array( 'help' => 'displays this help', 'debug' => 'show debug output', 'delete' => 'delete fragments after processing', 'fproxy' => 'force proxy for downloading of fragments', 'play' => 'dump stream to stdout for piping to media player', 'rename' => 'rename fragments sequentially before processing', 'update' => 'update the script to current git version' ), 1 => array( 'auth' => 'authentication string for fragment requests', 'duration' => 'stop recording after specified number of seconds', 'filesize' => 'split output file in chunks of specified size (MB)', 'fragments' => 'base filename for fragments', 'manifest' => 'manifest file for downloading of fragments', 'outdir' => 'destination folder for output file', 'outfile' => 'filename to use for output file', 'parallel' => 'number of fragments to download simultaneously', 'proxy' => 'proxy for downloading of manifest', 'quality' => 'selected quality level (low|medium|high) or exact bitrate', 'referrer' => 'Referer to use for emulation of browser requests', 'start' => 'start from specified fragment', 'useragent' => 'User-Agent to use for emulation of browser requests' ) ); var $params = array(); function __construct() { global $argc, $argv; // Parse params if ($argc > 1) { $paramSwitch = false; for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) { $arg = $argv[$i]; $isSwitch = preg_match('/^--/', $arg); if ($isSwitch) $arg = preg_replace('/^--/', '', $arg); if ($paramSwitch && $isSwitch) LogError("[param] expected after '$paramSwitch' switch (" . self::$ACCEPTED[1][$paramSwitch] . ")"); else if (!$paramSwitch && !$isSwitch) { if (isset($GLOBALS['baseFilename']) and (!$GLOBALS['baseFilename'])) $GLOBALS['baseFilename'] = $arg; else LogError("'$arg' is an invalid switch, use --help to display valid switches."); } else if (!$paramSwitch && $isSwitch) { if (isset($this->params[$arg])) LogError("'$arg' switch cannot occur more than once"); $this->params[$arg] = true; if (isset(self::$ACCEPTED[1][$arg])) $paramSwitch = $arg; else if (!isset(self::$ACCEPTED[0][$arg])) LogError("there's no '$arg' switch, use --help to display all switches."); } else if ($paramSwitch && !$isSwitch) { $this->params[$paramSwitch] = $arg; $paramSwitch = false; } } } // Final check foreach ($this->params as $k => $v) if (isset(self::$ACCEPTED[1][$k]) && $v === true) LogError("[param] expected after '$k' switch (" . self::$ACCEPTED[1][$k] . ")"); } function getParam($name) { if (isset($this->params[$name])) return $this->params[$name]; else return ""; } function displayHelp() { LogInfo("You can use script with following switches: \n"); foreach (self::$ACCEPTED[0] as $key => $value) LogInfo(sprintf(" --%-18s%s", $key, $value)); foreach (self::$ACCEPTED[1] as $key => $value) LogInfo(sprintf(" --%-9s%-9s%s", $key, " [param]", $value)); } } class cURL { var $headers, $user_agent, $compression, $cookie_file; var $active, $cert_check, $fragProxy, $proxy, $response; var $mh, $ch, $mrc; static $ref = 0; function cURL($cookies = true, $cookie = 'Cookies.txt', $compression = 'gzip', $proxy = '') { $this->headers = $this->headers(); $this->user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0'; $this->compression = $compression; $this->cookies = $cookies; if ($this->cookies == true) $this->cookie($cookie); $this->cert_check = true; $this->fragProxy = false; $this->proxy = $proxy; self::$ref++; } function __destruct() { $this->stopDownloads(); if ((self::$ref <= 1) and file_exists($this->cookie_file)) unlink($this->cookie_file); self::$ref--; } function headers() { $headers[] = 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'; $headers[] = 'Connection: Keep-Alive'; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'; return $headers; } function cookie($cookie_file) { if (file_exists($cookie_file)) $this->cookie_file = $cookie_file; else { $file = fopen($cookie_file, 'w') or $this->error('The cookie file could not be opened. Make sure this directory has the correct permissions.'); $this->cookie_file = $cookie_file; fclose($file); } } function get($url) { $process = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->headers); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent); if ($this->cookies == true) { curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file); } curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->compression); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); if ($this->proxy) $this->setProxy($process, $this->proxy); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); if (!$this->cert_check) curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $this->response = curl_exec($process); if ($this->response !== false) $status = curl_getinfo($process, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($process); if (isset($status)) return $status; else return false; } function post($url, $data) { $process = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->headers); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent); if ($this->cookies == true) { curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file); } curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->compression); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); if ($this->proxy) $this->setProxy($process, $this->proxy); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POST, 1); if (!