meta: id: png title: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file file-extension: - png - apng xref: forensicswiki: portable_network_graphics_(png) iso: 15948:2004 justsolve: - PNG - APNG loc: fdd000153 mime: - image/png - image/apng - image/vnd.mozilla.apng pronom: - fmt/11 # PNG 1.0 - fmt/12 # PNG 1.1 - fmt/13 # PNG 1.2 - fmt/935 # APNG rfc: 2083 wikidata: - Q178051 # PNG - Q433224 # APNG license: CC0-1.0 ks-version: 0.9 endian: be doc: | Test files for APNG can be found at the following locations: * * seq: # - id: magic contents: [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10] # # Always appears first, stores values referenced by other chunks - id: ihdr_len type: u4 valid: 13 - id: ihdr_type contents: "IHDR" - id: ihdr type: ihdr_chunk - id: ihdr_crc size: 4 # The rest of the chunks - id: chunks type: chunk repeat: until repeat-until: _.type == "IEND" or _io.eof types: chunk: seq: - id: len type: u4 - id: type type: str size: 4 encoding: UTF-8 - id: body size: len type: switch-on: type cases: # Critical chunks # '"IHDR"': ihdr_chunk '"PLTE"': plte_chunk # IDAT = raw # IEND = empty, thus raw # Ancillary chunks '"cHRM"': chrm_chunk '"gAMA"': gama_chunk # iCCP # sBIT '"sRGB"': srgb_chunk '"bKGD"': bkgd_chunk # hIST # tRNS '"pHYs"': phys_chunk # sPLT '"tIME"': time_chunk '"iTXt"': international_text_chunk '"tEXt"': text_chunk '"zTXt"': compressed_text_chunk # animated PNG chunks '"acTL"': animation_control_chunk '"fcTL"': frame_control_chunk '"fdAT"': frame_data_chunk - id: crc size: 4 ihdr_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: width type: u4 - id: height type: u4 - id: bit_depth type: u1 - id: color_type type: u1 enum: color_type - id: compression_method type: u1 - id: filter_method type: u1 - id: interlace_method type: u1 plte_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: entries type: rgb repeat: eos rgb: seq: - id: r type: u1 - id: g type: u1 - id: b type: u1 chrm_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: white_point type: point - id: red type: point - id: green type: point - id: blue type: point point: seq: - id: x_int type: u4 - id: y_int type: u4 instances: x: value: x_int / 100000.0 y: value: y_int / 100000.0 gama_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: gamma_int type: u4 instances: gamma_ratio: value: 100000.0 / gamma_int srgb_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: render_intent type: u1 enum: intent enums: intent: 0: perceptual 1: relative_colorimetric 2: saturation 3: absolute_colorimetric bkgd_chunk: doc: | Background chunk stores default background color to display this image against. Contents depend on `color_type` of the image. doc-ref: seq: - id: bkgd type: switch-on: _root.ihdr.color_type cases: color_type::greyscale: bkgd_greyscale color_type::greyscale_alpha: bkgd_greyscale color_type::truecolor: bkgd_truecolor color_type::truecolor_alpha: bkgd_truecolor color_type::indexed: bkgd_indexed bkgd_greyscale: doc: Background chunk for greyscale images. seq: - id: value type: u2 bkgd_truecolor: doc: Background chunk for truecolor images. seq: - id: red type: u2 - id: green type: u2 - id: blue type: u2 bkgd_indexed: doc: Background chunk for images with indexed palette. seq: - id: palette_index type: u1 phys_chunk: doc: | "Physical size" chunk stores data that allows to translate logical pixels into physical units (meters, etc) and vice-versa. doc-ref: seq: - id: pixels_per_unit_x type: u4 doc: | Number of pixels per physical unit (typically, 1 meter) by X axis. - id: pixels_per_unit_y type: u4 doc: | Number of pixels per physical unit (typically, 1 meter) by Y axis. - id: unit type: u1 enum: phys_unit time_chunk: doc: | Time chunk stores time stamp of last modification of this image, up to 1 second precision in UTC timezone. doc-ref: seq: - id: year type: u2 - id: month type: u1 - id: day type: u1 - id: hour type: u1 - id: minute type: u1 - id: second type: u1 international_text_chunk: doc: | International text chunk effectively allows to store key-value string pairs in PNG container. Both "key" (keyword) and "value" (text) parts are given in pre-defined subset of iso8859-1 without control characters. doc-ref: seq: - id: keyword type: strz encoding: UTF-8 doc: Indicates purpose of