Package tgstat version 2.3.27 Package built using 86189/R 4.4.0; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2024-03-25 22:22:57 UTC; unix Checked with rchk version fdc068715daa3a256062cc20e0d4a5157dacc9a4 LLVM version 14.0.6 More information at For rchk in docker image see Function rprotect(SEXPREC*&) [PB] has possible protection stack imbalance tgstat/src/tgstat.cpp:713 Function runprotect(SEXPREC*&) [PB] has negative depth tgstat/src/tgstat.cpp:728 [PB] has possible protection stack imbalance tgstat/src/tgstat.cpp:732 Function tgs_matrix_tapply [UP] allocating function init_sum_data(SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SumData*) may destroy its unprotected argument (rarg_names ), which is later used. tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:192 [UP] calling allocating function init_sum_data(SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SumData*) with a fresh pointer (rarg_names ) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:192 [UP] allocating function init_mean_data(SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, MeanData*) may destroy its unprotected argument (rarg_names ), which is later used. tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:194 [UP] calling allocating function init_mean_data(SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*, MeanData*) with a fresh pointer (rarg_names ) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:194 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function vdebug(char const*, ...) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:196 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function vdebug(char const*, ...) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:218 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function vdebug(char const*, ...) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:231 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function TGStat::prepare4multitasking() tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:232 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function TGStat::launch_process() tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:235 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function RSaneAllocVector(unsigned int, long) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:350 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function RSaneAllocVector(unsigned int, long) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:353 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function Rf_allocList tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:359 [UP] unprotected variable rarg_names while calling allocating function eval_in_R(SEXPREC*, SEXPREC*) tgstat/src/matrix_tapply.cpp:406