$this->cert_check) curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $return = curl_exec($process); curl_close($process); return $return; } function setProxy(&$process, $proxy) { $type = substr($proxy, 0, stripos($proxy, "://")); if ($type) { $type = strtolower($type); $proxy = substr($proxy, stripos($proxy, "://") + 3); } switch ($type) { case "socks4": $type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4; break; case "socks5": $type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5; break; default: $type = CURLPROXY_HTTP; } curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, $type); } function addDownload($url, $id) { if (!isset($this->mh)) $this->mh = curl_multi_init(); if (isset($this->ch[$id])) return; else $download =& $this->ch[$id]; $download['id'] = $id; $download['url'] = $url; $download['ch'] = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->headers); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent); if ($this->cookies == true) { curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookie_file); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookie_file); } curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->compression); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300); if ($this->fragProxy and $this->proxy) $this->setProxy($download['ch'], $this->proxy); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); if (!$this->cert_check) curl_setopt($download['ch'], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_multi_add_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']); do { $this->mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $this->active); } while ($this->mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); } function checkDownloads() { if (isset($this->mh)) { curl_multi_select($this->mh); $this->mrc = curl_multi_exec($this->mh, $this->active); if ($this->mrc != CURLM_OK) return false; while ($info = curl_multi_info_read($this->mh)) { foreach ($this->ch as $download) if ($download['ch'] == $info['handle']) break; $info = curl_getinfo($download['ch']); $array['id'] = $download['id']; $array['url'] = $download['url']; if ($info['http_code'] == 200) { if ($info['size_download'] >= $info['download_content_length']) { $array['status'] = $info['http_code']; $array['response'] = curl_multi_getcontent($download['ch']); } else { $array['status'] = false; $array['response'] = ""; } } else { $array['status'] = $info['http_code']; $array['response'] = curl_multi_getcontent($download['ch']); } $downloads[] = $array; curl_multi_remove_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']); curl_close($download['ch']); unset($this->ch[$download['id']]); } if (isset($downloads) and (count($downloads) > 0)) return $downloads; } return false; } function stopDownloads() { if (isset($this->mh)) { if (isset($this->ch)) { foreach ($this->ch as $download) { curl_multi_remove_handle($this->mh, $download['ch']); curl_close($download['ch']); } unset($this->ch); } curl_multi_close($this->mh); unset($this->mh); } } function error($error) { LogError("cURL Error : $error"); } } class F4F { var $audio, $auth, $baseFilename, $baseTS, $bootstrapUrl, $baseUrl, $debug, $duration, $fileCount, $filesize; var $format, $live, $media, $outDir, $outFile, $parallel, $play, $processed, $quality, $rename, $video; var $prevTagSize, $tagHeaderLen; var $segTable, $fragTable, $segNum, $fragNum, $frags, $fragCount, $fragsPerSeg, $lastFrag, $fragUrl, $discontinuity; var $prevAudioTS, $prevVideoTS, $pAudioTagLen, $pVideoTagLen, $pAudioTagPos, $pVideoTagPos; var $prevAVC_Header, $prevAAC_Header, $AVC_HeaderWritten, $AAC_HeaderWritten; function __construct() { $this->auth = ""; $this->baseFilename = ""; $this->bootstrapUrl = ""; $this->debug = false; $this->duration = 0; $this->fileCount = 1; $this->format = ""; $this->live = false; $this->outDir = ""; $this->outFile = ""; $this->parallel = 8; $this->play = false; $this->processed = false; $this->quality = "high"; $this->rename = false; $this->segNum = 1; $this->fragNum = false; $this->frags = array(); $this->fragCount = 0; $this->fragsPerSeg = 0; $this->lastFrag = 0; $this->discontinuity = ""; $this->InitDecoder(); } function InitDecoder() { $this->audio = false; $this->baseTS = false; $this->filesize = 0; $this->video = false; $this->prevTagSize = 4; $this->tagHeaderLen = 11; $this->prevAudioTS = INVALID_TIMESTAMP; $this->prevVideoTS = INVALID_TIMESTAMP; $this->pAudioTagLen = 0; $this->pVideoTagLen = 0; $this->pAudioTagPos = 0; $this->pVideoTagPos = 0; $this->prevAVC_Header = false; $this->prevAAC_Header = false; $this->AVC_HeaderWritten = false; $this->AAC_HeaderWritten = false; } function GetManifest($cc, $manifest) { $status = $cc->get($manifest); if ($status == 403) LogError("Access Denied! Unable to download the manifest."); else if ($status != 200) LogError("Unable to download the manifest"); $xml = simplexml_load_string(trim($cc->response)); if (!$xml) LogError("Failed to load xml"); $namespace = $xml->getDocNamespaces(); $namespace = $namespace['']; $xml->registerXPathNamespace("ns", $namespace); return $xml; } function ParseManifest($cc, $manifest) { LogInfo("Processing manifest info...."); $xml = $this->GetManifest($cc, $manifest); $baseUrl = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:baseURL"); if (isset($baseUrl[0])) { $baseUrl = GetString($baseUrl[0]); if (substr($baseUrl, -1) != "/") $baseUrl .= "/"; } else $baseUrl = ""; $url = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:media[@*]"); if (isset($url[0]['href'])) { foreach ($url as $manifest) { $bitrate = (int) $manifest['bitrate']; $entry =& $manifests[$bitrate]; $entry['bitrate'] = $bitrate; $href = GetString($manifest['href']); if (substr($href, 0, 1) == "/") $href = substr($href, 1); $entry['url'] = NormalizePath($baseUrl . $href); $entry['xml'] = $this->GetManifest($cc, $entry['url']); } } else { $manifests[0]['bitrate'] = 0; $manifests[0]['url'] = $manifest; $manifests[0]['xml'] = $xml; } foreach ($manifests as $manifest) { $xml = $manifest['xml']; // Extract baseUrl from manifest url $baseUrl = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:baseURL"); if (isset($baseUrl[0])) { $baseUrl = GetString($baseUrl[0]); if (substr($baseUrl, -1) == "/") $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, -1); } else { $baseUrl = $manifest['url']; if (strpos($baseUrl, '?') !