--- title: "Statistical analysis of *in vitro* screening for inhibitors of viral infection " author: "Franck Touret, Magali Gilles, Karine Barral, Antoine Nougaire, Etienne Decroly, Xavier de Lamballerie, and Bruno Coutard (2020). Statistical analysis by Jacques van Helden. 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Franck Touret, Magali Gilles, Karine Barral, Antoine Nougairede, Etienne Decroly, Xavier de Lamballerie, Bruno Coutard. bioRxiv 2020.04.03.023846. [DOI 10.1101/2020.04.03.023846](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.03.023846) ******************************************************************** # Data ## Sources | Doc | URL | |------------------------|------------------------------------------------| | bioRxiv article | | | Supplementary tables | | ## Supplementary data tables ```{r directories_and_files} #### Directories #### message("Directories and files") dir <- c(data = "../data", results = "../results", figures = "figures") dir.create(dir["results"], showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) ## Data file supTableFile <- file.path(dir["data"], "suppl-table_Touret-2020.xlsx") ``` ```{r load_table} #### Load data from Excel workbook #### message("Loading data from excel workbook.") supTable <- read.xlsx(file = supTableFile, sheetIndex = 1) #supTable <- read_xlsx(path = supTableFile, sheet = 1, col_names = TRUE) # dim(supTable) # View(supTable) # names(supTable) colNames <- colnames(supTable) colNames[1] <- "ID" colnames(supTable) <- colNames ## Suppress the last row (NA) supTable <- supTable[!is.na(supTable$ID), ] # dim(supTable) ## Assign row names for convenience # View(supTable) ## Extract plate number supTable$plateNumber <- as.numeric(substr(supTable[, 1], start = 1, stop = 2)) # table(supTable$plateNumber) plateNumbers <- unique(supTable$plateNumber) ## Assign a color to each molecule according to its plate number plateColor <- rainbow(n = length(plateNumbers)) names(plateColor) <- unique(supTable$plateNumber) supTable$color <- plateColor[supTable$plateNumber] message("\tLoaded main table with ", nrow(supTable), " rows ") ``` The supplementary table downloaded from bioRxiv contains `r nrow(supTable)` molecules. ******************************************************************** # Viability measurements ## Cell Titer Blue intensity (CTB) The number of viable cells per well is measured by a colorimetric test. The primary measure is the **Cell Titer Blue intensity** ($CTB$). ```{r CTB} #### Read the CTB values from the Excel workbook #### message("Reading Cell Titer Blue (CTB) values from file ", supTableFile) nbPlates <- 19 rowsPerPlate <- 8 columnsPerPlate <- 12 dataPerPlate <- list() ## Control 1: uninfected cells cellControl <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = nbPlates)) colnames(cellControl) <- LETTERS[1:rowsPerPlate] ## Control 2: untreated infected cells virusControl <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = nbPlates)) colnames(virusControl) <- LETTERS[3:rowsPerPlate] ## Prepare a table to store the raw data inhibTable <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = nbPlates*rowsPerPlate * columnsPerPlate)) colnames(inhibTable) <- c("ID", "Plate", "Row", "Column", "CTB", "cellControl", "virusControl", "Chemical.name") i <- 2 ## for quick test for (i in 1:nbPlates) { message("\tLoading data from plate ", i) sheetName <- paste0("Plate", i) ## Raw measures # rawMeasures <- read.xlsx(file = supTableFile, # sheetName = sheetName, # rowIndex = 30:37, # colIndex = 2:13, header = FALSE) rawMeasures <- read_xlsx(path = supTableFile, col_names = FALSE, sheet = sheetName, range = "B30:M37", progress = FALSE) rawMeasures <- as.data.frame(rawMeasures) rownames(rawMeasures) <- LETTERS[1:nrow(rawMeasures)] colnames(rawMeasures) <- 1:ncol(rawMeasures) # dim(rawMeasures) # View(rawMeasures) ## Extract control values cellControl[i, ] <- as.vector(rawMeasures[,1]) virusControl[i, ] <- as.vector(rawMeasures[3:8,12]) platevc <- mean(unlist(virusControl[i, ])) platecc <- mean(unlist(cellControl[i, ])) ## Extract all values r <- 1 for (r in 1:rowsPerPlate) { currentRowName <- LETTERS[r] currentValues <- unlist(rawMeasures[currentRowName,]) id <- paste0(sprintf("%02d",i), currentRowName, sprintf("%02d",1:columnsPerPlate)) ## Compute the start index for the data table startIndex <- (i - 1) * (rowsPerPlate * columnsPerPlate) + (r - 1) * columnsPerPlate + 1 # message(cat("\t\tIDs\t", startIndex, id)) indices <- startIndex:(startIndex + columnsPerPlate - 1) # length(indices) inhibTable[indices, "ID"] <- id inhibTable[indices, "Plate"] <- i inhibTable[indices, "Row"] <- currentRowName inhibTable[indices, "Column"] <- 1:columnsPerPlate inhibTable[indices, "CTB"] <- currentValues inhibTable[indices, "virusControl"] <- platevc inhibTable[indices, "cellControl"] <- platecc } dataPerPlate[[i]] <- list() dataPerPlate[[i]][["rawMeasures"]] <- rawMeasures } # dim(inhibTable) # names(inhibTable) # View(inhibTable) # View(dataPerPlate) # View(dataPerPlate[[1]][["rawMeasures"]]) # table(inhibTable$Row, inhibTable$Column) ## Check that there are 19 entries for each plate position ## Use the plate well ID as rowname rownames(inhibTable) <- inhibTable$ID ## Check consistency between IDs in supplementary Touret Table 1 ## and those created here touretIDs <- unlist(supTable$ID) # length(touretIDs) inhibIDs <- inhibTable$ID # length(inhibIDs) ## Cell control: uninfected cells cellControlIndices <- inhibTable$Column == 1 inhibTable[cellControlIndices, "Chemical.name"] <- "uninfected" ## Virus control: infected cells, no treatment virusControlIndices <- (inhibTable$Column == 12) & (inhibTable$Row %in% LETTERS[3:8]) # table(virusControlIndices) inhibTable[virusControlIndices, "Chemical.name"] <- "infected no treatment" ## Define the treatment type wellType <- NA wellType[cellControlIndices] <- "cellCtl" wellType[virusControlIndices] <- "virusCtl" ## All the other ones are treated with a given molecule wellType[!(virusControlIndices | cellControlIndices)] <- "treated" inhibTable[, "wellType"] <- wellType #### Retrieve fields from the bioRxiv supplementary Table 1 #### for (field in c("Chemical.name", "Broad.Therapeutic.class", "Reported.therapeutic.effect", "Inhibition.Index")) { inhibTable[, field] <- NA inhibTable[inhibTable$ID %in% touretIDs, field] <- as.vector(supTable[, field]) } # ## Retrieve the molecule names from Table 1 of the bioRxiv workbook # inhibTable$Chemical.name <- NA # inhibTable[inhibTable$ID %in% touretIDs, "Chemical.name"] <- # as.vector(supTable$Chemical.name) kable(t(table(inhibTable$wellType)), caption = "Well types. cellCtl: no infection; virusCtl: infection without treatment; treated: inhected and treated with one molecule", ) ``` The raw data contains `r nbPlates` plates with `r rowsPerPlate` rows (indiced `r LETTERS[1]` to `r LETTERS[rowsPerPlate]`) and `r columnsPerPlate` columns (indiced from 1 to `r columnsPerPlate`. ) The raw data consists of CTB measurements in cell cultures. ## Distribution of raw CTB values ```{r raw_viab_distrib, fig.width=10, fig.height=7, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Distributions of the CTB measures. Top: uninfected cells. Middle: infected cells without treatment. Bottom: infected cells treated with a specific molecule. "} #### Distribution of raw measurements #### classInterval <- 500 # xmin <- floor(min(inhibTable$CTB)/classInterval) * classInterval xmin <- 0 ## Intently start the scale at0 to show the remnant CTB xmax <- ceiling(max(inhibTable$CTB)/classInterval) * classInterval breaks = seq(from = xmin, to = xmax, by = classInterval) # range(inhibTable$CTB) par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) par(mar = c(2,5,3,1)) hist(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "CTB"], main = "Uninfected (cell control)", xlab = "CTB", ylab = "Number of plate wells", las = 1, breaks = breaks, col = "palegreen", border = "palegreen") hist(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "CTB"], main = "Infected, no treatment (virus control))", xlab = "CTB", ylab = "Number of plate wells", las = 1, breaks = breaks, col = "orange", border = "orange") hist(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "CTB"], main = "Treated cells", xlab = "CTB", ylab = "Number of plate wells", las = 1, breaks = breaks, col = "#AACCFF", border = "#AACCFF") par(par.ori) ``` - ***Cell control***. - The top panel (green) shows the distribution of CTB measurements in controls cultures, where the cells were neither infected by the virus nor treated with a drug. - Each plate contains 8 wells with uninfected cells (total = `r sum(wellType == "cellCtl")`). - ***Virus control***. - The middle panel (orange) shows the distribution of CTB measurements in infected cells without drug treatment - The virus control was performed on 6 wells per plate, total = `r sum(wellType == "virusCtl")`). - ***Treated cells***. - The bottom distribution (pale blue) shows the CTB values for cells infected and treated with a given drug. - Note that each drug was tested on a single well (no replicates). Indeed, in order to face the COVID-19 emergency, the study attempted to test as fast as possible a wide range of molecules. This first screening was thus performed without replicates. This has to be taken into account for the normalization, which should be done with no estimation of the variance for the individual drugs. - The distribution is strongly asymmetrical, and seems bi- or multi-modal. This distribution can be considered as a mixture between different distributions; - all the drugs that have no inhibitory effect (and are thus expected to have a CTB similar to the virus control); - various drugs that inhibit the action of the virus, each one with its specific level of inhibition. This probably corresponds to the widely dispersed values above the bulk of distribution (and above the virus control distribution) ```{r plate_colors} #### Plate-wise colors #### ## Assign a color to each plate ## A trick: we alternate the colors of the rainbow in order ## to see the contrast between successive plates platePalette <- rainbow(n = length(plateNumbers)) plateColor <- vector(length = nbPlates) oddIndices <- seq(1, nbPlates, 2) evenIndices <- seq(2, nbPlates, 2) plateColor[oddIndices] <- platePalette[1:length(oddIndices)] plateColor[evenIndices] <- platePalette[(length(oddIndices) + 1):nbPlates] names(plateColor) <- 1:nbPlates ## Assign a color to each result according to its plate inhibTable$color <- plateColor[inhibTable$Plate] inhibTable$pch <- 1 # default point type for dot plots inhibTable[inhibTable$wellType == "cellCtl", "pch"] <- markPCh["cellCtl"] inhibTable[inhibTable$wellType == "virusCtl", "pch"] <- markPCh["virusCtl"] # table(inhibTable$color) ## Check that each plate has 96 wells # table(inhibTable$pch) ``` ### Arbidol treatment A treatment with 10µM Arbidol -- a broad-spectrum antiviral -- was used as control, with duplicate test in 2 wells per plate. ```{r arbidol_wells} #### Select arbidol duplicates as plate-wise milestones #### arbidolWells <- (inhibTable$Column == 12) & (inhibTable$Row %in% c("A", "B")) inhibTable[arbidolWells, "Chemical.name"] <- "Arbidol" # inhibTable[arbidolWells, c("ID", "Chemical.name")] #### Extract raw CTB measures per plate for arbidol #### arbidoltV <- inhibTable[arbidolWells, c("Plate", "CTB")] inhibTable[arbidolWells, "color"] <- markColor["Arbidol"] inhibTable[arbidolWells, "pch"] <- markPCh["Arbidol"] # table(inhibTable$color) ``` ### Hydroxychloroquine sulfate We assin a specific label to Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, which has a specific interest since it is one of the molecules tested in an European clinical trial. ```{r hydroxychloroquine} HOClSindex <- which(inhibTable$Chemical.name == "Hydroxychloroquine sulfate") HOClSpch <- 13 inhibTable[HOClSindex, "color"] <- markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"] inhibTable[HOClSindex, "pch"] <- HOClSpch ``` ## CTB boxplots ```{r boxplots_per_plate_CTB, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Distribution of CTB values per plate. Top virus control (untreated infected cells); middle: treated cells; bottom: cell control (uninfected). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates. " } #### Boxplots per plate #### boxplot(CTB ~ Plate + wellType, main = "Cell Ttiter Blue (CTB) per plate", data = inhibTable, las = 1, col = plateColor, xlab = "CTB", cex.axis = 0.5, cex = 0.5, horizontal = TRUE ) abline(v = seq(from = 0, to = max(inhibTable$CTB), by = 2000), col = "#EEEEEE", lty = "dashed") abline(v = seq(from = 0, to = max(inhibTable$CTB), by = 10000), col = "grey") ## Add points to denote the arbidol controls stripchart(CTB ~ Plate, vertical = FALSE, data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, ], method = "jitter", add = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"]) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.8) ``` The boxplot of the CTB measurements highlights a plate effect, for the treated cells (middle barplots) but also for the untreated virus control (top boxplots) and uninfected cell control (bottom boxplots). - **Treated:** - The medians and interquartile ranges show strong variations between plates. - In particular, plate 1 (in red) has a the smallest median and a remarkably compact interquartile range. There are many statistical outliers (empty circles) in this plate, which might correspond to the molecules having a significant inhibitory effect. - In contrast, plates 11 to 15 show a high median and a wide dispersion of CTB measures, and there is not a single statistical outlier. - **Virus control ($vc$)** - As expected, untreated infected cells generally gave a very small CTB, with small variations (very compact interquartile rectangles) - There is a problem for the virus control of plate 17, which shows a broad range of values, with a third quartile falling in the range of the uninfected cells. This suggests a problem with at least 2 of the 6 replicates (missed infection ?). However, the median of the virus controls for this plate falls in the same range as for the virus control of the other plates. - **Cell control ($cc$)** - The cell control performs as expected in all the plates, with high CTB values. - Note however that the CTB of uninfected cells show inter-plate variations, with median values ranging from ~37,000 to ~53,000. Importantly, there is a consistency between the inter-plate differences observed for virus control, treated cells and cell control, respectively. For example, plate 2 whose consistently higher value than the other plates for the three types of wells. This highlights the importances to perform a plate-wise standardization. **************************************************************** # Plate-wise standardization ## Plate-wise control points Taking into account the above-reported results, we apply the following procedure to standardize the individual viability measures. For each plate, we define two control values: - $CTB_{cc,i}$: median CTB of the 8 **cell controls** (uninfected cells) of plate $i$ - $CTB_{vc,i}$: median CTB of the 6 **virus controls** (infected untreated cells) of plate $i$ These two values are deliberately estimated with the median measurement of the control replicate, in order to avoid the effect of outliers as denoted for the virus control of plate 17. ```{r plate_wise_stats} #### Compute plate-wise statistics #### plateStat <- data.frame( plate = plateNumbers, ## Mean CTB CTBmean = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable$CTB, INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, FUN = mean)), ## Standard deviation CTBsd = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable$CTB, INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, FUN = sd)), ## Median CTBmedian = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable$CTB, INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, FUN = median)), ## Minimum CTBmin = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable$CTB, INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, FUN = min)), ## maximum CTBmax = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable$CTB, INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, FUN = max)), # ## interquartile range # CTBiqr = as.vector(by( # data = inhibTable$CTB, # INDICES = inhibTable$Plate, # FUN = IQR)), ## Plate-wise virus control CTBvc = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "CTB"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)), ## Plate-wise cell control CTBcc = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "CTB"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)) ) rownames(plateStat) <- plateStat$plate ## print the plate-wise stats in the report kable(plateStat, caption = "Plate-wise statistics on the CTB") ## Add columns with the control values according to the plate inhibTable$CTBvc <- plateStat$CTBvc[inhibTable$Plate] inhibTable$CTBcc <- plateStat$CTBcc[inhibTable$Plate] # sort(table(inhibTable$CTBvc)) # sort(table(inhibTable$CTBcc)) ``` ## Viability ratio and log2(ratio) The **viability ratio** ($R$) associated to a given treatment with molecule $m$ on a given plate $i$ is defined as the ratio between - the $CTB$ measured on infected cells treated with this molecule ($CTB_{m,i}$) and - the median $CTB$ of 8 replicates of uninfected cells (denoted $cc$ for *cell control*) on the same plate ($CTB_{cc,i}$). $$R_{m,i} = \frac{CTB_{m,i}}{CTB_{cc, i}}$$ We further apply logarithmic transformation in order to normalise this ratio. $$R_{m,i} = log2(R) = log2 \left( \frac{CTB_{m,i}}{CTB_{cc, i}} \right)$$ ```{r compute_viability} #### Compute plate-relative viability #### inhibTable$Vratio <- inhibTable$CTB / inhibTable$CTBcc inhibTable$Vlog2R <- log2(inhibTable$Vratio) # table(wellType) # hist(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vratio"], breaks = 50) # hist(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vlog2R"], breaks = 50) ## Plate-wise virus control viability ratio plateStat$Rvc <- as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Vratio"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)) ## Plate-wise cell control viability ratio ## Note: this is 1 by definition, we compute it for validation plateStat$Rcc <- as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vratio"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)) ## Plate-wise virus control viability log2 ratio plateStat$Lvc <- as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Vlog2R"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)) ## Plate-wise cell control viability log2 ratio plateStat$Lcc <- as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vlog2R"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)) ``` ### Viability ratio boxplots ```{r boxplots_per_plate_R_L, fig.width=12, fig.height=10, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Distribution of the viability ratio (left) and log(ratio) (right) per plate. Top virus control (untreated infected cells); middle: treated cells; bottom: cell control (uninfected). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates. "} par(mfrow = c(1,2)) #### Boxplots of viability ratios per plate #### Rfloor <- floor(min(inhibTable$Vratio)) Rceiling <- max(inhibTable$Vratio) * 1.1 ## Box plot per plate and well type boxplot(Vratio ~ Plate + wellType, main = "Viability ratio distribution", data = inhibTable, las = 1, col = plateColor, xlab = "R = CTB / CTBcc", ylim = c(min(inhibTable$Vratio), Rceiling), cex.axis = 0.5, cex = 0.5, horizontal = TRUE) abline(v = 1, col = "#00BB00") abline(v = seq(from = Rfloor, to = Rceiling, by = 0.05), col = "#EEEEEE", lty = "dashed") abline(v = seq(from = Rfloor, to = Rceiling, by = 0.2), col = "grey") legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.6) ## Add points to denote the arbidol controls stripchart(Vratio ~ Plate, vertical = FALSE, data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, ], method = "jitter", add = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"]) legend("bottomleft", title = "Markers", legend = "Arbidol", col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.8) #### Boxplots of viability log(ratios) per plate #### Lfloor <- floor(min(inhibTable$Vlog2R)) Lceiling <- ceiling(max(inhibTable$Vlog2R)) ## Box plot per plate and well type boxplot(Vlog2R ~ Plate + wellType, main = "Viability log2(ratio) distribution", data = inhibTable, las = 1, col = plateColor, xlab = "L = log2(CTB / CTBcc)", ylim = c(min(inhibTable$Vlog2R), Lceiling), cex.axis = 0.5, cex = 0.5, horizontal = TRUE) abline(v = seq(from = Lfloor, to = Lceiling, by = 0.2), col = "#EEEEEE", lty = "dashed") abline(v = seq(from = Lfloor, to = Lceiling, by = 1), col = "grey") legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.6) ## Add points to denote the arbidol controls stripchart(Vlog2R ~ Plate, vertical = FALSE, data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, ], method = "jitter", add = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"]) legend("bottomleft", title = "Markers", legend = "Arbidol", col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.8) par(par.ori) ``` The barplots of log2-transformed viability measures show another indication for the possible existence of a plate bias: in plates 11 to 19, several molecules are associated to a much smaller viability than in any of the untreated cells. This might reflect a cytotoxic effect of the drug that would enforce the viral infection, but there is a priori no reason to expect such effects to be concentrated on the last plates. ## Two-points scaling: defining a plate-wise relative viability ($V_{m,i}$) A **plate-wise relative viability** $V_{m,i}$ is defined to indicate the viability of cells treated with a given molecule $m$ relative to the two controls f their plate ($i$): - virus control ($vc$): infected untreated cells; - cell control ($cc$): uninfected cells. It is computed as follows. $$V_{m,i} = 100 \cdot \frac{L_{m,i} - L_{vc}}{L_{cc} - L_{vc}}$$ where $L_{cc,i}$ and $L_{vc,i}$ denote the median values of the log2(ratios) respectively obtained in cell controls and virus controls for plate $i$. The plate-wise relative viability $V_{m,i}$ is measured on a scale where - 0 corresponds to the median of infected untreated cells (virus control), and - 100 to the median of uninfected cells (cell control). Note that $V_{m,i}$ values lower than 0 denote treatments with a lower viability than the untreated virus infection. This might result from various sources: experimental flucturations, cytotoxic effect of the drug or plate bias. $V_{m,i}$ can also take values higher than 100, denoting a highly efficient treatment. ```{r relative_viability} #### Compute relative viability from ratios #### inhibTable$Vrel <- 100 * (inhibTable$Vratio - plateStat$Rvc[inhibTable$Plate]) / (plateStat$Rcc[inhibTable$Plate] - plateStat$Rvc[inhibTable$Plate]) #### Compute relative viability from log-ratios #### inhibTable$Vrel <- 100 * (inhibTable$Vlog2R - plateStat$Lvc[inhibTable$Plate]) / (plateStat$Lcc[inhibTable$Plate] - plateStat$Lvc[inhibTable$Plate]) # hist(inhibTable$I, breaks = 100) # ``` ### Relative viability boxplots ```{r boxplots_per_plate_I, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Distribution of relative viability (I) values per plate. Top virus control (untreated infected cells); middle: treated cells; bottom: cell control (uninfected). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates. "} #### Boxplots of relative viability per plate #### VrFloor = floor(min(inhibTable$Vrel)) VrCeiling = max(inhibTable$Vrel) * 1.2 ## Box plot per plate and well type boxplot(Vrel ~ Plate + wellType, main = "Relative viability", data = inhibTable, las = 1, col = plateColor, xlab = "Vr = (R - Rvc) / (Rcc - Rvc)", ylim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), cex.axis = 0.5, cex = 0.5, horizontal = TRUE) abline(v = seq(from = VrFloor, to = VrCeiling, by = 5), col = "#EEEEEE", lty = "dashed") abline(v = seq(from = -100, to = 150, by = 25), col = "grey") legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.6) ## Add points to denote the arbidol controls stripchart(Vrel ~ Plate, vertical = FALSE, data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, ], method = "jitter", add = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"]) legend("bottomleft", title = "Markers", legend = "Arbidol", col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.8) par(par.ori) ``` The box plots show that the relative viability standardises the measures by positioning each treatment relative to two milestones of its own plate: - the median virus control (0) - the cell control (100) The virus controls are well regrouped in the range of smaller $v_r$ values, except for plate 17. The cell controls occupy the high range (their first quartile is higher than 80) and are quite compactly grouped around 100. However, we still observe a strong difference between plates 11-19 and the other plates: - their median is mich higher than for the plates 1 to 10; - they also show a much wider inter-quartile rectangle, denoting a wide dispersion of values on this plate; - for plates 11 and 13-19, this wider dispersion is even visible for the virus controls (untreated infected cells), and it is thus unlikely that it results from the particular molecules sampled on this second half of the plates. We thus need a way to perform a between-plates standardization of the variance. ### Dot plots: relative viability ```{r dotplots_I, fig.width=7, fig.height=12, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Values of the plate-wise relative viability for all the tested molecules. Molecules are colored according to the plate number. A: virus control (infected untreated); B: treated cells; C: cell control (untreated cells); D: ranked values (all types). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. "} #### Dot plots of the relative viability #### VrFloor <- floor(min(inhibTable$Vrel / 10)) * 10 VrCeiling <- max(inhibTable$Vrel) * 1.1 ## Virus control plots par(mfrow = c(4,1)) plot(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Vrel"], main = "Virus control (infected, untreated)", xlab = "Replicates, sorted per plate", ylab = "Vr = (R - Rvc) / (Rcc - Rvc)", col = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "pch"], xlim = c(0, (nbPlates * 6 * 1.05)), ylim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = c(abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2), abline(h = 100, col = "#008800", lwd = 2), abline(h = seq(VrFloor,VrCeiling, 10), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(v = (0:19) * 6, col = "#999999") ), xaxt = "n", las = 1, cex = 0.5 ) mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 6 - 3, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.7) ## Treated cells plot(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], main = "Relative viability (Vr)", xlab = "Molecules", ylab = "relative viability", col = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "pch"], xlim = c(0, (nbPlates * 80 * 1.05)), ylim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = c(abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2), abline(h = 100, col = "#008800", lwd = 2), abline(h = seq(VrFloor,VrCeiling, 10), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(v = (0:19) * 80, col = "#999999") ), xaxt = "n", las = 1, cex = 0.5 ) mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 80 - 40, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.6) ## Cell control plot(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vrel"], main = "Cell control (uninfected)", xlab = "Replicates, sorted per plate", ylab = "relative viability", col = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "pch"], xlim = c(0, (nbPlates * 8 * 1.05)), ylim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = c(abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2), abline(h = 100, col = "#008800", lwd = 2), abline(h = seq(VrFloor,VrCeiling, 10), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(v = (0:19) * 8, col = "#999999") ), xaxt = "n", las = 1, cex = 0.5 ) mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 8 - 4, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.7) # names(supTable) ## Rank plot VrRank <- order(inhibTable$Vrel, decreasing = TRUE) plot(inhibTable[VrRank, "Vrel"], main = "Ranked relative viability values", xlab = "Molecules (ranked by relative viability)", ylab = "relative viability", col = inhibTable[VrRank, "color"], pch = inhibTable[VrRank, "pch"], cex = 0.5, panel.first = grid(), xlim = c(0, length(VrRank) * 1.05) ) abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(h = 100, col = "#008800", lwd = 2) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.4) par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ``` ## IQR-based standardization ### Plate-wise IQR-standardized viability To take into account the between-plate differences in variance denoted above, we compute a z-scores from the original value. - centering: substract an estimator of the plate-wise mean $\hat{\mu}$; - scaling: divide by an estimator of the plate-wise standard deviation ($\hat{\sigma_i}$) $$z_{c,i} = \frac{V_c - \hat{\mu_i}}{\hat{\sigma_i}}$$ where - $V_c$ is the viability for molecule $c$; - $\hat{\mu_i}$ is the estimate for the mean viability of all the treated cells in plate $i$; - $\hat{\sigma_i}$ is the estimate for the standard deviation of all the treated cells in plate $i$; In classical statistics, the estimators of centrality and dispersion are derived from the sample mean and standard deviation, respectively: - the population mean is used as maximum likelihood estimator of the population: $\hat{\mu} = \bar{x}$ - the population standard deviation ($\sigma$) is estimated with the sample standard deviation, corrected for the systematic bias: $\hat{\sigma} = \sqrt{n/(n-1)} \cdot s$) However, we must be careful because each plate supposedly contain a mixture of inactive (no inhibitory effect) and active (inhibitory) molecules. The previous histograms and box plots show that these inhibitory molecules appear as statistiacal outliers (with very high viability values) and would thus strongly bias the estimation of the background variance (the variance due to fluctuations in absence of treatment). One possibility would be to use the standard deviation of the virus control to this purpose, but this would leat to instable estimators, since they would be based on 6 points per plate. In addition, the boxplots show that the variance among treated cells is higher than the virus control, suggesting some generic effect of the treatments. Another strategy is to consider that the variance (and standard deviation) can be estimated from the bulk of treated cell viability measures themselves, and to use **robust estimators** of the central tendency (i.e. the plate-wise median) and dispersion (i.e. the plate-wise interquartile range). This approach relies on the assumption that, *in each plate*, the number of active molecule (statistical outliers). Since teach plate contains tests of 80 molecules, there are 19 molecules above the third quartile ($Q3$). However, it has to be noted that the plates were manufactured with some grouping of molecules of the same structural family. It might thus happen that some plates contain more than 19 molecules having an inhibitory effect. Such a situation would result in a loss of sensitivity, since the presence of active molecules in the inter-quartile range would lead to over-estimate the dispersion. An alternative is to estimate the dispersion based on the range between the first quartile ($Q1$) and the median ($\tilde{x}$) of each plate. In summary, we compute robust estimators, in order to avoid the effect of outliers (in this case, the suspected outliers are the molecules having an actual inhibitory effect). To this purpose, we use: - the median plate-wise relative viability for all the molecules ($\tilde{I_i}$) to estimate the mean - the plate-wise standardized inter-quantile range; ($IQR_i$) standardized by the normal $IQR$ to estimate the standard deviation. ```{r plate_wise_stat_treated} #### Compute plate-wise statistics #### statPerPlate <- data.frame( Plate = plateNumbers, TrMean = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = mean)), TrSD = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = sd)), TrMedian = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = median)), vcMedian = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)), ccMedian = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "Plate"], FUN = median)), arbidolMean = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "Plate"], FUN = mean)), TrMin = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = min)), TrMax = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = max)), TrQ1 = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = quantile, probs = 0.25)), TrQ3 = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = quantile, probs = 0.75)), TrIQR = as.vector(by( data = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], INDICES = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], FUN = IQR)) ) rownames(statPerPlate) <- statPerPlate$Plate ``` We define a plate-wise scaling factor from the interquantile range, standardized by the inter-quartile range of a Gaussian distribution. $$S_i = \frac{Q3_N - Q1_N}{Q3_i - Q3_i} = \frac{`r round(digits=3, qnorm(0.75) - qnorm(0.25))`}{Q3_i - Q3_i}$$ Where $Q1$ and $Q3$ denote the first and third quartile, $N$ the Normal distribution, and $i$ is the plate number. The relative viabilities of each plate are then multiplied by the corresponding scaling factor to obtain plate-wise standardized values ($z$), which will have the same inter-quartile range as the normal distribution. $$z_{c,i} = \frac{I_{m,i} - \hat{\mu_i}}{\hat{\sigma_i}} = (I_{m,i} - \tilde{I_i}) \frac{Q3_N - Q1_N}{Q3_i - Q3_i} = (v_c - \tilde{v_i}) \cdot S_i$$ where - $Q1_N$ and $Q3_N$ are the first and third quartiles of the normal distribution, - $Q1_i$ and $Q3_i$ are the first and third quartiles of the relative viability for all the molecules tested on plate $i$, The table below indicates the plate-wise statistics and scaling factor. ```{r scaling_factor} #### Scaling factor per plate #### ## Compute scaling factor based on the standardized inter-quartile range. statPerPlate$scaling <- (qnorm(p = 0.75) - qnorm(p = 0.25)) / (statPerPlate$TrQ3 - statPerPlate$TrQ1) kable(statPerPlate, caption = "Plate-wise statistics of treated cells. Column prefixes: Tr = treated cells; cc = cell control (uninfected cells); vc = virus control (infected, untreated cells). ") ``` ```{r plate_wise_z} #### Compute plate-wise IQR-standardized viability #### ## Centering: substract the median ## Scaling: divide by IQR ## Standardize: multiply by IQR of the normal distribution plate <- as.vector(inhibTable$Plate) inhibTable$z <- (inhibTable$Vrel - statPerPlate[plate, "TrMedian"]) * statPerPlate[plate, "scaling"] # IQR(inhibTable$z) # IQR(rnorm(n = 1000000)) # as.vector(by(data = inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"], INDICES = inhibTable$Plate[wellType == "treated"], FUN = IQR)) # as.vector(by(data = inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"], INDICES = inhibTable$Plate[wellType == "treated"], FUN = median)) ``` ```{r z_stat} ### Descriptive statistics on the IQR-standardized viability #### zstat <- data.frame( mean = mean(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), sd = sd(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), IQR = IQR(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), var = var(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), min = min(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), Q1 = as.vector(quantile(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"], probs = 0.25)), median = median(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]), Q3 = as.vector(quantile(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"], probs = 0.75)), max = max(inhibTable$z[wellType == "treated"]) ) kable(t(zstat), col.names = "Stat", caption = "Statistics of the plate-wise IQR-standardized viability") ``` ### Histograms of inter-quartile standardized viability The histogram of plate-wise IQR-standardized viability shows a clear improvement: the median is much closer to the mode than with the raw or log-transformed II values. ```{r z_distrib, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Distribution of the plate-wise IQR-standardized viability (z-scores) Top: virus control (infected, untreated); middle: treated; bottom: cell control (untreated)"} #### Histograms of IQR-standardized viability #### histBreaks = seq(from = floor(min(inhibTable$z)), to = ceiling(max(inhibTable$z)), by = 0.1) par(mfrow = c(3,1)) ## Virus controls hist(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "z"], main = "Virus control – IQR standardized viability", breaks = histBreaks, xlab = "Plate-wise z-score", col = "orange", border = "orange") abline(v = 0) abline(v = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") ## Treated cells hist(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "z"], main = "Treated cells – IQR standardized viability", breaks = histBreaks, xlab = "Plate-wise z-score", col = "grey", border = "grey") abline(v = 0) abline(v = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") abline(v = mean(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "z"]), col = "blue") abline(v = median(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "z"]), col = "darkgreen") legend("topright", legend = c("mean", "median"), col = c("blue", "darkgreen"), lwd = 2) ## Cell controls hist(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "z"], main = "Cell control (untreated) – IQR standardized viability", breaks = histBreaks, xlab = "Plate-wise z-score", col = "palegreen", border = "palegreen") abline(v = 0) abline(v = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") par(par.ori) ``` ### Boxplots: inter-quartile standardized viability ```{r boxplots_per_plate_z, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Distribution of inter-quartile standardized viability (z) values per plate. Top virus control (untreated infected cells); middle: treated cells; bottom: cell control (uninfected). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates. "} #### Boxplots of IQR-standardized viability per plate #### zfloor <- floor(min(inhibTable$z)) zceiling <- max(inhibTable$z) * 1.1 ## Box plot per plate and well type boxplot(z ~ Plate + wellType, main = "Inter-quartile standardized viability", data = inhibTable, las = 1, col = plateColor, xlab = "z", ylim = c(zfloor, zceiling), cex.axis = 0.5, cex = 0.5, horizontal = TRUE) abline(v = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(v = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 5), col = "grey") abline(v = 0) abline(v = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.6) ## Add points to denote the arbidol controls stripchart(z ~ Plate, vertical = FALSE, data = inhibTable[arbidolWells, ], method = "jitter", add = TRUE, cex = 0.7, col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"]) legend("bottomleft", title = "Markers", legend = "Arbidol", col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.8) par(par.ori) ``` The above boxplots show that the inter-quartile standardization efficiently corrects for the over-dispersion of the plates 11 to 19. However we may expect a lot of sensitivity for these plates. There are however still some weaknesses. - The virus control show good properties: in absence of treatment, infected cells have sligtly negative values, except for 2 outliers in plate 17. - The cell control box plots show wide variation in their medians and dispersion: - Uninfected cells (cell control) have much lower values in some plates (plates 4 and 11-19) than in other ones. This is not expected, since these cells should by definition have the same inhibition values. - Even for the plates where the cell controls have a high relative viability after IQR-based standardization, there are strong between-plates variations. This standardization seems thus efficient to correct the apparent over-dispersion of plates 11 to 19, and thereby reduce the rate of likely false positives, but the wide between-plate variability of the untreated cells suggest that the resulting z-scores should not be interpreted as indicators of inhibition. ### Dot plots: inter-quartile standardized viability ```{r z_ranked, fig.width=7, fig.height=12, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Values of the plate-wise IQR-standardized relative viability ($z$) for all the tested molecules. Molecules are colored according to the plate number. A: virus control (infected untreated); B: treated cells; C: cell control (untreated cells); D: ranked values (all types). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. "} zceiling <- max(inhibTable$z) * 1.1 zRange <- c(zfloor, zceiling) ## Virus control par(mfrow = c(4,1)) plot(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "z"], main = "Virus control (infected, untreated)", xlab = "Replicates, sorted per plate", ylab = "z", ylim = zRange, xlim = c(0, (19*6*1.1)), col = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", "pch"], panel.first = c( abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE"), abline(h = seq(from = -5, to = zceiling, by = 5), col = "grey"), abline(v = (0:19) * 6, col = "#999999") ), xaxt = "n", cex = 0.5, las = 1 ) abline(h = 0) abline(h = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 6 - 3, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.7) ## Treated cells plot(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "z"], main = "IQR-standardized viability (z)", xlab = "Molecules", ylab = "z", ylim = zRange, col = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "pch"], xaxt = "n", cex = 0.5, las = 1, xlim = c(0, length(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "z"])*1.1) ) abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 5), col = "grey") abline(h = 0) abline(h = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") abline(v = (0:19) * 82, col = "#999999") mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 82 - 41, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("right", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.6) legend("topright", title = "Markers", legend = names(markColor), col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.6) ## Cell control plot(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "z"], panel.first = grid(), main = "Cell control (uninfected)", xlab = "Replicates, sorted per plate", ylab = "z", ylim = zRange, col = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", "pch"], xaxt = "n", cex = 0.5, las = 1 ) abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 5), col = "grey") abline(h = 0) abline(h = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") abline(v = (0:19) * 8, col = "#999999") mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 8 - 4, side = 1, col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.7) # names(supTable) ## Rank plot zrank <- order(inhibTable$z, decreasing = TRUE) plot(inhibTable[zrank, "z"], main = "Ranked IQR-standardized viability values", xlab = "Molecules (ranked by z index)", ylab = "z", col = inhibTable[zrank, "color"], pch = inhibTable[zrank, "pch"], cex = 0.5, las = 1, panel.first = grid(), xlim = c(0, length(zrank) * 1.05) ) abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(h = seq(from = zfloor, to = zceiling, by = 5), col = "grey") abline(h = 0) abline(h = c(-1, 1), lty = "dotted") legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.4) par(mfrow = c(1,1)) ``` The plot of IQR-standardized viability values (top panel) clearly shows that the plate-wise normalization suppressed the background bias. However it denotes a new problem: the cell controls show striking differences depending on the plates. Noticeably,they show very high values in plates 1 and 3, and very low values in plates 11 to 19, as well as in plate 4. ### P-value computation We compute the p-value as the upper tail of the normal distribution (rigth-side test) in order to detect significantly high values of the plate-wise IQR-standardized viability. ```{r zpval} #### Compute P-value from the IQR-standardized viability #### inhibTable$p.value <- pnorm(inhibTable$z, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE) inhibTable$log10Pval <- log10(inhibTable$p.value) inhibTable$e.value <- inhibTable$p.value * sum(wellType == "treated") inhibTable$FDR <- NA inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "FDR"] <- p.adjust(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "p.value"], method = "fdr") inhibTable$log10FDR <- log10(inhibTable$FDR) inhibTable$sig <- -inhibTable$log10FDR ``` ### P-value histogram ```{r zpval_histogram, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width="60%", fig.cap="Histogram of the nominal (unadjusted) p-values derived from the plate-wise IQR-standardized relative viability. "} hist(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "p.value"], breaks = 20, col = "grey", main = "P-value histogram after plate-wise normalization", xlab = "Nominal P-value (unadjusted)", ylab = "Frequency") ## Estimate the proportion of tests under H0 and H1 ## following the method proposed by Storey-Tibshirani (2003) # lambda <- 0.40 # table(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "p.value"] > lambda) # m0 <- sum(inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "p.value"] > lambda) / (1 - lambda) # m1 <- sum(wellType == "treated") - m0 # print(m0) # print(m1) # ``` ### Significance plot ```{r z_manhattan_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Volcano plot. "} #### Manhattan plot #### sigFloor <- 0 sigCeiling <- ceiling(max(inhibTable$sig, na.rm = TRUE)) plot(x = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "sig"], col = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "pch"], main = "Significance plot", xlab = "Molecules sorted per plate", ylab = "Significance = -log10(FDR)", xlim = c(0, sum(wellType == "treated") * 1.1), las = 1, xaxt = "n", cex = 0.5) abline(h = 0) abline(h = seq(0, sigCeiling, 1), lty = "dotted", col = "grey") abline(h = -log10(alpha), col = "red") abline(v = (0:19) * 82, col = "grey") mtext(plateNumbers, at = (1:19) * 82 - 41, side = 1, col = plateColor) ## Legends legend("bottomright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.6) legend("topright", legend = names(markColor), title = "Markers", col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.6) ``` ### Volcano plot ```{r z_volcano_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, out.width="60%", fig.cap="Volcano plot. "} #### Volcano plot #### plot(x = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"], y = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "sig"], col = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "color"], pch = inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "pch"], main = "Volcano plot", xlab = "Relative viability", ylab = "Significance = -log10(FDR)", xlim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = c( abline(h = seq(sigFloor, sigCeiling, 1), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(v = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 10), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(v = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 50), col = "#BBBBBB") ), las = 1, cex = 0.7) abline(h = 0) abline(h = -log10(alpha), col = "blue") abline(v = 0, col = "red") abline(v = 100, col = "#00BB00") ## Mark arbidol points(x = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "Vrel"], y = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "sig"], col = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "color"], pch = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "pch"], cex = 0.7) ## Mark hydroxychloroquine points(x = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "Vrel"], y = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "sig"], col = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "color"], pch = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "pch"], cex = 0.7) ## Legends legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), col = plateColor, pch = 1, cex = 0.7) legend("topleft", legend = names(markColor), title = "Markers", col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.7) ``` ## Significance of Arbidol after IQR-based standardisation ```{r arbidol_viability_indices} #### Relative viabilities for the arbidol contron #### # names(inhibTable) kable(inhibTable[arbidolWells, c("Plate", "CTB", "Vratio", "Vrel", "z", "FDR", "sig")], caption = "relative viabilities for the arbidol controls (2 replicates per plate) ") ``` ******************************************************************** # Comparison between viability scores ## CTB versus viability ```{r compa_dotplot_CTB_vs_I, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Comparison between viability scores. CTB versus relative viability ($V_{r}$). Diamonds: cell control (uninfected cells). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. " } #### Dot plots to compare viability scores #### # names(inhibTable) # par(mfrow = c(2,2)) #### Dot plot: viability ratio versus relative viability #### plot(inhibTable[, c("CTB", "Vrel")], main = "CTB vs relative viability", xlab = "Cell Titer Blue intensity (CTB)", ylab = "Relative viability (I)", col = inhibTable[, "color"], pch = inhibTable[, "pch"], # xlim = c(0, max(inhibTable$R)*1.1), cex = 0.5, las = 1) ## Mark cell controls points(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", c("CTB", "Vrel")], col = markColor["cellCtl"], pch = markPCh["cellCtl"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark virus controls points(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", c("CTB", "Vrel")], col = markColor["virusCtl"], pch = markPCh["virusCtl"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark arbidol controls points(inhibTable[arbidolWells, c("CTB", "Vrel")], col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark Hydroxychloroquine points(inhibTable[HOClSindex, c("CTB", "Vrel")], col = markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"], pch = markPCh["Hydroxychloroquine"], cex = 0.5) ## Grid + specific values for the selected metrics abline(h = seq(from = -100, to = 150, by = 10), col = "#DDDDDD") abline(h = 0, col = "red") abline(h = 100, col = "#00BB00") abline(v = seq(from = 0, to = max(inhibTable$CTB), by = 2000), col = "#DDDDDD") abline(v = seq(from = 0, to = max(inhibTable$CTB), by = 10000), col = "#BBBBBB") abline(v = 1) ## Legends legend("bottomright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.6) legend("topleft", legend = names(markColor), title = "Markers", col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.6) ``` ## Relative versus IQR-standardised viability ```{r compa_dotplot_I_vs_z, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Comparison between viability scores. Relative viability versus IQR-standardized viability (z-score). Diamonds: cell control (uninfected cells). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. " } #### Dot plot: IQR-standardized versus relative viability #### plot(inhibTable[, c("Vrel", "z")], main = "Relative viability vs IQR-standardized viability", xlab = "Relative viability (I)", ylab = "IQR-standardized viability (z-score)", col = inhibTable[, "color"], pch = inhibTable[, "pch"], cex = 0.5, xlim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = grid(), las = 1) ## Mark cell controls points(inhibTable[wellType == "cellCtl", c("Vrel", "z")], col = markColor["cellCtl"], pch = markPCh["cellCtl"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark virus controls points(inhibTable[wellType == "virusCtl", c("Vrel", "z")], col = markColor["virusCtl"], pch = markPCh["virusCtl"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark arbidol controls points(inhibTable[arbidolWells, c("Vrel", "z")], col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark Hydroxychloroquine points(inhibTable[HOClSindex, c("Vrel", "z")], col = markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"], pch = markPCh["Hydroxychloroquine"], cex = 0.5) ## Mark milestones for the selected metrics abline(v = seq(-100, 150, 10), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(v = seq(-100, 150, 50), col = "#BBBBBB") abline(v = 0, col = "red") abline(v = 100, col = "#00BB00") abline(h = seq(-5, 10, 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(h = seq(-5, 10, 5), col = "#BBBBBB") abline(h = 0) abline(h = c(-1, 1), lty = "dashed") ## Legends legend("topleft", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.7) legend("bottomright", legend = names(markColor), title = "Markers", col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.7) ``` ## FDR versus relative viability ```{r compa_dotplot_Vr_vs_FDR, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Comparison between viability scores. Diamonds: cell control (uninfected cells). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. " } #### Dot plot: FDR versus relative viability #### plot(x = inhibTable[, "Vrel"], y = -inhibTable[, "log10FDR"], main = "relative viability vs FDR", xlab = "relative viability", ylab = "-log10(FDR)", col = inhibTable[, "color"], pch = inhibTable[, "pch"], cex = 0.7, xlim = c(VrFloor, VrCeiling), panel.first = grid(), las = 1) ## Mark arbidol controls points(x = inhibTable[arbidolWells, "Vrel"], y = -inhibTable[arbidolWells, "log10FDR"], col = markColor["Arbidol"], pch = markPCh["Arbidol"], cex = 0.7) ## Mark Hydroxychloroquine points(x = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "Vrel"], y = -inhibTable[HOClSindex, "log10FDR"], col = markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"], pch = markPCh["Hydroxychloroquine"], cex = 0.7) ## Grid + specific values for the selected metrics abline(v = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 10), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(v = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 50), col = "#BBBBBB") abline(v = 0, col = "red") abline(v = 100, col = "#00BB00") abline(h = seq(0, sigCeiling, 1), col = "#EEEEEE") abline(h = seq(0, sigCeiling, 5), col = "#BBBBBB") abline(h = 0) abline(h = -log10(alpha), col = "blue", lwd = 2) ## Legends legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.7) legend("topleft", legend = names(markColor), title = "Markers", col = markColor, pch = markPCh, cex = 0.7) ``` ## Relative viability versus inhibition index . We compare hereafter the values of the relative variability with the inhibition index defined in the bioRxiv publication ([DOI 10.1101/2020.04.03.023846](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.03.023846)). ```{r compa_dotplot_ii_vs_I, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Comparison between viability scores. Diamonds: cell control (uninfected cells). Plain triangles: virus control (untreated infected cells). Black plain circles: arbidol control duplicates per plate. Orange square: Hydroxychloroquine sulfate. " } iiFloor <- floor(min(inhibTable$Inhibition.Index, na.rm = TRUE)) iiCeiling <- ceiling(max(inhibTable$Inhibition.Index, na.rm = TRUE)) #### Dot plot: Relative viability versus inhibition index #### plot(x = inhibTable[, "Inhibition.Index"], y = inhibTable[, "Vrel"], main = "Relative viability vs inhibition index", xlab = "Inhibition index", ylab = "Vr = (R - Lvc) / (Lcc - Lvc)", col = inhibTable[, "color"], pch = inhibTable[, "pch"], cex = 0.5, xlim = c(iiFloor, iiCeiling), panel.first = c( abline(v = seq(-0.5, 2, 0.5), col = "#BBBBBB"), abline(h = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 10), col = "#EEEEEE"), abline(h = seq(VrFloor, VrCeiling, 50), col = "#BBBBBB"), abline(h = 1)), las = 1) abline(v = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(h = 0, col = "red") abline(h = 100, col = "#00BB00") ## Mark Hydroxychloroquine points(x = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "Inhibition.Index"], y = inhibTable[HOClSindex, "Vrel"], col = markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"], pch = markPCh["Hydroxychloroquine"], cex = 0.7) ## Legends legend("bottomright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", fill = plateColor, cex = 0.7) legend("topleft", title = "Markers", legend = "Hydroxychloroquine", col = markColor["Hydroxychloroquine"], pch = markPCh["Hydroxychloroquine"], cex = 0.7) par(par.ori) ``` ## Hit molecules selected by the different criteria ```{r