host = "Cyanny#0000" -- /!\ very important note to replace this including hash game = {ui={bgColor1=0x48311d,brColor1=0x060404,bgColor2=0x6d5d2d,brColor2=0xa38b44,bgColor3=0x5aa581,brColor3=0x3d8763,bgColor4=0x4a3e35},score=50,time=30} items = {{33,false,"chicken"},{10,false,"anvil"},{54,true,"ice cube"}} -- {id,ghost,name} game.item = items[1] map = '

' page = 1 function length(tbl) -- get table length because lua is a crap language local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do i = i + 1 end return i end function assignPlayer(player) if player then game.player[player] = {selected=false,present=true,count=0,page=0,textArea={bgColor=game.ui.bgColor2,brColor=game.ui.brColor2,text="" .. player .. ""}} else game.player = {} for k,v in pairs( do game.player[k] = {selected=false,present=true,count=0,page=0,textArea={bgColor=game.ui.bgColor2,brColor=game.ui.brColor2,text="" .. k .. ""}} tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(k, 0) end end generateStartScreen() end function changePage(evt, player) if (evt == "prev" and page > 1) or (evt == "next" and page < pages) then for i=1000+(page-1)*30,1000+(page*30) do ui.removeTextArea(i, nil) end if evt == "prev" then page = page - 1 elseif evt == "next" then page = page + 1 end updateStartScreen() end end function selectPlayer(player) if game.player[player].present then if game.player[player].selected then game.player[player].selected = false game.player[player].textArea.bgColor, game.player[player].textArea.brColor = game.ui.bgColor2, game.ui.brColor2 elseif not game.player[player].selected then game.player[player].selected = true game.player[player].textArea.bgColor, game.player[player].textArea.brColor = game.ui.bgColor3, game.ui.brColor3 end end updateStartScreen() for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if == 2 then ui.updateTextArea(909, "The Chosen Ones\n\n" .. listSelectedPlayer(), k) end end end function listSelectedPlayer() -- returns a string with new lines local str = "" for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if v.selected then str = str .. "[*] " .. k .. "\n" end end return str end function numberOfSelected() local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if v.selected then i = i + 1 end end return i end function numberOfMiceInRoom() local i = 0 for k,v in pairs( do if v.present then i = i + 1 end end return i end function numberOfMax() if numberOfMiceInRoom() < 2 then return 2 elseif numberOfMiceInRoom() < 8 then return numberOfMiceInRoom() else return 8 end end function tooMuchChicken() -- :D local str = "" for i=1,200 do str = str .. "<(' ) " end return "" .. str .. "" end function startScreen(player) if math.ceil((length(game.player))/30) > 1 then ui.addTextArea(900, "p\nr\ne\nv", host, 96, 88, 24, 96, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(901, "n\ne\nx\nt", host, 96, 203, 24, 96, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) end ui.addTextArea(902, "", host, 116, 74, 560, 260, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(903, "please, select players..", host, 116, 46, 400, 50, nil, nil, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(904, numberOfSelected() .. " / " .. numberOfMax(), host, 630, 60, 50, 20, nil, nil, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(905, "


", host, 620, 348, 50, 20, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(910, "


", host, 545, 348, 60, 20, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(906, "" .. tooMuchChicken() .. "", player, 512, 60, 256, 300, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(907, "

\nChicken \nPooping \nGame

", player, 512, 60, 256, 240, nil, nil, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(920, "

prev | next

", player, 512, 340, 256, 60, nil, nil, 0, true) ui.removeTextArea(906, host) -- to show the previous text areas to everyone, but the host ui.removeTextArea(907, host) ui.removeTextArea(920, host) end function generateStartScreen() local count = 1 for k,v in pairs(game.player) do = 1000+count count = count + 1 end pages = math.ceil(length(game.player)/30) for i=1,pages do local x = 128 local y = 96 for j=1001+(i-1)*30,1000+i*30 do for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if == j then v.textArea.x = x v.textArea.y = y x = x + 96 + 15 if x > 680 then x = 128 y = y + 24 + 15 end break end end end end end function updateStartScreen() for i=1001+(page-1)*30,1000+page*30 do for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if == i then local a = v.textArea ui.addTextArea(, a.text, host, a.x, a.y, 96, 24, a.bgColor, a.brColor, 1, true) elseif > i then break end end end if game.settings then showSettings(true) end end function updateHelpScreen(evt, player) if evt == "prevHelp" then game.player[player].page = (game.player[player].page - 1) % 3 elseif evt == "nextHelp" then game.player[player].page = (game.player[player].page + 1) % 3 end if game.player[player].page == 0 then ui.removeTextArea(908, player) ui.removeTextArea(909, player) ui.addTextArea(907, "

