# Sublime Text plugin: Create CSS-block from one line with Emmet **v0.0.5** EmmetOneLine is a Sublime Text plugin which allows you to expand multiple css-properties with a space key and a time to deploy them with Emmet. ![Goto-CSS-Declaration](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kakRostropovich/EmmetOneLine/master/illustration.gif) In order for EmmetOneLine to work you have to have [Emmet](https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime) installed. **Install:** ***With Package Control*** > 1. Install Package Control > 2. Install Package (Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package -> EmmetOneLine) ***Manualy*** > 1. Install Emmet [Instructions](https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime#how-to-install) > 2. Clone or [download](https://github.com/kakRostropovich/EmmetOneLine/archive/master.zip) git repository into your packages folder (in Sublime Text, find 'Browse Packages...' menu item to open this folder) > 3. Restart Sublime Text **Usage:** Use space to expand the usual Emmet-shortcuts at the end or press Ctrl-Tab (or other combination of your choice). I would be glad if this plugin-kid will saves you the time of your life ;) PS (RUS): Большое русскоязычное спасибо [antonk52](https://github.com/antonk52) за правку ошибок в тексте описания на английском! From Siberia with ♥ [@kakRostropovich](https://twitter.com/kakrostropovich)