meta: id: elf title: Executable and Linkable Format application: SVR4 ABI and up, many *nix systems xref: justsolve: Executable_and_Linkable_Format mime: - application/x-elf - application/x-coredump - application/x-executable - application/x-object - application/x-sharedlib pronom: - fmt/688 # 32bit Little Endian - fmt/689 # 32bit Big Endian - fmt/690 # 64bit Little Endian - fmt/691 # 64bit Big Endian wikidata: Q1343830 tags: - executable - linux license: CC0-1.0 ks-version: 0.9 doc-ref: -;a=blob;f=elf/elf.h;hb=0f62fe0532 - - seq: - id: magic -orig-id: e_ident[EI_MAG0]..e_ident[EI_MAG3] size: 4 contents: [0x7f, "ELF"] doc: File identification, must be 0x7f + "ELF". - id: bits -orig-id: e_ident[EI_CLASS] type: u1 enum: bits doc: | File class: designates target machine word size (32 or 64 bits). The size of many integer fields in this format will depend on this setting. - id: endian -orig-id: e_ident[EI_DATA] type: u1 enum: endian doc: Endianness used for all integers. - id: ei_version -orig-id: e_ident[EI_VERSION] type: u1 valid: 1 doc: ELF header version. - id: abi -orig-id: e_ident[EI_OSABI] type: u1 enum: os_abi doc: | Specifies which OS- and ABI-related extensions will be used in this ELF file. - id: abi_version -orig-id: e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] type: u1 doc: | Version of ABI targeted by this ELF file. Interpretation depends on `abi` attribute. - id: pad -orig-id: e_ident[EI_PAD]..e_ident[EI_NIDENT - 1] contents: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] - id: header type: endian_elf instances: sh_idx_lo_reserved: -orig-id: SHN_LORESERVE value: 0xff00 sh_idx_lo_proc: -orig-id: SHN_LOPROC value: 0xff00 sh_idx_hi_proc: -orig-id: SHN_HIPROC value: 0xff1f sh_idx_lo_os: -orig-id: SHN_LOOS value: 0xff20 sh_idx_hi_os: -orig-id: SHN_HIOS value: 0xff3f sh_idx_hi_reserved: -orig-id: SHN_HIRESERVE value: 0xffff types: phdr_type_flags: params: - id: value type: u4 instances: read: value: value & 0x04 != 0 write: value: value & 0x02 != 0 execute: value: value & 0x01 != 0 mask_proc: value: value & 0xf0000000 != 0 section_header_flags: params: - id: value type: u4 instances: write: value: value & 0x01 != 0 doc: "writable" alloc: value: value & 0x02 != 0 doc: "occupies memory during execution" exec_instr: value: value & 0x04 != 0 doc: "executable" merge: value: value & 0x10 != 0 doc: "might be merged" strings: value: value & 0x20 != 0 doc: "contains nul-terminated strings" info_link: value: value & 0x40 != 0 doc: "'sh_info' contains SHT index" link_order: value: value & 0x80 != 0 doc: "preserve order after combining" os_non_conforming: value: value & 0x100 != 0 doc: "non-standard OS specific handling required" group: value: value & 0x200 != 0 doc: "section is member of a group" tls: value: value & 0x400 != 0 doc: "section hold thread-local data" ordered: value: value & 0x04000000 != 0 doc: "special ordering requirement (Solaris)" exclude: value: value & 0x08000000 != 0 doc: "section is excluded unless referenced or allocated (Solaris)" mask_os: value: value & 0x0ff00000 != 0 doc: "OS-specific" mask_proc: value: value & 0xf0000000 != 0 doc: "Processor-specific" dt_flag_values: doc-ref: - ' Figure 5-11: DT_FLAGS values' - - params: - id: value type: u4 instances: origin: value: value & 0x00000001 != 0 doc: object may reference the $ORIGIN substitution string symbolic: value: value & 0x00000002 != 0 doc: symbolic linking textrel: value: value & 0x00000004 != 0 doc: relocation entries might request modifications to a non-writable segment bind_now: value: value & 0x00000008 != 0 doc: | all relocations for this object must be processed before returning control to the program static_tls: value: value & 0x00000010 != 0 doc: object uses static thread-local storage scheme dt_flag_1_values: params: - id: value type: u4 instances: now: value: value & 0x00000001 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_NOW for this object." rtld_global: value: value & 0x00000002 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_GLOBAL for this object." group: value: value & 0x00000004 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_GROUP for this object." nodelete: value: value & 0x00000008 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_NODELETE for this object." loadfltr: value: value & 0x00000010 != 0 doc: "Trigger filtee loading at runtime." initfirst: value: value & 0x00000020 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_INITFIRST for this object" noopen: value: value & 0x00000040 != 0 doc: "Set RTLD_NOOPEN for this object." origin: value: value & 0x00000080 != 0 doc: "$ORIGIN must be handled." direct: value: value & 0x00000100 != 0 doc: "Direct binding enabled." trans: value: value & 0x00000200 != 0 interpose: value: