--- name: 'Pull request' about: Describe this issue template's purpose here. title: '' labels: '' assignees: kOaDT --- ## Pull Request Title <\!-- Provide a concise title that summarizes your changes. Example: "Add filtering by year feature" --> --- ## Description <\!-- Clearly and concisely describe the changes you made and why. Include relevant details about what problem this solves or what improvement it brings. --> ### Key Changes: - <\!-- Example: Implemented filtering by year on the map. --> - <\!-- Example: Refactored API calls for better performance. --> --- ## Checklist Before submitting your pull request, ensure the following: - [ ] I have read the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file and followed the guidelines. - [ ] My code follows the project's coding style. - [ ] I have tested my changes locally and ensured they work as expected. - [ ] I have updated any relevant documentation (if applicable). - [ ] This pull request does not introduce any security vulnerabilities. --- ## Testing <\!-- Provide clear instructions for testing your changes. Include commands to run, specific filters/settings to try, or other relevant details. --> ### Steps to Test: 1. <\!-- Example: Navigate to the map and apply the new filter for "Racist and Xenophobic Hate Crimes." --> 2. <\!-- Example: Verify the marker and graphs update correctly. --> --- ## Related Issues <\!-- If this pull request addresses or fixes an existing issue, link it here. --> Closes #<issue-number> <\!-- Example: Closes #12 --> --- ## Screenshots (if applicable) <\!-- If your changes include UI/UX updates, attach relevant before/after screenshots. -->  --- ## Additional Notes <\!-- Include any additional notes or comments here, such as potential follow-up work or limitations of the current implementation. -->