sublime-cssrtl ============== Generate CSS file from ltr to rtl Generate CSS file from rtl to ltr Usage Example: ![picture]( ## Installation ### Install node module ``` npm install css-flip-auto -g ``` ### Install sublime text plugin 1. From Package Control 2.Download ( unzip to the package folder of sublime text ## Exception There are two types of exception - @noflip and @replace ### @noflip #### exception for single css rule From: ```css p { /*@noflip*/ float: left; clear: left; } ``` To: ```css p { float: left; clear: right; } ``` #### Entire css selector: From: ```css /*@noflip*/ p { float: left; clear: left; } ``` To: ```css p { float: left; clear: left; } ``` ### @replace Replace to custom rule. From: ```css p { /*@replace: -32px -32px*/ background-position: -32px 0; /*@replace: ">"*/ content: "<"; } ``` To: ```css p { background-position: -32px -32px; content: ">"; } ``` ## Support css attribute - background-position - background-position-x\n border-bottom-left-radius - border-bottom-right-radius - border-color - border-left - border-left-color - border-left-style - border-left-width - border-radius - border-right - border-right-color - border-right-style - border-right-width - border-style - border-top-left-radius - border-top-right-radius - border-width - box-shadow - clear - direction - float - left - margin - margin-left - margin-right - padding - padding-left - padding-right - right - text-align - transition -transition-property Thanks to: (