library(lubridate) library(OpenStreetMap) setwd("~/Documents/DATA/WinnipegTransit") YYYY = 2019 MM = 07 DD = 04 # Query is for a "day" worth of transport, from start of movement # around 5:00 to end of movement around 2:00 next day. # So set date and date of next day. Q_date <- lubridate::ymd(sprintf("%s-%s-%s",YYYY,MM,DD)) Q_date_p1 <- lubridate::ymd(Q_date)+1 # Load the calendar file to find code for chosen day. calendar <- read.csv("staticSchedule/calendar.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Find which entries in calendar have the chosen date calendar$start_date = lubridate::ymd(calendar$start_date) calendar$end_date = lubridate::ymd(calendar$end_date) idx = intersect(which(calendar$start_date <= Q_date), which(calendar$end_date >= Q_date_p1)) calendar = calendar[idx,] # Which day of the week is start of service (Q_date) # lubridate starts Sunday by default (so 1=Sunday) day_week = lubridate::wday(Q_date) if (day_week %in% seq(2,6)) # Weekday service idx = which(calendar$monday == 1) if (day_week == 7) # Saturday service idx = which(calendar$saturday == 1) if (day_week == 1) # Sunday service idx = which(calendar$sunday == 1) calendar = calendar[idx,] # Load other required files stop_times <- read.csv("staticSchedule/stop_times.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) stops <- read.csv("staticSchedule/stops.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) trips <- read.csv("staticSchedule/trips.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Make one giant data frame and progressively prune monster_frame = merge(x = stop_times, y = stops, by.x = "stop_id", by.y = "stop_id") monster_frame = merge(x = monster_frame, y = trips, by.x = "trip_id", by.y = "trip_id") idx = which(monster_frame$service_id %in% calendar$service_id) monster_frame = monster_frame[idx,] monster_frame = monster_frame[order(monster_frame$arrival_time),] monster_frame$HH = as.numeric(substr(monster_frame$arrival_time,1,2)) monster_frame$MM = as.numeric(substr(monster_frame$arrival_time,4,5)) monster_frame = monster_frame[,c("arrival_time","HH","MM", "stop_lat", "stop_lon")] # Add lat/lon in Mercator format monster_frame$x = OpenStreetMap::projectMercator(monster_frame$stop_lat, monster_frame$stop_lon)[,1] monster_frame$y = OpenStreetMap::projectMercator(monster_frame$stop_lat, monster_frame$stop_lon)[,2] # Download map for plotting Winnipeg_upperLeft = c(max(monster_frame$stop_lat), min(monster_frame$stop_lon)) Winnipeg_lowerRight = c(min(monster_frame$stop_lat), max(monster_frame$stop_lon)) Winnipeg_map <- OpenStreetMap::openmap(upperLeft = Winnipeg_upperLeft, lowerRight = Winnipeg_lowerRight, type = "osm-public-transport") # Plot minute per minute bus stop activity. # Because stop activity is sorted, we can just make our way down # the vector curr_MM = -1 for (i in 1:length(monster_frame$arrival_time)) { if (monster_frame$MM[i] != curr_MM) { if (i>1) { } if (monster_frame$HH[i] <= 23) { date_time = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d", Q_date, monster_frame$HH[i], monster_frame$MM[i]) plotName = sprintf("tmpFig/%s_%02d:%02d.png", Q_date, monster_frame$HH[i], monster_frame$MM[i]) } if (monster_frame$HH[i] > 23) { date_time = sprintf("%s %02d:%02d", Q_date_p1, (monster_frame$HH[i]-24), monster_frame$MM[i]) plotName = sprintf("tmpFig/%s_%02d:%02d.png", Q_date_p1, monster_frame$HH[i], monster_frame$MM[i]) } # Just to know where we are currently as it takes a while print(date_time) # Set up the plot png(plotName, width = 600, height = 600) plot(Winnipeg_map) title(main = sprintf("%s",date_time)) # Update current time/date curr_MM = monster_frame$MM[i] } points(x = round(as.numeric(as.character(monster_frame$x[i]))), y = round(as.numeric(as.character(monster_frame$y[i]))), pch = 19) } my_command <- 'convert tmpFig/*.png -delay 3 -loop 0 Winnipeg_buses.gif' system(my_command)