Package archive version 1.1.8 Package built using 86521/R 4.5.0; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2024-05-05 22:15:07 UTC; unix Checked with rchk version fdc068715daa3a256062cc20e0d4a5157dacc9a4 LLVM version 14.0.6 More information at For rchk in docker image see Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::operator SEXPREC*() const [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::truncate(SEXPREC*, long, long) with a fresh pointer (nms ) archive/src/cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:921 Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::operator SEXPREC*() const [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::truncate(SEXPREC*, long, long) with a fresh pointer (nms ) archive/src/cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:921 Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::operator SEXPREC*() const [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::truncate(SEXPREC*, long, long) with a fresh pointer (nms ) archive/src/cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:921 Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::operator SEXPREC*() const [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::truncate(SEXPREC*, long, long) with a fresh pointer (nms ) archive/src/cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:921