value & 0x00000400 != 0 doc: "Object is used to interpose." nodeflib: value: value & 0x00000800 != 0 doc: "Ignore default lib search path." nodump: value: value & 0x00001000 != 0 doc: "Object can't be dldump'ed." confalt: value: value & 0x00002000 != 0 doc: "Configuration alternative created." endfiltee: value: value & 0x00004000 != 0 doc: "Filtee terminates filters search." dispreldne: value: value & 0x00008000 != 0 doc: "Disp reloc applied at build time." disprelpnd: value: value & 0x00010000 != 0 doc: "Disp reloc applied at run-time." nodirect: value: value & 0x00020000 != 0 doc: "Object has no-direct binding." ignmuldef: value: value & 0x00040000 != 0 noksyms: value: value & 0x00080000 != 0 nohdr: value: value & 0x00100000 != 0 edited: value: value & 0x00200000 != 0 doc: "Object is modified after built." noreloc: value: value & 0x00400000 != 0 symintpose: value: value & 0x00800000 != 0 doc: "Object has individual interposers." globaudit: value: value & 0x01000000 != 0 doc: "Global auditing required." singleton: value: value & 0x02000000 != 0 doc: "Singleton symbols are used." stub: value: value & 0x04000000 != 0 pie: value: value & 0x08000000 != 0 endian_elf: meta: endian: switch-on: _root.endian cases: 'endian::le': le 'endian::be': be seq: - id: e_type type: u2 enum: obj_type - id: machine type: u2 enum: machine - id: e_version type: u4 # e_entry - id: entry_point type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # e_phoff - id: program_header_offset type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # e_shoff - id: section_header_offset type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # e_flags - id: flags size: 4 # e_ehsize - id: e_ehsize type: u2 # e_phentsize - id: len_program_headers type: u2 # e_phnum - id: num_program_headers type: u2 # e_shentsize - id: len_section_headers type: u2 # e_shnum - id: num_section_headers type: u2 # e_shstrndx - id: section_names_idx type: u2 types: # Elf(32|64)_Phdr program_header: seq: # p_type - id: type type: u4 enum: ph_type # p_flags - id: flags64 type: u4 if: _root.bits == bits::b64 # p_offset - id: offset type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # p_vaddr - id: vaddr type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # p_paddr - id: paddr type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # p_filesz - id: filesz type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # p_memsz - id: memsz type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 # p_flags - id: flags32 type: u4 if: _root.bits == bits::b32 # p_align - id: align type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 instances: flags_obj: type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': phdr_type_flags(flags32) 'bits::b64': phdr_type_flags(flags64) -webide-parse-mode: eager -webide-representation: "{type} - f:{flags_obj:flags} (o:{offset}, s:{filesz:dec})" section_header: -orig-id: Elf(32|64)_Shdr seq: - id: ofs_name -orig-id: sh_name type: u4 - id: type -orig-id: sh_type type: u4 enum: sh_type - id: flags -orig-id: sh_flags type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: addr -orig-id: sh_addr type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: ofs_body -orig-id: sh_offset type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: len_body -orig-id: sh_size type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: linked_section_idx -orig-id: sh_link type: u4 - id: info -orig-id: sh_info size: 4 - id: align -orig-id: sh_addralign type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: entry_size -orig-id: sh_entsize type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 instances: body: io: _root._io pos: ofs_body size: len_body type: switch-on: type cases: 'sh_type::dynamic': dynamic_section 'sh_type::strtab': strings_struct 'sh_type::dynsym': dynsym_section 'sh_type::symtab': dynsym_section 'sh_type::note': note_section 'sh_type::rel': relocation_section(false) 'sh_type::rela': relocation_section(true) if: type != sh_type::nobits linked_section: value: _root.header.section_headers[linked_section_idx] if: | linked_section_idx != section_header_idx_special::undefined.to_i and linked_section_idx < _root.header.num_section_headers doc: may reference a later section header, so don't try to access too early (use only lazy `instances`) doc-ref: name: io: _root.header.section_names._io pos: ofs_name type: strz encoding: ASCII -webide-parse-mode: eager flags_obj: type: section_header_flags(flags) -webide-parse-mode: eager -webide-representation: "{name} ({type}) - f:{flags_obj:flags} (o:{offset}, s:{size:dec})" strings_struct: seq: - id: entries type: strz repeat: eos # For an explanation of why UTF-8 instead of ASCII, see the comment # on the `name` attribute