#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Monitor & Cull idle single-user servers and users """ import asyncio import json import os import ssl from datetime import datetime, timezone from functools import partial from textwrap import dedent from urllib.parse import quote import dateutil.parser from packaging.version import Version as V from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest from tornado.httputil import url_concat from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line __version__ = "1.3.2.dev" STATE_FILTER_MIN_VERSION = V("1.3.0") def parse_date(date_string): """Parse a timestamp If it doesn't have a timezone, assume utc Returned datetime object will always be timezone-aware """ dt = dateutil.parser.parse(date_string) if not dt.tzinfo: # assume naive timestamps are UTC dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return dt def format_td(td): """ Nicely format a timedelta object as HH:MM:SS """ if td is None: return "unknown" if isinstance(td, str): return td seconds = int(td.total_seconds()) h = seconds // 3600 seconds = seconds % 3600 m = seconds // 60 seconds = seconds % 60 return f"{h:02}:{m:02}:{seconds:02}" def make_ssl_context(keyfile, certfile, cafile=None, verify=True, check_hostname=True): """Setup context for starting an https server or making requests over ssl.""" if not keyfile or not certfile: return None purpose = ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH if verify else ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose, cafile=cafile) ssl_context.load_default_certs(purpose) ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile) ssl_context.check_hostname = check_hostname return ssl_context def utcnow(): """Return timezone-aware datetime for right now""" # Only a standalone function for mocking purposes return datetime.now(timezone.utc) async def cull_idle( url, api_token, inactive_limit, cull_users=False, remove_named_servers=False, max_age=0, concurrency=10, ssl_enabled=False, internal_certs_location="", cull_admin_users=True, api_page_size=0, cull_default_servers=True, cull_named_servers=True, ): """Shutdown idle single-user servers If cull_users, inactive *users* will be deleted as well. """ defaults = { # GET /users may be slow if there are thousands of users and we # don't do any server side filtering so default request timeouts # to 60 seconds rather than tornado's 20 second default. "request_timeout": int(os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") or 60) } if ssl_enabled: ssl_context = make_ssl_context( f"{internal_certs_location}/hub-internal/hub-internal.key", f"{internal_certs_location}/hub-internal/hub-internal.crt", f"{internal_certs_location}/hub-ca/hub-ca.crt", ) app_log.debug("ssl_enabled is Enabled: %s", ssl_enabled) app_log.debug("internal_certs_location is %s", internal_certs_location) defaults["ssl_options"] = ssl_context AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults=defaults) client = AsyncHTTPClient() if concurrency: semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(concurrency) async def fetch(req): """client.fetch wrapped in a semaphore to limit concurrency""" await semaphore.acquire() try: return await client.fetch(req) finally: semaphore.release() else: fetch = client.fetch async def fetch_paginated(req): """Make a paginated API request async generator, yields all items from a list endpoint """ req.headers["Accept"] = "application/jupyterhub-pagination+json" url = req.url resp_future = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(req)) page_no = 1 item_count = 0 while resp_future is not None: response = await resp_future resp_future = None resp_model = json.loads(response.body.decode("utf8", "replace")) if isinstance(resp_model, list): # handle pre-2.0 response, no pagination items = resp_model else: # paginated response items = resp_model["items"] next_info = resp_model["_pagination"]["next"] if next_info: page_no += 1 app_log.info(f"Fetching page {page_no} {next_info['url']}") # submit next request req.url = next_info["url"] resp_future = asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(req)) for item in items: item_count += 1 yield item app_log.debug(f"Fetched {item_count} items from {url} in {page_no} pages") # Starting with jupyterhub 1.3.0 the users can be filtered in the server # using the `state` filter parameter. "ready" means all users who have any # ready servers (running, not pending). auth_header = {"Authorization": f"token {api_token}"} resp = await fetch(HTTPRequest(url=f"{url}/", headers=auth_header)) resp_model = json.loads(resp.body.decode("utf8", "replace")) state_filter = V(resp_model["version"]) >= STATE_FILTER_MIN_VERSION now = utcnow() async def handle_server(user, server_name, server, max_age, inactive_limit): """Handle (maybe) culling a single server "server" is the entire server model from the API. Returns True if server is now stopped (user removable), False otherwise. """ log_name = user["name"] if server_name: log_name = f"{user['name']}/{server_name}" if server.get("pending"): app_log.warning( f"Not culling server {log_name} with pending {server['pending']}" ) return False # jupyterhub < 0.9 defined 