Package lotri version 1.0.0 Package built using 87358/R 4.5.0; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2024-11-21 15:15:34 UTC; unix Checked with rchk version 35618ebbccf3cd0b45a3530e6303970a22a9056b LLVM version 14.0.6 More information at For rchk in docker image see Function _lotriNearPD_ [PB] has possible protection stack imbalance lotri/src/nearPD.cpp:246 Function _lotri_rcm_ [PB] has possible protection stack imbalance lotri/src/rcm.cpp:75 Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::reserve_data(SEXPREC*, bool, long) [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::r_vector::resize_names(SEXPREC*, long) with a fresh pointer (names ) cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:1329 Function cpp11::writable::r_vector::reserve_data(SEXPREC*, bool, long) [UP] calling allocating function cpp11::writable::r_vector::resize_names(SEXPREC*, long) with a fresh pointer (names ) cpp11/include/cpp11/r_vector.hpp:1329