in the `dynsym_section_entry` type. encoding: UTF-8 dynamic_section: seq: - id: entries type: dynamic_section_entry repeat: eos instances: is_string_table_linked: value: _parent.linked_section.type == sh_type::strtab dynamic_section_entry: doc-ref: - - -webide-representation: "{tag_enum}: {value_or_ptr} {value_str} {flag_1_values:flags}" seq: - id: tag type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: value_or_ptr type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 instances: tag_enum: value: tag enum: dynamic_array_tags flag_values: type: dt_flag_values(value_or_ptr) if: "tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::flags" -webide-parse-mode: eager flag_1_values: type: dt_flag_1_values(value_or_ptr) if: "tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::flags_1" -webide-parse-mode: eager value_str: io: pos: value_or_ptr type: strz encoding: ASCII if: is_value_str and _parent.is_string_table_linked -webide-parse-mode: eager is_value_str: value: | value_or_ptr != 0 and ( tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::needed or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::soname or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::rpath or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::runpath or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::sunw_auxiliary or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::sunw_filter or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::auxiliary or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::filter or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::config or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::depaudit or tag_enum == dynamic_array_tags::audit ) dynsym_section: seq: - id: entries type: dynsym_section_entry repeat: eos instances: is_string_table_linked: value: _parent.linked_section.type == sh_type::strtab dynsym_section_entry: -orig-id: - Elf32_Sym - Elf64_Sym doc-ref: - - -webide-representation: 'v:{value} s:{size:dec} t:{type} b:{bind} vis:{visibility} i:{sh_idx:dec}[={sh_idx_special}] n:{name}' seq: - id: ofs_name -orig-id: st_name type: u4 - id: value_b32 type: u4 if: _root.bits == bits::b32 - id: size_b32 type: u4 if: _root.bits == bits::b32 - id: bind -orig-id: ELF32_ST_BIND(st_info) type: b4 enum: symbol_binding - id: type -orig-id: ELF32_ST_TYPE(st_info) type: b4 enum: symbol_type - id: other type: u1 doc: don't read this field, access `visibility` instead - id: sh_idx -orig-id: st_shndx type: u2 doc: section header index - id: value_b64 type: u8 if: _root.bits == bits::b64 - id: size_b64 type: u8 if: _root.bits == bits::b64 instances: value: value: | _root.bits == bits::b32 ? value_b32 : _root.bits == bits::b64 ? value_b64 : 0 size: value: | _root.bits == bits::b32 ? size_b32 : _root.bits == bits::b64 ? size_b64 : 0 name: io: pos: ofs_name type: strz # UTF-8 is used (instead of ASCII) because Golang binaries may # contain specific Unicode code points in symbol identifiers. # # See # * : "the assembler allows the # middle dot character U+00B7 and the division slash U+2215 in # identifiers" # * encoding: UTF-8 if: ofs_name != 0 and _parent.is_string_table_linked -webide-parse-mode: eager visibility: value: other & 0x03 enum: symbol_visibility sh_idx_special: value: sh_idx enum: section_header_idx_special is_sh_idx_reserved: value: | sh_idx >= _root.sh_idx_lo_reserved and sh_idx <= _root.sh_idx_hi_reserved is_sh_idx_proc: value: | sh_idx >= _root.sh_idx_lo_proc and sh_idx <= _root.sh_idx_hi_proc is_sh_idx_os: value: | sh_idx >= _root.sh_idx_lo_os and sh_idx <= _root.sh_idx_hi_os note_section: seq: - id: entries type: note_section_entry repeat: eos note_section_entry: doc-ref: - # The following source claims that note's `name` and `descriptor` should be padded # to 8 bytes in 64-bit ELFs, not always to 4 - although this seems to be an idea of # the original spec, it did not catch on in the real world and most implementations # always use 4-byte alignment - see # - seq: - id: len_name type: u4 - id: len_descriptor type: u4 - id: type type: u4 - id: name size: len_name terminator: 0 doc: | Although the ELF specification seems to hint that the `note_name` field is ASCII this isn't the case for Linux binaries that have a `` section. doc-ref: - id: name_padding size: -len_name % 4 - id: descriptor size: len_descriptor - id: descriptor_padding size: -len_descriptor % 4 relocation_section: doc-ref: - - params: - id: has_addend type: bool seq: - id: entries type: relocation_section_entry repeat: eos relocation_section_entry: seq: - id: offset type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: info type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': u4 'bits::b64': u8 - id: addend type: switch-on: _root.bits