import cv2 def lerp(a, b, c): return int((c * a) + ((1 - c) * b)) def largestBox(boxes): lrg_width = 0 lrg_box = None for box in boxes: if box[2] > lrg_width: lrg_box = BoundingBox(box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]) lrg_width = box[2] return lrg_box class BoundingBox: def __init__(self, x, y, w, h): self.dim = [x, y, w, h] def lerpShape(self, newBox): for i in range(2): self.dim[i] = lerp(self.dim[i], newBox.dim[i], 0.4) for i in range(2): j = i + 2 self.dim[j] = lerp(self.dim[j], newBox.dim[j], 0.7) class Frame: boxIsVisible = False def __init__(self, img, box): self.zoom = 0.4 self.img = img = box x, y, w, h = box.dim self.postFilterBox = BoundingBox(x, y, w, h) def setZoom(self, amount): self.zoom = min(max(amount, 0.01), 0.99) def filter(self): # Declare basic variables screenHeight = self.img.shape[0] screenWidth = self.img.shape[1] screenRatio = float(screenWidth) / screenHeight (boxX, boxY, boxW, boxH) = distX1 = boxX distY1 = boxY # dist refers to the distances in front of and distX2 = screenWidth - distX1 - boxW # behind the face detection box distY2 = screenHeight - distY1 - boxH # EX: |---distX1----[ :) ]--distX2--| # Equalize x's and y's to shortest length if distX1 > distX2: distX1 = distX2 if distY1 > distY2: distY1 = distY2 distX = distX1 # Set to an equal distance value distY = distY1 # Trim sides to match original aspect ratio centerX = distX + (boxW / 2.0) centerY = distY + (boxH / 2.0) distsRatio = centerX / centerY if screenRatio < distsRatio: offset = centerX - (centerY * screenRatio) distX -= offset elif screenRatio > distsRatio: offset = centerY - (centerX / screenRatio) distY -= offset # Make screen to box ratio constant # (constant can be changed as ZOOM in if screenWidth > screenHeight: distX = min(0.5 * ((boxW / self.zoom) - boxW), distX) distY = min(((1.0 / screenRatio) * (distX + (boxW / 2.0))) - (boxH / 2.0), distY) else: distY = min(0.5 * ((boxH / self.zoom) - boxH), distY) distX = min((screenRatio * (distY + (boxH / 2.0))) - (boxW / 2.0), distX) # Crop image to match distance values newX = int(boxX - distX) newY = int(boxY - distY) newW = int(2 * distX + boxW) newH = int(2 * distY + boxH) self.crop([newX, newY, newW, newH]) # Resize image to fit original resolution resizePercentage = float(screenWidth) / newW self.img = cv2.resize(self.img, (screenWidth, screenHeight)) for i in range(4): self.postFilterBox.dim[i] = int(self.postFilterBox.dim[i] * resizePercentage) # Flip Filtered image on y-axis self.img = cv2.flip(self.img, 2) def drawBox(self): (x, y, w, h) = self.postFilterBox.dim if x > 0: cv2.rectangle(self.img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 255), 2) def crop(self, dim): x, y, w, h = dim self.img = self.img[y:y + h, x:x + w] self.postFilterBox.dim[0] -= x self.postFilterBox.dim[1] -= y def show(self): if self.boxIsVisible: self.drawBox() cv2.imshow("Dolly Zoom", self.img)