meta: id: gif title: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image file file-extension: gif xref: forensicswiki: gif justsolve: GIF loc: fdd000133 # GIF 89a mime: image/gif pronom: - fmt/3 # GIF 87a - fmt/4 # GIF 89a wikidata: Q2192 license: CC0-1.0 endian: le doc: | GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image file format, developed in 1987. It became popular in 1990s as one of the main image formats used in World Wide Web. GIF format allows encoding of palette-based images up to 256 colors (each of the colors can be chosen from a 24-bit RGB colorspace). Image data stream uses LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) lossless compression. Over the years, several version of the format were published and several extensions to it were made, namely, a popular Netscape extension that allows to store several images in one file, switching between them, which produces crude form of animation. Structurally, format consists of several mandatory headers and then a stream of blocks follows. Blocks can carry additional metainformation or image data. seq: - id: hdr type: header - id: logical_screen_descriptor type: logical_screen_descriptor_struct - id: global_color_table type: color_table if: logical_screen_descriptor.has_color_table size: logical_screen_descriptor.color_table_size * 3 doc-ref: - section 18 - id: blocks type: block repeat: until repeat-until: _io.eof or _.block_type == block_type::end_of_file types: header: doc-ref: - section 17 seq: - id: magic contents: 'GIF' - id: version type: str size: 3 encoding: ASCII logical_screen_descriptor_struct: doc-ref: - section 18 seq: - id: screen_width type: u2 - id: screen_height type: u2 - id: flags type: u1 - id: bg_color_index type: u1 - id: pixel_aspect_ratio type: u1 instances: has_color_table: value: '(flags & 0b10000000) != 0' color_table_size: value: '2 << (flags & 7)' color_table: doc-ref: - section 19 seq: - id: entries type: color_table_entry repeat: eos color_table_entry: seq: - id: red type: u1 - id: green type: u1 - id: blue type: u1 block: -webide-representation: '{block_type}' seq: - id: block_type type: u1 enum: block_type - id: body type: switch-on: block_type cases: 'block_type::extension': extension 'block_type::local_image_descriptor': local_image_descriptor local_image_descriptor: seq: - id: left type: u2 - id: top type: u2 - id: width type: u2 - id: height type: u2 - id: flags type: u1 - id: local_color_table type: color_table if: has_color_table size: color_table_size * 3 - id: image_data type: image_data instances: has_color_table: value: '(flags & 0b10000000) != 0' has_interlace: value: '(flags & 0b01000000) != 0' has_sorted_color_table: value: '(flags & 0b00100000) != 0' color_table_size: value: '2 << (flags & 7)' image_data: doc-ref: - section 22 seq: - id: lzw_min_code_size type: u1 - id: subblocks type: subblocks extension: seq: - id: label type: u1 enum: extension_label - id: body type: switch-on: label cases: 'extension_label::application': ext_application 'extension_label::comment': subblocks 'extension_label::graphic_control': ext_graphic_control _: subblocks ext_application: seq: - id: application_id type: application_id - id: subblocks type: subblock repeat: until repeat-until: _.len_bytes == 0 ext_graphic_control: doc-ref: - section 23 seq: - id: block_size contents: [4] - id: flags type: u1 - id: delay_time type: u2 - id: transparent_idx type: u1 - id: terminator contents: [0] instances: transparent_color_flag: value: '(flags & 0b00000001) != 0' user_input_flag: value: '(flags & 0b00000010) != 0' subblocks: seq: - id: entries type: subblock repeat: until repeat-until: _.len_bytes == 0 subblock: seq: - id: len_bytes type: u1 - id: bytes size: len_bytes application_id: seq: - id: len_bytes type: u1 valid: 11 - id: application_identifier type: str encoding: ASCII size: 8 - id: application_auth_code size: 3 enums: block_type: 0x21: extension 0x2c: local_image_descriptor 0x3b: end_of_file extension_label: 0xf9: graphic_control 0xfe: comment 0xff: application