cases: 'bits::b32': s4 'bits::b64': s8 if: _parent.has_addend instances: program_headers: pos: program_header_offset size: len_program_headers type: program_header repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_program_headers section_headers: pos: section_header_offset size: len_section_headers type: section_header repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_section_headers section_names: pos: section_headers[section_names_idx].ofs_body size: section_headers[section_names_idx].len_body type: strings_struct if: | section_names_idx != section_header_idx_special::undefined.to_i and section_names_idx < _root.header.num_section_headers enums: # EI_CLASS bits: # ELFCLASS32 1: b32 # ELFCLASS64 2: b64 # EI_DATA endian: # ELFDATA2LSB 1: le # ELFDATA2MSB 2: be os_abi: 0: system_v 1: hp_ux 2: netbsd 3: gnu 6: solaris 7: aix 8: irix 9: freebsd 0xa: tru64 # Compaq TRU64 UNIX 0xb: modesto # Novell Modesto 0xc: openbsd 0xd: openvms 0xe: nsk # Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel 0xf: aros # Amiga Research OS 0x10: fenixos # The FenixOS highly scalable multi-core OS 0x11: cloudabi # Nuxi CloudABI 0x12: openvos # Stratus Technologies OpenVOS # e_type obj_type: # ET_NONE 0: no_file_type # ET_REL 1: relocatable # ET_EXEC 2: executable # ET_DYN 3: shared # ET_CORE 4: core # #;a=blob;f=elf/elf.h;hb=0f62fe0532 # # machine: 0: id: no_machine -orig-id: EM_NONE doc: No machine 1: id: m32 doc: AT&T WE 32100 2: id: sparc doc: Sun SPARC 3: id: x86 -orig-id: EM_386 doc: Intel 80386 4: id: m68k -orig-id: EM_68K doc: Motorola m68k family 5: id: m88k -orig-id: EM_88K doc: Motorola m88k family 6: id: iamcu doc: | Intel MCU was assigned to `EM_486` (for Intel i486), but that value was deprecated and replaced with this one doc-ref: - - - 7: id: i860 -orig-id: EM_860 doc: Intel 80860 8: id: mips doc: MIPS R3000 big-endian 9: id: s370 doc: IBM System/370 10: id: mips_rs3_le doc: MIPS R3000 little-endian 15: id: parisc doc: Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC 17: id: vpp500 doc: Fujitsu VPP500 18: id: sparc32plus doc: Sun's "v8plus" 19: id: i960 -orig-id: EM_960 doc: Intel 80960 20: id: powerpc -orig-id: EM_PPC doc: PowerPC 21: id: powerpc64 -orig-id: EM_PPC64 doc: PowerPC 64-bit 22: id: s390 doc: IBM System/390 23: id: spu doc: IBM SPU/SPC 36: id: v800 doc: NEC V800 series 37: id: fr20 doc: Fujitsu FR20 38: id: rh32 doc: TRW RH-32 39: id: rce doc: Motorola RCE 40: id: arm doc: ARM 41: id: old_alpha -orig-id: EM_FAKE_ALPHA doc: DEC Alpha 42: id: superh -orig-id: EM_SH doc: Hitachi SH 43: id: sparc_v9 -orig-id: EM_SPARCV9 doc: SPARC v9 64-bit 44: id: tricore doc: Siemens TriCore 45: id: arc doc: Argonaut RISC Core 46: id: h8_300 doc: Hitachi H8/300 47: id: h8_300h doc: Hitachi H8/300H 48: id: h8s doc: Hitachi H8S 49: id: h8_500 doc: Hitachi H8/500 50: id: ia_64 doc: Intel IA-64 processor architecture 51: id: mips_x doc: Stanford MIPS-X 52: id: coldfire doc: Motorola ColdFire 53: id: m68hc12 -orig-id: EM_68HC12 doc: Motorola M68HC12 54: id: mma doc: Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator 55: id: pcp doc: Siemens PCP 56: id: ncpu doc: Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor 57: id: ndr1 doc: Denso NDR1 microprocessor 58: id: starcore doc: Motorola Star*Core processor 59: id: me16 doc: Toyota ME16 processor 60: id: st100 doc: STMicroelectronics ST100 processor 61: id: tinyj doc: Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor family 62: id: x86_64 doc: AMD x86-64 architecture 63: id: pdsp doc: Sony DSP Processor 64: id: pdp10 doc: Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-10 65: id: pdp11 doc: Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-11 66: id: fx66 doc: Siemens FX66 microcontroller 67: id: st9plus doc: STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller 68: id: st7 doc: STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller 69: id: mc68hc16 -orig-id: EM_68HC16 doc: Motorola MC68HC16 microcontroller 70: id: mc68hc11 -orig-id: EM_68HC11 doc: Motorola MC68HC11 microcontroller 71: id: mc68hc08 -orig-id: EM_68HC08 doc: Motorola MC68HC08 microcontroller 72: id: mc68hc05 -orig-id: EM_68HC05 doc: Motorola MC68HC05 microcontroller 73: id: svx doc: Silicon Graphics SVx 74: id: st19 doc: STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit microcontroller 75: id: vax doc: Digital VAX 76: id: cris doc: Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor 77: id: javelin doc: Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor 78: id: firepath doc: Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor 79: id: zsp doc: LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor 80: id: mmix doc: Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor 81: id: huany doc: Harvard University machine-independent object files 82: id: prism doc: SiTera Prism 83: id: avr doc: Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller 84: id: fr30 doc: Fujitsu FR30 85: id: d10v doc: Mitsubishi D10V 86: id: d30v doc: Mitsubishi D30V 87: id: v850 doc: NEC v850 88: id: m32r doc: Mitsubishi M32R 89: id: mn10300 doc: Matsushita MN10300 90: id: mn10200 doc: Matsushita MN10200 91: id: picojava -orig-id: EM_PJ doc: picoJava 92: id: openrisc doc: OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor 93: id: arc_compact doc: 'ARC International ARCompact processor (old spelling/synonym: EM_ARC_A5)' 94: id: xtensa doc: Tensilica Xtensa Architecture 95: id: videocore doc: Alphamosaic VideoCore processor 96: id: tmm_gpp doc: Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor 97: id: ns32k doc: National Semiconductor 32000 series 98: id: tpc doc: Tenor Network TPC processor 99: id: snp1k doc: Trebia SNP 1000 processor 100: id: st200 doc: STMicroelectronics ST200 101: id: ip2k doc: Ubicom IP2xxx microcontroller family 102: id: max doc: MAX processor 103: id: compact_risc -orig-id: EM_CR doc: National Semiconductor CompactRISC microprocessor 104: id: f2mc16 doc: Fujitsu F2MC16 105: id: msp430 doc: Texas Instruments embedded microcontroller MSP430 106: id: blackfin doc: Analog Devices Blackfin (DSP) processor 107: id: se_c33 doc: Seiko Epson S1C33 family 108: id: sep doc: Sharp embedded microprocessor 109: id: arca doc: Arca RISC microprocessor 110: id: unicore doc: microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of Peking University 111: id: excess doc: 'eXcess: 16/32/64-bit configurable embedded CPU' 112: id: dxp doc: Icera Semiconductor Inc. Deep Execution Processor 113: id: altera_nios2 doc: Altera Nios II soft-core processor 114: id: crx doc: National Semiconductor CompactRISC CRX microprocessor 115: id: xgate doc: Motorola XGATE embedded processor 116: id: c166 doc: Infineon C16x/XC16x processor 117: id: m16c doc: Renesas M16C series microprocessors 118: id: dspic30f doc: Microchip Technology dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controller 119: id: freescale_ce -orig-id: EM_CE doc: Freescale Communication Engine RISC core 120: id: m32c doc: Renesas M32C series microprocessors 131: id: tsk3000 doc: Altium TSK3000 core 132: id: rs08 doc: Freescale RS08 embedded processor 133: id: sharc doc: Analog Devices SHARC family of 32-bit DSP processors 134: id: ecog2 doc: Cyan Technology eCOG2 microprocessor 135: id: score7 doc: Sunplus S+core7 RISC processor 136: id: dsp24 doc: New Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP Processor 137: id: videocore3 doc: Broadcom VideoCore III processor 138: id: latticemico32 doc: RISC processor for Lattice FPGA architecture 139: id: se_c17 doc: Seiko Epson C17 family 140: id: ti_c6000 doc: Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 DSP family 141: id: ti_c2000 doc: Texas Instruments TMS320C2000 DSP family 142: id: ti_c5500 doc: Texas Instruments TMS320C55x DSP family 143: id: ti_arp32 doc: Texas Instruments Application Specific RISC Processor, 32bit fetch 144: id: ti_pru doc: Texas Instruments Programmable Realtime Unit 160: id: mmdsp_plus doc: STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW Data Signal Processor 161: id: cypress_m8c doc: Cypress M8C microprocessor 162: id: r32c doc: Renesas R32C series microprocessors 163: id: trimedia doc: NXP Semiconductors TriMedia architecture family 164: id: qdsp6 doc: Qualcomm Hexagon processor 165: id: i8051 -orig-id: EM_8051 doc: Intel 8051 and variants 166: id: stxp7x doc: STMicroelectronics STxP7x family of configurable and extensible RISC processors 167: id: nds32 doc: Andes Technology compact code size embedded RISC processor family 168: id: ecog1x doc: Cyan Technology eCOG1X family 169: id: maxq30 doc: Dallas Semiconductor MAXQ30 Core Micro-controllers 170: id: ximo16 doc: New Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP Processor 171: id: manik doc: M2000 Reconfigurable RISC Microprocessor 172: id: craynv2 doc: Cray Inc. NV2 vector architecture 173: id: rx doc: Renesas RX family 174: id: metag doc: Imagination Technologies META processor architecture 175: id: mcst_elbrus doc: MCST Elbrus general purpose hardware architecture 176: id: ecog16 doc: Cyan Technology eCOG16 family 177: id: cr16 doc: National Semiconductor CompactRISC CR16 16-bit microprocessor 178: id: etpu doc: Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit 179: id: sle9x doc: Infineon Technologies SLE9X core 180: id: l10m doc: Intel L10M 181: id: k10m doc: Intel K10M 183: id: aarch64 doc: ARM AArch64 185: id: avr32 doc: Atmel Corporation 32-bit microprocessor family 186: id: stm8 doc: STMicroeletronics STM8 8-bit microcontroller 