SublimeTmpl =========== A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for create file from templates. Installation ------------ **Github** Go to the "Packages" directory (`Preferences` / `Browse Packages`). Then clone this repository: $ git clone **Package Control** Install [Package Control][1]. Then `Package Control: Install Package`, look for `SublimeTmpl` / `tmpl` and install it. Usage ----- - Create file with menu `File - New File (SublimeTmpl)` - Create file with command use `cmd+shift+p` then look for `tmpl:` Settings -------- Default Settings: `Preferences` > `Packages Settings` > `SublimeTmpl` > `Settings - Default` Custom settings (**Recommend*): `Preferences` > `Package Settings` > `SublimeTmpl` > `Settings - User` Default template files: `Packages/SublimeTmpl/templates` Custom template files (**Recommend**): `Packages/User/SublimeTmpl/templates/` Project-specific template files (ST3 only): via `settings`: `SublimeTmpl`: `template_folder` key within your sublime-project file (see "Features added" below) Default key bindings -------------------- ctrl+alt+h html ctrl+alt+j javascript ctrl+alt+c css ctrl+alt+p php ctrl+alt+r ruby ctrl+alt+shift+p python **Disable shortcuts** If you’re unhappy with default keymap, you can disable keyboard shortcuts with `disable_keymap_actions` preference of `SublimeTmpl.sublime-settings`. Use a comma-separated list of action names which default keyboard shortcuts should be disabled. For example, if you want to disable creat `html` and `css` shortcuts, your must set the following value: "disabled_keymap_actions": "html, css" To disable all default shortcuts, set value to `all`. ## Features added - custom template files > put your custom template files in `Packages/User/SublimeTmpl/templates` > Project-specific template files can be specified in project files, along with overriding other templating options. - `*.tmpl` file support `${date}` variable > default "date_format" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" . - `*.tmpl` file support `${saved_filename}`, `${saved_filepath}` on save file > Enable: `SublimeTmpl > settings - user` add `"enable_file_variables_on_save": true,` - `*.tmpl` file support `${project_base_name}`, `${project_path}` and `${platform}` NOTE: This will only work with SublimeText 3.0 or above. > Enable: `SublimeTmpl > settings - user` add `"enable_project_variables": true,` It is recommended that you put your own custom settings in `settings - user`. Please see note below in "*Detailed Instructions for Sublime Newbies" - custom variables: `attr` > custom the attr variables in settings, example: > ``` json "attr": { "author": "Your Name" , "email": "", "link": "", "hello": "word" } ``` > The `*.tmpl` file will support `${author}` `${email}` `${link}` `${hello}` variables. - Project specific overrides via `SublimeTmpl` attribute in sublime-project file. > ``` json "settings": { "SublimeTmpl": { "template_folder": "Path\\to\\some\\custom\\template\\folder", "template_replace_pattern": "{{%s}}", "enable_project_variables": true, "enable_file_variables_on_save": true, "attr": { // Fully overrides "attr" settings (i.e. elements missing here will not attempt to be replaced in template) "author": "Alternative Name" }, "project_variables": { // Allows for use with other template formats, provide mapping here // "tmpl_formatted_name": "current_template_name" "project_base_name": "projectbase", "project_path": "projectpath", "platform": "plat" }, "file_variables_on_save": { // Allows for use with other template formats, provide mapping here // "tmpl_formatted_name": "current_template_name" "saved_filename": "name", "saved_filepath": "filepath" }, }, }, ``` *Detailed Instructions for Sublime Newbies ----------------------------------------- Sublime Text keeps settings in bunch of files in a folder. For example, OS X, it is located at ```/Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages``` You can navigate to it easily by using the following menu item in Sublime, for example: `Sublime Text>Preferences>Browse Packages` Now go to `Packages\SublimeTmpl` folder and open the file SublimeTmpl.sublime-settings. Save the file with the same file name under `Packages\User`. Delete everything except the variables that are custom to you. By the time you are finished, the file might look as simple as this (JSON format): ``` { "attr": { "author": "Chuck Norris" , "email": "", } } ``` If you don't want the `"link"` and `"hello"` variables to show up, you should copy the (for example) python.tmpl file to `Packages/User/SublimeTmpl/templates` and remove those elements from it. Contributors ------- - [View Contributors]( ### Donate PayPal donate button FAQ --- - SublimeTmpl not work after update the package. Please open `Preferences` / `Settings - User`, remove "SublimeTmpl" from `ignored_packages`. - Alert message `Replace pattern None doesn't seem to work: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'str'` Please restart Sublime Text and try again. -------------------- Source: [][0] Docs: [中文文档]( [0]: [1]: