## v3.8.1 - Plugins updated: - load-grunt-tasks from 3.5.2 to 4.0.0 - grunt-include-replace from 3.2.0 to 5.0.0 - grunt-contrib-connect from 0.9.0 to 2.0.0 - grunt-contrib-uglify from 0.9.2 to 4.0.0 - grunt-contrib-copy from 0.7.0 to 1.0.0 ## v3.8.0 - `.scss-style.yml` updated shorthand property rule to use 4 - Changed `autoprefixer-core` to `autoprefixer` since projects merged - Plugins updated: - grunt-scss-lint from 0.3.8 to 0.5.0 - [Security] Bump grunt-gh-pages from 0.9.1 to 3.1.0 - grunt-contrib-compress from 0.13.0 to 1.4.3 - grunt-postcss from 0.5.5 to 0.9.0 - grunt from 0.4.5 to 1.0.3 - grunt-contrib-watch from 0.6.1 to 1.1.0 ## v3.7.0 - `.hound.yml` updated to use `.jshintrc` - fixed compile issue with node-sass upgrade with @extend - Plugins updates: - grunt-sass requirement from ^1.1.0 to ^3.0.2 - grunt-banner requirement from ^0.3.1 to ^0.6.0 - grunt-http-server requirement from ^1.4.0 to ^2.1.0 - grunt-contrib-clean requirement from ^0.6.0 to ^2.0.0 - grunt-concurrent requirement from ^1.0.0 to ^2.3.1 ## 3.6.4 - Grunt package updates for vulnerabilities in `package-lock.js` - `@extend` within media query fix for Flex Grid (works with latest node-sass) - Readme updates ## 3.6.2 - bug fix #27 when using `.ctn-center` would not center grid elements - Grunt Sass version updated in package.json to `1.1.0` to alleviate compile errors - Github releases added to Grunt ## 3.6.1 - Autoprefixer added to Grunt - Flex Grid included as default - Removed pull from grid markup; only push utilized - Original grid layout cleaned up for semantic usage - Fixed bug when nesting grid elements - Added basic styling for forms - Docs moved to subfolder (cleanup) - Favicons are now blue along with color scheme (no more orange)! - Excluded build folder from repository (cleanup) - Docs updated with proper grid usage - Code example Prism.js themes updated from dark to line - Fix for badge classes not being generated properly ## 3.5.4 - Grunt package dependencies fixed when installing with NPM - Grunt dependency raised to `^0.4.5` from `~0.4.0` - README: - Added `grunt-sass` as default - Added precision and sourcemap to Grunt example - Links to both `grunt-sass` and `grunt-contrib-sass` - Bug fixes: - Grid fix for tablet and mobile not overriding desktop widths. (Hierarchy is important.) - `@include rem` threw error when strings passed. ([https://github.com/justinhough/Centurion/issues/25](fixed by issue #25) ## 3.5.3 - CSS and JS banners added on build (customized via package version) - Grid / Push & Pull fixes for responsive - Refactor of Sass `_grid.scss` file to fix craziness - Removed IE7 support - Improved semantic grid `@include ctn-grid` - Colors refactored - Badges were simplified - Tables are now responsive ([https://github.com/justinhough/Centurion/issues/23](fixed by issue #23)) - Reconstructed the grunt build process ## 3.5.2 - `ctn-` added to grid and other elements to prevent collisions with other libraries. - Added features for full-width container and no margin grid - CSS compile streamlined with better `@extend` usage - Grunt: - localhost preview port changed `5316` - watch functions optimized ## v3.5.1 - bugfix for semantic grid and %clearfix ## v3.5.0 - attached build process to default Grunt command `$ grunt` - enhanced Sass compile speed and size - new mixin support for buttons, colors, and callouts - configuration options - layout support added based on typography and line-height - grid now utilizes `rems` with fallback for `px` based browser support - using normalize instead of reset ## v3.4.0 - version was never released to public - Centurion Framework site built with v.3.4 ## v3.3.0 - Stable release of Centurion with Sass support. - Semantic grid generator and IE7 grid support ## 3.2.0 - Lots of fun and cool stuff was added (mostly wierd and unnecessary). ## v3.0.0 - Centurion public release.