187: id: tile64 doc: Tilera TILE64 multicore architecture family 188: id: tilepro doc: Tilera TILEPro multicore architecture family 189: id: microblaze doc: Xilinx MicroBlaze 32-bit RISC soft processor core 190: id: cuda doc: NVIDIA CUDA architecture 191: id: tilegx doc: Tilera TILE-Gx multicore architecture family 192: id: cloudshield doc: CloudShield architecture family 193: id: corea_1st doc: KIPO-KAIST Core-A 1st generation processor family 194: id: corea_2nd doc: KIPO-KAIST Core-A 2nd generation processor family 195: id: arcv2 doc: Synopsys ARCv2 ISA 196: id: open8 doc: Open8 8-bit RISC soft processor core 197: id: rl78 doc: Renesas RL78 family 198: id: videocore5 doc: Broadcom VideoCore V processor 199: id: renesas_78kor -orig-id: EM_78KOR doc: Renesas 78KOR family 200: id: freescale_56800ex -orig-id: EM_56800EX doc: Freescale 56800EX Digital Signal Controller (DSC) 201: id: ba1 doc: Beyond BA1 CPU architecture 202: id: ba2 doc: Beyond BA2 CPU architecture 203: id: xcore doc: XMOS xCORE processor family 204: id: mchp_pic doc: Microchip 8-bit PIC(r) family 205: id: intelgt doc: Intel Graphics Technology doc-ref:;a=blob;f=elf/elf.h;hb=0f62fe0532#l339 206: id: intel206 doc: Reserved by Intel 207: id: intel207 doc: Reserved by Intel 208: id: intel208 doc: Reserved by Intel 209: id: intel209 doc: Reserved by Intel 210: id: km32 doc: KM211 KM32 32-bit processor 211: id: kmx32 doc: KM211 KMX32 32-bit processor 212: id: kmx16 -orig-id: EM_EMX16 doc: KM211 KMX16 16-bit processor 213: id: kmx8 -orig-id: EM_EMX8 doc: KM211 KMX8 8-bit processor 214: id: kvarc doc: KM211 KVARC processor 215: id: cdp doc: Paneve CDP architecture family 216: id: coge doc: Cognitive Smart Memory Processor 217: id: cool doc: Bluechip Systems CoolEngine 218: id: norc doc: Nanoradio Optimized RISC 219: id: csr_kalimba doc: CSR Kalimba architecture family 220: id: z80 doc: Zilog Z80 221: id: visium doc: Controls and Data Services VISIUMcore 222: id: ft32 doc: FTDI Chip FT32 223: id: moxie doc: Moxie processor 224: id: amd_gpu -orig-id: EM_AMDGPU doc: AMD GPU architecture 243: id: riscv doc: RISC-V 244: id: lanai doc: Lanai 32-bit processor doc-ref: 245: id: ceva doc: CEVA Processor Architecture Family doc-ref: 246: id: ceva_x2 doc: CEVA X2 Processor Family doc-ref: 247: id: bpf doc: Linux BPF - in-kernel virtual machine 248: id: graphcore_ipu doc: Graphcore Intelligent Processing Unit doc-ref: 249: id: img1 doc: Imagination Technologies doc-ref: 250: id: nfp doc: Netronome Flow Processor (NFP) doc-ref: 251: id: ve doc: NEC SX-Aurora Vector Engine (VE) processor doc-ref: 252: id: csky doc: C-SKY 32-bit processor 253: id: arc_compact3_64 -orig-id: EM_ARC_COMPACT3_64 doc: Synopsys ARCv3 64-bit ISA/HS6x cores doc-ref: - - - 254: id: mcs6502 doc: MOS Technology MCS 6502 processor doc-ref: 255: id: arc_compact3 -orig-id: EM_ARC_COMPACT3 doc: Synopsys ARCv3 32-bit doc-ref: - - - 256: id: kvx doc: Kalray VLIW core of the MPPA processor family doc-ref: 257: id: wdc65816 -orig-id: EM_65816 doc: WDC 65816/65C816 doc-ref: 258: id: loongarch -orig-id: EM_LOONGARCH doc: LoongArch doc-ref: 259: id: kf32 -orig-id: EM_KF32 doc: ChipON KungFu32 doc-ref: - - 260: id: u16_u8core -orig-id: EM_U16_U8CORE doc: LAPIS nX-U16/U8 doc-ref: - 261: id: tachyum -orig-id: EM_TACHYUM doc: Tachyum doc-ref: - 262: id: nxp_56800ef -orig-id: EM_56800EF doc: NXP 56800EF Digital Signal Controller (DSC) doc-ref: - # unofficial values # 0x1057: id: avr_old -orig-id: EM_AVR_OLD 0x1059: id: msp430_old -orig-id: EM_MSP430_OLD 0x1223: id: adapteva_epiphany -orig-id: EM_ADAPTEVA_EPIPHANY doc: Adapteva's Epiphany architecture. 0x2530: id: mt -orig-id: EM_MT doc: Morpho MT 0x3330: id: cygnus_fr30 -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_FR30 0x4157: id: webassembly -orig-id: EM_WEBASSEMBLY doc: Unofficial value for Web Assembly binaries, as used by LLVM. 0x4688: id: xc16x -orig-id: EM_XC16X doc: Infineon Technologies 16-bit microcontroller with C166-V2 core 0x4def: id: s12z -orig-id: EM_S12Z doc: The Freescale toolchain generates elf files with this value. 