{ "name": "furnace", "title": "The Furnace", "description": "

No Foundry is complete without it's Furnace!

This module contains a set of features that improve the Quality of Life of the DM/Players. The current features are :

Advanced Drawing Tools :Improved drawing tools with different pattern fill types, new HUD, and various options.

Advanced Macros: Use async script macros, handlebars templating, recursive macro calls and call macros with arguments or directly from chat.

Split Journal : Select the split option from the context menu on a journal entry to split it into multiple entries.

Tokens : As GM, you can enable/disable token vision for yourself. You can also drop an actor folder into a scene to deploy multiple tokens at once.

Combat : Double click the initiative value in the combat tracker to quickly modify it.

Playlists : Adds a 'Now Playing' section, and auto-hides sound controls until hovered. Helps in fine tuning of low level volumes.

See website from URL below for instructions on how to use all these features.

", "version": "2.5", "author": "KaKaRoTo", "scripts": [ "libs/split-html.js", "libs/h.min.js", "libs/tokenizer.min.js", "libs/hljs/highlight.pack.js", "Patches/Patches.js", "Macros/Macros.js", "DrawingTools/DrawingsLayer.js", "DrawingTools/RotationHandle.js", "DrawingTools/Drawing.js", "DrawingTools/DrawingHUD.js", "DrawingTools/DrawingConfig.js", "DrawingTools/DrawingTools.js", "QoL/HBHelpers.js", "QoL/Debug.js", "QoL/Entities.js", "QoL/Tokens.js", "QoL/Combat.js", "QoL/Playlist.js", "QoL/Macros.js" ], "styles": [ "Furnace.css", "libs/hljs/styles/github-gist.css" ], "packs": [ { "name": "macros", "label": "Advanced Macros", "path": "packs/macros.db", "module": "furnace", "entity": "Macro" } ], "languages": [ { "lang": "en", "name": "English", "path": "lang/en.json" }, { "lang": "pt-BR", "name": "Português (Brasil)", "path": "lang/pt-BR.json" }, { "lang": "es", "name": "Spanish", "path": "lang/es.json" }, { "lang": "cn", "name": "中文", "path": "lang/zh-CN.json" } ], "url": "https://github.com/kakaroto/fvtt-module-furnace", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kakaroto/fvtt-module-furnace/master/module.json", "download": "https://github.com/kakaroto/fvtt-module-furnace/archive/v2.5.zip", "socket": true, "minimumCoreVersion": "0.7.5", "compatibleCoreVersion": "0.8.0" }