alt+K" }, { "command": "language-julia.changeCurrentEnvironment", "key": "Alt+J Alt+E", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.executeJuliaCodeInREPL", "key": "ctrl+Enter", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == juliamarkdown" }, { "command": "language-julia.show-documentation", "key": "alt+J alt+D", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == julia" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-back-documentation", "key": "left", "when": "juliaDocumentationPaneActive" }, { "command": "language-julia.browse-forward-documentation", "key": "right", "when": "juliaDocumentationPaneActive" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-previous", "key": "left", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-previous", "key": "up", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-previous", "key": "pageup", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-next", "key": "right", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-next", "key": "down", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-next", "key": "pagedown", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-first", "key": "home", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-last", "key": "end", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete", "key": "delete", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.copy-plot", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.save-plot", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" }, { "command": "language-julia.plotpane-delete-all", "key": "shift+delete", "when": "jlplotpaneFocus" } ], "configuration": { "type": "object", "title": "Julia", "properties": { "julia.executablePath": { "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Points to the julia executable.", "scope": "machine-overridable" }, "julia.lint.run": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Run the linter on active files." }, "julia.lint.missingrefs": { "type": "string", "default": "none", "enum": [ "none", "symbols", "all" ], "description": "Highlight unknown symbols. The `symbols` option will not mark unknown fields." }, "julia.lint.disabledDirs": { "type": "array", "default": [ "docs", "test" ], "markdownDescription": "Specifies sub-directories in [a package directory](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/code-loading/#Package-directories-1) where only basic linting is. This drastically lowers the chance for false positives." }, "julia.lint.call": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "This compares call signatures against all known methods for the called function. Calls with too many or too few arguments, or unknown keyword parameters are highlighted." }, "julia.lint.iter": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check iterator syntax of loops. Will identify, for example, attempts to iterate over single values." }, "julia.lint.nothingcomp": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check for use of `==` rather than `===` when comparing against `nothing`. " }, "julia.lint.constif": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check for constant conditionals in if statements that result in branches never being reached.." }, "julia.lint.lazy": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check for deterministic lazy boolean operators." }, "julia.lint.datadecl": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check variables used in type declarations are datatypes." }, "julia.lint.typeparam": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check parameters declared in `where` statements or datatype declarations are used." }, "julia.lint.modname": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check submodule names do not shadow their parent's name." }, "julia.lint.pirates": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check for type piracy - the overloading of external functions with methods specified for external datatypes. 'External' here refers to imported code." }, "julia.lint.useoffuncargs": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Check that all declared arguments are used within the function body." }, "julia.enableCrashReporter": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": null, "description": "Enable crash reports to be sent to the julia VS Code extension developers.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.enableTelemetry": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": null, "description": "Enable usage data and errors to be sent to the julia VS Code extension developers.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.trace.server": { "type": "string", "default": "off", "enum": [ "off", "messages", "verbose" ], "description": "Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.useRevise": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Load Revise.jl on startup of the REPL." }, "julia.usePlotPane": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Display plots within VS Code. Might require a restart of the Julia process." }, "julia.showRuntimeDiagnostics": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "markdownDescription": "Enable display of runtime diagnostics. These diagnostics are provided by packages that overload a `show` method for the `application/vnd.julia-vscode.diagnostics` MIME type." }, "julia.focusPlotNavigator": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Whether to automatically show the plot navigator when plotting." }, "julia.useProgressFrontend": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "markdownDescription": "Display [progress bars](https://github.com/JunoLab/ProgressLogging.jl) within VS Code." }, "julia.additionalArgs": { "type": "array", "default": [], "description": "Additional Julia arguments." }, "julia.environmentPath": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "default": null, "description": "Path to a julia environment. VS Code needs to be reloaded for changes to take effect.