\nChicken \nPooping \nGame

", player, 512, 60, 256, 260, nil, nil, 0, true) elseif game.player[player].page == 1 then ui.removeTextArea(907, player) ui.removeTextArea(909, player) ui.addTextArea(908, "Goal\n\nYour sole goal is to achieve a higher score than your opponents by pooping chicken! To poop chicken, simply duck as fast as you can.\n\nTo play, the host should select you", player, 512, 60, 256, 260, nil, nil, 0, true) elseif game.player[player].page == 2 then ui.removeTextArea(907, player) ui.removeTextArea(908, player) ui.addTextArea(909, "The Chosen Ones\n\n" .. listSelectedPlayer(), player, 512, 60, 256, 260, nil, nil, 0, true) end ui.updateTextArea(920, "

prev | next

", player) end function startGame() showSettings(false) if numberOfSelected() > 1 then game.t = 2 for i=900,910 do ui.removeTextArea(i, nil) end for i=1001+(page-1)*30,1000+page*30 do ui.removeTextArea(i, nil) end tfm.exec.newGame(map) local diff_x = 480 / (numberOfSelected() - 1) local x = 160 for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if v.selected then v.x = x v.y = 145 tfm.exec.movePlayer(k, x, 145, false, 0, 0, false) x = x + diff_x else v.x = 400 v.y = -15 tfm.exec.movePlayer(k, 400, -15, false, 0, 0, false) end end = true updateNav("running!") else ui.addPopup(999, 0, "

Not enough players. Please try again.

", host, 200, 180, 400, true) end end function endGame() = false game.t = 3 for k,v in pairs(game.player) do if game.player[k].selected then tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(k, 3, true, false) end end if game.winner then ui.addTextArea(950, "

" .. game.winner .. "\nhas won the game!

", nil, 0, 180, 800, 100, nil, nil, 0, true) elseif not game.winner and game.time ~= 0 then ui.addTextArea(950, "

Time's up!

", nil, 0, 180, 800, 40, nil, nil, 0, true) end game.ended = true updateNav("ended.") end function showSettings(bool) -- all textarea ids here range from 800 to 899 game.settings = bool if bool then ui.updateTextArea(903, "", host) -- hide title behind ui.updateTextArea(904, "", host) ui.updateTextArea(910, "


", host) ui.addTextArea(800, "", host, 116, 74, 560, 260, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) ui.addTextArea(801, "game settings", host, 116, 46, 400, 96, nil, nil, 0, true) ui.addTextArea(802, "target score\t\t\t" .. game.score .. "\nround time\t\t\t" .. game.time .. "\t(set as zero for infinite time)\npoop type\t\t\t" .. game.item[3] .. "", host, 120, 100, 400, 260, nil, nil, 0, true) else for i=800,899 do ui.removeTextArea(i, nil) end ui.updateTextArea(903, "please, select players..", host) -- return title behind settings window ui.updateTextArea(904, numberOfSelected() .. " / " .. numberOfMax(), host) ui.updateTextArea(910, "


", host) end end function showItems() local x = 125 local y = 160 for k,v in pairs(items) do ui.addTextArea(802 + k, "

" .. v[3] .. "