== false) $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strpos($baseUrl, '?')); $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, strrpos($baseUrl, '/')); } if (!isHttpUrl($baseUrl)) LogError("Provided manifest is not a valid HDS manifest"); $streams = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:media"); foreach ($streams as $stream) { $array = array(); foreach ($stream->attributes() as $k => $v) $array[strtolower($k)] = GetString($v); $array['metadata'] = GetString($stream->{'metadata'}); $stream = $array; $bitrate = isset($stream['bitrate']) ? (int) $stream['bitrate'] : $manifest['bitrate']; $streamId = isset($stream[strtolower('streamId')]) ? $stream[strtolower('streamId')] : ""; $mediaEntry =& $this->media[$bitrate]; $mediaEntry['baseUrl'] = $baseUrl; if (substr($stream['url'], 0, 1) == "/") $mediaEntry['url'] = substr($stream['url'], 1); else $mediaEntry['url'] = $stream['url']; if (isset($stream[strtolower('bootstrapInfoId')])) $bootstrap = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:bootstrapInfo[@id='" . $stream[strtolower('bootstrapInfoId')] . "']"); else $bootstrap = $xml->xpath("/ns:manifest/ns:bootstrapInfo"); if (isset($bootstrap[0]['url'])) { $bootstrapUrl = GetString($bootstrap[0]['url']); if (!isHttpUrl($bootstrapUrl)) $bootstrapUrl = $mediaEntry['baseUrl'] . "/$bootstrapUrl"; $mediaEntry['bootstrapUrl'] = NormalizePath($bootstrapUrl); if ($cc->get($mediaEntry['bootstrapUrl']) != 200) LogError("Failed to get bootstrap info"); $mediaEntry['bootstrap'] = $cc->response; } else $mediaEntry['bootstrap'] = base64_decode(GetString($bootstrap[0])); if (isset($stream['metadata'])) $mediaEntry['metadata'] = base64_decode($stream['metadata']); else $mediaEntry['metadata'] = ""; } } // Available qualities $bitrates = array(); if (!count($this->media)) LogError("No media entry found"); krsort($this->media, SORT_NUMERIC); LogDebug("Manifest Entries:\n"); LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%s", "Bitrate", "URL")); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->media); $i++) { $key = KeyName($this->media, $i); $bitrates[] = $key; LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8d%s", $key, $this->media[$key]['url'])); } LogDebug(""); LogInfo("Quality Selection:\n Available: " . implode(' ', $bitrates)); // Quality selection if (is_numeric($this->quality) and isset($this->media[$this->quality])) { $key = $this->quality; $this->media = $this->media[$key]; } else { $this->quality = strtolower($this->quality); switch ($this->quality) { case "low": $this->quality = 2; break; case "medium": $this->quality = 1; break; default: $this->quality = 0; } while ($this->quality >= 0) { $key = KeyName($this->media, $this->quality); if ($key !== NULL) { $this->media = $this->media[$key]; break; } else $this->quality -= 1; } } LogInfo(" Selected : " . $key); $this->baseUrl = $this->media['baseUrl']; if (isset($this->media['bootstrapUrl'])) $this->bootstrapUrl = $this->media['bootstrapUrl']; $bootstrapInfo = $this->media['bootstrap']; ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $pos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "abst") $this->ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos); else LogError("Failed to parse bootstrap info"); } function UpdateBootstrapInfo($cc, $bootstrapUrl) { $fragNum = $this->fragCount; $retries = 0; while (($fragNum == $this->fragCount) and ($retries < 30)) { $bootstrapPos = 0; LogDebug("Updating bootstrap info, Available fragments: " . $this->fragCount); if ($cc->get($bootstrapUrl) != 200) LogError("Failed to refresh bootstrap info"); $bootstrapInfo = $cc->response; ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $bootstrapPos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "abst") $this->ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $bootstrapPos); else LogError("Failed to parse bootstrap info"); LogDebug("Update complete, Available fragments: " . $this->fragCount); if ($fragNum == $this->fragCount) { LogInfo("Updating bootstrap info, Retries: " . ++$retries, true); usleep(4000000); } } } function ParseBootstrapBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos) { $version = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $flags = ReadInt24($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 1); $bootstrapVersion = ReadInt32($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 4); $byte = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 8); $profile = ($byte & 0xC0) >> 6; if (($byte & 0x20) >> 5) $this->live = true; $update = ($byte & 0x10) >> 4; $timescale = ReadInt32($bootstrapInfo, $pos + 9); $currentMediaTime = ReadInt64($bootstrapInfo, 13); $smpteTimeCodeOffset = ReadInt64($bootstrapInfo, 21); $pos += 29; $movieIdentifier = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $serverEntryCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++); for ($i = 0; $i < $serverEntryCount; $i++) $serverEntryTable[$i] = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++); for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++) $qualityEntryTable[$i] = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $drmData = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $metadata = ReadString($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $segRunTableCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++); for ($i = 0; $i < $segRunTableCount; $i++) { ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $pos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "asrt") $this->ParseAsrtBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $pos += $boxSize; } $fragRunTableCount = ReadByte($bootstrapInfo, $pos++); for ($i = 0; $i < $fragRunTableCount; $i++) { ReadBoxHeader($bootstrapInfo, $pos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "afrt") $this->ParseAfrtBox($bootstrapInfo, $pos); $pos += $boxSize; } } function ParseAsrtBox($asrt, $pos) { $this->segTable = array(); $version = ReadByte($asrt, $pos); $flags = ReadInt24($asrt, $pos + 1); $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($asrt, $pos + 4); $pos += 5; for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++) $qualitySegmentUrlModifiers[$i] = ReadString($asrt, $pos); $segCount = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos); $pos += 4; LogDebug(sprintf("%s:\n\n %-8s%-10s", "Segment Entries", "Number", "Fragments")); for ($i = 0; $i < $segCount; $i++) { $firstSegment = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos); $segEntry =& $this->segTable[$firstSegment]; $segEntry['firstSegment'] = $firstSegment; $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] = ReadInt32($asrt, $pos + 4); if ($segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] & 0x80000000) $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'] = 0; $pos += 8; LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%-10s", $segEntry['firstSegment'], $segEntry['fragmentsPerSegment'])); } LogDebug(""); $lastSegment = end($this->segTable); $this->segNum = $lastSegment['firstSegment']; $this->fragCount = $lastSegment['fragmentsPerSegment']; // Use segment table in case of multiple segments if (count($this->segTable) > 1) { $secondLastSegment = prev($this->segTable); if ($this->fragNum === false) { $this->segNum = $lastSegment['firstSegment']; $this->fragsPerSeg = $secondLastSegment['fragmentsPerSegment']; $this->fragNum = $secondLastSegment['firstSegment'] * $this->fragsPerSeg + $this->fragCount - 2; $this->fragCount = $secondLastSegment['firstSegment'] * $this->fragsPerSeg + $this->fragCount; } else $this->fragCount = $secondLastSegment['firstSegment'] * $this->fragsPerSeg + $this->fragCount; } } function ParseAfrtBox($afrt, $pos) { $this->fragTable = array(); $version = ReadByte($afrt, $pos); $flags = ReadInt24($afrt, $pos + 1); $timescale = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos + 4); $qualityEntryCount = ReadByte($afrt, $pos + 8); $pos += 9; for ($i = 0; $i < $qualityEntryCount; $i++) $qualitySegmentUrlModifiers[$i] = ReadString($afrt, $pos); $fragEntries = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos); $pos += 4; LogDebug(sprintf("%s:\n\n %-8s%-16s%-16s%-16s", "Fragment Entries", "Number", "Timestamp", "Duration", "Discontinuity")); for ($i = 0; $i < $fragEntries; $i++) { $firstFragment = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos); $fragEntry =& $this->fragTable[$firstFragment]; $fragEntry['firstFragment'] = $firstFragment; $fragEntry['firstFragmentTimestamp'] = ReadInt64($afrt, $pos + 4); $fragEntry['fragmentDuration'] = ReadInt32($afrt, $pos + 12); $fragEntry['discontinuityIndicator'] = ""; $pos += 16; if ($fragEntry['fragmentDuration'] == 0) $fragEntry['discontinuityIndicator'] = ReadByte($afrt, $pos++); LogDebug(sprintf(" %-8s%-16s%-16s%-16s", $fragEntry['firstFragment'], $fragEntry['firstFragmentTimestamp'], $fragEntry['fragmentDuration'], $fragEntry['discontinuityIndicator'])); } LogDebug(""); // Use fragment table in case of single segment if (count($this->segTable) == 1) { $firstFragment = reset($this->fragTable); $lastFragment = end($this->fragTable); if ($this->live) { if ($this->fragNum === false) { $this->fragNum = $lastFragment['firstFragment'] - 2; $this->fragCount = $lastFragment['firstFragment']; } else $this->fragCount = $lastFragment['firstFragment']; } else if ($this->fragNum === false) { $this->fragNum = $firstFragment['firstFragment'] - 1; $this->fragCount += $this->fragNum; } } } function DownloadFragments($cc, $manifest, $opt = array()) { $start = 0; extract($opt, EXTR_IF_EXISTS); $this->ParseManifest($cc, $manifest); $segNum = $this->segNum; $fragNum = $this->fragNum; if ($start) { if ($segNum > 1) if ($start % $this->fragsPerSeg) $segNum = (int) ($start / $this->fragsPerSeg + 1); else $segNum = (int) ($start / $this->fragsPerSeg); $fragNum = $start - 1; $this->segNum = $segNum; $this->fragNum = $fragNum; } $this->lastFrag = $fragNum; $opt['cc'] = $cc; $opt['duration'] = 0; // Extract baseFilename $this->baseFilename = $this->media['url']; if (substr($this->baseFilename, -1) == '/') $this->baseFilename = substr($this->baseFilename, 0, -1); $this->baseFilename = RemoveExtension($this->baseFilename); if (strrpos($this->baseFilename, '/')) $this->baseFilename = substr($this->baseFilename, strrpos($this->baseFilename, '/') + 1); if (strpos($manifest, "?")) $this->baseFilename = md5(substr($manifest, 0, strpos($manifest, "?"))) . "_" . $this->baseFilename; else $this->baseFilename = md5($manifest) . "_" . $this->baseFilename; $this->baseFilename .