swagger: "2.0" info: description: "Bancor API" version: "0.1" title: "Bancor API" host: "api.bancor.network" basePath: "/0.1" tags: - name: "Available pairs API" description: "The “Pairs” API returns token pairs in the Bancor network" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "https://support.bancor.network/hc/en-us/articles/360002262111-Available-Pairs-API" - name: "Price Ticker API" description: "The “Ticker” API returns all relevant data (name, symbol, code, decimals, price 24h high, price 24h low, price, price 24h, volume 24h, total supply) for the specific pair." - name: "Token Data API" description: "The “Tokens” API returns all the available data we have for the tokens on the Bancor network" - name: "Price Discovery (value) API" description: "The “Price Discover” API returns the expected amount of tokens you will receive when executing a transaction of a certain size using the Bancor Price Discovery formula." schemes: - "https" paths: /currencies/convertiblePairs: get: tags: - "Available pairs API" summary: "Add a new pet to the store" description: "" operationId: "convertiblePairs" produces: - "application/json" responses: "200": description: "A list of currency pairs" schema: type: object properties: data: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: data: BNT: ETH STX: BNT KICK: BNT "405": description: "Invalid input" /currencies/{tokenCode}/ticker: get: tags: - "Price Ticker API" summary: "Return relevant data for a specific pair" parameters: - in: path name: tokenCode type: string required: true description: token currency code - in: query name: fromCurrencyCode type: string required: true description: from currency code description: "The Ticker API returns all relevant data (name, symbol, code, decimals, price 24h high, price 24h low, price, price 24h, volume 24h, total supply) for the specific pair." operationId: "pairdata" produces: - "application/json" responses: "200": description: "A list of currency pairs" schema: type: object properties: data: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: name: type: string symbol: type: string code: type: string decimals: type: integer price24hHigh: type: number price24hLow: type: number price: type: number price24h: type: number volume24h: type: number totalSupply: type: number example: data: name: Bancor symbol: BNT code: BNT decimals: 18 totalSupply: 76144409802769222094564556 price: 0.006928393832718147 volume24h: 3331656543586311766200 price24h: 0.0069663958745948325 "405": description: "Invalid input" /currencies/{TokenType}: get: tags: - "Token Data API" summary: "The Tokens API returns all the available data we have for the tokens on the Bancor network" parameters: - in: path name: TokenType type: string required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: fromCurrencyCode type: string required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: orderBy type: string required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: sortOrder type: string required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: limit type: integer required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: skip type: integer required: true description: from currency code - in: query name: includeTotal type: string required: true description: from currency code description: "The “Tokens” API returns all the available data we have for the tokens on the Bancor network" operationId: "tokendata" produces: - "application/json" responses: "200": description: "A list of currency pairs" # TODO START schema: type: object properties: data: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: name: type: string symbol: type: string code: type: string decimals: type: integer price24hHigh: type: number price24hLow: type: number price: type: number price24h: type: number volume24h: type: number totalSupply: type: number # TODO END example: data: currencies: page: - _id: 594bb7e468a95e00203b048d symbol: BNT type: ethereum details: type: bancor subType: smart contractAddress: 0x1f573d6fb3f13d689ff844b4ce37794d79a7ff1c supply: 74775281083523725963087643 changer: type: bancor version: 0.4 contractAddress: 0xb626a5facc4de1c813f5293ec3be31979f1d1c78 isActive: true activatedAt: 2017-06-22T07:00:00.000Z reserves: 5937d635231e97001f744267: contractAddress: 0xc0829421c1d260bd3cb3e0f06cfe2d52db2ce315 currencySymbol: Ξ ratio: 100000 numDecimalDigits: 18 balance: 44001842276537681939982 status: published stage: traded createdAt: 2017-06-22T07:00:00.000Z numDecimalDigits: 18 primaryCommunityId: 5967699a4a93370018b7b891 primaryCommunityImageName: f80f2a40-eaf5-11e7-9b5e-179c6e04aa7c.png code: BNT name: Bancor isDeleted: false order: 300 isDiscoverable: true originalCurrencyId: 594bb7e468a95e00203b048d price: 0.005601948072580547 change24h: -0.6927365621230122 priceHistory: - 0.005402214902240569 - 0.005395380959829653 - 0.0054027228791513554 - 0.0054169721726570474 - 0.0054272558732494725 - 0.0054234447922943 - 0.0054256918705245655 - 0.005419196473339037 - 0.0054195260470858726 - 0.00542393109888581 - 0.005433983220550033 - 0.005435785025313575 - 0.005435071993213968 - 0.0054502152560918435 "405": description: "Invalid input"