candidate_selection} #### Select candidate molecules accordint to different criteria #### ## False Discovery Rate computed from the IQR-standardized viabilities inhibTable$selected.FDR <- as.numeric(inhibTable$FDR < alpha) # `table(inhibTable$selected.FDR) # sum(inhibTable$selected.FDR, na.rm = TRUE) ## Previous inhibition index above 1 (Arbidol) inhibTable$selected.ii <- as.numeric(inhibTable$Inhibition.Index >= 1) # table(inhibTable$selected.ii) # sum(inhibTable$selected.ii, na.rm = TRUE) ## Relative viability higher than the mean of arbidol values on the same plate inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "selected.arbidolMean"] <- as.numeric( inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Vrel"] > statPerPlate[inhibTable[wellType == "treated", "Plate"], "arbidolMean"]) # table(inhibTable[arbidolWells, "selected.arbidolMean"] ) # table(inhibTable[, "selected.arbidolMean"] ) # table(inhibTable[, c("selected.ii", "selected.arbidolMean")] ) # diff <- !is.na(inhibTable$selected.ii) & (inhibTable$selected.ii != inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) # View(inhibTable[diff, ]) kable(table(inhibTable[, c("selected.FDR", "selected.arbidolMean")]), caption = "Contingency table of the molecules selected by different criteria. Columns: inhibition index >= 1. Rows: Vrel > arbidol mean. ") ## Compute some combinations between criteria inhibTable$selected.FDRandArbidol <- as.numeric(inhibTable$selected.FDR & inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) inhibTable$selected.FDRorArbidol <- as.numeric(inhibTable$selected.FDR | inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) inhibTable$selected.FDRonly <- as.numeric(inhibTable$selected.FDR & !inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) inhibTable$selected.ArbidolOnly <- as.numeric(!inhibTable$selected.FDR & inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) par(par.ori) ``` ******************************************************************** # Selected hits ```{r z_candidates} #### Select significant normalized II values #### kable(t(table(inhibTable$FDR < alpha)), caption = paste("Number of tests declared positive with FDR <", alpha)) # table(inhibTable$FDR < alpha) selected <- subset(inhibTable, inhibTable$FDR < alpha) # names(selected) ## Sort by decreasing adjusted p-value selected <- selected[order(selected$FDR, decreasing = FALSE), ] # kable(names(selected), row.names=TRUE) names(selected) <- sub(pattern = "selected.", replacement = "+", x = names(selected)) selectedFields <- c("ID", # "CTB", # "cellControl", # "virusControl", "Chemical.name", # "Broad.Therapeutic.class", "Reported.therapeutic.effect", "Inhibition.Index", "Vratio", "Vrel", "z", # "p.value", # "FDR", "sig", "+FDR", "+ii", "+arbidolMean", "+FDRandArbidol", "+FDRorArbidol", "+FDRonly", "+ArbidolOnly") # kable(selectedFields) # View(selected[ , selectedFields]) ## Print selected molecules kable(selected[ , selectedFields], row.names = FALSE, digits = 4, caption = "Candidate moecules sorted by significance after plate-wise normalization. ") ``` ### Venn diagram ```{r Venn_candidate_molecules, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width="60%", fig.cap="Venn diagram of the molecules selected by different criteria. "} #### Draw a Venn diagram of the selected molecules #### ## Venn diagram vennTable <- na.omit(inhibTable[, c("selected.FDR", "selected.arbidolMean")]) vennDiagram(object = vennTable, names = c(paste("FDR <", alpha), paste("I >=", 1)), circle.col = c("#00BB00", "blue"), mar = c(0,0,0,0) ) ``` ### Hits per plate ```{r candidates_per_plate} #### Compute the number of candidates per plate depending on the criterion #### ## Count the number of candidates per plate for the different criteria criteria <- c("ii", "arbidolMean", "FDR", "FDRandArbidol", "FDRorArbidol", "FDRonly", "ArbidolOnly") # table(inhibTable$selected.ii, inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean) candidatesPerPlate <- data.frame(matrix( nrow = nbPlates, ncol = length(criteria), 0)) row.names(candidatesPerPlate) <- 1:nbPlates names(candidatesPerPlate) <- criteria for (criterion in criteria) { candidates <- as.data.frame.table( table( subset(x = inhibTable, subset = inhibTable[paste0("selected.", criterion)] == 1, select = "Plate"))) names(candidates) <- c("Plate", "n") candidatesPerPlate[as.vector(candidates$Plate), criterion] <- candidates$n } # apply(candidatesPerPlate, 2, sum) ccpp <- candidatesPerPlate ccpp["Total", ] <- apply(ccpp, 2, sum) kable(ccpp, row.names = TRUE, ccaption = "Candidates per plate depending on the selection criteria") ``` ```{r candidates_per_plate_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=7, out.width="60%", fig.cap="Number of candidate molecules per plate depending on the method. " } #### Compare number of candidates per plate according to the criteria #### names(candidatesPerPlate) maxc <- max(candidatesPerPlate) plot(candidatesPerPlate[, c("FDR", "arbidolMean")], main = "Candidates per plate", type = "n", xlab = paste("FDR < ", alpha), ylab = paste("Relative viability arbidol mean"), xlim = c(0, maxc * 1.1), las = 1, pch = 20, panel.first = c(abline(h = seq(0, maxc, by = 1), col = "#DDDDDD"), abline(h = seq(0, maxc, by = 5), col = "#BBBBBB"), abline(v = seq(0, maxc, by = 1), col = "#EEEEEE"), abline(v = seq(0, maxc, by = 5), col = "#BBBBBB")), col = plateColor[rownames(candidatesPerPlate)]) text(candidatesPerPlate[, c("FDR", "arbidolMean")], rownames(candidatesPerPlate), col = plateColor) legend("topright", legend = names(plateColor), title = "Plate", col = plateColor, pch = 20, cex = 0.8) ``` ******************************************************************** # Result files ```{r export_results} #### Export result tables #### ## Define output file names outFiles <- list( "All results (tsv)" = file.path(dir["results"], "result_table_all-molecules.tsv"), "All results (xlsx)" = file.path(dir["results"], "result_table_all-molecules.xlsx"), "FDR-based hits (xlsx)" = file.path(dir["results"], "result_table_FDR-hits.xlsx"), "Arbidol-based hits (xlsx)" = file.path(dir["results"], "result_table_arbidol-hits.xlsx"), "High confidence hits (xlsx)" = file.path(dir["results"], "result_table_HiConfidence-hits.xlsx") ) # View(inhibTable) # check before exporting write.table(x = inhibTable, file = outFiles$`All results (tsv)`, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) write.xlsx2(x = inhibTable, file = outFiles$`All results (xlsx)`, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) # table(!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.FDR == 1)) # View(inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.FDR == 1), ]) # check before exporting write.xlsx2(x = inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.FDR == 1), ], file = outFiles$`FDR-based hits (xlsx)`, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) # View(inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean), ]) write.xlsx2(x = inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.arbidolMean), ], file = outFiles$`Arbidol-based hits (xlsx)`, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) # View(inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.FDRandArbidol), ]) write.xlsx2(x = inhibTable[!is.na(inhibTable$selected.FDR) & (inhibTable$selected.FDRandArbidol), ], file = outFiles$`High confidence hits (xlsx)`, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE) # system(paste("open", dir["results"])) ## Prepare a data frame with the relative links to output files fileLinks <- data.frame( name = names(outFiles), path = unlist(outFiles), basename = basename(unlist(outFiles)) ) fileLinks$link <- paste0("", fileLinks$basename, "") kable(fileLinks[, c("name", "link")], row.names = FALSE, caption = "Links to the result tables. ") ``` ******************************************************************** # Libraries and versions For the sake of reproducibility, we list hereafter the R libraries used to generate this report, as well as their versions. ```{r session_info} sessionInfo() ``` ********************************************************************