Package rJava version 1.0-11 Package built using 86189/R 4.4.0; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2024-03-25 22:21:37 UTC; unix Checked with rchk version fdc068715daa3a256062cc20e0d4a5157dacc9a4 LLVM version 14.0.6 More information at For rchk in docker image see Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at ckx rJava/src/rJava.c:119 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jarrayRef rJava/src/Rglue.c:892 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jarrayRef rJava/src/Rglue.c:893 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jarrayRef rJava/src/Rglue.c:894 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jclassName rJava/src/Rglue.c:858 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jclassName rJava/src/Rglue.c:859 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jobjRef rJava/src/Rglue.c:839 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to R_do_slot_assign at new_jobjRef rJava/src/Rglue.c:841 Suspicious call (two or more unprotected arguments) to Rf_lcons at throwR rJava/src/rJava.c:47 Function R1par2jvalue [UP] calling allocating function Rpar2jvalue with argument allocated using Rf_cons rJava/src/Rglue.c:456 Function RcallMethod [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:572 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:573 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:585 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:586 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:598 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:599 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:611 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:612 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:624 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:625 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:637 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:638 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:650 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:651 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function Rfreejpars rJava/src/Rglue.c:663 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/Rglue.c:664 Function RcallSyncMethod [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function REprintf rJava/src/Rglue.c:721 Function RgetField [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:204 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:214 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:224 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:234 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:244 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:254 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:264 [UP] unprotected variable e while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/fields.c:274 Function RtoString [UP] unprotected variable r while calling allocating function releaseObject rJava/src/tools.c:93 Function ckx [UP] unprotected variable xclass while calling allocating function Rf_mkString rJava/src/rJava.c:111 [UP] calling allocating function R_do_new_object with argument allocated using R_do_MAKE_CLASS rJava/src/rJava.c:117 [UP] unprotected variable xclass while calling allocating function R_do_MAKE_CLASS rJava/src/rJava.c:117 [UP] unprotected variable xclass while calling allocating function R_do_new_object rJava/src/rJava.c:117 [UP] unprotected variable xclass while calling allocating function Rf_install rJava/src/rJava.c:119 [PB] has possible protection stack imbalance rJava/src/rJava.c:126 Function new_jarrayRef [UP] calling allocating function R_do_new_object with argument allocated using R_do_MAKE_CLASS rJava/src/Rglue.c:887 Function new_jclassName [UP] calling allocating function R_do_new_object with argument allocated using R_do_MAKE_CLASS rJava/src/Rglue.c:854 Function new_jobjRef [UP] calling allocating function R_do_new_object with argument allocated using R_do_MAKE_CLASS rJava/src/Rglue.c:835