meta: id: ttf title: TrueType Font File file-extension: ttf xref: justsolve: TrueType pronom: x-fmt/453 wikidata: Q751800 license: MIT endian: be doc: | A TrueType font file contains data, in table format, that comprises an outline font. doc-ref: seq: - id: offset_table type: offset_table - id: directory_table type: dir_table_entry repeat: expr repeat-expr: offset_table.num_tables types: fixed: -webide-representation: '{major:dec}.{minor:dec}' seq: - id: major type: u2 - id: minor type: u2 offset_table: seq: - id: sfnt_version type: fixed - id: num_tables type: u2 - id: search_range type: u2 - id: entry_selector type: u2 - id: range_shift type: u2 dir_table_entry: -webide-representation: '{tag} [{length:dec}b]: {value}' seq: - id: tag type: str size: 4 encoding: ascii - id: checksum type: u4 - id: offset type: u4 - id: length type: u4 instances: value: io: _root._io pos: offset size: length type: switch-on: tag cases: "'cmap'": cmap "'cvt '": cvt "'glyf'": glyf "'head'": head "'hhea'": hhea "'OS/2'": os2 "'prep'": prep "'fpgm'": fpgm "'kern'": kern "'maxp'": maxp "'post'": post "'name'": name -webide-parse-mode: eager cmap: doc: > cmap - Character To Glyph Index Mapping Table This table defines the mapping of character codes to the glyph index values used in the font. -webide-represetation: "hello" seq: - id: version_number type: u2 - id: number_of_encoding_tables type: u2 - id: tables type: subtable_header repeat: expr repeat-expr: number_of_encoding_tables types: subtable_header: -webide-representation: "p:{platform_id:dec}, e:{encoding_id:dec}" seq: - id: platform_id type: u2 - id: encoding_id type: u2 - id: subtable_offset type: u4 instances: table: type: subtable io: _parent._io pos: subtable_offset -webide-parse-mode: eager subtable: seq: - id: format type: u2 enum: subtable_format - id: length type: u2 - id: version type: u2 - id: value size: length - 6 type: switch-on: format cases: subtable_format::byte_encoding_table: byte_encoding_table subtable_format::high_byte_mapping_through_table: high_byte_mapping_through_table subtable_format::segment_mapping_to_delta_values: segment_mapping_to_delta_values subtable_format::trimmed_table_mapping: trimmed_table_mapping enums: subtable_format: 0: byte_encoding_table 2: high_byte_mapping_through_table 4: segment_mapping_to_delta_values 6: trimmed_table_mapping types: byte_encoding_table: seq: - id: glyph_id_array size: 256 high_byte_mapping_through_table: seq: - id: sub_header_keys type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: 256 # TODO segment_mapping_to_delta_values: seq: - id: seg_count_x2 type: u2 - id: search_range type: u2 - id: entry_selector type: u2 - id: range_shift type: u2 - id: end_count type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: seg_count - id: reserved_pad type: u2 - id: start_count type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: seg_count - id: id_delta type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: seg_count - id: id_range_offset type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: seg_count - id: glyph_id_array type: u2 repeat: eos instances: seg_count: value: seg_count_x2 / 2 -webide-parse-mode: eager trimmed_table_mapping: seq: - id: first_code type: u2 - id: entry_count type: u2 - id: glyph_id_array type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: entry_count cvt: doc: > cvt - Control Value Table This table contains a list of values that can be referenced by instructions. They can be used, among other things, to control characteristics for different glyphs. seq: - id: fwords type: s2 repeat: eos glyf: # # TODO: sadly, Kaitai currently cannot parse this structure seq: - id: number_of_contours type: s2 - id: x_min type: s2 - id: y_min type: s2 - id: x_max type: s2 - id: y_max type: s2 - id: value type: simple_glyph if: number_of_contours > 0 types: simple_glyph: