meta: id: wmf title: Windows Metafile (WMF) vector image file-extension: wmf xref: justsolve: Windows_Metafile mime: image/wmf pronom: x-fmt/119 wikidata: Q1072083 tags: - windows license: CC0-1.0 endian: le doc: | WMF (Windows Metafile) is a relatively early vector image format introduced for Microsoft Windows in 1990. Inside, it provides a serialized list of Windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface) function calls, which, if played back, result in an image being drawn on a given surface (display, off-screen buffer, printer, etc). doc-ref: seq: - id: special_header type: special_header - id: header type: header - id: records type: record repeat: until repeat-until: _.function == func::eof types: special_header: seq: - id: magic contents: [0xd7, 0xcd, 0xc6, 0x9a] - id: handle contents: [0, 0] - id: left type: s2 - id: top type: s2 - id: right type: s2 - id: bottom type: s2 - id: inch type: u2 - id: reserved contents: [0, 0, 0, 0] - id: checksum type: u2 header: seq: - id: metafile_type type: u2 enum: metafile_type - id: header_size type: u2 - id: version type: u2 - id: size type: u4 - id: number_of_objects type: u2 - id: max_record type: u4 - id: number_of_members type: u2 enums: metafile_type: # section 2.1.20 1: memory_metafile 2: disk_metafile record: seq: - id: size type: u4 - id: function type: u2 enum: func - id: params size: (size - 3) * 2 type: switch-on: function cases: 'func::polyline': params_polyline 'func::polygon': params_polygon 'func::setbkcolor': color_ref 'func::setbkmode': params_setbkmode 'func::setpolyfillmode': params_setpolyfillmode #'func::params_setrelabs': reserved 'func::setrop2': params_setrop2 'func::setwindowext': params_setwindowext 'func::setwindoworg': params_setwindoworg params_polyline: doc-ref: section seq: - id: num_points type: s2 - id: points repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_points type: point_s params_polygon: doc-ref: section = params_polyline seq: - id: num_points type: s2 - id: points repeat: expr repeat-expr: num_points type: point_s # section #params_setbkcolor: # seq: # - id: color_ref # type: color_ref params_setbkmode: doc-ref: section seq: - id: bk_mode type: u2 enum: mix_mode doc: Defines current graphic context background mix mode. params_setpolyfillmode: doc-ref: section seq: - id: poly_fill_mode type: u2 enum: poly_fill_mode doc: Defines current polygon fill mode. params_setrop2: doc-ref: section seq: - id: draw_mode type: u2 enum: bin_raster_op doc: Defines current foreground binary raster operation mixing mode. params_setwindowext: doc-ref: section seq: - id: y type: s2 doc: Vertical extent of the window in logical units. - id: x type: s2 doc: Horizontal extent of the window in logical units. params_setwindoworg: doc-ref: section seq: - id: y type: s2 doc: Y coordinate of the window origin, in logical units. - id: x type: s2 doc: X coordinate of the window origin, in logical units. color_ref: doc-ref: section seq: - id: red type: u1 - id: green type: u1 - id: blue type: u1 - id: reserved type: u1 point_s: doc-ref: section seq: - id: x type: s2 doc: X coordinate of the point, in logical units. - id: y type: s2 doc: Y coordinate of the point, in logical units. enums: func: 0x0000: eof 0x0035: realizepalette 0x0037: setpalentries 0x0102: setbkmode 0x0103: setmapmode 0x0104: setrop2 0x0105: setrelabs 0x0106: setpolyfillmode 0x0107: setstretchbltmode 0x0108: settextcharextra 0x0127: restoredc 0x0139: resizepalette 0x0142: dibcreatepatternbrush 0x0149: setlayout 0x0201: setbkcolor 0x0209: settextcolor 0x0211: offsetviewportorg 0x0213: lineto 0x0214: moveto 0x0220: offsetcliprgn 0x0228: fillregion 0x0231: setmapperflags 0x0234: selectpalette 0x0324: polygon 0x0325: polyline 0x020a: settextjustification 0x020b: setwindoworg 0x020c: setwindowext 0x020d: setviewportorg 0x020e: setviewportext 0x020f: offsetwindoworg 0x0410: scalewindowext 0x0412: scaleviewportext 0x0415: excludecliprect 0x0416: intersectcliprect 0x0418: ellipse 0x0419: floodfill 0x0429: frameregion 0x0436: animatepalette 0x0521: textout 0x0538: polypolygon 0x0548: extfloodfill 0x041b: rectangle 0x041f: setpixel 0x061c: roundrect 0x061d: patblt 0x001e: savedc 0x081a: pie 0x0b23: stretchblt 0x0626: escape 0x012a: invertregion 0x012b: paintregion 0x012c: selectclipregion 0x012d: selectobject 0x012e: settextalign 0x0817: arc 0x0830: chord 0x0922: bitblt 0x0a32: exttextout 0x0d33: setdibtodev 0x0940: dibbitblt 0x0b41: dibstretchblt 0x0f43: stretchdib 0x01f0: deleteobject 0x00f7: createpalette 0x01f9: createpatternbrush 0x02fa: createpenindirect 0x02fb: createfontindirect 0x02fc: createbrushindirect 0x06ff: createregion # section 2.1.2 bin_raster_op: 0x0001: black 0x0002: notmergepen 0x0003: masknotpen 0x0004: notcopypen 0x0005: maskpennot 0x0006: not 0x0007: xorpen 0x0008: notmaskpen 0x0009: maskpen 0x000a: notxorpen 0x000b: nop 0x000c: mergenotpen 0x000d: copypen 0x000e: mergepennot 0x000f: mergepen 0x0010: white # section 2.1.22 mix_mode: 0x0001: transparent 0x0002: opaque # section 2.1.27 poly_fill_mode: 0x0001: alternate 0x0002: winding