'server.url' once the server was ready # as an *implicit* signal that the server was ready. # 0.9 adds a dedicated, explicit 'ready' field. # By current (0.9) definitions, servers that have no pending # events and are not ready shouldn't be in the model, # but let's check just to be safe. if not server.get("ready", bool(server["url"])): app_log.warning( f"Not culling not-ready not-pending server {log_name}: {server}" ) return False if server.get("started"): age = now - parse_date(server["started"]) else: # started may be undefined on jupyterhub < 0.9 age = None # check last activity # last_activity can be None in 0.9 if server["last_activity"]: inactive = now - parse_date(server["last_activity"]) else: # no activity yet, use start date # last_activity may be None with jupyterhub 0.9, # which introduces the 'started' field which is never None # for running servers inactive = age # CUSTOM CULLING TEST CODE HERE # Add in additional server tests here. Return False to mean "don't # cull", True means "cull immediately", or, for example, update some # other variables like inactive_limit. # # Here, server['state'] is the result of the get_state method # on the spawner. This does *not* contain the below by # default, you may have to modify your spawner to make this # work. The `user` variable is the user model from the API. # # if server['state']['profile_name'] == 'unlimited' # return False # inactive_limit = server['state']['culltime'] is_default_server = server_name == "" is_named_server = server_name != "" should_cull = ( inactive is not None and inactive.total_seconds() >= inactive_limit and ( (cull_default_servers and is_default_server) or (cull_named_servers and is_named_server) ) ) if should_cull: app_log.info( f"Culling server {log_name} (inactive for {format_td(inactive)})" ) if max_age and not should_cull: # only check started if max_age is specified # so that we can still be compatible with jupyterhub 0.8 # which doesn't define the 'started' field if age is not None and age.total_seconds() >= max_age: app_log.info( "Culling server %s (age: %s, inactive for %s)", log_name, format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) should_cull = True if not should_cull: app_log.debug( "Not culling server %s (age: %s, inactive for %s)", log_name, format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) return False body = None if server_name: # culling a named server # A named server can be stopped and kept available to the user # for starting again or stopped and removed. To remove the named # server we have to pass an additional option in the body of our # DELETE request. delete_url = "{}/users/{}/servers/{}".format( url, quote(user["name"]), quote(server["name"]), ) if remove_named_servers: body = json.dumps({"remove": True}) else: delete_url = "{}/users/{}/server".format( url, quote(user["name"]), ) req = HTTPRequest( url=delete_url, method="DELETE", headers=auth_header, body=body, allow_nonstandard_methods=True, ) resp = await fetch(req) if resp.code == 202: app_log.warning(f"Server {log_name} is slow to stop") # return False to prevent culling user with pending shutdowns return False return True async def handle_user(user): """Handle one user. Create a list of their servers, and async exec them. Wait for that to be done, and if all servers are stopped, possibly cull the user. """ # shutdown servers first. # Hub doesn't allow deleting users with running servers. # jupyterhub 0.9 always provides a 'servers' model. # 0.8 only does this when named servers are enabled. if "servers" in user: servers = user["servers"] else: # jupyterhub < 0.9 without named servers enabled. # create servers dict with one entry for the default server # from the user model. # only if the server is running. servers = {} if user["server"]: servers[""] = { "last_activity": user["last_activity"], "pending": user["pending"], "url": user["server"], } server_futures = [ handle_server(user, server_name, server, max_age, inactive_limit) for server_name, server in servers.items() ] if server_futures: results = await asyncio.gather(*server_futures) else: results = [] if not cull_users: return # some servers are still running, cannot cull users still_alive = len(results) - sum(results) if still_alive: app_log.debug( "Not culling user %s with %i servers still alive", user["name"], still_alive, ) return False should_cull = False if user.get("created"): age = now - parse_date(user["created"]) else: # created may be undefined on jupyterhub < 0.9 age = None # check last activity # last_activity can be None in 0.9 if user["last_activity"]: inactive = now - parse_date(user["last_activity"]) else: # no activity yet, use start date # last_activity may be None with jupyterhub 0.9, # which introduces the 'created' field which is never None inactive = age user_is_admin = user["admin"] should_cull = ( inactive is not None and inactive.total_seconds() >= inactive_limit ) and (cull_admin_users or not user_is_admin) if should_cull: app_log.info(f"Culling user {user['name']} " f"(inactive for {inactive})") if max_age and not should_cull: # only check created if max_age is specified # so that we can still be compatible with jupyterhub 0.8 # which doesn't define the 'started' field if age is not None and age.total_seconds() >= max_age: app_log.info( f"Culling user {user['name']} " f"(age: {format_td(age)}, inactive for {format_td(inactive)})" ) should_cull = True if not should_cull: app_log.debug( f"Not culling user {user['name']} " f"(created: {format_td(age)}, last active: {format_td(inactive)})" ) return False req = HTTPRequest( url=f"{url}/users/{user['name']}", method="DELETE", headers=auth_header ) await fetch(req) return True futures = [] params = {} if api_page_size: params["limit"] = str(api_page_size) # If we filter users by state=ready then we do not get back any which # are inactive, so if we're also culling users get the set of users which # are inactive and see if they should be culled as well. users_url = f"{url}/users" if state_filter and cull_users: inactive_params = {"state": "inactive"} inactive_params.update(params) req = HTTPRequest(url_concat(users_url, inactive_params), headers=auth_header) n_idle = 0 async for user in fetch_paginated(req): n_idle += 1 futures.append((user["name"], handle_user(user))) app_log.debug(f"Got {n_idle} users with inactive servers") if state_filter: params["state"] = "ready" req = HTTPRequest( url=url_concat(users_url, params), headers=auth_header, ) n_users = 0 async for user in fetch_paginated(req): n_users += 1 futures.append((user["name"], handle_user(user))) if state_filter: app_log.debug(f"Got {n_users} users with ready servers") else: app_log.debug(f"Got {n_users} users") for name, f in futures: try: result = await f except Exception: app_log.exception(f"Error processing {name}") else: if result: app_log.debug("Finished culling %s", name) def main(): define( "url", default=os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_API_URL"), help=dedent( """ The JupyterHub API URL. """ ).strip(), ) define( "timeout", type=int, default=600, help=dedent( """ The idle timeout (in seconds). """ ).strip(), ) define( "cull_every", type=int, default=0, help=dedent( """ The interval (in seconds) for checking for idle servers to cull. """ ).strip(), ) define( "max_age", type=int, default=0, help=dedent( """ The maximum age (in seconds) of servers that should be culled even if they are active. """ ).strip(), ) define( "cull_users", type=bool, default=False, help=dedent( """ Cull users in addition to servers. This is for use in temporary-user cases such as tmpnb. """ ).strip(), ) define( "remove_named_servers", default=False, type=bool, help=dedent( """ Remove named servers in addition to stopping them. This is useful for a BinderHub that uses authentication and named servers. """ ).strip(), ) define( "concurrency", type=int, default=10, help=dedent( """ Limit the number of concurrent requests made to the Hub. Deleting a lot of users at the same time can slow down the Hub, so limit the number of API requests we have outstanding at any given time. """ ).strip(), ) define( "ssl_enabled", type=bool, default=False, help=dedent( """ Whether the Jupyter API endpoint has TLS enabled. """ ).strip(), ) define( "internal_certs_location", type=str, default="internal-ssl", help=dedent( """ The location of generated internal-ssl certificates (only needed with --ssl-enabled=true). """ ).strip(), ) define( "cull_admin_users", type=bool, default=True, help=dedent( """ Whether admin users should be culled (only if --cull-users=true). """ ).strip(), ) define( "api_page_size", type=int, default=0, help=dedent( """ Number of users to request per page, when using JupyterHub 2.0's paginated user list API. Default: user the server-side default configured page size. """ ).strip(), ) define( "cull_default_servers", type=bool, default=True, help=dedent( """ Whether default servers should be culled (only if --cull-default-servers=true). """ ).strip(), ) define( "cull_named_servers", type=bool, default=True, help=dedent( """ Whether named servers should be culled (only if --cull-named-servers=true). """ ).strip(), ) parse_command_line() if not options.cull_every: options.cull_every = options.timeout // 2 api_token = os.environ["JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN"] try: AsyncHTTPClient.configure("tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient") except ImportError as e: app_log.warning( f"Could not load pycurl: {e}\n" "pycurl is recommended if you have a large number of users." ) loop = IOLoop.current() cull = partial( cull_idle, url=options.url, api_token=api_token, inactive_limit=options.timeout, cull_users=options.cull_users, remove_named_servers=options.remove_named_servers, max_age=options.max_age, concurrency=options.concurrency, ssl_enabled=options.ssl_enabled, internal_certs_location=options.internal_certs_location, cull_admin_users=options.cull_admin_users, api_page_size=options.api_page_size, cull_default_servers=options.cull_default_servers, cull_named_servers=options.cull_named_servers, ) # schedule first cull immediately # because PeriodicCallback doesn't start until the end of the first interval loop.add_callback(cull) # schedule periodic cull pc = PeriodicCallback(cull, 1e3 * options.cull_every) pc.start() try: loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()