= "Seg" . $segNum . "-Frag"; if ($fragNum >= $this->fragCount) LogError("No fragment available for downloading"); if (isHttpUrl($this->media['url'])) $this->fragUrl = $this->media['url']; else $this->fragUrl = $this->baseUrl . "/" . $this->media['url']; $this->fragUrl = NormalizePath($this->fragUrl); LogDebug("Base Fragment Url:\n" . $this->fragUrl . "\n"); LogDebug("Downloading Fragments:\n"); while (($fragNum < $this->fragCount) or $cc->active) { while ((count($cc->ch) < $this->parallel) and ($fragNum < $this->fragCount)) { $frag = array(); $fragNum = $fragNum + 1; $frag['id'] = $fragNum; LogInfo("Downloading $fragNum/$this->fragCount fragments", true); if (in_array_field($fragNum, "firstFragment", $this->fragTable, true)) $this->discontinuity = value_in_array_field($fragNum, "firstFragment", "discontinuityIndicator", $this->fragTable, true); else { $closest = 1; foreach ($this->fragTable as $item) { if ($item['firstFragment'] < $fragNum) $closest = $item['firstFragment']; else break; } $this->discontinuity = value_in_array_field($closest, "firstFragment", "discontinuityIndicator", $this->fragTable, true); } if (($this->discontinuity == 1) or ($this->discontinuity == 3)) { $frag['response'] = false; $this->rename = true; } else if (file_exists($this->baseFilename . $fragNum)) { LogDebug("Fragment $fragNum is already downloaded"); $frag['response'] = file_get_contents($this->baseFilename . $fragNum); } if (isset($frag['response'])) { if ($this->WriteFragment($frag, $opt) === 2) break 2; else continue; } /* Increase or decrease segment number if current fragment is not available */ /* in selected segment range */ if (count($this->segTable) > 1) { if ($fragNum > ($segNum * $this->fragsPerSeg)) $segNum++; else if ($fragNum <= (($segNum - 1) * $this->fragsPerSeg)) $segNum--; } LogDebug("Adding fragment $fragNum to download queue"); $cc->addDownload($this->fragUrl . "Seg" . $segNum . "-Frag" . $fragNum . $this->auth, $fragNum); } $downloads = $cc->checkDownloads(); if ($downloads !== false) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($downloads); $i++) { $frag = array(); $download = $downloads[$i]; $frag['id'] = $download['id']; if ($download['status'] == 200) { if ($this->VerifyFragment($download['response'])) { LogDebug("Fragment " . $this->baseFilename . $download['id'] . " successfully downloaded"); if (!($this->live or $this->play)) file_put_contents($this->baseFilename . $download['id'], $download['response']); $frag['response'] = $download['response']; } else { LogDebug("Fragment " . $download['id'] . " failed to verify"); LogDebug("Adding fragment " . $download['id'] . " to download queue"); $cc->addDownload($download['url'], $download['id']); } } else if ($download['status'] === false) { LogDebug("Fragment " . $download['id'] . " failed to download"); LogDebug("Adding fragment " . $download['id'] . " to download queue"); $cc->addDownload($download['url'], $download['id']); } else if ($download['status'] == 403) LogError("Access Denied! Unable to download fragments."); else { LogDebug("Fragment " . $download['id'] . " doesn't exist, Status: " . $download['status']); $frag['response'] = false; $this->rename = true; /* Resync with latest available fragment when we are left behind due to */ /* slow connection and short live window on streaming server. make sure */ /* to reset the last written fragment. */ if ($this->live and ($i + 1 == count($downloads)) and !$cc->active) { LogDebug("Trying to resync with latest available fragment"); $this->UpdateBootstrapInfo($cc, $this->bootstrapUrl); $fragNum = $this->fragCount - 1; $this->lastFrag = $fragNum; } } if (isset($frag['response'])) if ($this->WriteFragment($frag, $opt) === 2) break 2; } unset($downloads, $download); } if ($this->live and ($fragNum >= $this->fragCount) and !$cc->active) $this->UpdateBootstrapInfo($cc, $this->bootstrapUrl); } LogInfo(""); LogDebug("\nAll fragments downloaded successfully\n"); $cc->stopDownloads(); $this->processed = true; } function VerifyFragment(&$frag) { $fragPos = 0; $fragLen = strlen($frag); /* Some moronic servers add wrong boxSize in header causing fragment verification * * to fail so we have to fix the boxSize before processing the fragment. */ while ($fragPos < $fragLen) { ReadBoxHeader($frag, $fragPos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "mdat") { $len = strlen(substr($frag, $fragPos, $boxSize)); if ($boxSize and ($len == $boxSize)) return true; else { $boxSize = $fragLen - $fragPos; WriteBoxSize($frag, $boxType, $boxSize); return true; } } $fragPos += $boxSize; } return false; } function RenameFragments($baseFilename, $fragNum, $fileExt) { $files = array(); $retries = 0; while (true) { if ($retries >= 50) break; $file = $baseFilename . ++$fragNum; if (file_exists($file)) { $files[] = $file; $retries = 0; } else if (file_exists($file . $fileExt)) { $files[] = $file; $retries = 0; } else $retries++; } $fragCount = count($files); natsort($files); for ($i = 0; $i < $fragCount; $i++) rename($files[$i], $baseFilename . ($i + 1)); } function WriteMetadata($flv = false) { if (isset($this->media) and $this->media['metadata']) { $metadataSize = strlen($this->media['metadata']); WriteByte($metadata, 0, SCRIPT_DATA); WriteInt24($metadata, 1, $metadataSize); WriteInt24($metadata, 4, 0); WriteInt32($metadata, 7, 0); $metadata = implode("", $metadata) . $this->media['metadata']; WriteByte($metadata, $this->tagHeaderLen + $metadataSize - 1, 0x09); WriteInt32($metadata, $this->tagHeaderLen + $metadataSize, $this->tagHeaderLen + $metadataSize); if (is_resource($flv)) { fwrite($flv, $metadata, $this->tagHeaderLen + $metadataSize + $this->prevTagSize); return true; } else return $metadata; } return false; } function WriteFlvTimestamp(&$frag, $fragPos, $packetTS) { WriteInt24($frag, $fragPos + 4, ($packetTS & 0x00FFFFFF)); WriteByte($frag, $fragPos + 7, ($packetTS & 0xFF000000) >> 24); } function DecodeFragment($frag, $fragNum, $opt = array()) { $debug = $this->debug; $flv = false; extract($opt, EXTR_IF_EXISTS); $flvData = ""; $fragPos = 0; $packetTS = 0; $fragLen = strlen($frag); if (!