seq: - id: end_pts_of_contours type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.number_of_contours - id: instruction_length type: u2 - id: instructions size: instruction_length - id: flags type: flag repeat: expr repeat-expr: point_count instances: point_count: value: end_pts_of_contours.max + 1 types: flag: seq: - id: reserved type: b2 - id: y_is_same type: b1 - id: x_is_same type: b1 - id: repeat type: b1 - id: y_short_vector type: b1 - id: x_short_vector type: b1 - id: on_curve type: b1 - id: repeat_value type: u1 if: repeat head: enums: flags: 0x01: baseline_at_y0 # Bit 0 - baseline for font at y=0 0x02: left_sidebearing_at_x0 # Bit 1 - left sidebearing at x=0 0x04: flag_depend_on_point_size # Bit 2 - instructions may depend on point size 0x08: flag_force_ppem # Bit 3 - force ppem to integer values for all internal scaler math; # may use fractional ppem sizes if this bit is clear 0x10: flag_may_advance_width # Bit 4 - instructions may alter advance width (the advance widths might not scale linearly) font_direction_hint: 0: fully_mixed_directional_glyphs 1: only_strongly_left_to_right 2: strongly_left_to_right_and_neutrals #-1: only_strongly_right_to_left #-2: strongly_right_to_left_and_neutrals seq: - id: version type: fixed - id: font_revision type: fixed - id: checksum_adjustment type: u4 - id: magic_number contents: [0x5F, 0x0F, 0x3C, 0xF5] - id: flags type: u2 enum: flags - id: units_per_em type: u2 - id: created type: u8 - id: modified type: u8 - id: x_min type: s2 - id: y_min type: s2 - id: x_max type: s2 - id: y_max type: s2 - id: mac_style type: u2 - id: lowest_rec_ppem type: u2 - id: font_direction_hint type: s2 enum: font_direction_hint - id: index_to_loc_format type: s2 - id: glyph_data_format type: s2 hhea: seq: - id: version type: fixed - id: ascender type: s2 doc: 'Typographic ascent' - id: descender type: s2 doc: 'Typographic descent' - id: line_gap type: s2 doc: 'Typographic line gap. Negative LineGap values are treated as zero in Windows 3.1, System 6, and System 7.' - id: advance_width_max type: u2 doc: 'Maximum advance width value in `hmtx` table.' - id: min_left_side_bearing type: s2 doc: 'Minimum left sidebearing value in `hmtx` table.' - id: min_right_side_bearing type: s2 doc: 'Minimum right sidebearing value; calculated as Min(aw - lsb - (xMax - xMin)).' - id: x_max_extend type: s2 doc: 'Max(lsb + (xMax - xMin)).' - id: caret_slope_rise type: s2 - id: caret_slope_run type: s2 - id: reserved contents: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] - id: metric_data_format type: s2 - id: number_of_hmetrics type: u2 os2: doc: 'The OS/2 table consists of a set of metrics that are required by Windows and OS/2.' types: panose: enums: family_kind: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: text_and_display 3: script 4: decorative 5: pictorial serif_style: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: cove 3: obtuse_cove 4: square_cove 5: obtuse_square_cove 6: square 7: thin 8: bone 9: exaggerated 10: triangle 11: normal_sans 12: obtuse_sans 13: perp_sans 14: flared 15: rounded weight: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: very_light 3: light 4: thin 5: book 6: medium 7: demi 8: bold 9: heavy 10: black 11: nord proportion: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: old_style 3: modern 4: even_width 5: expanded 6: condensed 7: very_expanded 8: very_condensed 9: monospaced contrast: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: none 3: very_low 4: low 5: medium_low 6: medium 7: medium_high 8: high 9: very_high stroke_variation: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: gradual_diagonal 3: gradual_transitional 4: gradual_vertical 5: gradual_horizontal 6: rapid_vertical 7: rapid_horizontal 8: instant_vertical arm_style: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: straight_arms_horizontal 