title: "Practical: analysis of ChIP-seq peaks"
author: "Jacques van Helden"
date: '`r Sys.Date()`'
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## Introduction
In this practical, we will combine various bioinformatics resources to extract information from ChIP-seq experiments, and evaluate the quality of the peaks.
## Resources
| Resource Name | URL |
| ReMap | A database of ChIP-seq peaks () |
| Jaspar | A database of eukaryote TF binding motifs, mainly built from CHIP-seq peaks () |
| Hocomoco | A database of Human TF binding motifs, mainly built from CHIP-seq peaks () |
| RSAT| Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools |
| RSAT Metazoa | |
| RSAT Teaching | |
| RSAT server at IFB | |
| UCSC NGS file formats | |
## Creating a workspace for this practical
- Create a new folder to store the results of this practical (e.g. `~/LCG_BEII/chip-seq_practical/`)
- Set this folder as your working direct
## Getting peaks from ReMap
ReMap () is a database of TF binding regions based on an extensive re-analysis of published ChIP-seq data for human transcription factors. ory (`setwd()`)
- Open a connection to [ReMap](https://remap.univ-amu.fr/)
- Select *Homo sapiens*
- Explore the interface
- Choose a transcription factor and a tissue / cell type of interest.
- For a same factor, you wil generally find several datasets resulting from different studies, in different tissues (biotypes).
- For your exercise, I recommend to select a dataset with a reasonable number of peaks
- For this tutorial I will use Sox2 in [glioma](https://remap.univ-amu.fr/biotype_page/glioma:9606), where ReMap peaks were identified from the original [GEO dataset GSE67282](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE67282)
- Click on the **Download icon** tab, besides the number of peaks. This downloads a compressed (gzipped) bed file (tab-separated columns describing genomic features).
- Check that the number of peaks in the downloaded file corresponds to the indication on the ReMap page for your factor in the tissue / cell type and in the study identifier (GSE or other) you selected.
- Check the *name* column in the bed file to make sure that the peaks all belong to the same tissue / cell type and study identifier.
- Compute
- the number of peaks
- the sum of peak lengths
- the mean peak length
- the median peak length
**Beware:** the bed format relies on a somewhat confusing convention to specify the coordinates of genomic features.
- Coordinates are 0-based (the first position of a sequence is referred to as 0).
- The feature start is (as expected) the first position within the feature, but the "end" is the first position **after the feature**.
- Consequently, the feature length can be computed as $l = end - start$, whereas with other formats it should be $l = end - start = 1$.
- The peak statistics can be computed with a spreadsheet (Excel, LibreOffice Calc), R, or the Unix command line.
- Click the "code" button to display a bash line to compute peak statistics (number, sum of lengths and mean length) from a `bed`file.
```{bash peak_stats_bash, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
gunzip -c ${PEAKS} \
| awk '{len=$3 - $2; sum += len; n++; mean = sum / n ; print "n="n"\tsum="sum"\tmean="mean}' \
| tail -n 1
- Click the "code" button to display a chunk of R code to compute peak statistics.
```{r pak_stats_r, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE}
resultDir <- "~/LCG_BEII/chip-seq_practical/SOX2_glioma_GSE67282"
peakBase <- "GSE67282.SOX2.glioma_stem.bed.gz"
peakFile <- file.path(resultDir, peakBase)
#peakFile <- "data/ReMap_GSE67282.SOX2.ESC_peaks.bed"
peaks <- read.delim(peakFile, header = FALSE)
peaks <- peaks[, 1:4] # Keep the fields used for this analysis
names(peaks) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "name")
peaks$len <- peaks$end - peaks$start
head(peaks) # print the first peaks
peak_stats <- data.frame(
sum = sum(peaks$len),
mean = mean(peaks$len),
n = nrow(peaks))
In our example (Sox2 peaks in embryonic stem cells from the GEO series GSE67282) we obtain:
- Number of peaks: $n = `r prettyNum(peak_stats$n, big.mark = ",")`$
- Sum of peak lengths: $sum = `r prettyNum(peak_stats$sum, big.mark = ",")`$
- Mean peak lengths: $mean = `r round(digits=1, peak_stats$mean)`$
## Getting motifs from reference databases
- Open a connection to [Jaspar](http://jaspar.genereg.net/)
- Explore the database functionalities
- Find the transcription factor binding motifs for your TF of interest.
- Download the corresponding matrix in your working directory.
- Note: JASPAR proposes several matrix formats. All these formats are supported yb RSAT, but for convenience you can choose the TRANSFAC format.
- Save this transfac-formatted motif in a text file named `[YOUR_FACTOR_NAME]_reference-motifs.tf`.
- ***Optional***: Do the same with the [Hocomoco](http://hocomoco11.autosome.ru/) database.
- Note the classification of transcription factors on the home page. You can browse it to observe TF families, defined based on their binding domains.
- Find the transcripiton factor of interest and save its position-counts matrix (PCM) in your work directory.
