# Contributing First off, thank you for considering contributing to velociraptor. Here are a few things you may find helpful. ### Get in touch - ❓ Ask general support questions on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/velociraptor) (using the `velociraptor` tag) or in the [chat](https://discord.gg/M5K7TBd). - 👨‍💻 Use [issues](https://github.com/jurassiscripts/velociraptor/issues/new) to report bugs. - 💡 Use [discussions](https://github.com/jurassiscripts/velociraptor/discussions) to propose new features. - 💬 Discuss topics and your contributions in the [chat](https://discord.gg/M5K7TBd). ### Contributing to development Before you submit your PR please consider the following guidelines: - 🕶 Follow Deno's [style guide](https://deno.land/manual/contributing/style_guide#typescript). - 📄 Use [Conventional Commits](https://conventionalcommits.org). - ⚙️ If you're implementing a new feature, consider adding tests for it if possible. In `scripts.yml` you'll find some scripts to format and test your code, make sure to run `vr` at least once in order to link them to your local git hooks. > If you need any help, feel free to ask!