meta: id: bmp file-extension: bmp xref: forensicswiki: bmp justsolve: BMP loc: fdd000189 mime: image/bmp pronom: - fmt/114 # Windows Bitmap 1.0 - fmt/115 # Windows Bitmap 2.0 - fmt/116 # Windows Bitmap 3.0 - fmt/117 # Windows Bitmap 3.0 NT - fmt/118 # Windows Bitmap 4.0 - fmt/119 # Windows Bitmap 5.0 - x-fmt/25 # OS/2 Bitmap 1.0 - x-fmt/270 # OS/2 Bitmap 2.0 wikidata: Q192869 tags: - windows license: CC0-1.0 ks-version: 0.9 endian: le # ks-opaque-types: true # uncomment this line and comment `/types/bitmap`, # if you provide an opaque type `bitmap` for bitmap data doc: | The **BMP file format**, also known as **bitmap image file** or **device independent bitmap (DIB) file format** or simply a **bitmap**, is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter), especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. ## Samples Great collection of various BMP sample files: [**BMP Suite Image List**]( ) (by Jason Summers) If only there was such a comprehensive sample suite for every file format! It's like a dream for every developer of any binary file format parser. It contains a lot of different types and variations of BMP files, even the tricky ones, where it's not clear from the specification how to deal with them (marked there as "**q**uestionable"). If you make a program which will be able to read all the "**g**ood" and "**q**uestionable" BMP files and won't crash on the "**b**ad" ones, it will definitely have one of the most extensive support of BMP files in the universe! ## BITMAPV2INFOHEADER and BITMAPV3INFOHEADER A beneficial discussion on Adobe forum (archived): [**Invalid BMP Format with Alpha channel**]( ) In 2010, someone noticed that Photoshop generated BMP with an odd type of header. There wasn't any documentation available for this header at the time (and still isn't). However, Chris Cox (former Adobe employee) claimed that they hadn't invented any type of proprietary header and everything they were writing was taken directly from the Microsoft documentation. It showed up that the unknown header was called BITMAPV3INFOHEADER. Although Microsoft has apparently requested and verified the use of the header, the documentation on MSDN has probably got lost and they have probably forgotten about this type of header. This is the only source I could find about these structures, so we could't rely on it so much, but I think supporting them as a read-only format won't harm anything. Due to the fact that it isn't documented anywhere else, most applications don't support it. All Windows headers at once (including mentioned BITMAPV2INFOHEADER and BITMAPV3INFOHEADER): ![Bitmap headers overview]( ) ## Specs * [Bitmap Storage (Windows Dev Center)]( ) * BITMAPFILEHEADER * BITMAPINFOHEADER * BITMAPV4HEADER * BITMAPV5HEADER * [OS/2 Bitmap File Format]( ) * BITMAPFILEHEADER (OS2BMPFILEHEADER) * BITMAPCOREHEADER (OS21XBITMAPHEADER) * OS22XBITMAPHEADER * [Microsoft Windows Bitmap]( ) * BITMAPFILEHEADER (WINBMPFILEHEADER) * BITMAPCOREHEADER (WIN2XBITMAPHEADER) * BITMAPINFOHEADER (WINNTBITMAPHEADER) * BITMAPV4HEADER (WIN4XBITMAPHEADER) seq: - id: file_hdr type: file_header - id: dib_info size: file_hdr.ofs_bitmap - file_hdr._sizeof type: bitmap_info - id: bitmap type: bitmap size-eos: true types: bitmap: doc: | Replace with an opaque type if you care about the pixels. You can look at an example of a JavaScript implementation: There is a proposal for adding bitmap data type to Kaitai Struct: file_header: -orig-id: BITMAPFILEHEADER doc-ref: seq: - id: file_type -orig-id: bfType contents: "BM" - id: len_file -orig-id: bfSize type: u4 doc: not reliable, mostly ignored by BMP decoders - id: reserved1 -orig-id: bfReserved1 type: u2 - id: reserved2 -orig-id: bfReserved2 type: u2 - id: ofs_bitmap -orig-id: bfOffBits type: s4 doc: Offset to actual raw pixel data of the image bitmap_info: -orig-id: BITMAPINFO doc-ref: seq: - id: len_header type: u4 - id: header -orig-id: bmciHeader size: len_header - len_header._sizeof type: bitmap_header(len_header) - id: color_mask type: color_mask(header.bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::alpha_bitfields) if: is_color_mask_here doc: Valid only for BITMAPINFOHEADER, in all headers extending it the masks are contained in the header itself. - id: color_table -orig-id: bmciColors size-eos: true type: 'color_table(not header.is_core_header, header.extends_bitmap_info ? header.bitmap_info_ext.num_colors_used : 0)' if: not _io.eof instances: is_color_mask_here: value: >- not _io.eof and header.len_header == header_type::bitmap_info_header.to_i and (header.bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::bitfields or header.bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::alpha_bitfields) is_color_mask_given: value: >- header.extends_bitmap_info and (header.bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::bitfields or header.bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::alpha_bitfields) and (is_color_mask_here or header.is_color_mask_here) color_mask_given: value: >- is_color_mask_here ? color_mask : header.color_mask if: is_color_mask_given color_mask_red: value: >- is_color_mask_given ? color_mask_given.red_mask : header.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 0b11111_00000_00000 : header.bits_per_pixel == 24 or header.bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 0xff_00_00 : 0 # ^ uses fixed color palette, so color mask is N/A color_mask_green: value: >- is_color_mask_given ? color_mask_given.green_mask : header.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 0b00000_11111_00000 : header.bits_per_pixel == 24 or header.bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 0x00_ff_00 : 0 color_mask_blue: value: >- is_color_mask_given ? color_mask_given.blue_mask : header.bits_per_pixel == 16 ? 0b00000_00000_11111 : header.bits_per_pixel == 24 or header.bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 0x00_00_ff : 0 color_mask_alpha: value: >- is_color_mask_given and color_mask_given.has_alpha_mask ? color_mask_given.alpha_mask : 0 bitmap_header: -orig-id: - BITMAPCOREHEADER - OS21XBITMAPHEADER doc-ref: - - params: - id: len_header type: u4 seq: - id: image_width -orig-id: biWidth type: switch-on: is_core_header cases: true: u2 false: u4 doc: Image width, px - id: image_height_raw -orig-id: biHeight type: switch-on: is_core_header cases: true: s2 false: s4 doc: Image height, px (positive => bottom-up image, negative => top-down image) - id: num_planes -orig-id: biPlanes type: u2 # valid: 1 doc: Number of planes for target device, must be 1 - id: bits_per_pixel -orig-id: biBitCount type: u2 doc: Number of bits per pixel that image buffer uses (1, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 32) - id: bitmap_info_ext type: bitmap_info_extension if: extends_bitmap_info - id: color_mask type: color_mask(len_header != header_type::bitmap_v2_info_header.to_i) if: is_color_mask_here - id: os2_2x_bitmap_ext type: os2_2x_bitmap_extension if: extends_os2_2x_bitmap - id: bitmap_v4_ext type: bitmap_v4_extension if: extends_bitmap_v4 - id: bitmap_v5_ext type: bitmap_v5_extension if: extends_bitmap_v5 instances: is_core_header: value: len_header == header_type::bitmap_core_header.to_i extends_bitmap_info: value: len_header >= header_type::bitmap_info_header.to_i extends_os2_2x_bitmap: value: len_header == header_type::os2_2x_bitmap_header.to_i extends_bitmap_v4: value: len_header >= header_type::bitmap_v4_header.to_i extends_bitmap_v5: value: len_header >= header_type::bitmap_v5_header.to_i image_height: value: 'image_height_raw < 0 ? -image_height_raw : image_height_raw' bottom_up: value: image_height_raw > 0 is_color_mask_here: value: len_header == header_type::bitmap_v2_info_header.to_i or len_header == header_type::bitmap_v3_info_header.to_i or extends_bitmap_v4 uses_fixed_palette: value: not (bits_per_pixel == 16 or bits_per_pixel == 24 or bits_per_pixel == 32) and not (extends_bitmap_info and not extends_os2_2x_bitmap and (bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::jpeg or bitmap_info_ext.compression == compressions::png)) bitmap_info_extension: -orig-id: BITMAPINFOHEADER doc-ref: seq: - id: compression -orig-id: biCompression type: u4 enum: compressions if: not _parent.extends_os2_2x_bitmap - id: os2_compression -orig-id: Compression type: u4 enum: os2_compressions if: _parent.extends_os2_2x_bitmap - id: len_image -orig-id: biSizeImage type: u4 doc: | If biCompression is BI_JPEG or BI_PNG, indicates the size of the JPEG or PNG image buffer. This may be set to zero for BI_RGB bitmaps. - id: x_resolution -orig-id: biXPelsPerMeter type: u4 - id: y_resolution -orig-id: biYPelsPerMeter type: u4 - id: num_colors_used -orig-id: biClrUsed type: u4 - id: num_colors_important -orig-id: biClrImportant type: u4 os2_2x_bitmap_extension: -orig-id: OS22XBITMAPHEADER doc-ref: seq: - id: units type: u2 - id: reserved type: u2 - id: recording type: u2 # valid: 0 doc: | Specifies how the bitmap scan lines are stored. The only valid value for this field is 0, indicating that the bitmap is stored from left to right and from the bottom up. - id: rendering type: u2 enum: os2_rendering doc: Specifies the halftoning algorithm used on the bitmap data. - id: size1 type: u4 doc: | rendering == os2_rendering::error_diffusion => error damping as a percentage in the range 0 through 100 rendering == os2_rendering::panda or rendering == os2_rendering::super_circle => X dimension of the pattern used in pixels - id: size2 type: u4 doc: | rendering == os2_rendering::error_diffusion => not used rendering == os2_rendering::panda or rendering == os2_rendering::super_circle => Y dimension of the pattern used in pixels - id: color_encoding type: u4 doc: | Specifies the color model used to describe the bitmap data. The only valid value is 0, indicating the RGB encoding scheme. - id: identifier type: u4 doc: Application-specific value bitmap_v4_extension: -orig-id: BITMAPV4HEADER doc-ref: seq: - id: color_space_type -orig-id: bV4CSType type: u4 enum: color_space - id: endpoint_red type: cie_xyz - id: endpoint_green type: cie_xyz - id: endpoint_blue type: cie_xyz - id: gamma_red -orig-id: bV4GammaRed type: fixed_point_16_dot_16 - id: gamma_blue -orig-id: bV4GammaGreen type: fixed_point_16_dot_16 - id: gamma_green -orig-id: bV4GammaBlue type: fixed_point_16_dot_16 cie_xyz: -orig-id: CIEXYZ doc-ref: seq: - id: x type: fixed_point_2_dot_30 - id: y type: fixed_point_2_dot_30 - id: z type: fixed_point_2_dot_30 bitmap_v5_extension: meta: encoding: windows-1252 # for the file name of linked profile (see profile_data below) -orig-id: BITMAPV5HEADER doc-ref: seq: - id: intent -orig-id: bV5Intent type: u4 enum: intent - id: ofs_profile -orig-id: bV5ProfileData doc: The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the BITMAPV5HEADER structure to the start of the profile data. type: u4 - id: len_profile -orig-id: bV5ProfileSize type: u4 - id: reserved -orig-id: bV5Reserved type: u4 instances: has_profile: value: >- _parent.bitmap_v4_ext.color_space_type == color_space::profile_linked or _parent.bitmap_v4_ext.color_space_type == color_space::profile_embedded profile_data: io: _root._io pos: _root.file_hdr._sizeof + ofs_profile size: len_profile type: switch-on: _parent.bitmap_v4_ext.color_space_type == color_space::profile_linked cases: true: strz if: has_profile doc-ref: "If the profile is embedded, profile data is the actual profile, and if it is linked, the profile data is the null-terminated file name of the profile. This cannot be a Unicode string. It must be composed exclusively of characters from the Windows character set (code page 1252)." color_table: params: - id: has_reserved_field type: bool - id: num_colors doc: | If equal to 0, the pallete should contain as many colors as can fit into the pixel value according to the `bits_per_pixel` field (if `bits_per_pixel` = 8, then the pixel can represent 2 ** 8 = 256 values, so exactly 256 colors should be present). For more flexibility, it reads as many colors as it can until EOS is reached (and the image data begin). type: u4 seq: - id: colors type: rgb_record(has_reserved_field) repeat: expr repeat-expr: 'num_colors > 0 and num_colors < num_colors_present ? num_colors : num_colors_present' instances: num_colors_present: value: '_io.size / (has_reserved_field ? 4 : 3)' color_mask: params: - id: has_alpha_mask type: bool seq: - id: red_mask type: u4 - id: green_mask type: u4 - id: blue_mask type: u4 - id: alpha_mask type: u4 if: has_alpha_mask rgb_record: -orig-id: - RGB_TRIPLE - RGB_QUAD params: - id: has_reserved_field type: bool seq: - id: blue type: u1 - id: green type: u1 - id: red type: u1 - id: reserved type: u1 if: has_reserved_field -webide-representation: "rgb({red:dec}, {green:dec}, {blue:dec})" # Common types fixed_point_2_dot_30: -orig-id: FXPT2DOT30 seq: - id: raw type: u4 instances: value: value: (raw + 0.0) / (1 << 30) -webide-representation: "{value}" fixed_point_16_dot_16: seq: - id: raw type: u4 instances: value: value: (raw + 0.0) / (1 << 16) -webide-representation: "{value}" enums: compressions: # (search for bV5Compression) 0: id: rgb -orig-id: BI_RGB doc: Uncompressed RGB format 1: id: rle8 -orig-id: BI_RLE8 doc: RLE compression, 8 bits per pixel 2: id: rle4 -orig-id: BI_RLE4 doc: RLE compression, 4 bits per pixel 3: id: bitfields -orig-id: BI_BITFIELDS 4: id: jpeg -orig-id: BI_JPEG doc: BMP file includes whole JPEG file in image buffer 5: id: png -orig-id: BI_PNG doc: BMP file includes whole PNG file in image buffer 6: id: alpha_bitfields -orig-id: BI_ALPHABITFIELDS doc: only Windows CE 5.0 with .NET 4.0 or later doc-ref: - table of compression methods - q/rgba32abf.bmp os2_compressions: # 0: id: rgb 1: id: rle8 2: id: rle4 3: id: huffman_1d doc: Huffman 1D compression (also known as CCITT Group 3 One-Dimensional (G31D)) 4: id: rle24 doc: RLE compression, 24 bits per pixel os2_rendering: 0: id: no_halftoning 1: id: error_diffusion 2: id: panda doc: Processing Algorithm for Noncoded Document Acquisition (PANDA) 3: id: super_circle color_space: # # For BITMAPV4HEADER: 0: id: calibrated_rgb -orig-id: LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB doc: This value implies that endpoints and gamma values are given in the appropriate fields. 0x73524742: # 'sRGB' id: s_rgb -orig-id: LCS_sRGB doc: Specifies that the bitmap is in sRGB color space. 0x57696e20: # 'Win ' id: windows -orig-id: LCS_WINDOWS_COLOR_SPACE doc: This value indicates that the bitmap is in the system default color space, sRGB. # For BITMAPV5HEADER: 0x4c494e4b: # 'LINK' id: profile_linked -orig-id: PROFILE_LINKED doc: | This value indicates that bV5ProfileData points to the file name of the profile to use (gamma and endpoints values are ignored). If a profile is linked, the path of the profile can be any fully qualified name (including a network path) that can be opened using the Win32 CreateFile function. 0x4d424544: # 'MBED' id: profile_embedded -orig-id: PROFILE_EMBEDDED doc: | This value indicates that bV5ProfileData points to a memory buffer that contains the profile to be used (gamma and endpoints values are ignored). intent: # 8: id: abs_colorimetric -orig-id: LCS_GM_ABS_COLORIMETRIC doc: Maintains the white point. Matches the colors to their nearest color in the destination gamut. 1: id: business -orig-id: LCS_GM_BUSINESS doc: Maintains saturation. Used for business charts and other situations in which undithered colors are required. 2: id: graphics -orig-id: LCS_GM_GRAPHICS doc: Maintains colorimetric match. Used for graphic designs and named colors. 4: id: images -orig-id: LCS_GM_IMAGES doc: Maintains contrast. Used for photographs and natural images. header_type: # 12: bitmap_core_header 40: bitmap_info_header 52: bitmap_v2_info_header 56: bitmap_v3_info_header 64: os2_2x_bitmap_header 108: bitmap_v4_header 124: bitmap_v5_header