the following text data. - id: compression_flag type: u1 doc: | 0 = text is uncompressed, 1 = text is compressed with a method specified in `compression_method`. - id: compression_method type: u1 enum: compression_methods - id: language_tag type: strz encoding: ASCII doc: | Human language used in `translated_keyword` and `text` attributes - should be a language code conforming to ISO 646.IRV:1991. - id: translated_keyword type: strz encoding: UTF-8 doc: | Keyword translated into language specified in `language_tag`. Line breaks are not allowed. - id: text type: str encoding: UTF-8 size-eos: true doc: | Text contents ("value" of this key-value pair), written in language specified in `language_tag`. Line breaks are allowed. text_chunk: doc: | Text chunk effectively allows to store key-value string pairs in PNG container. Both "key" (keyword) and "value" (text) parts are given in pre-defined subset of iso8859-1 without control characters. doc-ref: seq: - id: keyword type: strz encoding: iso8859-1 doc: Indicates purpose of the following text data. - id: text type: str size-eos: true encoding: iso8859-1 compressed_text_chunk: doc: | Compressed text chunk effectively allows to store key-value string pairs in PNG container, compressing "value" part (which can be quite lengthy) with zlib compression. doc-ref: seq: - id: keyword type: strz encoding: UTF-8 doc: Indicates purpose of the following text data. - id: compression_method type: u1 enum: compression_methods - id: text_datastream process: zlib size-eos: true animation_control_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: num_frames type: u4 doc: Number of frames, must be equal to the number of `frame_control_chunk`s - id: num_plays type: u4 doc: Number of times to loop, 0 indicates infinite looping. frame_control_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: sequence_number type: u4 doc: Sequence number of the animation chunk - id: width type: u4 valid: min: 1 max: _root.ihdr.width doc: Width of the following frame - id: height type: u4 valid: min: 1 max: _root.ihdr.height doc: Height of the following frame - id: x_offset type: u4 valid: max: _root.ihdr.width - width doc: X position at which to render the following frame - id: y_offset type: u4 valid: max: _root.ihdr.height - height doc: Y position at which to render the following frame - id: delay_num type: u2 doc: Frame delay fraction numerator - id: delay_den type: u2 doc: Frame delay fraction denominator - id: dispose_op type: u1 enum: dispose_op_values doc: Type of frame area disposal to be done after rendering this frame - id: blend_op type: u1 enum: blend_op_values doc: Type of frame area rendering for this frame instances: delay: value: 'delay_num / (delay_den == 0 ? 100.0 : delay_den)' doc: Time to display this frame, in seconds frame_data_chunk: doc-ref: seq: - id: sequence_number type: u4 doc: | Sequence number of the animation chunk. The fcTL and fdAT chunks have a 4 byte sequence number. Both chunk types share the sequence. The first fcTL chunk must contain sequence number 0, and the sequence numbers in the remaining fcTL and fdAT chunks must be in order, with no gaps or duplicates. - id: frame_data size-eos: true doc: | Frame data for the frame. At least one fdAT chunk is required for each frame. The compressed datastream is the concatenation of the contents of the data fields of all the fdAT chunks within a frame. enums: color_type: 0: greyscale 2: truecolor 3: indexed 4: greyscale_alpha 6: truecolor_alpha phys_unit: 0: unknown 1: meter compression_methods: 0: zlib dispose_op_values: 0: id: none doc: | No disposal is done on this frame before rendering the next; the contents of the output buffer are left as is. doc-ref: 1: id: background doc: | The frame's region of the output buffer is to be cleared to fully transparent black before rendering the next frame. doc-ref: 2: id: previous doc: | The frame's region of the output buffer is to be reverted to the previous contents before rendering the next frame. doc-ref: blend_op_values: 0: id: source doc: | All color components of the frame, including alpha, overwrite the current contents of the frame's output buffer region. 1: id: over doc: | The frame is composited onto the output buffer based on its alpha