class Bus { /** * Bus can be initialized without any param 'let bus = new Bus()' * @param {object} options "default: {...}" * @param {string} options.Id "default: uuid" * @param {string} options.Address "default:" * @param {string} options.Path "default: /ws/bus" * @param {boolean} options.Secure "default: false" * @param {boolean} options.Autorestart "default: false" * @param {number} options.RestartEvery "default: 10" */ constructor(options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {} } this.Secure = options.Secure || false; this.Secure ? this.scheme = "wss://" : this.scheme = "ws://" this.Address = options.Address ||; this.Path = options.Path || "/ws/bus"; this.fullAddress = this.scheme + this.Address + this.Path; this.TopicHandlers = {}; this.Autorestart = options.Autorestart || false; this.RestartEvery = options.RestartEvery || 10; this.OnOpen = () => { }; this.OnClose = () => { }; this.OnDataWs = (data, ws) => { }; this.OnId = (data) => { }; this.Id = options.Id || this.makeid(); this.conn = this.connect(this.fullAddress, this.callback); } connect(path, callbackOnData) { let $this = this; $this.conn = new WebSocket(path); $this.conn.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; $this.conn.onopen = (e) => { console.log("Bus Connected"); $this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "ping", "from": $this.Id })); $this.TopicHandlers = {}; $this.OnOpen(); }; $this.conn.onmessage = (e) => { let obj = JSON.parse(; $this.subscription = {}; $this.OnDataWs(obj, $this.conn); if (obj.event_id !== undefined) { $this.Publish(obj.event_id, { "ok": "done", "from": $this.Id }) } if (obj.to_id !== undefined && obj.to_id === $this.Id && $this.OnId !== undefined) { delete obj.to_id $this.OnId(obj); } if (obj.topic !== undefined) { // on publish if ($this.TopicHandlers[obj.topic] !== undefined) { let subs = new busSubscription($this, obj.topic); $this.TopicHandlers[obj.topic](obj, subs); return; } } }; $this.conn.onclose = (e) => { $this.OnClose(); if ($this.Autorestart) { console.log('Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in ' + this.RestartEvery + ' second.', e.reason); setTimeout(function () { $this.conn = $this.connect(path, callbackOnData); }, this.RestartEvery * 1000); } else { console.log('Socket is closed:', e.reason); } }; $this.conn.onerror = (err) => { console.log('Socket encountered error: ', err.message, 'Closing socket'); $this.conn.close(); }; return $this.conn; } /** * Subscribe subscribe to a topic * @param {string} topic * @param {function handler(data: string,subscription: busSubscription) {}} handler */ Subscribe(topic, handler) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "sub", "topic": topic, "from": this.Id })); let subs = new busSubscription(this, topic); this.TopicHandlers[topic] = handler; return subs; } /** * Unsubscribe unsubscribe from topic * @param {string} topic */ Unsubscribe(topic) { let data = { "action": "unsub", "topic": topic, "from": this.Id } this.conn.send(JSON.stringify(data)); if (this.TopicHandlers !== undefined) { delete this.TopicHandlers[topic]; } } /** * Publish publish to topic * @param {string} topic * @param {object} data */ Publish(topic, data) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "pub", "topic": topic, "data": data, "from": this.Id })); } /** * PublishWaitRecv publish to topic and exec onRecv fn when recv data * @param {string} topic * @param {object} data * @param {function} onRecv * @param {function} onExpire */ PublishWaitRecv(topic, data, onRecv, onExpire) { data.from = this.Id; data.topic = topic; let eventId = this.makeid(); data.event_id = eventId; let done = false; let sub = this.Subscribe(eventId, (data, ch) => { done = true; if (onRecv) { onRecv(data); } ch.Unsubscribe(); }); this.Publish(topic, data); let timer = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(timer); if (!done) { if (onExpire) { onExpire(eventId, topic); } sub.Unsubscribe(); } }, 500); } /** * PublishToIDWaitRecv publish to topic and exec onRecv fn when recv data * @param {string} topic * @param {object} data * @param {function} onRecv * @param {function} onExpire */ PublishToIDWaitRecv(id, data, onRecv, onExpire) { data.from = this.Id; = id; let eventId = this.makeid(); data.event_id = eventId; let done = false; let sub = this.Subscribe(eventId, (data, ch) => { done = true; if (onRecv) { onRecv(data); } ch.Unsubscribe(); }); this.PublishToID(id, data); let timer = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(timer); if (!done) { if (onExpire) { onExpire(eventId, id); } sub.Unsubscribe(); } }, 500); } /** * PublishToServer publish to a server using addr like localhost:4444 or domain name https * @param {string} addr * @param {object} data * @param {boolean} secure */ PublishToServer(addr, data, secure) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "pub_server", "addr": addr, "data": data, "secure": secure, "from": this.Id })); } /** * PublishToID publish to client or server id * @param {string} id * @param {object} data */ PublishToID(id, data) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "pub_id", "id": id, "data": data, "from": this.Id })); } /** * RemoveTopic remove a topic completely from the server bus * @param {string} topic * @returns */ RemoveTopic(topic) { if (topic !== "") { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({ "action": "remove_topic", "topic": topic, "from": this.Id })); return } else { console.error("RemoveTopic error: " + topic + " cannot be empty") } } makeid() { return "10000000-1000-4000-8000-100000000000".replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ); } } /** * busSubscription is a class with one method allowing unsubscribing from a topic */ class busSubscription { constructor(cl, topic) { this.topic = topic; this.parent = cl; } /** * Unsubscribe take no params, unsubscribe from the topic */ Unsubscribe() { this.parent.Unsubscribe(this.topic); } }