$this->VerifyFragment($frag)) { LogInfo("Skipping fragment number $fragNum"); return false; } while ($fragPos < $fragLen) { ReadBoxHeader($frag, $fragPos, $boxType, $boxSize); if ($boxType == "mdat") { $fragLen = $fragPos + $boxSize; break; } $fragPos += $boxSize; } LogDebug(sprintf("\nFragment %d:\n" . $this->format . "%-16s", $fragNum, "Type", "CurrentTS", "PreviousTS", "Size", "Position"), $debug); while ($fragPos < $fragLen) { $packetType = ReadByte($frag, $fragPos); $packetSize = ReadInt24($frag, $fragPos + 1); $packetTS = ReadInt24($frag, $fragPos + 4); $packetTS = $packetTS | (ReadByte($frag, $fragPos + 7) << 24); if ($packetTS & 0x80000000) { $packetTS &= 0x7FFFFFFF; $this->WriteFlvTimestamp($frag, $fragPos, $packetTS); } if (($this->baseTS === false) and (($packetType == AUDIO) or ($packetType == VIDEO))) $this->baseTS = $packetTS; if ($this->baseTS > 1000) { $packetTS -= $this->baseTS; $this->WriteFlvTimestamp($frag, $fragPos, $packetTS); } $totalTagLen = $this->tagHeaderLen + $packetSize + $this->prevTagSize; switch ($packetType) { case AUDIO: if ($packetTS > $this->prevAudioTS - FRAMEGAP_DURATION * 5) { $FrameInfo = ReadByte($frag, $fragPos + $this->tagHeaderLen); $CodecID = ($FrameInfo & 0xF0) >> 4; if ($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AAC) { $AAC_PacketType = ReadByte($frag, $fragPos + $this->tagHeaderLen + 1); if ($AAC_PacketType == AAC_SEQUENCE_HEADER) { if ($this->AAC_HeaderWritten) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping AAC sequence header", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize), $debug); break; } else { LogDebug("Writing AAC sequence header", $debug); $this->AAC_HeaderWritten = true; } } else if (!$this->AAC_HeaderWritten) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Discarding audio packet received before AAC sequence header", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize), $debug); break; } } if ($packetSize > 0) { // Check for packets with non-monotonic audio timestamps and fix them if (!(($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AAC) and (($AAC_PacketType == AAC_SEQUENCE_HEADER) or $this->prevAAC_Header))) if (($this->prevAudioTS != INVALID_TIMESTAMP) and ($packetTS <= $this->prevAudioTS)) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Fixing audio timestamp", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize), $debug); $packetTS += FRAMEGAP_DURATION + ($this->prevAudioTS - $packetTS); $this->WriteFlvTimestamp($frag, $fragPos, $packetTS); } if (is_resource($flv)) { $this->pAudioTagPos = ftell($flv); $status = fwrite($flv, substr($frag, $fragPos, $totalTagLen), $totalTagLen); if (!$status) LogError("Failed to write flv data to file"); if ($debug) LogDebug(sprintf($this->format . "%-16s", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize, $this->pAudioTagPos)); } else { $flvData .= substr($frag, $fragPos, $totalTagLen); if ($debug) LogDebug(sprintf($this->format, "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize)); } if (($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AAC) and ($AAC_PacketType == AAC_SEQUENCE_HEADER)) $this->prevAAC_Header = true; else $this->prevAAC_Header = false; $this->prevAudioTS = $packetTS; $this->pAudioTagLen = $totalTagLen; } else LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping small sized audio packet", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize), $debug); } else LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping audio packet in fragment $fragNum", "AUDIO", $packetTS, $this->prevAudioTS, $packetSize), $debug); if (!$this->audio) $this->audio = true; break; case VIDEO: if ($packetTS > $this->prevVideoTS - FRAMEGAP_DURATION * 5) { $FrameInfo = ReadByte($frag, $fragPos + $this->tagHeaderLen); $FrameType = ($FrameInfo & 0xF0) >> 4; $CodecID = $FrameInfo & 0x0F; if ($FrameType == FRAME_TYPE_INFO) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping video info frame", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); break; } if ($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AVC) { $AVC_PacketType = ReadByte($frag, $fragPos + $this->tagHeaderLen + 1); if ($AVC_PacketType == AVC_SEQUENCE_HEADER) { if ($this->AVC_HeaderWritten) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping AVC sequence header", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); break; } else { LogDebug("Writing AVC sequence header", $debug); $this->AVC_HeaderWritten = true; } } else if (!$this->AVC_HeaderWritten) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Discarding video packet received before AVC sequence header", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); break; } } if ($packetSize > 0) { // Check for packets with non-monotonic video timestamps and fix them if (!(($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AVC) and (($AVC_PacketType == AVC_SEQUENCE_HEADER) or ($AVC_PacketType == AVC_SEQUENCE_END) or $this->prevAVC_Header))) if (($this->prevVideoTS != INVALID_TIMESTAMP) and ($packetTS <= $this->prevVideoTS)) { LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Fixing video timestamp", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); $packetTS += FRAMEGAP_DURATION + ($this->prevVideoTS - $packetTS); $this->WriteFlvTimestamp($frag, $fragPos, $packetTS); } if (is_resource($flv)) { $this->pVideoTagPos = ftell($flv); $status = fwrite($flv, substr($frag, $fragPos, $totalTagLen), $totalTagLen); if (!$status) LogError("Failed to write flv data to file"); if ($debug) LogDebug(sprintf($this->format . "%-16s", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize, $this->pVideoTagPos)); } else { $flvData .= substr($frag, $fragPos, $totalTagLen); if ($debug) LogDebug(sprintf($this->format, "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize)); } if (($CodecID == CODEC_ID_AVC) and ($AVC_PacketType == AVC_SEQUENCE_HEADER)) $this->prevAVC_Header = true; else $this->prevAVC_Header = false; $this->prevVideoTS = $packetTS; $this->pVideoTagLen = $totalTagLen; } else LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping small sized video packet", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); } else LogDebug(sprintf("%s\n" . $this->format, "Skipping video packet in fragment $fragNum", "VIDEO", $packetTS, $this->prevVideoTS, $packetSize), $debug); if (!$this->video) $this->video = true; break; case SCRIPT_DATA: break; default: LogError("Unknown packet type " . $packetType . " encountered! Encrypted fragments can't be recovered.", 2); } $fragPos += $totalTagLen; } $this->duration = round($packetTS / 1000, 0); if (is_resource($flv)) { $this->filesize = ftell($flv) / (1024 * 1024); return true; } else return $flvData; } function WriteFragment($download, &$opt) { $this->frags[$download['id']] = $download; $available = count($this->frags); for ($i = 0; $i < $available; $i++) { if (isset($this->frags[$this->lastFrag + 1])) { $frag = $this->frags[$this->lastFrag + 1]; if ($frag['response'] !== false) { LogDebug("Writing fragment " . $frag['id'] . " to flv file"); if (!isset($opt['file'])) { $opt['debug'] = false; if ($this->play) $outFile = STDOUT; else if ($this->outFile) { if ($opt['filesize']) $outFile = $this->outDir . $this->outFile . "-" . $this->fileCount++ . ".flv"; else $outFile = $this->outDir . $this->outFile . ".flv"; } else { if ($opt['filesize']) $outFile = $this->outDir . $this->baseFilename . "-" . $this->fileCount++ . ".flv"; else $outFile = $this->outDir . $this->baseFilename . ".flv"; } $this->InitDecoder(); $this->DecodeFragment($frag['response'], $frag['id'], $opt); $opt['file'] = WriteFlvFile($outFile, $this->audio, $this->video); if (!($this->live or ($this->fragNum > 0) or $this->filesize or $opt['tDuration'])) $this->WriteMetadata($opt['file']); $opt['debug'] = $this->debug; $this->InitDecoder(); } $flvData = $this->DecodeFragment($frag['response'], $frag['id'], $opt); if (strlen($flvData)) { $status = fwrite($opt['file'], $flvData, strlen($flvData)); if (!$status) LogError("Failed to write flv data"); if (!$this->play) $this->filesize = ftell($opt['file']) / (1024 * 1024); } $this->lastFrag = $frag['id']; } else { $this->lastFrag += 1; LogDebug("Skipping failed fragment " . $this->lastFrag); } unset($this->frags[$this->lastFrag]); } else break; if ($opt['tDuration'] and (($opt['duration'] + $this->duration) >= $opt['tDuration'])) { LogInfo(""); LogInfo(($opt['duration'] + $this->duration) . " seconds of content has been recorded successfully.", true); return 2; } if ($opt['filesize'] and ($this->filesize >= $opt['filesize'])) { $this->filesize = 0; $opt['duration'] += $this->duration; fclose($opt['file']); unset($opt['file']); } } if (!count($this->frags)) unset($this->frags); return true; } } function ReadByte($str, $pos) { $int = unpack("C", $str[$pos]); return $int[1]; } function ReadInt24($str, $pos) { $int32 = unpack("N", "\x00" . substr($str, $pos, 3)); return $int32[1]; } function ReadInt32($str, $pos) { $int32 = unpack("N", substr($str, $pos, 4)); return $int32[1]; } function ReadInt64($str, $pos) { $hi = sprintf("%u", ReadInt32($str, $pos)); $lo = sprintf("%u", ReadInt32($str, $pos + 4)); $int64 = bcadd(bcmul($hi, "4294967296"), $lo); return $int64; } function ReadString($frag, &$fragPos) { $strlen = 0; while ($frag[$fragPos + $strlen] != "\x00") $strlen++; $str = substr($frag, $fragPos, $strlen); $fragPos += $strlen + 1; return $str; } function ReadBoxHeader($str, &$pos, &$boxType, &$boxSize) { if (!isset($pos)) $pos = 0; $boxSize = ReadInt32($str, $pos); $boxType = substr($str, $pos + 4, 4); if ($boxSize == 1) { $boxSize = ReadInt64($str, $pos + 8) - 16; $pos += 16; } else { $boxSize -= 8; $pos += 8; } if ($boxSize <= 0) $boxSize = 0; } function WriteByte(&$str, $pos, $int) { $str[$pos] = pack("C", $int); } function WriteInt24(&$str, $pos, $int) { $str[$pos] = pack("C", ($int & 0xFF0000) >> 16); $str[$pos + 1] = pack("C", ($int & 0xFF00) >> 8); $str[$pos + 2] = pack("C", $int & 0xFF); } function WriteInt32(&$str, $pos, $int) { $str[$pos] = pack("C", ($int & 0xFF000000) >> 24); $str[$pos + 1] = pack("C", ($int & 0xFF0000) >> 16); $str[$pos + 2] = pack("C", ($int & 0xFF00) >> 8); $str[$pos + 3] = pack("C", $int & 0xFF); } function WriteBoxSize(&$frag, $type, $size) { $fragPos = 0; $fragLen = strlen($frag); while ($fragPos < $fragLen) { $boxSize = ReadInt32($frag, $fragPos); $boxType = substr($frag, $fragPos + 4, 4); if ($boxType == $type) { if ($boxSize == 1) { WriteInt32($frag, $fragPos + 8, 0); WriteInt32($frag, $fragPos + 12, $size); $fragPos += 16; } else { WriteInt32($frag, $fragPos, $size); $fragPos += 8; } break; } $fragPos += $boxSize; } } function GetString($xmlObject) { return trim((string) $xmlObject); } function isHttpUrl($url) { if (strncasecmp($url, "http", 4) == 0) return true; else return false; } function KeyName(array $a, $pos) { $temp = array_slice($a, $pos, 1, true); return key($temp); } function LogDebug($msg, $display = true) { global $debug, $logfile, $showHeader; if ($showHeader) { ShowHeader(); $showHeader = false; } if ($display and $debug) fwrite($logfile, $msg . "\n"); } function LogError($msg, $code = 1) { global $quiet; if (!$quiet) PrintLine($msg); exit($code); } function LogInfo($msg, $progress = false) { global $quiet; if (!$quiet) PrintLine($msg, $progress); } function NormalizePath($path) { $inSegs = preg_split('/(?getParam('play')) { $play = true; $quiet = true; $showHeader = false; } if ($cli->getParam('help')) { $cli->displayHelp(); exit(0); } // Check for required extensions $extensions = array( "bcmath", "curl", "SimpleXML" ); foreach ($extensions as $extension) if (!extension_loaded($extension)) LogError("You don't have '$extension' extension installed. please install it before continuing."); // Initialize classes $cc = new cURL(); $f4f = new F4F(); $f4f->baseFilename =& $baseFilename; $f4f->debug =& $debug; $f4f->format =& $format; $f4f->outDir =& $outDir; $f4f->outFile =& $outFile; $f4f->play =& $play; $f4f->rename =& $rename; // Process command line options if ($cli->getParam('debug')) $debug = true; if ($cli->getParam('delete')) $delete = true; if ($cli->getParam('fproxy')) $cc->fragProxy = true; if ($cli->getParam('rename')) $rename = $cli->getParam('rename'); if ($cli->getParam('update')) $update = true; if ($cli->getParam('auth')) $f4f->auth = "?" . $cli->getParam('auth'); if ($cli->getParam('duration')) $duration = $cli->getParam('duration'); if ($cli->getParam('filesize')) $filesize = $cli->getParam('filesize'); if ($cli->getParam('fragments')) $baseFilename = $cli->getParam('fragments'); if ($cli->getParam('manifest')) $manifest = $cli->getParam('manifest'); if ($cli->getParam('outdir')) $outDir = $cli->getParam('outdir'); if ($cli->getParam('outfile')) $outFile = $cli->getParam('outfile'); if ($cli->getParam('parallel')) $f4f->parallel = $cli->getParam('parallel'); if ($cli->getParam('proxy')) $cc->proxy = $cli->getParam('proxy'); if ($cli->getParam('quality')) $f4f->quality = $cli->getParam('quality'); if ($cli->getParam('referrer')) $referrer = $cli->getParam('referrer'); if ($cli->getParam('start')) $start = $cli->getParam('start'); if ($cli->getParam('useragent')) $cc->user_agent = $cli->getParam('useragent'); // Use custom referrer if ($referrer) $cc->headers[] = "Referer: " . $referrer; // Update the script if ($update) { $cc->cert_check = false; $status = $cc->get(""); if ($status == 200) { if (md5($cc->response) == md5(file_get_contents($argv[0]))) LogError("You are already using the latest version of this script.", 0); $status = file_put_contents($argv[0], $cc->response); if (!$status) LogError("Failed to write script file"); LogError("Script has been updated successfully.", 0); } else LogError("Failed to update script"); } // Create output directory if ($outDir) { $outDir = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $outDir)); if (substr($outDir, -1) != '/') $outDir = $outDir . '/'; if (!file_exists($outDir)) { LogDebug("Creating destination directory " . $outDir); if (!mkdir($outDir, 0777, true)) LogError("Failed to create destination directory " . $outDir); } } // Remove existing file extension if ($outFile) $outFile = RemoveExtension($outFile); // Disable filesize when piping if ($play) $filesize = 0; // Download fragments when manifest is available if ($manifest) { if (!isHttpUrl($manifest)) $manifest = "http://" . $manifest; $opt = array( 'start' => $start, 'tDuration' => $duration, 'filesize' => $filesize ); $f4f->DownloadFragments($cc, $manifest, $opt); } // Determine output filename if (!$outFile) { $baseFilename = str_replace('\\', '/', $baseFilename); if ($baseFilename and !((substr($baseFilename, -1) == '/') or (substr($baseFilename, -1) == ':'))) { if (strrpos($baseFilename, '/')) $outFile = substr($baseFilename, strrpos($baseFilename, '/') + 1); else $outFile = $baseFilename; } else $outFile = "Joined"; $outFile = RemoveExtension($outFile); } // Check for available fragments and rename if required if ($f4f->fragNum) $fragNum = $f4f->fragNum; else if ($start) $fragNum = $start - 1; if ($rename) { $f4f->RenameFragments($baseFilename, $fragNum, $fileExt); $fragNum = 0; } $count = $fragNum + 1; while (true) { if (file_exists($baseFilename . $count . $fileExt)) $fragCount++; else if (file_exists($baseFilename . $count)) { $fileExt = ""; $fragCount++; } else break; $count++; } LogInfo("Found $fragCount fragments"); if (!$f4f->processed) { // Process available fragments if (!$fragCount) exit(1); $timeStart = microtime(true); LogDebug("Joining Fragments:"); for ($i = $fragNum + 1; $i <= $fragNum + $fragCount; $i++) { $frag = file_get_contents($baseFilename . $i . $fileExt); if (!isset($opt['flv'])) { $opt['debug'] = false; $f4f->InitDecoder(); $f4f->DecodeFragment($frag, $i, $opt); if ($filesize) $opt['flv'] = WriteFlvFile($outDir . $outFile . "-" . $fileCount++ . ".flv", $f4f->audio, $f4f->video); else $opt['flv'] = WriteFlvFile($outDir . $outFile . ".flv", $f4f->audio, $f4f->video); if (!(($fragNum > 0) or $filesize)) $f4f->WriteMetadata($opt['flv']); $opt['debug'] = $debug; $f4f->InitDecoder(); } $f4f->DecodeFragment($frag, $i, $opt); if ($filesize and ($f4f->filesize >= $filesize)) { $f4f->filesize = 0; fclose($opt['flv']); unset($opt['flv']); } LogInfo("Processed " . ($i - $fragNum) . " fragments", true); } fclose($opt['flv']); $timeEnd = microtime(true); $timeTaken = sprintf("%.2f", $timeEnd - $timeStart); LogInfo("Joined $fragCount fragments in $timeTaken seconds"); } // Delete fragments after processing if ($delete) { for ($i = $fragNum + 1; $i <= $fragNum + $fragCount; $i++) if (file_exists($baseFilename . $i . $fileExt)) unlink($baseFilename . $i . $fileExt); } LogInfo("Finished"); ?>