# Markdown complements Easy indenting of Markdown lists. * This plugin provides functions to complement a markdown list item making/changing or indent up/down. * Need to set Key Bindings only. * No need to care extensions(.md,.mdown,.txt or something like that). * Can change list items manually not connected with indent levels. * Can prevent conflicting with Japanese Input method that selected characters are disappearing. ![gif](https://immense-headland-55656.herokuapp.com/markdownComplements.gif) ## Sublime Text Version The plugin requires Sublime Text 3. ## Installation You can clone this repository into your Sublime Text "Packages" folder. ### MacOS: cd ~/"Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages" git clone https://github.com/junShimoji/markdowncomplements.git MarkDownComplements ### Windows: cd "%APPDATA%\"Sublime Text 3\Packages" git clone https://github.com/junShimoji/markdowncomplements.git MarkDownComplements ### Settings There are 5 plug-ins. 1. markdown_indent_down If the focus line has a list item(\*,+ or -), then you can indent down. If the focus line has no list item(\*,+ or -), you can add a list item automatically. 2. markdown_indent_up If the line has a list item(\*,+ or -), it indent up. 3. markdown_new_line It provides new line with a list item. 4. markdown_rotate_list_item If a list item(\*,+ or -) exists, the list item lotates like \* -> + -> - * .... Use as follows. Open Preferences > Key Bindings and add as follows: { "keys": ["ctrl+enter"], "command": "markdown_indent_down", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.html.markdown" }] }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+enter"], "command": "markdown_indent_up" }, { "keys": ["command+enter"], "command": "markdown_new_line" }, { "keys": ["shift+enter"], "command": "markdown_rotate_list_item" } Above "context" should be added if neceesary. 5. outline to table It provides outline to markdown table. * To make table header, use list item ```+```. * To make table contents, use list item ```-```. * Select texts which include headers and contents. * Open palette and input 'outline to table.' #### example before) ``` + header1 + header2 + header3 - content1 - content2 - content3 - content4 ``` after) ``` |header1|header2|header3| |-|-|-| |content1|content2| |content3|content4| ```