host="Cyanny" -- Only host should be changed. /!\ QUOTATION MARKS ARE IMPORTANT. time=60 ducks=50 itemID=33 ghostItem=false function waiting() ui.removeTextArea(99,nil) ui.removeTextArea(66,nil) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.newGame(3720251) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Chicken Pooping Game: Waiting.. | Host: " "") tfm.exec.setGameTime(0, false) end function picking() ui.addTextArea(97, "

Wait until the players are picked by the host.

" ,player,200,200,400,0,0x324650,0x212F36,1,true) ui.addPopup(96,2," Choose Player 2 (must be exact):",host,200,150,400,true) ui.addPopup(97,2," Choose Player 1 (must be exact):",host,200,150,400,true) ui.addTextArea(5, "Reset" ,host,740,324,80,15,0x324650,0x212F36,1,true) ui.addTextArea(6, "Help" ,nil,740,370,80,15,0x324650,0x212F36,1,true) ui.addTextArea(7, "Settings" ,host,740,347,80,15,0x324650,0x212F36,1,true) end function settings() ui.addPopup(73,1," Do you want the item to be a ghost item?\n ",host,200,150,400,true) ui.addPopup(72,2," Type in an item ID to replace chicken:",host,200,150,400,true) ui.addPopup(71,2," Choose amount of ducks required to win:",host,200,150,400,true) ui.addPopup(70,2," Pick time (range: 0-117):",host,200,150,400,true) end function loadGame() n = 0 m = 0 ui.removeTextArea(97,nil) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(false) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Chicken Pooping Game! | Host: " "") tfm.exec.setGameTime(time+3, true) tfm.exec.setNameColor(player1,0xEB1D51) tfm.exec.setNameColor(player2,0x2E72CB) ui.addTextArea(1, "Player 1:\n" ..player1.. "",nil,160,208,120,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) ui.addTextArea(2, "Chicken pooped:\n" ..n.. "",nil,160,253,120,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) ui.addTextArea(3, "Player 2:\n" ..player2.. "",nil,520,208,120,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) ui.addTextArea(4, "Chicken pooped:\n" ..m.. "",nil,520,253,120,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) tfm.exec.movePlayer(player1,220,145,false,0,0,false) tfm.exec.movePlayer(player2,580,145,false,0,0,false) tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player1, 40, true, true) tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player2, 83, true, true) function eventPlayerLeft(player) if player==player1 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5, false) ui.addTextArea(66,"

" ..player1.. " has left the game. Game will restart.

",nil,0,50,800,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) roundWon() elseif player==player2 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(5, false) ui.addTextArea(66,"

" ..player2.. " has left the game. Game will restart.

",nil,0,50,800,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) roundWon() end end end function roundWon() ui.removeTextArea(1,nil) ui.removeTextArea(2,nil) ui.removeTextArea(3,nil) ui.removeTextArea(4,nil) tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player1, 40, true, false) tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(player2, 83, true, false) end function update(id1,id2,number,playerName,var,loser,x,y) xFart = math.random(-20,20)+x yFart = math.random(10,25)+y ui.updateTextArea(id1,"Player "..number..":\n" ..playerName.. "",nil) ui.updateTextArea(id2,"Chicken pooped:\n" ..var.. "",nil) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(itemID, x, y+20, 0, 0, 20, ghostItem) tfm.exec.displayParticle(3, xFart, yFart, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) if var==ducks then ui.addTextArea(99,"

" ..playerName.. " won the game!

",nil,0,200,800,0,0x324650,0x212F36,0,true) tfm.exec.displayParticle(6, xFart, yFart, 0, 0, 0, 0, loser) tfm.exec.movePlayer(loser,400,-30,false,0,0,false) tfm.exec.setGameTime(5, false) roundWon() end end function eventTextAreaCallback(textArea, player, callback) if textArea==5 then waiting() roundWon() picking() elseif textArea==6 then ui.addPopup(98,0,"


\n Player 1 presses on down arrow.\n Player 2 presses on 's' button.\n Goal is to reach " ..ducks.. " ducks in " ..time.. " seconds. Good luck!\n\n

Game made by Cyanny.",player,200,130,400,true) elseif textArea==7 then tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) picking() settings() end end function eventKeyboard(player, key, down, x, y) if key==40 then n = n + 1 update(1,2,1,player1,n,player2,x,y) elseif key==83 then m = m + 1 update(3,4,2,player2,m,player1,x,y) end end function eventPopupAnswer(popUpId, host, answer) if popUpId==70 then time = tonumber(answer) if answer=="" then time = tonumber(60) end end if popUpId==71 then ducks = tonumber(answer) if answer=="" then ducks = tonumber(50) end end if popUpId==72 then itemID = answer if answer=="" then itemID = 33 end end if popUpId==73 then if answer=="yes" then ghostItem = true elseif answer=="no" then ghostItem = false end end if popUpId==97 then player1 = answer end if popUpId==96 then player2 = answer loadGame() end end function eventNewGame() waiting() roundWon() picking() end function eventNewPlayer(player) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player) end waiting() picking()