# makefile for profiling the builds of various websites using different versions of Jekyll and Just hte Docs. # The directory for the profiling results: DIR := collections/_tests/profiles # The websites to be built: SITE := \ just-the-docs-tests \ jekyll-doc-tsl2 \ endoflife.date \ machinetranslate.org # The versions of Jekyll to use: JEKYLL := \ 3.9.3 \ 4.3.2 # The versions of Just the Docs to use: JTD := \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.3.3 \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.4.2 \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.5.4 \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.6.2 \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.7.0 \ just-the-docs/just-the-docs@v0.8.1 \ pdmosses/just-the-docs@multi-level .PHONY: help help: @echo Run \"make dirs\" to create/update directories in $(DIR) for profiling these websites: @for site in $(SITE); do echo \\t$$site; done @echo using these versions of Jekyll: @for jekyll in $(JEKYLL); do echo \\t$$jekyll; done @echo and with these versions of Just the Docs: @for jtd in $(JTD); do echo \\t$$jtd; done @echo Then run \"make profiles\" to create/update the profiling results using Jekyll. @echo WARNING: Creating some of the profiles for the larger websites takes almost an hour! @echo To regenerate the profile for website SITE, Jekyll version JEKYLL, theme JTD_ORG/just-the-docs@JTD_REF @echo run: make -B collections/_tests/profiles/SITE/JEKYLL/JTD_ORG/JTD_REF/profile.txt @echo E.g. make -B collections/_tests/profiles/*/*/pdmosses/multi-level/profile.txt @echo See https://just-the-docs.github.io/just-the-docs-tests/tests/profiles/index/ for further details. .PHONY: all all: @echo Run \"make dirs\" then \"make profiles\". .PHONY: dirs dirs: @echo Creating any missing directories; \ for s in $(SITE); do \ if test -d "../$$s"; then \ mkdir -p $(DIR)/$$s; \ pushd $(DIR)/$$s >/dev/null 2>&1; \ mkdir -p $(JEKYLL); \ for j in $(JEKYLL); do \ cd $$j; \ mkdir -p $(subst just-the-docs@,,$(JTD)); \ cd ..; \ done; \ popd >/dev/null 2>&1; \ else \ echo "$$s" not created because "../$$s" not found; \ fi \ done # .../site/jekyll/jtd-org/jtd-ref/profile.txt PROFILES = $(patsubst %,%profile.txt,$(wildcard $(DIR)/*/*/*/*/)) .PHONY: profiles profiles: dirs $(PROFILES) # Parent directory: $(call updir,.../*) = ... updir = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(1))) # variable for use in recipes: tmpfile = /tmp/$(subst /,_,$(subst _includes/profiles/,,$(@D))) $(PROFILES): @echo $(subst _includes/profiles/,Profiling ,$(@D)) @cd ../$(notdir $(call updir,$(call updir,$(call updir,$(@D))))); \ if test -e Gemfile.lock ; \ then \ rm -f Gemfile.lock; \ export JTD_TESTS=../just-the-docs-tests; \ else \ cd docs; \ test -e Gemfile.lock && rm -f Gemfile.lock; \ export JTD_TESTS=../../just-the-docs-tests; \ fi; \ export JTD_REF=$(notdir $(@D)); \ export JTD_ORG=$(notdir $(call updir,$(@D))); \ export JEKYLL_VERSION=$(notdir $(call updir,$(call updir,$(@D)))); \ bundle install > $(tmpfile)_install.log; \ bundle exec jekyll clean > $(tmpfile)_clean.log; \ bundle exec jekyll build --profile > $$JTD_TESTS/$@ 2> $(tmpfile).log