# Sublime Plugin Import Cost Sublime Text 3 plugin that shows the [import costs](https://github.com/wix/import-cost/) of imported JS modules. ![Example GIF](./example.gif) ## Install The best way is to install the plugin via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/), just search for `import cost`. Besides that, you also have to have [`node`](https://nodejs.org/en/) installed, as well as the npm package [`import-cost`](https://github.com/wix/import-cost): ```bash npm i -g import-cost ``` ## Config To change config options, open the menu `Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings > Import Cost` after installing the plugin. The following options are available: ```js { // Check import costs of npm modules when saving a file "check_on_save": true, // Check import costs when opening a file "check_on_open": true, // File sizes for differnt warning levels in kb "min_size_warning": 40, "min_size_error": 100, // Path to node binary "node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node", // File extensions that should be considered "extensions": [ "js", "jsx" ], // Show gzip size as well "show_gzip": false } ``` ## Shoutouts To [wix](https://github.com/wix/import-cost/) for the awesome npm package, and to [@princemaple](https://github.com/princemaple) for contributing to make this plugin work on Windows as well 🎉 ## Todos - [x] ~~Add basic menus and settings~~ - [x] ~~Add "show gzip" option~~ - [x] ~~Make plugin available through plugin manager~~ - [x] ~~Make plugin smarter to always find correct node_modules folder, no matter what folder is currently open in sublime~~ - [ ] Add caching on python level (import-cost has caching itself, but we still have the expensive node bridge thing going on, which is very avoidable) - [x] ~~Windows support~~