3: straight_arms_wedge 4: straight_arms_vertical 5: straight_arms_single_serif 6: straight_arms_double_serif 7: non_straight_arms_horizontal 8: non_straight_arms_wedge 9: non_straight_arms_vertical 10: non_straight_arms_single_serif 11: non_straight_arms_double_serif letter_form: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: normal_contact 3: normal_weighted 4: normal_boxed 5: normal_flattened 6: normal_rounded 7: normal_off_center 8: normal_square 9: oblique_contact 10: oblique_weighted 11: oblique_boxed 12: oblique_flattened 13: oblique_rounded 14: oblique_off_center 15: oblique_square midline: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: standard_trimmed 3: standard_pointed 4: standard_serifed 5: high_trimmed 6: high_pointed 7: high_serifed 8: constant_trimmed 9: constant_pointed 10: constant_serifed 11: low_trimmed 12: low_pointed 13: low_serifed x_height: 0: any 1: no_fit 2: constant_small 3: constant_standard 4: constant_large 5: ducking_small 6: ducking_standard 7: ducking_large seq: - id: family_type type: u1 enum: family_kind - id: serif_style type: u1 enum: serif_style - id: weight type: u1 enum: weight - id: proportion type: u1 enum: proportion - id: contrast type: u1 enum: contrast - id: stroke_variation type: u1 enum: stroke_variation - id: arm_style type: u1 enum: arm_style - id: letter_form type: u1 enum: letter_form - id: midline type: u1 enum: midline - id: x_height type: u1 enum: x_height unicode_range: seq: - { id: basic_latin, type: b1 } - { id: latin_1_supplement, type: b1 } - { id: latin_extended_a, type: b1 } - { id: latin_extended_b, type: b1 } - { id: ipa_extensions, type: b1 } - { id: spacing_modifier_letters, type: b1 } - { id: combining_diacritical_marks, type: b1 } - { id: basic_greek, type: b1 } - { id: greek_symbols_and_coptic, type: b1 } - { id: cyrillic, type: b1 } - { id: armenian, type: b1 } - { id: basic_hebrew, type: b1 } - { id: hebrew_extended, type: b1 } - { id: basic_arabic, type: b1 } - { id: arabic_extended, type: b1 } - { id: devanagari, type: b1 } - { id: bengali, type: b1 } - { id: gurmukhi, type: b1 } - { id: gujarati, type: b1 } - { id: oriya, type: b1 } - { id: tamil, type: b1 } - { id: telugu, type: b1 } - { id: kannada, type: b1 } - { id: malayalam, type: b1 } - { id: thai, type: b1 } - { id: lao, type: b1 } - { id: basic_georgian, type: b1 } - { id: georgian_extended, type: b1 } - { id: hangul_jamo, type: b1 } - { id: latin_extended_additional, type: b1 } - { id: greek_extended, type: b1 } - { id: general_punctuation, type: b1 } - { id: superscripts_and_subscripts, type: b1 } - { id: currency_symbols, type: b1 } - { id: combining_diacritical_marks_for_symbols, type: b1 } - { id: letterlike_symbols, type: b1 } - { id: number_forms, type: b1 } - { id: arrows, type: b1 } - { id: mathematical_operators, type: b1 } - { id: miscellaneous_technical, type: b1 } - { id: control_pictures, type: b1 } - { id: optical_character_recognition, type: b1 } - { id: enclosed_alphanumerics, type: b1 } - { id: box_drawing, type: b1 } - { id: block_elements, type: b1 } - { id: geometric_shapes, type: b1 } - { id: miscellaneous_symbols, type: b1 } - { id: dingbats, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_symbols_and_punctuation, type: b1 } - { id: hiragana, type: b1 } - { id: katakana, type: b1 } - { id: bopomofo, type: b1 } - { id: hangul_compatibility_jamo, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_miscellaneous, type: b1 } - { id: enclosed_cjk_letters_and_months, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_compatibility, type: b1 } - { id: hangul, type: b1 } - { id: reserved_for_unicode_subranges1, type: b1 } - { id: reserved_for_unicode_subranges2, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_unified_ideographs, type: b1 } - { id: private_use_area, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_compatibility_ideographs, type: b1 } - { id: alphabetic_presentation_forms, type: b1 } - { id: arabic_presentation_forms_a, type: b1 } - { id: combining_half_marks, type: b1 } - { id: cjk_compatibility_forms, type: b1 } - { id: small_form_variants, type: b1 } - { id: arabic_presentation_forms_b, type: b1 } - { id: halfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms, type: b1 } - { id: specials, type: b1 } - { id: reserved, size: 7 } # TODO: is this correct? code_page_range: seq: - { id: symbol_character_set, type: b1 } - { id: oem_character_set, type: b1 } - { id: macintosh_character_set, type: b1 } - { id: reserved_for_alternate_ansi_oem, type: b7 } - { id: cp1361_korean_johab, type: b1 } - { id: cp950_chinese_traditional_chars_taiwan_and_hong_kong, type: b1 } - { id: cp949_korean_wansung, type: b1 } - { id: cp936_chinese_simplified_chars_prc_and_singapore, type: b1 } - { id: cp932_jis_japan, type: b1 } - { id: cp874_thai, type: b1 } - { id: reserved_for_alternate_ansi, type: b8 } - { id: cp1257_windows_baltic, type: b1 } - { id: cp1256_arabic, type: b1 } - { id: cp1255_hebrew, type: b1 } - { id: cp1254_turkish, type: b1 } - { id: cp1253_greek, type: b1 } - { id: cp1251_cyrillic, type: b1 } - { id: cp1250_latin_2_eastern_europe, type: b1 } - { id: cp1252_latin_1, type: b1 } - { id: cp437_us, type: b1 } - { id: cp850_we_latin_1, type: b1 } - { id: cp708_arabic_asmo_708, type: b1 } - { id: cp737_greek_former_437_g, type: b1 } - { id: cp775_ms_dos_baltic, type: b1 } - { id: cp852_latin_2, type: b1 } - { id: cp855_ibm_cyrillic_primarily_russian, type: b1 } - { id: cp857_ibm_turkish, type: b1 } - { id: cp860_ms_dos_portuguese, type: b1 } - { id: cp861_ms_dos_icelandic, type: b1 } - { id: cp862_hebrew, type: b1 } - { id: cp863_ms_dos_canadian_french, type: b1 } - { id: cp864_arabic, type: b1 } - { id: cp865_ms_dos_nordic, type: b1 } - { id: cp866_ms_dos_russian, type: b1 } - { id: cp869_ibm_greek, type: b1 } - { id: reserved_for_oem, type: b16 } enums: weight_class: 100: thin 200: extra_light 300: light 400: normal 500: medium 600: semi_bold 700: bold 800: extra_bold 900: black width_class: 1: ultra_condensed 2: extra_condensed 3: condensed 4: semi_condensed 5: normal 6: semi_expanded 7: expanded 8: extra_expanded 9: ultra_expanded fs_type: # Restricted License embedding: When only this bit is set, this font may # not be embedded, copied or modified. 2: restricted_license_embedding # Preview & Print embedding: When this bit is set, the font may be embedded, # and temporarily loaded on the remote system. Documents containing Preview # & Print fonts must be opened "read-only;" no edits can be applied to the document. 4: preview_and_print_embedding # Editable embedding: When this bit is set, the font may be embedded and # temporarily loaded on other systems. Documents containing Editable fonts # may be opened for reading and writing. 8: editable_embedding fs_selection: 0x01: italic 0x02: underscore 0x04: negative 0x08: outlined 0x10: strikeout 0x20: bold 0x40: regular seq: - id: version type: u2 doc: 'The version number for this OS/2 table.' - id: x_avg_char_width type: s2 doc: > The Average Character Width parameter specifies the arithmetic average of the escapement (width) of all of the 26 lowercase letters a through z of the Latin alphabet and the space character. If any of the 26 lowercase letters are not present, this parameter should equal the weighted average of all glyphs in the font. For non-UGL (platform 3, encoding 0) fonts, use the unweighted average. - id: weight_class type: u2 enum: weight_class doc: > Indicates the visual weight (degree of blackness or thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font. - id: width_class type: u2 enum: width_class doc: > Indicates a relative change from the normal aspect ratio (width to height ratio) as specified by a font designer