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.useCustomSysimage": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Use an existing custom sysimage when starting the REPL", "scope": "application" }, "julia.symbolCacheDownload": { "type": [ "boolean", "null" ], "default": null, "description": "Download symbol server cache files from GitHub.", "scope": "application" }, "julia.NumThreads": { "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "default": null, "scope": "machine-overridable", "description": "Number of threads to use for Julia processes." }, "julia.editor": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "default": null, "markdownDescription": "Command to open files from the REPL (via setting the `JULIA_EDITOR` environment variable). Defaults to `code`/`code-insiders` if unset." }, "julia.format.indent": { "type": "integer", "default": 4, "description": "Indent size for formatting.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.indents": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format file indents.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.ops": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format whitespace around operators.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.tuples": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format tuples.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.curly": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format braces.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.calls": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format function calls.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.iterOps": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format loop iterators.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.comments": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format comments.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.docs": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Format inline documentation.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.keywords": { "type": "bool", "default": true, "description": "Ensure single spacing following keywords.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.format.kwarg": { "type": "string", "default": "none", "description": "Format whitespace around function keyword arguments.", "enum": [ "none", "single", "off" ], "scope": "window" }, "julia.completionmode": { "type": "string", "default": "qualify", "description": "Sets the mode for completions.", "enum": [ "exportedonly", "import", "qualify" ], "enumDescriptions": [ "Show completions for the current namespace.", "Show completions for the current namespace and unexported variables of `using`ed modules. Selection of an unexported variable will result in the automatic insertion of an explicit `using` statement.", "Show completions for the current namespace and unexported variables of `using`ed modules. Selection of an unexported variable will complete to a qualified variable name." ], "scope": "window" }, "julia.execution.resultType": { "type": "string", "default": "both", "description": "Specifies how to show inline execution results", "enum": [ "REPL", "inline", "inline, errors in REPL", "both" ], "enumDescriptions": [ "Shows inline execution results in REPL", "Shows inline execution results as inline bubbles", "Shows inline execution results in REPL and inline bubbles" ] }, "julia.execution.inlineResults.colors": { "type": "object", "default": {}, "markdownDescription": "Customizes the colors of inline results when they are displayed in the editor. \n* Available keys for this setting are : \n\t* `foreground`: foreground text color\n\t* `foreground-light`: foreground text color in light themes \n\t* `foreground-dark`: foreground text color in dark themes\n\t* `background`: background color\n\t* `background-light`: background color in light themes\n\t* `background-dark`: background color in dark themes\n\t* `accent`: accent color for normal execution results\n\t* `accent-error`: accent color for error execution results \n* Accepted values are: \n\t* valid CSS color strings\n\t* VS Code [Theme Colors](https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color), prefixed by `vscode.` (i.e. `vscode.editor.foreground`)", "scope": "window" }, "julia.execution.codeInREPL": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Print executed code in REPL and append it to the REPL history.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.packageServer": { "type": "string", "default": "", "markdownDescription": "Julia package server. Set's the `JULIA_PKG_SERVER` environment variable *before* starting a Julia process. Leave this empty to use the systemwide default. Requires a restart of the Julia process.", "scope": "machine-overridable" }, "julia.liveTestFile": { "type": "string", "default": "test/runtests.jl", "description": "A workspace relative path to a Julia file that contains the tests that should be run for live testing.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.persistentSession.enabled": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "scope": "machine-overridable", "markdownDescription": "Experimental: Starts the interactive Julia session in a persistent `tmux` session. Note that `tmux` must be available in the shell defined below." }, "julia.persistentSession.shell": { "type": "string", "default": "/bin/sh", "scope": "machine-overridable", "description": "Shell used to start the persistent session." }, "julia.persistentSession.shellExecutionArgument": { "type": "string", "default": "-c", "scope": "machine-overridable", "markdownDescription": "Argument to execute code in the configured shell, e.g. `-c` for sh-likes or `/c` for `cmd`." }, "julia.persistentSession.tmuxSessionName": { "type": "string", "default": "julia_vscode", "scope": "machine-overridable", "markdownDescription": "Name of the `tmux` session." }, "julia.deleteJuliaCovFiles": { "type": "boolean", "default": "true", "description": "Delete Julia .cov files when running tests with coverage, leaving only a .lcov file behind.