meta: id: renderware_binary_stream title: RenderWare binary stream application: Games based on RenderWare engine (Grand Theft Auto 3D series) file-extension: - dff - txd xref: justsolve: RenderWare_binary_stream_file wikidata: Q29960668 endian: le bit-endian: le doc-ref: seq: - id: code type: u4 enum: sections - id: size type: u4 - id: library_id_stamp type: u4 - id: body size: size type: switch-on: code cases: sections::clump: list_with_header sections::frame_list: list_with_header sections::geometry: list_with_header sections::geometry_list: list_with_header sections::texture_dictionary: list_with_header sections::texture_native: list_with_header sections::atomic: list_with_header instances: version: value: 'library_id_stamp & 0xFFFF0000 != 0 ? (library_id_stamp >> 14 & 0x3FF00) + 0x30000 | (library_id_stamp >> 16 & 0x3F) : library_id_stamp << 8' types: list_with_header: doc: | Typical structure used by many data types in RenderWare binary stream. Substream contains a list of binary stream entries, first entry always has type "struct" and carries some specific binary data it in, determined by the type of parent. All other entries, beside the first one, are normal, self-describing records. seq: - id: code contents: [1, 0, 0, 0] - id: header_size type: u4 - id: library_id_stamp type: u4 - id: header size: header_size type: switch-on: _parent.code cases: sections::clump: struct_clump sections::frame_list: struct_frame_list sections::geometry: struct_geometry sections::geometry_list: struct_geometry_list sections::texture_dictionary: struct_texture_dictionary sections::atomic: struct_atomic - id: entries type: renderware_binary_stream repeat: eos instances: version: value: 'library_id_stamp & 0xFFFF0000 != 0 ? (library_id_stamp >> 14 & 0x3FF00) + 0x30000 | (library_id_stamp >> 16 & 0x3F) : library_id_stamp << 8' struct_atomic: doc-ref: seq: - id: frame_index type: u4 - id: geometry_index type: u4 - id: flag_render type: b1 - type: b1 - id: flag_collision_test type: b1 - type: b29 - id: unused type: u4 struct_texture_dictionary: seq: - id: num_textures type: u4 struct_clump: doc-ref: seq: - id: num_atomics type: u4 - id: num_lights type: u4 if: _parent.version >= 0x33000 - id: num_cameras type: u4 if: _parent.version >= 0x33000 struct_frame_list: doc-ref: '' seq: - id: num_frames type: u4 - id: frames type: frame repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_frames frame: doc-ref: '' seq: - id: rotation_matrix type: matrix - id: position type: vector_3d - id: cur_frame_idx type: s4 - id: matrix_creation_flags type: u4 matrix: doc-ref: '' seq: - id: entries type: vector_3d repeat: expr repeat-expr: 3 vector_3d: doc-ref: '' seq: - id: x type: f4 - id: y type: f4 - id: z type: f4 struct_geometry_list: doc-ref: '' seq: - id: num_geometries type: u4 struct_geometry: doc-ref: seq: - id: format type: u4 - id: num_triangles type: u4 - id: num_vertices type: u4 - id: num_morph_targets type: u4 - id: surf_prop type: surface_properties if: _parent.version < 0x34000 - id: geometry type: geometry_non_native if: not is_native - id: morph_targets type: morph_target repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_morph_targets instances: is_textured: value: format & 0x0000_0004 != 0 is_prelit: value: format & 0x0000_0008 != 0 is_textured2: value: format & 0x0000_0080 != 0 is_native: value: format & 0x0100_0000 != 0 num_uv_layers_raw: value: (format & 0x00ff_0000) >> 16 num_uv_layers: value: | num_uv_layers_raw == 0 ? is_textured2 ? 2 : is_textured ? 1 : 0 : num_uv_layers_raw surface_properties: doc-ref: seq: - id: ambient type: f4 - id: specular type: f4 - id: diffuse type: f4 geometry_non_native: seq: - id: prelit_colors type: rgba repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.num_vertices if: _parent.is_prelit - id: uv_layers type: uv_layer(_parent.num_vertices) repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.num_uv_layers - id: triangles type: triangle repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.num_triangles uv_layer: params: - id: num_vertices type: u4 seq: - id: tex_coords type: tex_coord repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_vertices rgba: seq: - id: r type: u1 - id: g type: u1 - id: b type: u1 - id: a type: u1 tex_coord: seq: - id: u type: f4 - id: v type: f4 triangle: seq: - id: vertex2 type: u2 - id: vertex1 type: u2 - id: material_id type: u2 - id: vertex3 type: u2 morph_target: seq: - id: bounding_sphere type: sphere - id: has_vertices type: u4 - id: has_normals type: u4 - id: vertices repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.num_vertices type: vector_3d if: has_vertices != 0 - id: normals repeat: expr repeat-expr: _parent.num_vertices type: vector_3d if: has_normals != 0 sphere: seq: - id: x type: f4 - id: y type: f4 - id: z type: f4 - id: radius type: f4 enums: sections: 0x0001: struct 0x0002: string 0x0003: extension 0x0005: camera 0x0006: texture 0x0007: material 0x0008: material_list 0x0009: atomic_section 0x000a: plane_section 0x000b: world 0x000c: spline 0x000d: matrix 0x000e: frame_list 0x000f: geometry 0x0010: clump 0x0012: light 0x0013: unicode_string 0x0014: atomic 0x0015: texture_native 0x0016: texture_dictionary 0x0017: animation_database 0x0018: image 0x0019: skin_animation 0x001a: geometry_list 0x001b: anim_animation 0x001c: team 0x001d: crowd 0x001e: delta_morph_animation 0x001f: right_to_render 0x0020: multitexture_effect_native 0x0021: multitexture_effect_dictionary 0x0022: team_dictionary 0x0023: platform_independent_texture_dictionary 0x0024: table_of_contents 0x0025: particle_standard_global_data 0x0026: altpipe 0x0027: platform_independent_peds 0x0028: patch_mesh 0x0029: chunk_group_start 0x002a: chunk_group_end 0x002b: uv_animation_dictionary 0x002c: coll_tree 0x0101: metrics_plg 0x0102: spline_plg 0x0103: stereo_plg 0x0104: vrml_plg 0x0105: morph_plg 0x0106: pvs_plg 0x0107: memory_leak_plg 0x0108: animation_plg 0x0109: gloss_plg 0x010a: logo_plg 0x010b: memory_info_plg 0x010c: random_plg 0x010d: png_image_plg 0x010e: bone_plg 0x010f: vrml_anim_plg 0x0110: sky_mipmap_val 0x0111: mrm_plg 0x0112: lod_atomic_plg 0x0113: me_plg 0x0114: lightmap_plg 0x0115: refine_plg 0x0116: skin_plg 0x0117: label_plg 0x0118: particles_plg 0x0119: geomtx_plg 0x011a: synth_core_plg 0x011b: stqpp_plg 0x011c: part_pp_plg 0x011d: collision_plg 0x011e: hanim_plg 0x011f: user_data_plg 0x0120: material_effects_plg 0x0121: particle_system_plg 0x0122: delta_morph_plg 0x0123: patch_plg 0x0124: team_plg 0x0125: crowd_pp_plg 0x0126: mip_split_plg 0x0127: anisotropy_plg 0x0129: gcn_material_plg 0x012a: geometric_pvs_plg 0x012b: xbox_material_plg 0x012c: multi_texture_plg 0x012d: chain_plg 0x012e: toon_plg 0x012f: ptank_plg 0x0130: particle_standard_plg 0x0131: pds_plg 0x0132: prtadv_plg 0x0133: normal_map_plg 0x0134: adc_plg 0x0135: uv_animation_plg 0x0180: character_set_plg 0x0181: nohs_world_plg 0x0182: import_util_plg 0x0183: slerp_plg 0x0184: optim_plg 0x0185: tl_world_plg 0x0186: database_plg 0x0187: raytrace_plg 0x0188: ray_plg 0x0189: library_plg 0x0190: plg_2d # 2D PLG 0x0191: tile_render_plg 0x0192: jpeg_image_plg 0x0193: tga_image_plg 0x0194: gif_image_plg 0x0195: quat_plg 0x0196: spline_pvs_plg 0x0197: mipmap_plg 0x0198: mipmapk_plg 0x0199: font_2d # 2D Font 0x019a: intersection_plg 0x019b: tiff_image_plg 0x019c: pick_plg 0x019d: bmp_image_plg 0x019e: ras_image_plg 0x019f: skin_fx_plg 0x01a0: vcat_plg 0x01a1: path_2d 0x01a2: brush_2d 0x01a3: object_2d 0x01a4: shape_2d 0x01a5: scene_2d 0x01a6: pick_region_2d 0x01a7: object_string_2d 0x01a8: animation_plg_2d 0x01a9: animation_2d 0x01b0: keyframe_2d 0x01b1: maestro_2d 0x01b2: barycentric 0x01b3: platform_independent_texture_dictionary_tk 0x01b4: toc_tk 0x01b5: tpl_tk 0x01b6: altpipe_tk 0x01b7: animation_tk 0x01b8: skin_split_tookit 0x01b9: compressed_key_tk 0x01ba: geometry_conditioning_plg 0x01bb: wing_plg 0x01bc: generic_pipeline_tk 0x01bd: lightmap_conversion_tk 0x01be: filesystem_plg 0x01bf: dictionary_tk 0x01c0: uv_animation_linear 0x01c1: uv_animation_parameter 0x0253_f200: atomic_visibility_distance 0x0253_f201: clump_visibility_distance 0x0253_f202: frame_visibility_distance 0x0253_f2f3: pipeline_set 0x0253_f2f4: unused_5 0x0253_f2f5: texdictionary_link 0x0253_f2f6: specular_material 0x0253_f2f7: unused_8 0x0253_f2f8: effect_2d 0x0253_f2f9: extra_vert_colour 0x0253_f2fa: collision_model 0x0253_f2fb: gta_hanim 0x0253_f2fc: reflection_material 0x0253_f2fd: breakable 0x0253_f2fe: frame 0x0253_f2ff: unused_16 0x050e: bin_mesh_plg 0x0510: native_data_plg 0xf21e: zmodeler_lock