- With the RSAT tool *convert-matrix*, convert Hocomoco motif of your factor to transfac format, and paste it below the Jaspar motif (make sure that you paste the whole record, including the `//` line at the end, which indicates the separation between two motifs in the same file).
- **Tip:** the format Hocomoco is not displayed yet in the list of input formats for *convert-matrix*, but it is actually identical to cluster-buster.
## Discovering motifs with RSAT peak-motifs
- Open a connection to [**RSAT**](http://rsat.france-bioinformatique.fr/rsat/)
- Use the tool **[fetch-sequences](http://rsat.france-bioinformatique.fr/rsat/fetch-sequences_form.php)** to get the sequences of your peaks.
- **BEWARE:** the peaks of all ChIP-seq datasets were computed by Ballester's team based on the **hg38** assembly of the Human genome. You should thus use this version of the genome.
- Save a copy of the fasta file in your local folder (it might serve for further analyses).
- At the bottom of the *fetch-sequence* result page, click the **peak$motifs button** to send the sequences as input to **peak-motifs**.
- Set the following parameters for **peak-mortifs**
- Open the section *Compare discovered motifs with databases or custom reference motifs*.
- As *motif databases*, select both *Jaspar core non-redundant vertebrates* and *Hocomoco Human TFs*.
- Enter as *reference motif* the transfac-formatted file with the JASPAR and Hocomoco motifs for your TF of interest (the file `[YOUR_FACTOR_NAME]_reference-motifs.tf` you built in the previous section).
- Enter your email address
- Leave all other parameters unchanged an run the analysis.
- Interpret the results:
- Did you obtain significant results? How significant ?
- If so, were they characterized by over-representation (*oligo-analysis*), positional bias (*position-analysis*) or both?
- Did some of the discovered motifs match the reference motifs for your TF in Jaspar and/or Hocomoco?
- Did you discover other motifs?
## Negative control
- Use *RSAT random genome fragments** to pick up random regions having the same sizes as your peaks
- Run the same analyses as above with peak-motifs
- Compare the results of this negative control with those obtained above with your peaks, and interpret them.
## Motif encrihment analysis
> Note : for the 2020 session we had no time to see the theory about **matrix-quality** and motif enrichment. This section can thus be skipped for the report.
1. On the RSAT server, open the tool **matrix-quality**
2. Submit your peak sequences
3. Enter the JASPAR and Hocomoco reference motifs
4. Run the analyses
## Motif discovery with MEME
Analyse the same peak sequences with [MEME-ChIP](http://meme-suite.org/tools/meme-chip), and convert the discovered motifs in transfac format with the RSAT tool *convert-matrix*.
Also analyse with MEME the random selections of genmic regions (negative control).
## Matrix clustering
The tool *matrix-clustering* can be used for different purposes. Here we will use it to
- compare the motifs discovered respectively by MEME and RSAT peak-motifs in the peak-sequences
- merge the similar motifs in order to obtain a non-redundant collection of motifs discoverd by the different tools in the peaks
- compare this non-redundant collection of discovered motifs with a motif database in order to identify the associated TFs.
1. Run the RSAT tool *matrix-clustering* to merge and compare the two collections of motifs discovered by *RSAT peak-motifs* and *MEME-ChIP*, respectively.
2. From the *matrix-clustering* result, retrieve the **root motifs**, which will provide you with a non-redundant collection of the motifs resulting from RSAT peak-motifs and MEME-ChIP.
3. Use the RSAT tool *compare-matrices* to compare these non-redundant discovered motifs with JASPAR nonredundant vertebrate.
4. Use *RSAT matrix-scan* to measure the rate of coverage of the peaks (percentage of peaks with at least one match)
- for each one of the non-redundant discovered motifs
- for each reference motifs
## Interpret the results
- Do the motifs discovered in the peaks include the reference motifs (those correspinding to the immunoprecipitated factor)?
- Are these motifs reported by all the motif discovery approaches or only by some of them?
- Do you discover motifs associated with other transcription factors? If so, are these factors relevant to the ChIP-seq data set under study (co-factors of the immunoprecipitated factor, factors involved in this cell/tissue type, ...)?
- Which algorithms reported significant motifs in the random selections of genomic regions? How significant are they compared to those reported in the actual peaks? How do you interpret these motifs?
## Instruction for the report
1. Volume: 4 - 5 pages of text (without counting the figures and the supp. material)
2. Structure: we ask you to return a report structured as a small research article (introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions an perspective).
3. **Report template.** Please use the template provided here. Read carefully the instructions.
- Rmd format: [Rmd](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jvanheld/LCG_BEII/gh-pages/practicals/chip-seq_analysis/LASTNAME_Firstname_chip-seq_analysis_report.Rmd).
- Word format: [docx](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jvanheld/LCG_BEII/gh-pages/practicals/chip-seq_analysis/LASTNAME_Firstname_chip-seq_analysis_report.docx).
Please submit both the original file (Rmd) and the report compiled in Word format (in RStudio, use the command **Knit to Word**), in order to enable me to annotate it in the margins.