# sublime-enlister Enlister is a plugin that can launch project specific tools. Typically, this is used to launch build environments that vary depending on the project. The plugin looks for the project setting `enlister` which is an array of objects that have three properties: * name - The display name in the command palette. * command - The command to launch. This is passed directly to `subprocess`. It can be an array of strings if arguments need to be split out. * shell - The value for the shell parameter in subprocess.Popen. Optional, defaults to False. * working_dir - The working directory. See `enlister.sublime-project` for samples, or look below. ## Installation Copy these files into an enlister folder under your user Packages. Or, install via Package Control. ## Usage Enlister looks for your commands in the current project's settings. Launch the command palette and type `enlister`. This causes the command palette to display all valid commands for the project. ## Samples { "enlister": [ { "name": "terminal", "command": "gnome-terminal", "shell": false, "working_dir": "/home/kael/Documents/code" },{ "name": "python", "command": "gnome-terminal --tab --maximize --command python", "shell": true, "working_dir": "/home/kael/Documents/code" },{ "name": "windows", "command": "c:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /k \"d:\\env\\project1\\start.cmd\"", "shell": true, "working_dir": "d:\\env\\project1" },{ "name": "conemu", "command": "c:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /k \"d:\\Tools\\ConEmu\\ConEmu\\ConEmuC64.exe /ATTACH /NOCMD & d:\\env\\project1\\start.cmd\"", "shell": true, "working_dir": "d:\\env\\project1" } ] }