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.debuggerDefaultCompiled": { "type": "array", "default": [ "Base.", "-Base.!", "-Base.all", "-Base.all!", "-Base.any", "-Base.any!", "-Base.cd", "-Base.iterate", "-Base.collect", "-Base.collect_similar", "-Base._collect", "-Base.collect_to!", "-Base.collect_to_with_first!", "-Base.filter", "-Base.filter!", "-Base.foreach", "-Base.findall", "-Base.findfirst", "-Base.findlast", "-Base.findnext", "-Base.findprev", "-Base.Generator", "-Base.map", "-Base.map!", "-Base.maximum!", "-Base.minimum!", "-Base.mktemp", "-Base.mktempdir", "-Base.open", "-Base.prod!", "-Base.redirect_stderr", "-Base.redirect_stdin", "-Base.redirect_stdout", "-Base.reenable_sigint", "-Base.setindex!", "-Base.setprecision", "-Base.setrounding", "-Base.show", "-Base.sprint", "-Base.sum", "-Base.sum!", "-Base.task_local_storage", "-Base.timedwait", "-Base.withenv", "-Base.Broadcast", "Core", "Core.Compiler.", "Core.IR", "Core.Intrinsics", "DelimitedFiles", "Distributed", "LinearAlgebra.", "Serialization", "Statistics", "-Statistics.mean", "SparseArrays", "Mmap" ], "description": "Functions or modules that are set to compiled mode when setting the defaults.", "scope": "window" }, "julia.plots.path": { "type": "string", "description": "The output directory to save plots to", "scope": "window" }, "julia.notebookController": { "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Enable the experimental native Jupyter notebook integration.", "scope": "application" } } }, "configurationDefaults": { "[julia]": { "editor.quickSuggestions": true, "editor.wordSeparators": "`~#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?" } }, "taskDefinitions": [ { "type": "julia", "required": [ "command" ], "properties": { "command": { "type": "string" } } } ], "viewsContainers": { "activitybar": [ { "id": "julia-explorer", "title": "Julia", "icon": "images/julia-dots-outline.svg" } ] }, "views": { "julia-explorer": [ { "type": "tree", "id": "REPLVariables", "name": "Workspace" }, { "type": "webview", "id": "julia-documentation", "name": "Documentation" }, { "type": "webview", "id": "julia-plot-navigator", "name": "Plot Navigator" } ], "debug": [ { "type": "tree", "id": "debugger-compiled", "name": "Julia: Compiled Code" } ] }, "breakpoints": [ { "language": "julia" } ], "debuggers": [ { "type": "julia", "label": "Julia", "languages": [ "julia" ], "configurationAttributes": { "launch": { "required": [ "program" ], "properties": { "program": { "type": "string", "description": "Absolute path to a Julia script.", "default": "${file}" }, "stopOnEntry": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Automatically stop after launch.", "default": false }, "cwd": { "type": "string", "description": "Absolute path to the working directory of the program being debugged. Default is the root directory of the file (leave empty).", "default": "${workspaceFolder}" }, "args": { "type": "array", "description": "Command line arguments passed to the program", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "juliaEnv": { "type": "string", "description": "Absolute path to the Julia environment.", "default": "${command:activeJuliaEnvironment}" } } } }, "initialConfigurations": [ { "type": "julia", "request": "launch", "name": "Run active Julia file", "program": "${file}", "stopOnEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "juliaEnv": "${command:activeJuliaEnvironment}" } ], "configurationSnippets": [ { "label": "Julia Debug: Launch", "description": "A new configuration for launch a Julia debug program", "body": { "type": "julia", "request": "launch", "name": "${2:Launch Program}", "program": "^\"\\${workspaceFolder}/${1:Program}\"", "stopOnEntry": false } }, { "label": "Julia Debug: Launch tests", "description": "A new configuration for launch Julia tests", "body": { "type": "julia", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch Julia tests", "program": "^\"\\${workspaceFolder}/test/runtests.jl\"", "stopOnEntry": true } } ], "variables": { "activeJuliaEnvironment": "language-julia.debug.getActiveJuliaEnvironment" } } ] }, "scripts": { "vscode:prepublish": "webpack --mode production", "webpack": "webpack --mode development", "webpack-dev": "webpack --mode development --watch", "eslint": "eslint --ext .ts --fix .", "eslint-dry-run": "eslint --ext .ts --fix-dry-run .", "compile": "tsc -p ./", "compile-dry-run": "tsc -p ./ --noEmit --pretty", "watch": "tsc -watch -p ./", "test": "node ./out/test/runTest.js", "initialsetup": "npm i && git submodule init && git submodule update", "update2latest": "git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update && npm install --no-save && npm run compile && npm run webpack", "package": "vsce package", "updatedeps": "npm run compile && node ./out/scripts/updateDeps.js" }, "dependencies": { "@traptitech/markdown-it-katex": "^3.4.3", "applicationinsights": "^1.8.10", "async-file": "^v2.0.2", "await-notify": "^1.0.1", "markdown-it": "^12.2.0", "markdown-it-footnote": "^3.0.3", "promised-temp": "^v0.1.0", "promisify-child-process": "^4.1.1", "semver": "^7.3.5", "string-argv": "^0.3.1", "uuidv4": "^6.2.12", "vscode-debugadapter": "^1.49.0", "vscode-jsonrpc": "^6.0.0", "vscode-languageclient": "^7.0.0", "which": "^2.0.2" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/download": "^8.0.1", "@types/markdown-it": "^12.2.1", "@types/mocha": "^8.2.3", "@types/node": "^14.17.14", "@types/semver": "^7.3.8", "@types/vscode": "^1.60.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.30.0", "download": "^6.2.5", "eslint": "^7.32.0", "mocha": "^8.4.0", "ts-loader": "^9.2.5", "typescript": "^4.4.2", "vsce": "^1.96.3", "vscode-test": "^1.6.1", "webpack": "^5.52.0", "webpack-cli": "^4.8.0" } }