", host, x, y, 50, 20, game.ui.bgColor1, game.ui.brColor1, 1, true) x = x + 65 end end function changeTime(t) if t == 0 then tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) else tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(false) tfm.exec.setGameTime(t, false) end end function updateNav(status) local t if game.time == 0 then t = "-" else t = game.time end tfm.exec.setUIMapName("Status: " .. status .. " | Target: " .. game.score .. " | Round time: " .. t) end function eventNewPlayer(player) if not game.player[player] then assignPlayer(player) end if not then startScreen(player) updateStartScreen() end end function eventPlayerLeft(player) game.player[player].present = false game.player[player].selected = false game.player[player].textArea.text = player game.player[player].textArea.bgColor, game.player[player].textArea.brColor = game.ui.bgColor4, game.ui.bgColor4 if not then updateStartScreen() end end function eventPlayerDied(player) tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(player) if game.player[player].x and game.player[player].y then tfm.exec.movePlayer(player, game.player[player].x, game.player[player].y, false, 0, 0, false) end end function eventTextAreaCallback(textArea, player, callback) if player == host then if string.sub(callback, 1, 6) == "select" then selectPlayer(string.sub(callback, 7)) ui.updateTextArea(904, numberOfSelected() .. " / " .. numberOfMax(), nil) elseif callback == "prev" or callback == "next" then changePage(callback) elseif callback == "start" then startGame() elseif callback == "settings-open" then showSettings(true) elseif callback == "settings-close" then showSettings(false) elseif string.sub(callback, 1, 3) == "set" then local cb = string.sub(callback, 4) if cb == "score" then ui.addPopup(899, 2, "Enter the new target score.", host, 200, 180, 400, true) elseif cb == "time" then ui.addPopup(898, 2, "Enter the new round time limit.", host, 200, 180, 400, true) elseif cb == "item" then showItems() end elseif string.sub(callback, 1, 4) == "item" then game.item = items[tonumber(string.sub(callback, 5))] for i=803, 802+length(items) do ui.removeTextArea(i, nil) end ui.updateTextArea(802, "target score\t\t\t" .. game.score .. "\nround time\t\t\t" .. game.time .. "\t(set as zero for infinite time)\npoop type\t\t\t" .. game.item[3] .. "", host) updateNav("selecting..") end else if callback == "prevHelp" or callback == "nextHelp" then updateHelpScreen(callback, player) end end end function eventKeyboard(player, key, down, x, y) if key == 3 then game.player[player].count = game.player[player].count + 1 if game.player[player].count >= game.score then game.winner = player endGame() end tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(player, game.player[player].count, false) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(game.item[1], x, y + 20, 0, 0, 20, game.item[2]) tfm.exec.displayParticle(3, math.random(-20,20) + x, math.random(10,25) + y, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil) elseif key == 0 or 2 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(player, game.player[player].x, game.player[player].y, false, 0, 0, false) end end function eventPopupAnswer(popup, player, answer) local n = tonumber(answer) if popup == 899 then if n then game.score = math.floor(math.abs(n)) ui.updateTextArea(802, "target score\t\t\t" .. game.score .. "\nround time\t\t\t" .. game.time .. "\t(set as zero for infinite time)\npoop type\t\t\t" .. game.item[3] .. "", host) updateNav("selecting..") else ui.addPopup(899, 2, "Invalid number. Enter the new target score again.", host, 200, 180, 400, true) end elseif popup == 898 then if n then game.time = math.floor(math.abs(n)) ui.updateTextArea(802, "target score\t\t\t" .. game.score .. "\nround time\t\t\t" .. game.time .. "\t(set as zero for infinite time)\npoop type\t\t\t" .. game.item[3] .. "", host) updateNav("selecting..") else ui.addPopup(898, 2, "Invalid number. Enter the new round time limit again.", host, 200, 180, 400, true) end end end function eventLoop(ct, tr) if then if game.t then if game.t > 0 then game.t = game.t - 0.5 elseif game.t == 0 then for k,v in pairs(game.player) do tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(k, 0, false, true) tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(k, 2, false, true) if game.player[k].selected then tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(k, 3, true, true) end end changeTime(game.time) game.t = -1 end end if game.time > 0 and tr <= 0 then endGame() end elseif game.ended then if game.t > 0 then game.t = game.t - 0.5 elseif game.t == 0 then ui.removeTextArea(950, nil) -- text area for winner game.ended = false game.winner = nil game.t = -1 assignPlayer() startScreen() updateStartScreen() end end end tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) assignPlayer() startScreen() updateStartScreen() updateNav("selecting..")