for the glyphs in a font. - id: fs_type type: s2 enum: fs_type doc: > Indicates font embedding licensing rights for the font. Embeddable fonts may be stored in a document. When a document with embedded fonts is opened on a system that does not have the font installed (the remote system), the embedded font may be loaded for temporary (and in some cases, permanent) use on that system by an embedding-aware application. Embedding licensing rights are granted by the vendor of the font. - id: y_subscript_x_size type: s2 doc: 'The recommended horizontal size in font design units for subscripts for this font.' - id: y_subscript_y_size type: s2 doc: 'The recommended vertical size in font design units for subscripts for this font.' - id: y_subscript_x_offset type: s2 doc: 'The recommended horizontal offset in font design untis for subscripts for this font.' - id: y_subscript_y_offset type: s2 doc: 'The recommended vertical offset in font design units from the baseline for subscripts for this font.' - id: y_superscript_x_size type: s2 doc: 'The recommended horizontal size in font design units for superscripts for this font.' - id: y_superscript_y_size type: s2 doc: 'The recommended vertical size in font design units for superscripts for this font.' - id: y_superscript_x_offset type: s2 doc: 'The recommended horizontal offset in font design units for superscripts for this font.' - id: y_superscript_y_offset type: s2 doc: 'The recommended vertical offset in font design units from the baseline for superscripts for this font.' - id: y_strikeout_size type: s2 doc: 'Width of the strikeout stroke in font design units.' - id: y_strikeout_position type: s2 doc: 'The position of the strikeout stroke relative to the baseline in font design units.' - id: s_family_class type: s2 doc: 'This parameter is a classification of font-family design.' - id: panose type: panose - id: unicode_range type: unicode_range - id: ach_vend_id type: str size: 4 encoding: ascii doc: 'The four character identifier for the vendor of the given type face.' - id: selection type: u2 enum: fs_selection doc: 'Contains information concerning the nature of the font patterns' - id: first_char_index type: u2 doc: 'The minimum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and encoding ID 0 or 1.' - id: last_char_index type: u2 doc: 'The maximum Unicode index (character code) in this font, according to the cmap subtable for platform ID 3 and encoding ID 0 or 1.' - id: typo_ascender type: s2 doc: 'The typographic ascender for this font.' - id: typo_descender type: s2 doc: 'The typographic descender for this font.' - id: typo_line_gap type: s2 doc: 'The typographic line gap for this font.' - id: win_ascent type: u2 doc: 'The ascender metric for Windows.' - id: win_descent type: u2 doc: 'The descender metric for Windows.' - id: code_page_range type: code_page_range doc: 'This field is used to specify the code pages encompassed by the font file in the `cmap` subtable for platform 3, encoding ID 1 (Microsoft platform).' prep: seq: - id: instructions size-eos: true fpgm: seq: - id: instructions size-eos: true kern: types: subtable: types: format0: types: kerning_pair: -webide-representation: '{left:dec}+{right:dec}: {value:dec}' seq: - id: left type: u2 - id: right type: u2 - id: value type: s2 seq: - id: pair_count type: u2 - id: search_range type: u2 - id: entry_selector type: u2 - id: range_shift type: u2 - id: kerning_pairs type: kerning_pair repeat: expr repeat-expr: pair_count seq: - id: version type: u2 - id: length type: u2 - id: format type: u1 - id: reserved type: b4 - id: is_override type: b1 - id: is_cross_stream type: b1 - id: is_minimum type: b1 - id: is_horizontal type: b1 - id: format0 type: format0 if: format == 0 seq: - id: version type: u2 - id: subtable_count type: u2 - id: subtables type: subtable repeat: expr repeat-expr: subtable_count maxp: seq: - id: table_version_number type: fixed doc: '0x00010000 for version 1.0.' - id: num_glyphs type: u2 doc: 'The number of glyphs in the font.' - id: version10_body type: maxp_version10_body if: is_version10 instances: is_version10: value: table_version_number.major == 1 and table_version_number.minor == 0 maxp_version10_body: seq: - id: max_points type: u2 doc: 'Maximum points in a non-composite glyph.' - id: max_contours type: u2 doc: 'Maximum contours in a non-composite glyph.' - id: max_composite_points type: u2 doc: 'Maximum points in a composite glyph.' - id: max_composite_contours type: u2 doc: 'Maximum contours in a composite glyph.' - id: max_zones type: u2 doc: '1 if instructions do not use the twilight zone (Z0), or 2 if instructions do use Z0; should be set to 2 in most cases.' - id: max_twilight_points type: u2 doc: 'Maximum points used in Z0.' - id: max_storage type: u2 doc: 'Number of Storage Area locations.' - id: max_function_defs type: u2 doc: 'Number of FDEFs.' - id: max_instruction_defs type: u2 doc: 'Number of IDEFs.' - id: max_stack_elements type: u2 doc: 'Maximum stack depth.' - id: max_size_of_instructions type: u2 doc: 'Maximum byte count for glyph instructions.' - id: max_component_elements type: u2 doc: 'Maximum number of components referenced at "top level" for any composite glyph.' - id: max_component_depth type: u2 doc: 'Maximum levels of recursion; 1 for simple components.' post: types: format20: types: pascal_string: -webide-representation: "{value}" seq: - id: length type: u1 - id: value type: str size: length encoding: ascii if: length != 0 seq: - id: number_of_glyphs type: u2 - id: glyph_name_index type: u2 repeat: expr repeat-expr: number_of_glyphs - id: glyph_names type: pascal_string repeat: until repeat-until: _.length == 0 or _io.eof seq: - id: format type: fixed - id: italic_angle type: fixed - id: underline_position type: s2 - id: underline_thichness type: s2 - id: is_fixed_pitch type: u4 - id: min_mem_type42 type: u4 - id: max_mem_type42 type: u4 - id: min_mem_type1 type: u4 - id: max_mem_type1 type: u4 - id: format20 type: format20 if: format.major == 2 and format.minor == 0 name: doc: | Name table is meant to include human-readable string metadata that describes font: name of the font, its styles, copyright & trademark notices, vendor and designer info, etc. The table includes a list of "name records", each of which corresponds to a single metadata entry. doc-ref: types: name_record: -webide-representation: "{ascii_value}" seq: - id: platform_id -orig-id: platformID type: u2 enum: platforms - id: encoding_id -orig-id: platformSpecificID type: u2 - id: language_id -orig-id: languageID type: u2 - id: name_id -orig-id: nameID type: u2 enum: names - id: len_str -orig-id: length type: u2 - id: ofs_str -orig-id: offset type: u2 instances: ascii_value: type: str size: len_str encoding: ascii io: _parent._io pos: _parent.ofs_strings + ofs_str #if: encoding_id == 0 -webide-parse-mode: eager unicode_value: type: str size: len_str encoding: utf-16be io: _parent._io pos: _parent.ofs_strings + ofs_str #if: encoding_id == 1 -webide-parse-mode: eager seq: - id: format_selector -orig-id: format type: u2 - id: num_name_records -orig-id: count type: u2 - id: ofs_strings -orig-id: stringOffset type: u2 - id: name_records -orig-id: nameRecord type: name_record repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_name_records enums: platforms: 0: unicode 1: macintosh 2: reserved_2 3: microsoft names: 0: copyright 1: font_family 2: font_subfamily 3: unique_subfamily_id 4: full_font_name 5: name_table_version 6: postscript_font_name 7: trademark 8: manufacturer 9: designer 10: description 11: url_vendor 12: url_designer 13: license 14: url_license 15: reserved_15 16: preferred_family 17: preferred_subfamily 18: compatible_full_name 19: sample_text