#!/usr/bin/env python3 """script to monitor and cull idle single-user servers Caveats: last_activity is not updated with high frequency, so cull timeout should be greater than the sum of: - single-user websocket ping interval (default: 30s) - JupyterHub.last_activity_interval (default: 5 minutes) You can run this as a service managed by JupyterHub with this in your config:: c.JupyterHub.services = [ { 'name': 'cull-idle', 'admin': True, 'command': [sys.executable, 'cull_idle_servers.py', '--timeout=3600'], } ] Or run it manually by generating an API token and storing it in `JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN`: export JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN=$(jupyterhub token) python3 cull_idle_servers.py [--timeout=900] [--url=] This script uses the same ``--timeout`` and ``--max-age`` values for culling users and users' servers. If you want a different value for users and servers, you should add this script to the services list twice, just with different ``name``s, different values, and one with the ``--cull-users`` option. """ import json import os from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from functools import partial try: from urllib.parse import quote except ImportError: from urllib import quote import dateutil.parser from tornado.gen import coroutine, multi from tornado.locks import Semaphore from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line def parse_date(date_string): """Parse a timestamp If it doesn't have a timezone, assume utc Returned datetime object will always be timezone-aware """ dt = dateutil.parser.parse(date_string) if not dt.tzinfo: # assume naïve timestamps are UTC dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return dt def format_td(td): """ Nicely format a timedelta object as HH:MM:SS """ if td is None: return "unknown" if isinstance(td, str): return td seconds = int(td.total_seconds()) h = seconds // 3600 seconds = seconds % 3600 m = seconds // 60 seconds = seconds % 60 return "{h:02}:{m:02}:{seconds:02}".format(h=h, m=m, seconds=seconds) @coroutine def cull_idle( url, api_token, inactive_limit, cull_users=False, max_age=0, concurrency=10 ): """Shutdown idle single-user servers If cull_users, inactive *users* will be deleted as well. """ auth_header = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % api_token} req = HTTPRequest(url=url + '/users', headers=auth_header) now = datetime.now(timezone.utc) client = AsyncHTTPClient() if concurrency: semaphore = Semaphore(concurrency) @coroutine def fetch(req): """client.fetch wrapped in a semaphore to limit concurrency""" yield semaphore.acquire() try: return (yield client.fetch(req)) finally: yield semaphore.release() else: fetch = client.fetch resp = yield fetch(req) users = json.loads(resp.body.decode('utf8', 'replace')) futures = [] @coroutine def handle_server(user, server_name, server): """Handle (maybe) culling a single server "server" is the entire server model from the API. Returns True if server is now stopped (user removable), False otherwise. """ log_name = user['name'] if server_name: log_name = '%s/%s' % (user['name'], server_name) if server.get('pending'): app_log.warning( "Not culling server %s with pending %s", log_name, server['pending'] ) return False # jupyterhub < 0.9 defined 'server.url' once the server was ready # as an *implicit* signal that the server was ready. # 0.9 adds a dedicated, explicit 'ready' field. # By current (0.9) definitions, servers that have no pending # events and are not ready shouldn't be in the model, # but let's check just to be safe. if not server.get('ready', bool(server['url'])): app_log.warning( "Not culling not-ready not-pending server %s: %s", log_name, server ) return False if server.get('started'): age = now - parse_date(server['started']) else: # started may be undefined on jupyterhub < 0.9 age = None # check last activity # last_activity can be None in 0.9 if server['last_activity']: inactive = now - parse_date(server['last_activity']) else: # no activity yet, use start date # last_activity may be None with jupyterhub 0.9, # which introduces the 'started' field which is never None # for running servers inactive = age # CUSTOM CULLING TEST CODE HERE # Add in additional server tests here. Return False to mean "don't # cull", True means "cull immediately", or, for example, update some # other variables like inactive_limit. # # Here, server['state'] is the result of the get_state method # on the spawner. This does *not* contain the below by # default, you may have to modify your spawner to make this # work. The `user` variable is the user model from the API. # # if server['state']['profile_name'] == 'unlimited' # return False # inactive_limit = server['state']['culltime'] should_cull = ( inactive is not None and inactive.total_seconds() >= inactive_limit ) if should_cull: app_log.info( "Culling server %s (inactive for %s)", log_name, format_td(inactive) ) if max_age and not should_cull: # only check started if max_age is specified # so that we can still be compatible with jupyterhub 0.8 # which doesn't define the 'started' field if age is not None and age.total_seconds() >= max_age: app_log.info( "Culling server %s (age: %s, inactive for %s)", log_name, format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) should_cull = True if not should_cull: app_log.debug( "Not culling server %s (age: %s, inactive for %s)", log_name, format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) return False if server_name: # culling a named server delete_url = url + "/users/%s/servers/%s" % ( quote(user['name']), quote(server['name']), ) else: delete_url = url + '/users/%s/server' % quote(user['name']) req = HTTPRequest(url=delete_url, method='DELETE', headers=auth_header) resp = yield fetch(req) if resp.code == 202: app_log.warning("Server %s is slow to stop", log_name) # return False to prevent culling user with pending shutdowns return False return True @coroutine def handle_user(user): """Handle one user. Create a list of their servers, and async exec them. Wait for that to be done, and if all servers are stopped, possibly cull the user. """ # shutdown servers first. # Hub doesn't allow deleting users with running servers. # jupyterhub 0.9 always provides a 'servers' model. # 0.8 only does this when named servers are enabled. if 'servers' in user: servers = user['servers'] else: # jupyterhub < 0.9 without named servers enabled. # create servers dict with one entry for the default server # from the user model. # only if the server is running. servers = {} if user['server']: servers[''] = { 'last_activity': user['last_activity'], 'pending': user['pending'], 'url': user['server'], } server_futures = [ handle_server(user, server_name, server) for server_name, server in servers.items() ] results = yield multi(server_futures) if not cull_users: return # some servers are still running, cannot cull users still_alive = len(results) - sum(results) if still_alive: app_log.debug( "Not culling user %s with %i servers still alive", user['name'], still_alive, ) return False should_cull = False if user.get('created'): age = now - parse_date(user['created']) else: # created may be undefined on jupyterhub < 0.9 age = None # check last activity # last_activity can be None in 0.9 if user['last_activity']: inactive = now - parse_date(user['last_activity']) else: # no activity yet, use start date # last_activity may be None with jupyterhub 0.9, # which introduces the 'created' field which is never None inactive = age should_cull = ( inactive is not None and inactive.total_seconds() >= inactive_limit ) if should_cull: app_log.info("Culling user %s (inactive for %s)", user['name'], inactive) if max_age and not should_cull: # only check created if max_age is specified # so that we can still be compatible with jupyterhub 0.8 # which doesn't define the 'started' field if age is not None and age.total_seconds() >= max_age: app_log.info( "Culling user %s (age: %s, inactive for %s)", user['name'], format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) should_cull = True if not should_cull: app_log.debug( "Not culling user %s (created: %s, last active: %s)", user['name'], format_td(age), format_td(inactive), ) return False req = HTTPRequest( url=url + '/users/%s' % user['name'], method='DELETE', headers=auth_header ) yield fetch(req) return True for user in users: futures.append((user['name'], handle_user(user))) for (name, f) in futures: try: result = yield f except Exception: app_log.exception("Error processing %s", name) else: if result: app_log.debug("Finished culling %s", name) if __name__ == '__main__': define( 'url', default=os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_API_URL'), help="The JupyterHub API URL", ) define('timeout', default=600, help="The idle timeout (in seconds)") define( 'cull_every', default=0, help="The interval (in seconds) for checking for idle servers to cull", ) define( 'max_age', default=0, help="The maximum age (in seconds) of servers that should be culled even if they are active", ) define( 'cull_users', default=False, help="""Cull users in addition to servers. This is for use in temporary-user cases such as tmpnb.""", ) define( 'concurrency', default=10, help="""Limit the number of concurrent requests made to the Hub. Deleting a lot of users at the same time can slow down the Hub, so limit the number of API requests we have outstanding at any given time. """, ) parse_command_line() if not options.cull_every: options.cull_every = options.timeout // 2 api_token = os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN'] try: AsyncHTTPClient.configure("tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient") except ImportError as e: app_log.warning( "Could not load pycurl: %s\n" "pycurl is recommended if you have a large number of users.", e, ) loop = IOLoop.current() cull = partial( cull_idle, url=options.url, api_token=api_token, inactive_limit=options.timeout, cull_users=options.cull_users, max_age=options.max_age, concurrency=options.concurrency, ) # schedule first cull immediately # because PeriodicCallback doesn't start until the end of the first interval loop.add_callback(cull) # schedule periodic cull pc = PeriodicCallback(cull, 1e3 * options.cull_every) pc.start() try: loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass