#!/usr/bin/env bash # # k8ssandra-operator should be installed in the remote clusters prior to running this. The # script fetches the k8ssandra-operator service account from the remote cluster and # extracts the token and CA cert which are then added to a kubeconfig file. The script then # creates a secret with the contents of the kubeconfig file. Lastly, the script creates a # ClientConfig object that references the secret. # # This script requires the following to be installed: # # - kubectl # - yq # # TODO Accept multiple values for the src-context option and generate a kubeconfig with # entries for each set -e getopt_version=$(getopt -V) if [[ "$getopt_version" == " --" ]]; then echo "gnu-getopt doesn't seem to be installed. Install it using: brew install gnu-getopt" exit 1 fi OPTS=$(getopt -o h --long src-context:,src-kubeconfig:,dest-context:,dest-kubeconfig:,namespace:,serviceaccount:,output-dir:,help -n 'create-client-config' -- "$@") eval set -- "$OPTS" function help() { cat << EOF Syntax: create-client-config.sh [options] Options: --src-context The context for the source cluster that contains the service account. This or the src-kubeconfig option must be set. --src-kubeconfig The kubeconfig for the source cluster that contains the service account. This or the src-context option must be set. --dest-context The context for the cluster where the ClientConfig will be created. Defaults to the current context of the kubeconfig used. --dest-kubeconfig The kubeconfig for the cluster where the ClientConfig will be created. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config. --namespace The namespace in which the service account exists and where the ClientConfig will be created. --serviceaccount The name of the service account from which the ClientConfig will be created. Defaults to k8ssandra-operator. --output-dir The directory where generated artifacts are written. If not specified a temp directory is created. --help Displays this help message. EOF } src_context="" src_kubeconfig="" dest_context="" dest_kubeconfig="" service_account="k8ssandra-operator" namespace="" output_dir="" while true; do case "$1" in --src-context ) src_context="$2"; shift 2 ;; --src-kubeconfig ) src_kubeconfig="$2"; shift 2 ;; --dest-context ) dest_context="$2"; shift 2 ;; --dest-kubeconfig ) dest_kubeconfig="$2"; shift 2 ;; --namespace ) namespace="$2"; shift 2 ;; --serviceaccount ) service_account="$2"; shift 2 ;; --output-dir ) output_dir="$2"; shift 2 ;; -h | --help ) help; exit;; -- ) shift; break ;; * ) break ;; esac done if [ -z "$src_context" ] && [ -z "$src_kubeconfig" ]; then echo "At least one of the --src-context or --src-kubeconfig options must be specified" exit 1 fi src_context_opt="" src_kubeconfig_opt="" namespace_opt="" dest_context_opt="" dest_kubeconfig_opt="" if [ -z "$output_dir" ]; then output_dir=$(mktemp -d) else mkdir -p "$output_dir" fi if [ ! -z "$src_kubeconfig" ]; then src_kubeconfig_opt="--kubeconfig $src_kubeconfig" fi if [ ! -z "$src_context" ]; then src_context_opt="--context $src_context" else src_context=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt config current-context) src_context_opt="--context $src_context" fi if [ ! -z "$namespace" ]; then namespace_opt="-n $namespace" fi if [ ! -z "$dest_kubeconfig" ]; then dest_kubeconfig_opt="--kubeconfig $dest_kubeconfig" fi if [ ! -z "$dest_context" ]; then dest_context_opt="--context $dest_context" else dest_context=$(kubectl $dest_kubeconfig_opt config current-context) fi sa_secret=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt $src_context_opt $namespace_opt get serviceaccount $service_account -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') sa_token=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt $src_context_opt $namespace_opt get secret $sa_secret -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d) ca_cert=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt $src_context_opt $namespace_opt get secret $sa_secret -o jsonpath="{.data['ca\.crt']}") cluster=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt config view -o jsonpath="{.contexts[?(@.name == \"$src_context\"})].context.cluster}") cluster_addr=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt config view -o jsonpath="{.clusters[?(@.name == \"$cluster\"})].cluster.server}") if [[ $cluster_addr == *""* ]]; then api_server_ip=$(kubectl $src_kubeconfig_opt $src_context_opt -n kube-system get pod -l component=kube-apiserver -o json | jq -r '.items[0].status.podIP') cluster_addr="https://$api_server_ip:6443" echo "Source cluster had localhost as the API server address; replacing with $cluster_addr" fi output_kubeconfig="$output_dir/kubeconfig" echo "Creating $output_kubeconfig" cat > $output_kubeconfig < "$clientconfig_path" <