0x5441: id: cygnus_frv -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_FRV 0x5aa5: id: dlx -orig-id: EM_DLX doc: openDLX 0x7650: id: cygnus_d10v -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_D10V 0x7676: id: cygnus_d30v -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_D30V 0x8217: id: ip2k_old -orig-id: EM_IP2K_OLD 0x9025: id: cygnus_powerpc -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_POWERPC 0x9026: id: alpha -orig-id: EM_ALPHA 0x9041: id: cygnus_m32r -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_M32R 0x9080: id: cygnus_v850 -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_V850 0xa390: id: s390_old -orig-id: EM_S390_OLD 0xabc7: id: xtensa_old -orig-id: EM_XTENSA_OLD 0xad45: id: xstormy16 -orig-id: EM_XSTORMY16 0xbaab: id: microblaze_old -orig-id: EM_MICROBLAZE_OLD 0xbeef: id: cygnus_mn10300 -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_MN10300 0xdead: id: cygnus_mn10200 -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_MN10200 0xfeb0: id: m32c_old -orig-id: EM_M32C_OLD doc: Renesas M32C and M16C 0xfeba: id: iq2000 -orig-id: EM_IQ2000 doc: Vitesse IQ2000 0xfebb: id: nios32 -orig-id: EM_NIOS32 0xf00d: id: cygnus_mep -orig-id: EM_CYGNUS_MEP doc: Toshiba MeP 0xfeed: id: moxie_old -orig-id: EM_MOXIE_OLD doc: Old, unofficial value for Moxie ph_type: 0: null_type 1: load 2: dynamic 3: interp 4: note 5: shlib 6: phdr 7: tls # 0x60000000: lo_os 0x65041580: pax_flags # 0x6fffffff: hi_os # 0x70000000: lo_proc 0x70000001: arm_exidx # 0x7fffffff: hi_proc 0x6474e550: gnu_eh_frame 0x6474e551: gnu_stack 0x6474e552: gnu_relro 0x6474e553: gnu_property # # sh_type: 0: null_type 1: progbits 2: symtab 3: strtab 4: rela 5: hash 6: dynamic 7: note 8: nobits 9: rel 10: shlib 11: dynsym 14: init_array 15: fini_array 16: preinit_array 17: group 18: symtab_shndx 19: relr # 0x60000000: lo_os # 0x6fffffef: lo_sunw 0x6fffffec: id: sunw_symnsort doc-ref: 0x6fffffed: id: sunw_phname doc-ref: 0x6fffffee: id: sunw_ancillary doc-ref: 0x6fffffef: sunw_capchain 0x6ffffff0: sunw_capinfo 0x6ffffff1: sunw_symsort 0x6ffffff2: sunw_tlssort 0x6ffffff3: sunw_ldynsym 0x6ffffff4: sunw_dof 0x6ffffff5: sunw_cap # 0x6ffffff5: gnu_attributes 0x6ffffff6: sunw_signature # 0x6ffffff6: gnu_hash # 0x6ffffff7: gnu_liblist 0x6ffffff7: sunw_annotate 0x6ffffff8: sunw_debugstr 0x6ffffff9: sunw_debug 0x6ffffffa: sunw_move 0x6ffffffb: sunw_comdat 0x6ffffffc: sunw_syminfo 0x6ffffffd: sunw_verdef # 0x6ffffffd: gnu_verdef 0x6ffffffe: sunw_verneed # 0x6ffffffe: gnu_verneed 0x6fffffff: sunw_versym # 0x6fffffff: gnu_versym # 0x6fffffff: hi_sunw # 0x6fffffff: hi_os # 0x70000000: lo_proc 0x70000000: sparc_gotdata 0x70000001: amd64_unwind # 0x70000001: arm_exidx 0x70000002: arm_preemptmap 0x70000003: arm_attributes 0x70000004: id: arm_debugoverlay doc-ref: 0x70000005: id: arm_overlaysection doc-ref: # 0x7fffffff: hi_proc # 0x80000000: lo_user # 0xffffffff: hi_user # symbol_visibility: 0: default 1: internal 2: hidden 3: protected 4: exported 5: singleton 6: eliminate # symbol_binding: 0: id: local doc: not visible outside the object file containing their definition 1: id: global_symbol -affected-by: 90 doc: | visible to all object files being combined As of KSC 0.9, this enum key can't be called `global` because it would cause a syntax error in Python (it is a keyword). 2: id: weak doc: like `symbol_binding::global_symbol`, but their definitions have lower precedence # 10: lo_os 10: id: os10 doc: reserved for operating system-specific semantics 11: id: os11 doc: reserved for operating system-specific semantics 12: id: os12 doc: reserved for operating system-specific semantics # 12: hi_os # 13: lo_proc 13: id: proc13 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics 14: id: proc14 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics 15: id: proc15 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics # 15: hi_proc # symbol_type: 0: no_type 1: id: object doc: associated with a data object, such as a variable, an array, and so on 2: id: func doc: associated with a function or other executable code 3: id: section doc: associated with a section 4: id: file doc: symbol's name gives the name of the source file associated with the object file 5: id: common doc: labels an uninitialized common block 6: id: tls doc: specifies a thread-local storage entity 8: id: relc doc: complex relocation expression doc-ref:;a=blob;f=include/elf/common.h;h=0d381f0d27;hb=HEAD#l1009 9: id: srelc doc: signed complex relocation expression doc-ref:;a=blob;f=include/elf/common.h;h=0d381f0d27;hb=HEAD#l1010 # 10: lo_os 10: id: gnu_ifunc doc: | reserved for OS-specific semantics `STT_GNU_IFUNC` is a GNU extension to ELF format that adds support for "indirect functions" 11: id: os11 doc: reserved for OS-specific semantics 12: id: os12 doc: reserved for OS-specific semantics # 12: hi_os # 13: lo_proc 13: id: proc13 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics 14: id: proc14 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics 15: id: proc15 doc: reserved for processor-specific semantics # 15: hi_proc # # see also `_root.sh_idx_*` instances section_header_idx_special: 0: id: undefined -orig-id: SHN_UNDEF # 0xff00: lo_reserve # 0xff00: lo_proc 0xff00: before 0xff01: after 0xff02: amd64_lcommon # 0xff1f: hi_proc # 0xff20: lo_os # 0xff3f: lo_sunw 0xff3f: sunw_ignore # 0xff3f: hi_sunw # 0xff3f: hi_os 0xfff1: abs 0xfff2: common 0xffff: xindex # 0xffff: hi_reserve # #;a=blob;f=elf/elf.h;hb=0f62fe0532#l853 dynamic_array_tags: 0: "null" # Marks end of dynamic section 1: needed # Name of needed library 2: pltrelsz # Size in bytes of PLT relocs 3: pltgot # Processor defined value 4: hash # Address of symbol hash table 5: strtab # Address of string table 6: symtab # Address of symbol table 7: rela # Address of Rela relocs 8: relasz # Total size of Rela relocs 9: relaent # Size of one Rela reloc 10: strsz # Size of string table 11: syment # Size of one symbol table entry 12: init # Address of init function 13: fini # Address of termination function 14: soname # Name of shared object 15: rpath # Library search path (deprecated) 16: symbolic # Start symbol search here 17: rel # Address of Rel relocs 18: relsz # Total size of Rel relocs 19: relent # Size of one Rel reloc 20: pltrel # Type of reloc in PLT 21: debug # For debugging; unspecified 22: textrel # Reloc might modify .text 23: jmprel # Address of PLT relocs 24: bind_now # Process relocations of object 25: init_array # Array with addresses of init fct 26: fini_array # Array with addresses of fini fct 27: init_arraysz # Size in bytes of DT_INIT_ARRAY 28: fini_arraysz # Size in bytes of DT_FINI_ARRAY 29: runpath # Library search path 30: flags # Flags for the object being loaded 32: preinit_array # Array with addresses of preinit fct 33: preinit_arraysz # Size in bytes of DT_PREINIT_ARRAY 34: symtab_shndx # Address of SYMTAB_SHNDX section 35: relrsz 36: relr 37: relrent # 38: encoding # special value (marker): # Values `v >= ::encoding and v < ::lo_os` follow the rules # for the interpretation of the d_un union as follows: # even number == 'd_ptr', odd number == 'd_val' or none # # 0x6000000d: lo_os 0x6000000d: sunw_auxiliary 0x6000000e: id: sunw_rtldinf doc-ref: - - 0x6000000f: id: sunw_filter doc: | Note: states that `DT_SUNW_FILTER` has the value `0x6000000e`, but this is apparently only a human error - that would make the value collide with the previous one (`DT_SUNW_RTLDINF`) and there is not even a single source supporting this other than verbatim copies of the same table. doc-ref: - - 0x60000010: sunw_cap 0x60000011: sunw_symtab 0x60000012: sunw_symsz # 0x60000013: sunw_encoding # DT_* encoding rules apply again for values # `v >= ::sunw_encoding and v <= ::hi_os` (see # `::encoding` description) 0x60000013: sunw_sortent 0x60000014: sunw_symsort 0x60000015: sunw_symsortsz 0x60000016: sunw_tlssort 0x60000017: sunw_tlssortsz 0x60000018: sunw_capinfo 0x60000019: sunw_strpad 0x6000001a: sunw_capchain 0x6000001b: sunw_ldmach 0x6000001c: sunw_symtab_shndx 0x6000001d: sunw_capchainent 0x6000001e: sunw_deferred 0x6000001f: sunw_capchainsz 0x60000020: sunw_phname 0x60000021: sunw_parent 0x60000023: sunw_sx_aslr 0x60000025: sunw_relax 0x60000027: sunw_kmod 0x60000029: sunw_sx_nxheap 0x6000002b: sunw_sx_nxstack 0x6000002d: sunw_sx_adiheap 0x6000002f: sunw_sx_adistack 0x60000031: sunw_sx_ssbd 0x60000032: sunw_symnsort 0x60000033: sunw_symnsortsz # 0x6ffff000: hi_os # 0x6ffffd00: val_rng_lo # Values `v >= ::val_rng_lo and v <= ::val_rng_hi` # use the 'd_val' field of the dynamic structure 0x6ffffdf4: id: gnu_flags_1 doc-ref:;a=blob;f=include/elf/common.h;h=0d381f0d27;hb=HEAD#l1091 0x6ffffdf5: gnu_prelinked # Prelinking timestamp 0x6ffffdf6: gnu_conflictsz # Size of conflict section 0x6ffffdf7: gnu_liblistsz # Size of library list 0x6ffffdf8: checksum 0x6ffffdf9: pltpadsz 0x6ffffdfa: moveent 0x6ffffdfb: movesz 0x6ffffdfc: feature_1 # Feature selection (DTF_*). 0x6ffffdfd: posflag_1 # Flags for DT_* entries, effecting the following DT_* entry. 0x6ffffdfe: syminsz # Size of syminfo table (in bytes) 0x6ffffdff: syminent # Entry size of syminfo # 0x6ffffdff: val_rng_hi # 0x6ffffe00: addr_rng_lo # Values `v >= ::addr_rng_lo and v <= ::addr_rng_hi` # use the 'd_ptr' field of the dynamic structure 0x6ffffef5: gnu_hash 0x6ffffef6: tlsdesc_plt 0x6ffffef7: tlsdesc_got 0x6ffffef8: gnu_conflict 0x6ffffef9: gnu_liblist 0x6ffffefa: config 0x6ffffefb: depaudit 0x6ffffefc: audit 0x6ffffefd: pltpad 0x6ffffefe: movetab 0x6ffffeff: syminfo # 0x6ffffeff: addr_rng_hi 0x6ffffff0: versym 0x6ffffff9: relacount 0x6ffffffa: relcount 0x6ffffffb: flags_1 0x6ffffffc: verdef 0x6ffffffd: verdefnum 0x6ffffffe: verneed 0x6fffffff: verneednum # 0x70000000: lo_proc 0x70000001: id: sparc_register doc-ref: 0x07000001: id: deprecated_sparc_register doc: | DT_SPARC_REGISTER was originally assigned 0x7000001. It is processor specific, and should have been in the range DT_LOPROC-DT_HIPROC instead of here. When the error was fixed, DT_DEPRECATED_SPARC_REGISTER was created to maintain backward compatability. doc-ref: - - 0x7ffffffd: auxiliary 0x7ffffffe: used 0x7fffffff: filter # 0x7fffffff: hi_proc