cat("Atencion: se cargan las funciones read.arff y write.arff modificadas, basadas en el paquete foreign\n") #' @title #' Read Data from ARFF Files #' #' @description #' Reads data from Weka Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. #' #' @param file a character string with the name of the ARFF file to read from, #' or a \code{\link{connection}} which will be opened if necessary, and if so #' closed at the end of the function call. #' #' @param nrows integer: the maximum number of rows of data to read in. Negative and other #' invalid values are ignored. #' #' @param skip integer: the number of rows of data to skip before beginning #' to read data. #' #' @value #' A data frame containing the data from the ARFF file. #' #' @references #' Attribute-Relation File Format \link{} #' \link{} #' #' @seealso \code{\link{write.arff}} read.arff <- function (file, nrows = -1, skip = 0) { # Authors: R Core Team and Juan M. Barreneche if (is.character(file)) { file <- file(file, "r") on.exit(close(file)) } if (!inherits(file, "connection")) stop("Argument 'file' must be a character string or connection.") if (!isOpen(file)) { open(file, "r") on.exit(close(file)) } col_names <- NULL col_types <- NULL col_dfmts <- character() ## Data formats line <- readLines(file, n = 1L) nom_levels <- NULL ## List with al the labels, used to edit factor levels later on a <- 0L ## Iterator to keep count of attribute numbers nom_attribs <- NULL ## Vector to store nominal attribute indexes while (length(line) && regexpr("^[[:space:]]*@(?i)data", line, perl = TRUE) == -1L) { if (regexpr("^[[:space:]]*@(?i)relation", line, perl = TRUE) > 0L) { relation <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*@(?i)relation[[:space:]]+", "", line) } if (regexpr("^[[:space:]]*@(?i)attribute", line, perl = TRUE) > 0L) { a <- a + 1L con <- textConnection(line) line <- scan(con, character(), quiet = TRUE) close(con) if (length(line) < 3L) stop("Invalid attribute specification.") col_names <- c(col_names, line[2L]) if ((type <- tolower(line[3L])) == "date") { col_types <- c(col_types, "character") col_dfmts <- c(col_dfmts, if (length(line) > 3L) ISO_8601_to_POSIX_datetime_format(line[4L]) else "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") } else if (type == "relational") stop("Type 'relational' currently not implemented.") else { ## Here i deal with the levels of nominal attributes: if (grepl("^\\{.*\\}$", type)) { nom_attribs <- c(nom_attribs, a) lev <- strsplit(gsub("\\{|\\}|\\'", "", line[3L]), ",")[[1]] nom_levels[[a]] <- lev } type <- sub("\\{.*", "factor", type) type <- sub("string", "character", type) type <- sub("real", "numeric", type) col_types <- c(col_types, type) col_dfmts <- c(col_dfmts, NA) } } line <- readLines(file, n = 1L) } if (length(line) == 0L) stop("Missing data section.") if (is.null(col_names)) stop("Missing attribute section.") if (length(col_names) != length(grep("factor|numeric|character", col_types))) stop("Invalid type specification.") data <- read.table(file, sep = ",", na.strings = "?", colClasses = col_types, comment.char = "%", nrows = nrows, skip = skip) if (any(ind <- which(! for (i in ind) data[i] <-[[i]], col_dfmts[i])) for (i in nom_attribs) { data[[i]] <- factor(data[[i]], levels = nom_levels[[i]]) } for (i in seq_len(length(data))) { if (is.factor(data[[i]])) { levels(data[[i]]) <- gsub("\\\\", "", levels(data[[i]])) } } names(data) <- col_names attr(data, "relation") <- relation class(data) <- c(class(data), "") data }